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ill have to check that out rationalist!
good luck to everyone on going on dates!
im going to start building the legs for my dining room table and then im heading out for the weekend to go look at apartments with my significant other! whoohoo
happy friday all

Apr 4, 08 9:27 am  · 

beta- I got my 'used car salesman' tie on for the review. give em hell!

Apr 4, 08 10:29 am  · 

hi all

dating is harder than designing; I'm not sure what happened rationalist but it would be safe to say that all of TC is waiting with baited breath.

I think remaining in a relationship is much harder than designing. I find myself (at this very point) wondering if I am doing the right thing, and if I am happy/happier alone. I seriously freak myself out each time. I wish there was a pill or something to take to calm the nervous relationship feelings....sigh.

Apr 4, 08 10:30 am  · 

mornin folks, happy firday

what are you guys doing this weekend?
im gonna go check out this new venue
to see if theyll let me cover their wall
with some rad stencils to match the stage
diving board, checkin out some new bands
too. and i need to go grocery shopping.

lb gotta new job, lb do you have a dance for
that, situations are alot more fun when theres
a dance for it.

Apr 4, 08 10:31 am  · 

Well, after some late-night reassurance from WonderK, I think I am just not used to first-date awkwardness and got overly down about it.

I think that lb + partner should employ the happy dance from Perfect Strangers when they get a new job...

Apr 4, 08 10:35 am  · 
Sarah Hamilton

Wonder what LB's partner looks like....I'm trying to picture them doing the Happy Dance, but Balki is subbing in for Partner next to LB!

Apr 4, 08 10:57 am  · 

thanks to tuna for posting #20,000....I was too chicken to do it and would have given it more importance than it actually needed.

I think rationalist had a good night last night and I had a mini-freak out, but I think it will all be OK.

Yay for Friday!

Apr 4, 08 11:42 am  · 
liberty bell

Sadly it's not a happy dance, more a sigh-of-relief slump in the chair before getting back to work.

Sarah, my partner is severely good-looking, with perfect pecs, and dresses with more finesse than anyone I've ever met. Interestingly if you image google his name you get lots and lots of Matt Harris', none of which are him. But if you do mine, you get two pics of me with students - plus a picture of a cat named Donna sleeping in a sink.

beta: I'm picturing you walking in to a review dressed as "GQ death", with your deep voice, and a magical soundtrack of Sisters of Mercy somehow accompanying your every move, ...eek, I'd be quaking in my shoes if you were reviewing me! Go easy on the poor children, please!!!

Apr 4, 08 1:44 pm  · 

i had to. hi tc!

Apr 4, 08 1:55 pm  · 

yikes! the preview worked on the first time! apparently big green head has fixed it or i'm just too tired because i've been balancing a job's budget for 2 hours. blah.

Apr 4, 08 1:57 pm  · 
vado retro

love the kitty. looks like mine only wid shorthair. im wearing a suit today hooray. guess i'll go out for a martini aafter work. anyone care to join me? i thought not. hi aml!

Apr 4, 08 2:16 pm  · 
vado retro

zackly what im wearin today...

Apr 4, 08 2:20 pm  · 
brian buchalski
"...a picture of a cat named Donna sleeping in a sink"

that's great!

Apr 4, 08 2:33 pm  · 
brian buchalski

i was inspired...but it turned out not to be much of a fight

Apr 4, 08 2:35 pm  · 
Sarah Hamilton

Vado, I you wearing the lavender hanky as well? Thats pretty sharp!

Apr 4, 08 2:41 pm  · 
liberty bell

Hahahaha you guys crack me up. I should point out that you can't often see my partner's pecs because they are usually under an Armani shirt.

techno, I wish I could calm your relationship nerves! Just relax and enjoy.

Apr 4, 08 2:43 pm  · 

puddles, i wish the fights were a bit longer, but cool
never the less. Instead of going here , i went here and only got to level 10, blasted game.

vado, get a good drink in for me, i have to go
grocery shopping after work, or ill starve.

Apr 4, 08 2:46 pm  · 
liberty bell

Yeah, the lavender and blue stripe look nice together. It's risky but successful.

Apr 4, 08 2:50 pm  · 

yeah techno, just let it be good until it isn't anymore. Then you'll have an actual excuse to scram and will have had fun til the last possible moment.

