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Before Christmas may be pushing it a little, but supposedly it will take NCARB two weeks to transmit my file and Ohio 2-3 business days to approve my application, which puts it just before Christmas. Hopefully there won't be any further delays.

I loved the idea of getting registered in NY first, but as you say it doesn't really matter. I should've just changed my jurisdiction with NCARB when I moved; If I had, I probably would've already been registered a month ago.

Dec 4, 15 3:21 pm  · 

I finally gave up my Pennsylvania registration in 2009 when I was too broke to afford renewing it. I liked the idea of keeping my initial registration active for my entire career, but that was just based on nostalgia, not because I'm pursuing any work there.

Dec 4, 15 3:27 pm  · 

Yeah, it would've been the same situation for me, even though I love NY and pretty much loathe everything about Ohio. At least Ohio doesn't have any crazy requirements above and beyond the default NCARB position.

Dec 4, 15 3:41 pm  · 

Now watch NY issue me a license before they get around to processing my request to withdraw my application.

Dec 4, 15 4:07 pm  · 

Pake follow up- 

Enjoy your weekends!

Dec 4, 15 4:53 pm  · 

Marc, that looks like a delicious earthquake.

I'm going to see Sleater-Kinney tonight. 

Dec 4, 15 5:41 pm  · 

love carrie brownstein, have fun!

Dec 4, 15 5:47 pm  · 
Non Sequitur
Waiting for a fellow architect in a Scottish pub. What should I order?

The abundance of choice is overwhelming.
Dec 4, 15 5:57 pm  · 

Safe choice: fish and chips

Adventurous choice: haggis

Middle ground: shepherd's pie


Why does New York state even have their byzantine work experience requirement for new applicants, especially when it's not required for reciprocal registration? At least there's some logic behind the supplemental exam that California requires, and they're consistent in how they apply it. The more I think about this whole episode the more it pisses me off. I need a drink.

Dec 4, 15 6:02 pm  · 

Scotch eggs, of course.

Dec 4, 15 6:05 pm  · 

one bourbon one scotch one beer

Dec 4, 15 6:07 pm  · 

Aye one thing I know, lager and loads of it.

Dec 4, 15 6:08 pm  · 

i drink to get drunk.

Dec 4, 15 6:14 pm  · 

Aye Aye archiwut

Dec 4, 15 6:34 pm  · 

I haven't been Scotland in ages should go up there beginning of the year or maybe end of year.


btw if you're having fish and chips or haggis in a pub you're doing it wrong even shepherds pie, you gotta have a roast dinner or bangers & mash or the preferred lager/beer.

Dec 4, 15 8:16 pm  · 

I have to read the updates when I'm sober...night all

Dec 4, 15 11:00 pm  · 

victory brewing company came out woth a great winter ale....enjoying it.....archuwut doin' me holidays 2016 in Ireland with me parents and stuff, been there, but lookin for recommendations....yes i know where Scotland is.

Dec 4, 15 11:34 pm  · 

So Sleater-Kinney was predictably amazing, but even better than that. Blew me away.  Here are pictures of the set, which I loved (this is the same post as I made on my FB page, sorry for the repeat some of you):

The lighting design was engaging (thanks programmable LEDs for all kinds of fun!) but the stage wall was so cool, particularly to me because I love very simple solutions that use the essence of the material as the feature. The wall was covered in flaps of fabric (cannot for the life of me figure out what - maybe gossamer netting? maybe lightweight felt?) that was painted with an abstract organic fabric. It laid very flat until a fan was turned on, then it flapped into chaotic action. Captivating. I love Carrie's hair in the action photo.

Dec 5, 15 11:00 am  · 

Tomorrow's jury>>

Dec 5, 15 3:38 pm  · 

Donna, Sounds like it was a great show - pretty interesting effect with the backdrop.


Also - I'd like more pie talk.  If someone could send me some pie, that would be appreciated.

Dec 5, 15 4:59 pm  · 

good luck zaina.  obviously the crits would treat you better if there was more glitter.

Dec 5, 15 6:34 pm  · 

Offer the jurors pie, Zaina! 

Dec 5, 15 7:09 pm  · 

Damnnn steak and gravy pie or chicken and wine would amazing right now.

Dec 5, 15 8:33 pm  · 

has anyone been watching Jessica Jones? I'm pretty sure the building her lawyer's office is in is the Christian de Portzamparc Prism building, but I'm looking for confirmation. Anyone?

Dec 7, 15 11:19 am  · 

On episode 1....

Dec 7, 15 11:28 am  · 
Non Sequitur

I had coconut cream pie the other night while watching a hockey game in a brew-pub. Delicious!

Dec 7, 15 11:49 am  · 

Stick with it, archiwhutm8. It gets better and better. I can't help but drink bourbon when I watch it! But I;m done with the whole series now, so I guess I won't ever drink bourbon again :-(

Dec 7, 15 3:57 pm  · 

Watch Hannibal and drink Bourbon. None of you probably watch anime but One Punchman is HILARIOUS and would suggest anyone to try it.

Dec 7, 15 4:07 pm  · 
Zaina how was your review?
Dec 7, 15 4:55 pm  · 

I'm casting a vote for season 2 of Fargo...

Dec 7, 15 4:58 pm  · 

Is Nick Offerman in it, Jerome?

I'm drafting up some great drawings right now; they will definitely be "emotional drawings" as I referenced many pages ago. Sadly I can't share them because the project hasn't been approved and funded yet, so no publicity......yet. Trust I'll be sharing it like crazy as soon as I can!

