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this obsession with numbers is intriguing.

lb, until recently i watched tv/movies like that too...but my wife has had enough. she is tired of me being i work or i don't, but am not allowed to mix the two...usually....ok, 60% of the time...but my laptop no longer joins us at the dinner table!

i will be happy when i hand this frickin dissertation over and can stop thinking for a few takes much more effort than designing ever does.

everyone in tokyo dresses far too nice. luckily jeans are considered high fashion here, so thats what i wear to office most days.

Apr 1, 08 8:02 pm  · 

what!!! no laptop at the dinner table???? how dare she do that to you?

well, I try not to read or watch tv when the wife is at the table. Never tried using the laptop while eating cause I make too much of a mess.

If I'm not surfing the comcast offerings, I've been known to multitask with the tv on too. just wondering what my acorn will be doing a few years from now...

Apr 1, 08 9:24 pm  · 
liberty bell

Aw, crap, aml, I was already addicted to thesartorialsit, but I never knew about fugly until today - a new addiction!

No laptops at the dinner table, dinner is sacrosanct. No books either (that was the rule when i was growing up). But I do check email/archinect while I'm preparing dinner. I should stop that.

Tonight it's finishing up taxes. Tomorrow will be a day of preparing proposals - one for a little retail thing that I'll be happy to just crank out, the other for a really great historic house renovation project - which i really, really hope we get.

Apr 1, 08 9:35 pm  · 
liberty bell

Also, if anyone is in the mood for a scavenger hunt, I posted the words "naked boobs" somewhere on the site today and frankly I'm surprised that no more people then have have commented on it (is that a grammatically tortured sentence?)!

Apr 1, 08 9:51 pm  · 

hey what the name of the thread where
everybody posted picture of themselves?

Apr 1, 08 10:15 pm  · 
Sarah Hamilton

what do achinectors look like, i believe.

I agree with LB, all table meals are sacred. But then again Im biased. I hate the tv. I hate how when its on I cant get anything done, and it doesnt matter what is showing, I get stuck. And I hate competing with it for the attentions of others.

Apr 1, 08 10:23 pm  · 

thanks Sarah,
just as long as i get everything that needs to be done
taken care of, i can watch tv, if not, i cant completely enjoy
tv, it bothers me

Apr 1, 08 10:43 pm  · 

LB and Aml, i love the sartorialist. His recent trip to India got me excited about my own upcoming trip there.

Also, LB i know what thread you posted those words. It was about the patch geography of military secret(s)..

Also yeah 200!!

Apr 1, 08 10:47 pm  · 

jump, how did I not know you were working on a dissertation? Or is that code for something else? You are getting your PhD? Gosh now I really want one.

I love reading Philarct's posts because I feel like I am reading poetry every time.

lb, you and your naked boobs! I love it.

Apr 1, 08 10:58 pm  · 

My pleasure WonderK

guys i keep typing "what do archinector look like"
in the search bar but it comes up with other stuff
i still cant find it

Apr 1, 08 11:03 pm  · 

naked boobs. sounds like a comedy duo.

work sounds kool LB. i hope you get both jobs!

yeah wonderk i am in last months of phd, and have been for about a year now. but now am REALLY in last months. got a paper to deliver in liverpool this june, and just finished prelim design for house in thailand. defence in june, graduate in september...

... trying to do phd while running office is not easy, even with understanding partner. but would be entirely impossible if i had a real life.

i read ny times on laptop and ALL of my articles (about 500 of them maybe) are saved on it, as well as my own writing, so laptop is like a book for me as much as a machine for rendering, cad, archinecting...

my wife as a result, and completely understandably, hates my laptop. sometimes so do i. i think thats why i love riding the subway so much. i get to sit and sketch and listen to music the whole way there and back.

tv is not a demon in our house. we just dont watch it very much. no nintendo or similar, but not because we hate. we love pop culture, just don't have the time for it. actually, the only real rule we have is that you can't put your feet on the table. if my kids brought books to table i would be ecstatic.

Apr 2, 08 12:00 am  · 
liberty bell

It took me a minute to figure it out too:

What do ARCHINECTS look like?

I miss you johndevlin!

Apr 2, 08 12:06 am  · 
liberty bell

jump, I'm curious as to how much "face time" you and your partner have, and other specifics of daily operations in your firm, as it sounds like it might be similar to mine. My partner and I tlak every day but often don't see each other for a few days at a time, even when we do see each other it is usually briefly - an hour crossover in his house before we both head to meetings. We rarely do client meetings together, though last week we did one and have another (same client) tomorrow. Tonight we met a prospective client together, though that is fairly rare as well.

