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@Philarct - I love the photo you posted. Ultra cool indeed.

Apr 2, 08 8:54 pm  · 

WOOOOOHOOOOOO!!!! passed two more sections of the LARE!!!! that leaves one re-test and finding a landscape architecture office to call my home for one year before I can officially be called TK RLA.

tuna- if wK is going to be my future business partner, I want to make sure she got the right man to back her up! not big brother, partner in design

Apr 2, 08 9:38 pm  · 

you know, i'd go to grad school, but it'd cut into my Archinect time...

Apr 2, 08 11:32 pm  · 

why thank you tuna, its been a long day
thats what i needed to hear.
now if you'll excuse me, im off to play
free bird on guitar hero
in my underwear.

Apr 3, 08 12:24 am  · 

Part of me is jealous of you guys getting through with your theses.... I'm about to start on mine, have the first round of idea presentations tomorrow morning. So part of me envies you. But another part is just really really pumped to start on mine!

In other news, it appears that I have developed a reputation at school. I am the hard-ass critic. The undergrad kids apparently ask the other grad students in their spare time what the heck is up with me, where I'm coming from. Now, don't get too proud of me here... these kids are soft. Soft like butter. Because I hold back. Every time. There has not been a single critique where I felt like I really let someone have it.

Apr 3, 08 1:07 am  · 

Good morning all,
Rationalist. I say let them have it..Blast them hard at the next one..
Then they will really ask what the f**k!

Apr 3, 08 8:10 am  · 

Congrats on passing your LRA sections TK. Go future TK RLA!!!! Yay!!

Apr 3, 08 8:14 am  · 

when you make em cry
show that twinkle in your eye
when you make em sad
tell em all won't be bad

now scream bloody murder...

Apr 3, 08 8:16 am  · 

wk... ooooh... nice job on getting the ipod AND bose headphones! my ex used to work at bose and i loved those things... you should hold them for ransom until he comes to visit you!

rationalist, i agree with nam. at the finals, give it to em. and wear your architecture sucks t-shirt while you do it! actually... last year, i sat on a thesis jury for my alum with a few of my peers... the thesis work was so awful, that as the crits went on, it just kept getting worse, mostly because we were just so frustrated. finally at the end- someone with really great work actually presented, and we gave her a ton of praise. there were a lot of underclassmen in the audience and this year they are giving their own thesis defense... and i have been emailed at least 4 times from various students asking if we were going to be there again and if we were going to be as harsh.
i said yes and yes.
haha, i hope they are shitting their pants right now...

Apr 3, 08 8:45 am  · 

oh yeah... ive been trying some no-meat recipes... they make this soy-based meat substitute for tacos + i tried this last night. my stomach is NOT thanking me this morning. ughhhhhhh

Apr 3, 08 9:08 am  · 

eat more chana marsala.

Apr 3, 08 9:42 am  · 

cute picture sorry about the soy-based meat substitutes. Having recently spent some time not eating meat or anything meat based I feel your struggle. But I've learnt never to eat anything that wants to be meat...its just a mistake. Have beans, lintels, fruit or vegatables instead. Your tummy will be happy you did.

Wonder K I don't know what kind of magic you whispered to get the iPod & BOSE - but you are officially a star in my books (before you were just a bright planet). But now the stage is set, you've got to add some amazing tunes to the iPod when you return it. Good Luck

Apr 3, 08 10:02 am  · 

lol @ +i. Can't actually let them have it at finals.... we don't do final crits here, really. There are too many people per class, and we're not allowed to go outside of the university-scheduled two hour final exam window. So sometimes everyone just pins up and we all walk around and look at everything, and sometimes a few people are picked (at random, how tacky and unmotivational!) to present, but then it's really just presentation and not critique. It's a strange, strange environment when viewed through the eyes of an architect.

And DubK, I agree with +i. Tell him you're worried about mailing such a precious item, and he'll have to collect in person!

Apr 3, 08 10:19 am  · 

architechnophilia is right, you mustve really had
your game face on wk

Apr 3, 08 10:20 am  · 

new stuff on IKEA what a way to waste my morning

Apr 3, 08 11:01 am  · 
liberty bell

Some random sappiness: As I posted on vado's unintentional TV thread, I'm kind of an emotional basket case today.

So even though I haven't commented on everyone's ongoing news and events, I am so thankful to have these glimpses into all of your lives and know that there are always people here on archinect who are working on good things and can *always* make me smile.

OK, off to meet the plumbers. If one of them has a big "plumber's crack" showing that will make me laugh too. I'll be sure to take pics. Later all.