DubK, you may have one more mini-freakout-question in your email box shortly...

Apr 4, 08 2:51 pm  · 
vado retro

its called a pocket square!

Apr 4, 08 3:52 pm  · 

that and you dont go to the dry cleaners to get ur stuff
cleaned, you go to have ur stuff ironed. the clean is just
a plus

Apr 4, 08 3:56 pm  · 

It's 4:20 and I'm drinkin a beer at work. TGIF TC!!!!!

Apr 4, 08 4:21 pm  · 


shouldnt you be hittin' the bong?

Apr 4, 08 4:30 pm  · 

I don't think the employers would condone such activities. Crap I'm such a light weight.

Apr 4, 08 4:39 pm  · 

I have a Date with the Mrs this evening.....a wine tasting....she taste the wine and I eat the finger food. It is fund raiser so I don't mind dropping a few bucks and the Mrs.....can dabble in the world of of her favorite things in life....well that is only next to Chocolate and well we need not talk about the other after dark activities... Have a great weekend!

Apr 4, 08 5:30 pm  · 
a pill or something to take to calm the nervous relationship feelings

techno, I deal with this by just not thinking about it!

seriously, what is there to think about? Like rationalist said, just enjoy it as long as you enjoy it and when you stop enjoying it stop doing it. easy as pie!

I love asking people out. but actually my s.o. and i met at the o'hare airport. and no it was not in the bathroom.

Apr 5, 08 12:48 am  · 

Atechno - I agree with both mantaray and rationalist. If you are enjoying yourself, just keep on keeping on... I know, it's way easier said than done (I am notorious for overanalyzing everything) but you'll make yourself crazy if you think too much. Just go with the flow.

The sun is finally out today, I'm hoping this lift the black mood I was in this week. It was so bad yesterday that I had to apologize to several co-workers for being short/curt for absolutely no reason. Time to go play in the yard. Still a bit too chilly to plant anything but I've got some cleaning out I can work on. Happy Saturday TC!!!! Hope it's a lovely one for all.

Apr 5, 08 12:27 pm  · 
brian buchalski

this little video really amuses me...but probably don't bother unless you are familiar with akon, t-pain, etc.

Apr 5, 08 12:36 pm  · 

i'll be home soon!

Apr 5, 08 8:16 pm  · 

good sunday afternoon TC...
anyone catch Bill Maher friday night? i thought this was a great quote from one of his "new rules":
"And that is what is so great about the internet. It enables pompous blowhards to connect with other pompous blowhards in a vast circle jerk of pomposity."
i laughed so hard when i thought of some of the threads on archinect that definitely fit that descrip (ie. ivy vs. ivy)

Apr 6, 08 11:42 am  · 
Sarah Hamilton

Wow, TC'ers must've been busy this weekend. Thread Centreal almost fell off the first page!

Oh, and we're waiting for you, Steven.

Apr 7, 08 9:27 am  · 

i'm here!

Apr 7, 08 9:57 am  · 

took me a second to realize
what a TCer was

its monday too

Apr 7, 08 9:57 am  · 

guys thanks alot for your responses, I only wish I read them on Friday. Things took a turn for the worse, after I met up with her (after a few drinks and her talking to some catty women). Apparently some random person told her I had someone on the side, and when asked about it I said I wouldn't condone that statement. When she asked me again, I politely said, "if you think it's true walk away!" Fuck me! She walked away. Took me almost 2.5 hrs + 1/2 box of fags to find her. I fell into a slump and couldn't sleep much less eat most of the night. Luckily on Saturday we were hosting a birthday party so I drowned my attention in that: Steak and Lobster is a great way to forget that you almost lost a loved one because of stupid response to an even stupid'r question. She's feeling a little foolish about the whole thing, and well I'm not too sure how I am. Anyway its Monday, and I was actually glad to be at the office.

How was your weekend?

Apr 7, 08 10:52 am  · 

Oh and this is the pic of Liberty Bell that I really liked

Apr 7, 08 10:54 am  · 
Sarah Hamilton

Oh Techno! Well, look at the bright side, you've had that first major fight, and bounced back from it. At least its out of the way. I'm sure we all have stories like yours. But I have to give her props for having the guts to walk away. Guess now we know she's a strong woman, not to be messed with.

