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Non Sequitur

Donna, that's some kind of couch you've got where you can hid under it. I'd like one of those.

Dec 3, 15 9:03 am  · 

Guns, handled by retards!!

Dec 3, 15 9:52 am  · 

i gotta say, i'm more of a fan of waiting for evidence before predicting results.  patience can be one of the greatest virtues.

of course the message remains that we need reasonable firearm regulations and people with a different skin color or religion than you are not necessarily bad.

Dec 3, 15 9:53 am  · 

party under Donna's couch. two things crazy people shouldn't be allowed to have access to guns and religion.

Dec 3, 15 9:58 am  · 

My couch is very, very similar to this one, but the square where the cushions intersect is a glossy wood-grain laminate end table. Our new puppy LOVES hanging out under it; I think it makes her feel safe. So I've been joining her under there lately and it's nice.

Finished my meeting with my favorite structural engineer and it was everything I hoped for. I love working out problems with people who know what they're talking about! So satisfying.

Dec 3, 15 10:03 am  · 

...and an extremely subtle vocabulary and etiquette lesson for you, Dave B. Harry.  On the previous page (I think) someone said 'So-and-so went full-retard" which is a reference to a phrase used in the movie Tropic Thunder. It's a mean-spirited joke, but understandable as a cultural reference. 

On the other hand, saying the phrase "Guns handled by retards" is exceptionally rude and socially unacceptable in the US. You don't call someone a "retard" any more than you would call them the n-word (which is so offensive I seriously can't even type it). So, while you solicit business in the US, better to stick to exceptionally polite language.

Dec 3, 15 10:09 am  · 
Non Sequitur

^ I normally would have book-ended my "full retard" reference with a still from the movie, but Iphone app sucks, so it went in naked. I guess architectural visualization wizard David has never seen the movie.

That couch looks like a good napping spot... I've just purchased a 1962 brick single-story house and am in a furniture shopping mood lately.

Dec 3, 15 10:15 am  · 

Donna, just Looooll.. I'm not actually referring mentally ill people fyi. In some countries, when you tell someone she's a retard, it means that she is stupid.

Dec 3, 15 10:19 am  · 

Second happy thought of the day: We've entered the time of year when it's legitimate to have Elf on continuous play in the background!

Dec 3, 15 10:19 am  · 
Non Sequitur

Elf is part of a regular movie rotation in my house. Blame the preschool teacher wife for that.

Dec 3, 15 10:34 am  · 

people with a different skin color or religion than you

is why we need firearms, of course. It's the national pastime.

As to retards, government is full of them. Which explains everything above.

re•tard (rĭ-tärdˈ)

v. To cause to move or proceed slowly; delay or impede.
v. To be delayed.
n. A slowing down or hindering of progress; a delay.

Dec 3, 15 10:36 am  · 

V-ray for Revit is finally out!

Dec 3, 15 10:50 am  · 
Dave B. Harry let me circumvent the need to say retard and just tell you directly. You are stupid. You are small minded and your renderings are as good as what my colleagues did in their first year of school after two hours of practice. "Just loooooll"
Dec 3, 15 11:04 am  · 

<sigh> Miles. Retard as a verb is fine. Retard as a noun is not.

Dec 3, 15 11:06 am  · 

Retardant. sometimes cognates are better

Dec 3, 15 11:27 am  · 

Anyone else find it interesting that when a contractor posts a question asking for information, they are treated relatively well and given decent information ... even though they have subs, reps, and the owner's architect that could answer it for them. Yet, if it was a student or a potential client looking for advice, we'd start flaming them and tell them to do their own work, look it up for themselves, or hire an architect.

Is the desire to make a contractor happy by quickly answering their RFI's ingrained so deeply in the architect psyche that we can't help ourselves?

Dec 3, 15 12:16 pm  · 
Non Sequitur

^ to our defence, we've flamed a number of contractors as well.

Dec 3, 15 12:18 pm  · 

flame retardants........are required for certain wood applications. Hoover products good for that.

Dec 3, 15 12:26 pm  · 

^ And I'd argue it has more to do with how the question is asked than who is doing the asking.

Dec 3, 15 12:26 pm  · 

Non Sequitur,

When has a gun become sentient life form with the ability to make decisions on who to kill or not kill.