Apr 3, 08 11:13 am  · 

LB - Please do take a photo as I need it too. I've been in a bit of a tempermental mood since Monday. I need to get out of it. It's very un-Zen of me.

Apr 3, 08 12:24 pm  · 

DubK's got a boyfriend....DubK's got a boyfriend...

Apr 3, 08 12:27 pm  · 
Sarah Hamilton

Rationist, What does a graphic-designer do for a thesis? Don't get me wrong, I love papers, type, and graphic layouts as much as the next person, I'm just having trouble figuring out you would be defending in a thesis. What am I missing?


DubK and BestMan sitting in a tree
First Comes Love
Then Comes Marriage....

Apr 3, 08 12:48 pm  · 

then comes the baby
in the baby carraige

tuna, lb
sorry to hear things are going to well
misery loves company right?
my day isnt going so well. Its dark and rainy
outside and the office is boring today.
the good news is, i finished a new stencil
of rem, ill spray when i get home, scan it
and add it to the rest of the stencils

speaking of crushes
theres this chinese girl that i see everytime
i get chinese food for lunch, everytime she
walks near my heart starts beating like its
going to burst out of my chest, maybe i
should ask her out before i go into cardiac

Apr 3, 08 1:32 pm  · 
Sarah Hamilton

I'm so glad I was born a Girl. I can't imagine the cahonas you'd have to have to ask someone on a date. I was actually thinking about this last night. Somehow Husband and I started talking about how he got me. He just walk across some tables and sat down in our HS caffeteria. To me, thats gutsy. What if I had been evil, and just sneered and walk away, or worse, turned around to my friends and laughed about how pathetic he was.

Guess Its good Im so nice!

Apr 3, 08 1:43 pm  · 


Apr 3, 08 1:55 pm  · 

careful that could just be the MSG talking, and have nothing to do with the girl.

Apr 3, 08 2:32 pm  · 
Living in Gin

Yeah, asking women out on dates really sucks... Which is why I hardly ever do it, which is why I'm perpetually single. Shame that somebody hasn't invented a better system yet.

On a happier note, my right arm has been officially liberated from its sling today. Physical therapy starts tomorrow.

Apr 3, 08 2:53 pm  · 

gadzooks architechnophilia!
you might be right, just to make sure
im gonna ask her out

Apr 3, 08 2:55 pm  · 

I love approaching must be my star sign. But I don't believe in cheesy lines, rather that this person will have an impact on your life, if even for 2 seconds. I guess also that I don't have intention...never really felt comfortable building something like that with someone I've "hit on" instead relying on friendships. But that said I don't look the part, I've been described as everybody's big brother rather than GQ

btw rfuller, there is little chance I'll be wearing a suit, far too many layers with this Caribbean humidity. But i do like linens and Indian cottons

Apr 3, 08 2:59 pm  · 

i found that getting drunk and hitting on Archinect girls works...

Apr 3, 08 3:00 pm  · 

i'll remember that when I actually meet an archinect girl

btw I searched for that image using flickr tag (via firefox) - Q is all over the place

Apr 3, 08 3:27 pm  · 

hey, dating sucks for everyone. I'm going on a date tonight, and I'm incredibly nervous. It doesn't help that I had previously thought that I'd never have to do the first-date thing again.... but, gotta get back on that horse.

Sarah, the proposal that I'm probably going to end up developing deals with developing a new typology of wayfinding for bicyclists. I figure 99.999999% of wayfinding is geared towards autos or pedestrians, and if we're going to develop cycling as a viable method of transportation, then some attention should be paid there. The physical manifestation besides a long and well-diagrammed paper will be a project of applying the my findings to a popular local cycling trail that is used by thousands for daily transport (the trail has rush hours!). Other valid ideas I've had or seen presented were research into design process, identity/aesthetic of a certain culture in design, experiments examining the legibility of type in a variety of conditions... Unfortunately, many graphic design theses fall into the same trap that some architectural theses do: just doing a really big project, instead of actually advancing the discourse of the field in some way.

Apr 3, 08 3:34 pm  · 

oh, but in an attempt to see the cup as half-full instead of half-empty: my professor LOVED my thesis topic. Obviously it needs to be developed more to become a formal proposal, but it's a good start. And I'm going on a DATE tonight!!! excitement.

Apr 3, 08 3:38 pm  · 

never eat Chineese food before a 1st date

Apr 3, 08 3:40 pm  · 
brian buchalski

asking women out is the easy's getting rid of them that can be a pain in the ass

Apr 3, 08 3:47 pm  · 

sounds like a really cool thesis proposal, rationalist. you should do a blog while you work on it so people can see your progress. it's always amazing how it just starts as a well-crafted question and develops into a series of experiments which can test the proposal until you arrive (at some sort) at a conclusion.