Just curious. Partnership is not at all what I expected, but it's taken me three years (as of this month) to figure out that while it's not what I expected I really, really enjoy what it is. And it is always malleable, of course.

Apr 2, 08 12:10 am  · 

ahh 200.... it has taken a while but I'm glad you've arrived.


Apr 2, 08 12:34 am  · 

whats kool is to think where AFH was when TC started and where is is now cameron. you've come a long way baby!

lb, i am not sure if we are normal cuz we started off as good friends then started doing competitions together and slowly worked our way up to making an office. we are still good friends and socialise together as much as work together...but for what its worth, yeh sometimes we go days without actually meeting, but always talk by cell phone or e-mail...our wives make fun of how much we talk to each other or send e-mails actually, but it is kind of necessary just to keep on top of things...

client meetings we usually do together, but not always. the last few months i have been really focused on phd so i am working from home or from school a lot more than normal. since my partner also did phd he knows the process and is great critic and source of connections in planning community. makes life easier all in all. when its just archi-business we sit across from each other in small room that is our office. we seldom are working on same project together but always ask each other for opinions and don't feel shy about redesigning or suggesting alternate decisions about things. luckily we don't agree on lots of stuff, which makes things better id say...

Apr 2, 08 4:02 am  · 

why is that people think AGS is somehow a guidebook for detailing? it's called architectural GRAPHIC standards, hence GRAPHIC STANDARD does not equal DETAIL STANDARDS.....perhaps that's why Gehry's MIT building is failing all over, his grad students used the wrong source?

Apr 2, 08 6:48 am  · 
vado retro

so we have a stack of summer intern resumes etc here in the office. and they all have knowledge of about forty software programs taht i have never had exposure to. also, we don't use them anyway. it'll come in handy when their filing our old projects though.

Apr 2, 08 9:02 am  · 

file in the same place that grad programs file their rejects.

Apr 2, 08 9:08 am  · 
Sarah Hamilton

Our intern last summer had to scan in all our old projects to the server, starting in 1960. I think he made it up to the 80s before his departure.

Sad they were just tossing all those old mylar sets. Seems Martha Stewart could'vemade a lampshade of something with them.

Apr 2, 08 9:17 am  · 

good morning everyone...
someone had asked a few days ago what "landscape recovery" was + why we were going to NOLA. hopefully i didn't blow you off ... our lips are somewhat sealed about our project in New Orleans, but i can show you this from ART21:

essentially it is no secret that there is heavy metals in the soil in NOLA. it's not too shocking, since there is an 85-mile stretch from NOLA to Baton Rouge along the Mississippi which is known as "Cancer Alley": over 300 petro-chemical plants which contaminates air, lowlands, sediment, and groundwater with heavy metals such as lead and mercury.

Mel Chin is involved in this effort... if you aren't familiar with his work there is a bio of him here:
"Chin also promotes “works of art” that have the ultimate effect of benefiting science or rejuvenating the economies of inner-city neighborhoods. In “Revival Field,” Chin worked with scientists to create sculpted gardens of hyperaccumulators—plants that can draw heavy metals from contaminated areas—in some of the most polluted sites in the world."

NOLA can be a prototype for cities all over the US for landscape recovery. and we are hoping to make that very real.

Apr 2, 08 9:36 am  · 

hi all took the day off yesterday...appropriately for April's fool. Its officially 10 days away from my birthday...31. Feels weird, I feel like I'm still 24...explains alot.

Oh I digress. Took off yesterday to move out of my rental. I thought I aspired to be a minimalist (like most archi/designers) but alas I am a pack-rat. I came to this island with 2 bags and a box. I moved over 30 boxes of crap and filled 15 industrial garbage bags full of mostly old paper bills, and notes for dead projects. And paper gets poor back.

Anyway I'm still not completely out of the rental - 4 boxes full of stuff for Red Cross. Its that time of year, prep for hurricanes (April to June) - do your part.

Wonder K - I thought we'd hear more about this fellow. I just want to say on behalf of the men of TC, that we are both elated and jealous.

Apr 2, 08 9:58 am  · 

i+ that is very cool. environmental justice is a major issue for nola- i wish you the best success with any amount of remediation...

Apr 2, 08 10:02 am  · 

i+ sounds like very interesting work....

Go Nola!

Apr 2, 08 10:13 am  · 

just found out the CNN Principal Voices profile will include a debate in singapore on July 9th... gloves off Libeskind, gloves off.

Apr 2, 08 10:14 am  · 

+l - chat with Majora Carter (Sustainable South Bronx), she spent some time in NOLA on with OHSA training. Also we (AFH) have peeps we can connect you with.