Also, I'm grooving to ABBA.

Dec 7, 15 7:56 pm  · 

Fargo Season 2 - really good show. I almost died watching the overhead tracking shot through the woods, maybe episode 6 or 7? Two characters are walking through winter woods, long shadows are being cast by the trees onto the snow, the people are only shadows. What a great show - I don't think there's another show out there that captures a place as well as Fargo.

Dec 8, 15 7:57 am  · 

Nick is in it as a verbose, drunken, small-town attorney.

I really love these anthology shows that are springing up- seemingly beginning with True Detective.  You can tell a better story in 10-12 hours of a single season than the two of movie.  Seems like recognizable names are enjoying them too - all the cast is great.  Jean Smart, that guy from Burn Notice, Kirsten Dunst and the character Mike Milligan...

Dec 8, 15 9:14 am  · 

Morning TC!

Been meaning to get into Fargo haven't yet. Did watch two great documentaries recently; 'Cave of Forgotten Dreams' by Herzog and 'Meru'. The former was beautiful and poetic while the other was crazy/good but couldn't help think the people were insane/driven...

Dec 8, 15 10:52 am  · 

Have only seen the trailer so far but any body have any impressions/comments on the Brando documentary that is being teased.

As a younger person I only really know of him from the Godfather or as Superman's father- but it looks intriguing...

Dec 8, 15 11:16 am  · 

Did some grade school teacher just assign their entire class to write a paper about the architecture profession that's due on December 11th?

Dec 8, 15 11:23 am  · 
Hey big surprise, just found out my evangelical Christian neighbors are cheating to take homestead deductions on both the house they live in AND the one they rent! WWJPT Why Would Jesus Pay Taxes?!
Dec 8, 15 11:30 am  · 


I only hope people can give advice that will lead them to the career of their dreams...




Like Pharmacist.  

Dec 8, 15 11:39 am  · 

Jerome, you gotta watch Apocalypse Now, that's the best Brando....

Dec 8, 15 11:43 am  · 


Brando has some great films early in his career.

You might be interested in:

On  the Waterfront(I coulda been a contenda)

A Streetcar Named Desire(STELLA!)

Viva Zapata

to name a few.

Dec 8, 15 11:47 am  · 

Donna, I spent most of my childhood surrounded by Jesus freaks in the South, and it's amazing how they can justify just about any level of fraud because they're completely convinced that Jesus is on their side. The valedictorian of my high school was one of those types (if Facebook had existed then, she'd be the one posting bible verse memes every five minutes), who was widely known throughout the student body as being the biggest cheater in the school. If you sat within ten feet of her in class you could be certain she'd be looking over your shoulder to copy down your answers on the big exam.

Dec 8, 15 12:11 pm  · 

Worth adding that when she ran for class chaplain during our senior year, my gang of subversives and misfits was able to get our G.W.A.R.-loving headbanger friend elected instead. It helped that we had our people counting the ballots... At least our cheating was for the greater good.

Dec 8, 15 12:21 pm  · 

Hey Donna - funny you mention concert backdrops. Alabama Shakes rolled through my city a few weeks ago and I was able to get a floor ticket up front. Their show used one of the most unique backdrop setups I've seen in a show; it was perfect. Just a pulled-taught fabric with a noticeable texture (almost like a thicker type of canvas?), and they used it as a reflective surface to swath the stage in the most amazing color-walls from rafter lights. Not patterned or effects-driven, just subtle fades. Then between songs they would instantly switch to a back-light with very shallow hues so that you could only see the silhouettes of the band as they switched guitars, etc. Just perfect. I've been getting a bigger appreciation for minimalist stuff as of light, this fit right in.

Dec 8, 15 12:39 pm  · 

On an unrelated tangent -

As a Canuck observer of the American election, how the hell is it that House of Cards' storyline is (at the moment) infinitely more plausible and realistic than the actual election goings-on right now?

Damnit, explain it to me!

Dec 8, 15 1:01 pm  · 

Sounds nice, Bench. I also love minimal objects that have a larger-than-expected presence.

David, it is only truly frustrating because of the Jesus angle. Most people cheat at least a little on their taxes, even though no one really should, ever, because it is in fact cheating. But when someone swaths themselves in Jesus and THEN carries on - loudly - about cheating others, be it cheating the evil gub-mint or a retail store or a Craiglist arrangement - it grinds my gears so bad. Like, you're not just a jerk, you're a jerk in the name of Jesus which doesn't make sense.

Dec 8, 15 2:21 pm  · 

God likes jerks...?

Dec 8, 15 2:33 pm  · 

the wild one was pretty close to brando's best, though on the waterfront might be better. 

apocalypses now is about when he stopped listening to the director and turned weird.  a bit too diva.  the movie would have probably been better with a younger brando, or maybe someone else entirely.

Dec 8, 15 2:33 pm  · 

Hahaha through all these posts about Brando I've been picturing Humphrey Bogart. Thinking to myself "Rick Blaine was in Apocalypse Now?!?"

Also, I unknowingly wore my sweater inside-out for two hours at work today. I'm losing it, you guys!

Dec 8, 15 9:10 pm  · 

Here is looking at you kid

Dec 8, 15 9:48 pm  · 
But Donna so sexxxxyyy that sweater we just couldn't tell uuuuuu
Dec 8, 15 10:09 pm  · 

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