Apr 3, 08 4:25 pm  · 

What's a date? I can't remember. Oh wait a minute I went out on one New Year's Eve but I didn't realize it was really a date until that day, when he asked whether or not he should pick me up and what we should do about dinner. I thought we were just going to a party together as friends, but it turned out he was interested. Oops. And yes, I really am that clueless.

Apr 3, 08 5:08 pm  · 
Sarah Hamilton

So, Tuna, Did you break his heart?

I've never been on a date. Strange, I know, since I'm married and all, but in my small town, guys, even just guy friends, were pretty much expected to pay for things. I never realized how expensive going out was until college and I had to shell out 30 bucks for my own movie ticket and dinner. I think I immedeatly called home to say I was sorry for not being as greatful as I shou;dve been; I really just didn't know.

The good thing about small town guys is that they always buy your drinks, and dont expect anything in return. Definately makes those nights at the bar much cheaper!

Apr 3, 08 6:15 pm  · 

never been on a date sarah?
u should tell ur husband to take you out on a date.
dont let the honey fall off the moon

Apr 3, 08 8:18 pm  · 
What's a date? I can't remember

yeah tuna, that's why I'm so nervous! I'm not sure that I remember either!

+i, I've got a blog (I think I've linked it in my profile), that I'm newly committed to actually posting things to. Right now I'm catching up with posting all my work done in grad school so far, and by the time I'm done with that hopefully I'll have found something interesting to post.

Apr 3, 08 8:31 pm  · 

ummm sarah, nothing is free. When a guy buys something for a lady, there is always something he wants in return - even in small town america. Just most guys aren't as loaded as Spitzer or blatantly offer cash for what they want.

Apr 3, 08 8:44 pm  · 
liberty bell

Have fun on the date, rationalista - and your thesis idea sounds great, too.

Sounds like - fingers crossed - we got a big decent job today. Which improves my frame of mind after just clearing out my savings to pay taxes. Keeping the wolves at bay another 12 weeks, hurray.

Won't be buying myself a Mac anytime soon though. Oh well.

Party on.

Apr 3, 08 8:48 pm  · 
Sarah Hamilton

Congrats on the job, LB!

And TK, since all my guy friends knew I was securely attached, I figured they were just being hospitable. And besides, my company alone should be repayment enough.

Is that conceited of me?

Apr 3, 08 9:10 pm  · 

...the WHMS conundrum...

Apr 3, 08 9:52 pm  · 

Rationalist - Hope you have a great time tonight and have loads of fun.

SH - I doubt I broke his heart. Actually from what I've heard he's dating someone else and it seems to be pretty serious. Great for him. Me on the other hand... most of the guys I've ever dated I've always known for a while or were good friend's with my friends so there was never really an awkward stage of learning about each other, hence no official dates needed. Since I've moved "home" it's been a little different as most people in this town seem to get married at age 12, pretty much leaving me with no options. I can't tell you the number of times I've started up a conversation with some nice intelligent guy, only to find out he's in a serious relationship or is engaged to be married. B/c of this; it's been a while since I've dated, which leaves me at a loss/almost in a panic when I find out someone is interested. In other words I have forgotten how to date.

Apr 3, 08 10:05 pm  · 

Oops. Forgot to say.... YAY Liberty Bell!!! Congrats on the new job!!! That must be an amazing feeling.

Apr 3, 08 10:07 pm  · 

lb- get a bell or something to ring in the office whenever you get a new contract. makes it feel even more fun. Just make sure you've cashed the retainer check and that your invoices are 14 days net.

tuna- gotta move where there are more single folks- that means leaving the rust belt and queen city. hit the coasts to find the playaz...

Apr 3, 08 10:22 pm  · 

lesson learned today: dating is harder than designing.

Apr 3, 08 11:53 pm  · 

i wonder if vado is writing a hit song for #20000?

Apr 4, 08 12:07 am  · 

No kidding TK - I'm just biding my time.

Awww rationalist what happened.

Apr 4, 08 8:05 am  · 

Happy Fri!
LB, Huzzah for the new job.
Rationalist did the date not go well? The first time meeting someone can be akward.

Sometimes it just takes a few to break "the ice"

Hope everyone enjoys themselves today!

Apr 4, 08 8:41 am  · 
brian buchalski

i'm still alive

Apr 4, 08 9:04 am  · 

i am wearing my customary design review colors; all black. i guess it helps add to the gloom i will bring. i like looking like GQ Death.

Apr 4, 08 9:20 am  · 

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