Our better contacts are in Biloxi so let me know if you go there.

finally re: Cancer Alley : Lindy Roy did a project there.

Apr 2, 08 10:17 am  · 

mornin folks, another day at work

chin worked with video software engineers
to create a video game based on rug patterns
of nomadic peoples facing persecution.
thats what i think is cool.

to go off topic for a sec, Zelda

Apr 2, 08 10:26 am  · 
Sarah Hamilton

Yes dubK, I'm sure we all want to hear about your man-friend!

Apr 2, 08 11:43 am  · 

Wow +i thanks for the info about the "Fundred" project. Awesome! Did anyone watch the video? I commend the young boy at the end of the video who said that he wants walk right up to Congress and "tell them to give the money to Louisiana b/c they deserve it more than the war does." Out of the mouths of babes!!!! You go kid!!!!

Apr 2, 08 12:50 pm  · 

thanks all for the references everyone!
WK i want to hear about hawaii, then i want to hear about the new man!

just got back from next-to-last thesis presentation. it's kind of weird here... at my alum we would all attend each others' thesis presentations... here, it's just you, the dept chair, and your advisors- sometimes a guest or two. other students rarely attend each others' thesis presentations- and i have gone to a few because i thought that was typical... but then i realized i was the only student in the room and maybe it made them nervous. i think that is just silly. if you can't present in front of professors AND your peers then how will you ever make it in the real world. oh well.

Apr 2, 08 12:50 pm  · 
Sarah Hamilton

That is odd. At my school, everybody went to Thesis presentations. Granted, we were all undergrads, but when school is 5 yrs, does it really matter? Parents were often there as well.

Apr 2, 08 12:59 pm  · 

Philarct, 3 words:
make. that. movie.

Apr 2, 08 1:07 pm  · 

this special on CNN is starting to piss me off... they keep bringing up the issues of autism... and raised questions about the links between autism and vaccines. fine- i won't debate that point... but what i do question is WHERE these people are located- their big story is on this girl in Yuma, AZ ... Yuma is the site of several petrochemical plants and many many issues regarding environmental manipulation concerning heavy metals. heavy metals HAVE been linked to autism and neuro disorders. so yes, maybe there is mercury in the vaccine... but there is probably a lot more in your soil and groundwater than the tiny dosage you were given in that vaccine.
the vaccine-autism connection isn't just a sad coincidence... what is worse is the fact that you live in the same city as these processing plants who let these toxins leech into your soil and groundwater and you don't even do enough investigation to find out if where you have chosen to live could be the determining factor. and yet these plants go on year after year, making billions in profit and getting fined pennies by the EPA.
and the parents are like... "when he or she was little they were fine... but then they had a vaccine and regressed, so it MUST be the vaccine"
how about it is the fact they were exposed to high levels of concentrations over a period of time both in-utero and after being born and their bodies can no longer maintain both the exposed levels and those in the vaccines?

Apr 2, 08 1:30 pm  · 

my nephew is autistic...he's great. April is Austism month. Do your part, it is treatable.

ps. I'm selling my truck after last week's incident

Apr 2, 08 1:43 pm  · 

so thats why im hearing alot about autism today,
its autism month.
Actually (on the road to architecture) i have two jobs,
1st family business, 2nd is watch roi, an autistic
teenager. He's awesome. all we do is eat, do homework
and play video games. He's a beast on 2d games.
i always think that the government or some big
pharmacy/bio chem company has the cures for all the
conditions and sicknesses of today, they just withold
and overcharge.
and +i..
its a shame that the groundwater and soil is the way is
because some suit wants more money huh?
man i wanna punish someone

Apr 2, 08 1:58 pm  · 
brian buchalski

here's link to a short book about lindy roy, including her work in cancer alley as mentioned above, architecture of risk from the michigan architecture papers series

Apr 2, 08 2:33 pm  · 

i had started looking @ google earth a few weeks back... on the actual sites along the miss river on cancer alley... there are 300+ petrochemical plants along that route which amounted to somewhere in the neighborhood of 3.8 plants PER mile. obviously this was just an average... as exxon's petrochemical plant takes up 3.1 miles... so in some places there are more, others less. exxon made how many billions in profit in one quarter, and was fined just $1mil over 12 months for noncompliance by the EPA.

i used to live in that area when i was little... i was very very sick the entire 3 years we lived there- i was in Tulane Univ's medical center where they constantly ran tests to see what it was- no one could figure it out, but they were seeing an increase in cases like mine. eventually they told us to stop drinking the water... and better yet, move. so my fam packed it up. as soon as we moved, and i stopped drinking that water, i was fine. it's just maddening to think about what is happening... and effectively it is unregulated... sure there's the EPA, but they are given limited (at best) jurisdiction to pursue these people. Washington, DC is just as bad... and any government facilities, like ballistic weapons plants, are unmonitored.