The problem is a PEOPLE problem not the problem with inanimate objects with no ability to think. Think real hard, guns are just a tool. If we took guns away from the American people, then every other nation will have the ability to physically take over the United States. They have guns. If the average person in China can have a gun and they decide as a nation to go out on a conquest, how would we defend against their over 1 billion people..... with a spoon?

Dec 3, 15 1:23 pm  · 

Guns don't kill people. People kill people, with guns.

Dec 3, 15 1:25 pm  · 
Non Sequitur

"if we took guns away from the American people, then every other nation will have the ability to physically take over the United States. "

Balkins, you're fool.

Dec 3, 15 1:30 pm  · 

The average person in China does not have a gun. We still have a military. Nothing you've said is relevant.

Dec 3, 15 1:32 pm  · 

I apparently still have a lot to learn from you all on forum etiquette. I saw the post and thought for sure they were going to get flamed. Typical responses would be: look at what the drawings show and do it, use the product that was specified, why are you trying to redesign the building when you're just paid to build it, etc. One day I'll get it.

FWIW, I don't see much a difference in how the floor plan guy asked his questions, just that they were the wrong questions.

Dec 3, 15 1:33 pm  · 


Don't be a moron. We have more steak knives and other knives than we have Americans. So? Guns don't make the decision. If you like to live without the right to bear arms, and not have a gun to defend yourself when some foreign asshole with a gun attacks you.

What are you going to do, just sit their and get raped, beaten and killed or are you going to kill the m-f before that person successfully does it to you?

You blame guns. I blame the a--holes themselves. If it isn't a gun, they'll use something else. Maybe far worse than a gun.

I blame media for making big hype and essentially promoting more people to destabilize the country and through media pushing and prodding on our country into a civil war within our own country with death tolls into the millions. How much of a blood bath do the stupid media want before they will puke their guts at the sight of what they promote by putting this crap on TV and internet.  What are the leaders of the nation doing to restore health... particular health of the citizenship of the country.

We are now seeing the kind of crap that has been happening in other countries for years. What are we going to do to ideologically change course for a UNITED country.

Don't sacrifice your Constitutional rights because if you do.... you won't have any and then when the day we have another Hitler like wacko gain control, we will have nothing to stop such a person.

70+ years ago isn't that long ago when we were plunged into a world war to stop a class A a--hole.

Dec 3, 15 1:35 pm  · 

If you're looking to learn forum etiquette you'd better go somewhere else. Too many architectural PTSD victims here.

Dec 3, 15 1:38 pm  · 

You blame guns. I blame the a--holes themselves. If it isn't a gun, they'll use something else. Maybe far worse than a gun.

That's why all those other developed countries with heavy restrictions on gun ownership have similar homicide rates to the US. 

Oh wait, they don't

Dec 3, 15 1:39 pm  · 
Non Sequitur

So now Balkins is crazy gun'toting blowhard who moonlights unsuccessfully as a building designer. Makes sense.

Balkins, you're stand on this is beyond ridiculous, even by your own standards.

Dec 3, 15 1:40 pm  · 

"What are the leaders of the nation doing to restore health... particular health of the citizenship of the country." rick from oregon.

what is rick from oregon doing to restore his health?  

obama gave us low cost health care.  

Dec 3, 15 1:51 pm  · 

Non, it makes perfect sense. What doesn't is that some of us thought he must have at least one redeeming quality. 

Dec 3, 15 1:53 pm  · 

obama gave us low cost health care


Dec 3, 15 1:56 pm  · 

Balkins, do you also believe that we're about to have a zombie takeover? Where's your thesis on that one?

Dec 3, 15 1:56 pm  · 


Yeah and it shrinks. What are they going to do against 300 Million radical Islamic (note... Islam itself is not terrorism) terrorists inside the United States and outside the United States, or a 300 Million plus Chinese military force that will have a navy and other military force that would be larger than the United States by a magnitude of an order with comparably state of the art technology because they can?

What are you going to do when you don't have the military or  our police to come to your protection?

Dec 3, 15 1:56 pm  · 

Balkins, you are retarded.

Sorry, Donna. 

Dec 3, 15 1:58 pm  · 

I don't know what you mean by "Yeah and it shrinks."

I mean.. I do not know what you mean grammatically, not politically. 