And, Steven, where HAVE you been?

Apr 7, 08 10:58 am  · 

driving and/or chasing two toddlers around florida (tampa, ft myers, miami, davie) and atlanta for a week and a half. i don't recommend it.

today i'm digging out. the stack of $h!# on my desk was only 1 1/2 ft tall + emails and phone msgs (despite out of office messages on both).

Apr 7, 08 11:04 am  · 
liberty bell

Aaaah, the world is tipping over on its side and I'm so busy talking about architecture that I don't even notice!!

techno, weren't you hanging out with your old schoolmates a couple weeks ago, one/some of whom were female? Did some anonymous tipster see you out with them and report to your current lady that you're "getting some on the side"? What a jerk. Gossip is bad.

Apr 7, 08 11:05 am  · 

Oh and post the 1/2 pk of fags, the cold air, and ill feelings on Friday left me with an awful attack of the sniffles. So I'm at work with 1/2 box of Kleenex

Apr 7, 08 11:05 am  · 

those fem-archi-fetals stayed at her/our place too, and we usually went out as a group. Gossip is very bad, and I feel very tired. Sarah I only wish this was the first fight, we had a drunked on New Years too - what a way to start the year.

Anyway, I'm NOT Mr. Pity Party. I have far too many optimistic good vibes running through my bones for it. So apologies to all who might think I am not happy, much less a sad whatever.

It is Monday morning, the first day of a wonderful week. ENJOY

Apr 7, 08 11:12 am  · 

what's this about the world tipping over? i swear, you stop listening to the news for a week, and ...

Apr 7, 08 11:26 am  · 

Welcome back Steven!
And LB...
What about is this world tipping over?

As for your problems with the missus Archi,
Happens to the best of us. And personally, i liked your response to her queries/accusations. Plus it sounds liek you have a very positive mindset regardless....

As for myself. I had a wild Fri night and spent the rest of the weekend recovering...

Apr 7, 08 11:48 am  · 

sh and techno...

"But I have to give her props for having the guts to walk away. Guess now we know she's a strong woman, not to be messed with."

doesn't it seem more as though she doesn't trust him? i mean her actions are saying that she actually thinks he's sleeping around...
but maybe i'm misinterpreting.

i do find it interesting that you actually tracked her down, techno...sounds like you're either a gentleman that doesn't like to leave things that way...or your feelings for her may be even more confused than you think they are....

me? i've gone on too many great first dates that didn't turn into second dates...i thought i'd understand women more by now..but i feel like my ability to read them has regressed with age.

Apr 7, 08 2:22 pm  · 
Sarah Hamilton


It does say that she doesn't trust people. Maybe shes been hurt like that before, so it doesnt neccesarily reflect anything on Atechno. Turning and walking away, when given the ultimatum, answered matter-o-factly that she believed what she had heard, but it also said that she wasn't taking any crap from anyone. I for one, wouldnt have walked away, and probably let the unanswered question occupy me for years to come.

I do have sweeping romantic notions of Atechno running through the streets after her. In the rain. God, I hope it was raining. And under the streetlights. Half drunk, and wholy desperate.

Apr 7, 08 2:27 pm  · 

techno, I would have walked too, given your response. It wasn't a denial, so a woman who stays would be convinced that you were cheating but too scared to leave, because you wouldn't deny it. You have to flat out deny it- just once, but a constant evasion of the question leaves too much room for doubt.

Apr 7, 08 2:51 pm  · 
Sarah Hamilton

Rationalist explained it much better than I.

Apr 7, 08 2:58 pm  · 

Well the verdict has been resounding from the dear women I call on for advice, no offense lars. But the fems have it! Whilst my response wasn't meant to do anything but deny the comment, the way I chose to do it left it far too open. I should of denied it more gracefully.

And yes Sarah it was cold and raining, and I ran after her (and Puppy); slightly anebreated professing dying love standing under a flickering street lamp

Apr 7, 08 4:04 pm  · 
Sarah Hamilton


Apr 7, 08 4:07 pm  · 

arent you glad you can come and talk about
it techno?
you guys rock

Apr 7, 08 4:50 pm  · 
vado retro

LB you're smilin kisser is in the latest issue of Building Excellence Page 12!

Apr 7, 08 5:34 pm  · 

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