Apr 2, 08 3:01 pm  · 

thnx puddles for the link... i have to check that out

Apr 2, 08 3:03 pm  · 

the Mississippi river is the sewer tfor half the country. it's not just the local petrochemical death factories that were making you sick, but all the stuff being flushed in st. louis, mpls, cinci, kc, and pittsburg that you were drinking. other environmental health studies have shown that airports and highways are bad for IQs and health - not sure if it is the noise or particulates that does it.

living is dangerous these days unless you do a kazinski...

Apr 2, 08 3:18 pm  · 

yeah, and i live 3 blocks from the river, so you can imagine what i throw in there......}:{]

Apr 2, 08 3:51 pm  · 

I played hookie today. I called in hung-over to work although my boss knew for a fact I was up all night helping the Mrs. finish her homework.

I realized how awesome my job is when calling in "hung-over" is more valid than calling in because I was up all night doing home work.

I've spent the day taking a short nap, doing my taxes, revamping my resume, writing my grad school essay, visiting my new niece in the hospital (she was born exactly 24 hours ago. I'll post pics in a bit on flickr) and buying flowers for Mrs. rfuller. I say she deserves flowers because she just finished her first project in Revit. Revit was no requirement, she just saw the potential and took it upon herself to learn it. Not bad for an ID major. ;D

Techno, you should buy your superiors a subscription to GQ. There are some very sharp khaki suits out there. Seer-sucker is so cliche and madras is so preppy. But a nice, bespoke khaki suit is the perfect thing in the summer/tropical climates.

Apr 2, 08 4:23 pm  · 

You guys are awesome. NoLa, thesis presentations, and autism on one page. I love TC!

And I'll try to give you the short version of the man story:

I was a groomswoman in my friend's wedding. So, second in line, after the Best Man, who was the one I hit it off with. I have no idea what happened really....when he showed up he was the funniest person there, and very clever, and very cute, and flirted with me from the get-go. We just clicked somehow, and had no trouble talking to each other. He's led a wacky life, and lives in Honolulu currently (because I like to do things the hard way) but when I left, he sent me home with his iPod and his $300 Bose Noise-Canceling headphones so I could "listen on the plane". Of course I am going to send them back when I'm done, but isn't that the sweetest?!? He has great taste in music too! So, we're still talking, and he's looking for flights here. Yay. It's my turn!


Thanks to beta for the new emoticon, lol.

Apr 2, 08 5:20 pm  · 

Sounds like we're gonna have a repeat of page one. Let us know if you get any flowers so we can ask you about them.

Apr 2, 08 5:28 pm  · 

wK- better fill the IPod with some of your music first (pictures are optional). so what does he do? how old is he? where'd he go to school? and all those other important details?

I think beta is playing the devil with that emoticon.

Apr 2, 08 5:31 pm  · 

Wow, have we come full circle? Page 1 to 200, and it all comes back to the flowers....tee hee.

He did ask for my address yesterday. Hmmm.

Apr 2, 08 5:37 pm  · 
liberty bell

beta, do you walk down to the river and pee in it before bed every night? or was that diabase who did that? ;-)

Apr 2, 08 5:39 pm  · 

Pics of the new niece have been posted. Check them out. Leave nice comments. Make my sister-in-law's day. She had a bad epidural and could use a little pick-me-up.

my flickr page

Apr 2, 08 5:39 pm  · 

she's cute rfuller, i left a comment and then figured you wouldn't know who i was. so just put together my initials.

Apr 2, 08 6:33 pm  · 

Sounds like a great boss. And the new addition is darling.

WK, a man and his Bose Noice Canceling headphones are rarely parted, or so i have heard.

Apr 2, 08 7:01 pm  · 

I appreciate it aml, dubK and nam.

Well, I'm gonna take the Mrs. out to dinner and then we're gonna go to that Jimmy Eat World concert she was certain I didn't have tickets for. Have a great week TC!

Apr 2, 08 7:07 pm  · 

Congrats rfuller on becoming an uncle. She's beautiful. Now it's time to start spoilin' her.

TK - Wow, if I didn't know any better I would think you were DubK's older brother with all those questions :o)

Oh and please excuse but may I just say those pics from the sink hole in Guatemala City are crazy. It's hard to believe something so mammouth came from a ruptured sewer pipe. Makes me think of Journey to the Center of the Earth

Apr 2, 08 8:49 pm  · 

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