Dec 3, 15 2:00 pm  · 


I'm not talking about 'Obamacare'. I am talking about health of a country and people within. I am talking about cultural, social and individual (including psychological) health to end this kind of crap and people finally stop going these weekly acts of mass shooting, killing and other problems. 

One thing is to end partisan politics and people elected to office serve in the interest of the American people as their only SOLE purpose. Restore health of the country. Restore health of the people as a society. Restore health of morals & ethics. Restore health of individuals.

Dec 3, 15 2:03 pm  · 

Good day TC and congrats shuellmi!

Dec 3, 15 2:06 pm  · 

EI, i assume some people here are architects because they like buildings.  talking about some kid's ego can be god-awful horrible.  talking to a condescending owner about how they're too good of an architect to pay an architect can be horrible.

talking about expansions joints is where you develop a passion for the actual profession.

Dec 3, 15 2:06 pm  · 

What are you going to do when you don't have the military or our police to come to your protection?

Because your 9mm will sure blow those ISIS fucks at your front door who got there by defeating the entire US military. Great idea. Even then, you're probably not that important that they'll waste their time looking for your basement.

Dec 3, 15 2:07 pm  · 


There are around 300+ Million radical Islamic wackos that have been brought up on an ideological belief that they must do everything they can to destroy the western world and starting with destroying the United States with absolute and complete biblical scale massacre. They are on a mission to kill EVERYONE and I mean KILL everyone that isn't part of their cause. That is their objective. Plain and simple. 

We don't have that many American soldiers. The scale that I am talking about is an enemy force as large as the United States citizenship. 

Our military forces are no where close to the scale of that. It is significantly smaller than it was in World War II when we were at our peak of soldiers in the armed forces. 

Although we have technology on our side... so does our enemy. 

Dec 3, 15 2:10 pm  · 

[citation needed]

Dec 3, 15 2:11 pm  · 

RickB-OR is also an extremist wacko hell bent on killing everyone

see, i can make up internet lies too.  i'm pretty sure i have an abraham lincoln quote to back that up too.

Dec 3, 15 2:12 pm  · 

I'll tote one thing, I will keep my guns and weapons for self-defense and protection of family and friends. I will use it if I have to. Otherwise, it will be used for hunting animals for food.

Guns don't kill because guns don't think. If a gun is not used and left alone, it doesn't kill. It is just a hunk of metal. It takes the decision of a person to use the gun for the purpose of killing.

Stop deflecting the problem. Stop blaming the inanimate object. Blame the persons responsible and fix the problems that lead up to them doing that. You don't fix anything by removing guns because they'll replace it with something else... possibly many times worse.

Dec 3, 15 2:18 pm  · 

pat robertson is preaching the end of the world.

it's not the muslims we need to worry about, it's rich white guys and right wing christian extremists we need to worry about.  they're the ones trying to fulfill a prophecy that will cause extinction of our species.

Dec 3, 15 2:18 pm  · 

right rick, it takes intent.  you can't accidentally shoot a gun.

Dec 3, 15 2:20 pm  · 

"Knives don't cut tomatoes, people cut tomatoes"

Sure, but try cutting a tomato without a knife.

Dec 3, 15 2:23 pm  · 

"Tools don't perform a task, people use the tool to perform a task."

Doesn't change the fact that the tool was created for the purpose of carrying out the task in a much more efficient manner.

Ok i'm done.

Dec 3, 15 2:24 pm  · 


With nearly 2 billion islam believers and ~15% of them are extremist radicals that are taught on an extreme ideology to destroy western civilization, I don't think the U.S. military or our police has the resources to stop all of them without resorting to basically a total end of human civilization. 

Why are we seeing gun shootings at places like colleges and other places where people do not customarily have guns is because its like shooting fish in a barrel or the other idiom... a turkey shoot because they have the guns and they have no one with a gun that will return fire. Most of them are ball-less wonders. 

Why do you think this shit doesn't customarily happen very much or often at all in a military base?

That's because, everyone has a gun (or just about).

Dec 3, 15 2:27 pm  · 

rick from oregon.  defending america since 1984.

Dec 3, 15 2:28 pm  · 
Non Sequitur

Balkins, again, you're an idiot.

It shows that you've never been able to complete higher than high-school level education.

Dec 3, 15 2:30 pm  · 

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