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Actually it doesn't matter. The US is so screwed.

just this morning you said

I'm going to try to throw happy thoughts into TC all day today (because the only other option is to curl up under my couch with a bottle of bourbon)

oh well, the day is almost over anyway.  couches and bourbon await on the other side of 5:00

Dec 3, 15 5:21 pm  · 

I am a fan of guns and enjoy the ones I have.  I hunt.  I target shoot.  They're enjoyable activities, just like throwing darts.  They require skill, patience and great self control. 

There are plenty of cases where they're used for things that are wrong.  There are far more people using them properly.  Should there be more controls? Yes.  Should there be people on the extremes of the arguments radicalizing one another?  Probably not.  A lot of the so-called domestic terror incidents seem to be linked to someone having been involved in some extremist organization or obsessed with the crap we see posted online from both sides.

For now I'll just sit back and watch more over-reaction to the previous over-reaction.

There seems to be a great shortage of people who possess common sense and aren't sheeple. 

Dec 3, 15 5:22 pm  · 


It was a remark about guns and anatomy ;)

I have not engaged in the other thread. My path has diverged significantly from the traditional so much over the last few years that I no longer see any relevance in conventional architecture.

All I care about now is complete disruption - something I have been working on for the last 7 years or so. Sounds a bit dramatic.

I pop into archinect to gauge whether there is anything interesting going on in the US which I can glean from - there is alot but not in the forums so much.

To your other point - I am about to hire an American in NZ, a Penn M.Arch no less.

Dec 3, 15 5:26 pm  · 

One of the advantages of Seattle is that if the shit really does hit the fan in the US, it's a short drive to the Canadian border. (Not that Canada and the rest of the world won't also get pulled into whatever mess the US turns into, but still.)

Still nothing from NYSED. If they're still giving me the runaround at the end of next week, I'll look more seriously at transferring my jurisdiction to Ohio. I can't describe how frustrating this is, especially when what I'm being told on the phone directly contradicts what they have indicated on their own website.

I briefly looked into the possibly of starting the application process in Ohio without withdrawing my application from New York and just seeing which state would give me a license first. Unfortunately NCARB told me that wasn't a possibility and that I'd have to withdraw my application from NY before submitting a new one to Ohio. The Ohio process is pretty straightforward; if I had known NY would give me such a hassle I would've just transferred my jurisdiction to Ohio when I moved back here a few months ago.

Dec 3, 15 5:29 pm  · 

^ I know, it is insane. When I was trying to get reciprocity I was put on a waiting list for the waiting list(not a joke).

Dec 3, 15 5:42 pm  · 


My wife has vetoed the Pacific Northwest after reading a New Yorker article about the potential for a catastrophic earthquake there. Long odds, but:

Dec 3, 15 5:44 pm  · 

Saw that article. It's a concern, but not enough of a concern to make me change my plans. I'm probably just as likely to get killed by a tornado here in the Midwest or a hurricane on the east coast.

Dec 3, 15 5:49 pm  · 

once the world comes to an end, the rest of us will go on living and David Cole might het a license. one guy at NYSED was painful, but once I got him on the phone it was alll good. call,get names, remember who said what, start an internal office war,they'll push your papers through like hot cakes.......ok off to under the couch for bourbon.

Dec 3, 15 7:23 pm  · 

Looks like TC has calmed down a bit now.

"talking about expansions joints is where you develop a passion for the actual profession."

curtkram, your statement is not lost on me. Like Donna, I get a good deal of pleasure from this. Makes me believe I'm making the right choices in my career path.

On the other hand, [whispered in hushed tones] be careful, you might actually make some poor student or aspiring architect think that the 'actual profession' isn't all about fancy renderings and basswood models. Then seeing who can come up with the most obfuscated archispeak to describe said fancy renderings and models. I'm depending on this disillusionment for my job security. [Loudly again while looking for hidden listening devices] Since I've graduated with my M.Arch I've done nothing but play with rhino, grasshopper, and vray all day long ... except of course when I'm working in the model shop building models.

Dec 3, 15 7:34 pm  · 

I met the executive secretary of the NYSED architecture board when he gave a presentation at AIANY a year or two ago. He seemed like a reasonable guy and a few of us even went out for beers with him after the presentation.

The lady I'm dealing with, though, reminds me more of Nurse Ratched from 'One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest.'

Dec 3, 15 7:35 pm  · 

Em-seal......mmmm........nothing like crazy government employees,good luck.

Dec 3, 15 7:50 pm  · 

E.I. so we gave this CAD test was simple - intrepet and draw the bosses detail sketch drawn on graph paper (no dimensions shown). 20 minutes......the kid hemmed and hawwed and finaly said "this is not how I work, I use Rhino and just got back from backpacking in Europe." yeah he wasn't hired......em-seal......say it with me.....emmmmmmm-seal.....feel the bourbon calm under the sofa......emmmmmmm seal

Dec 3, 15 7:53 pm  · 

Tonight I am making a chocolate/apple "pake."

Not to be confused with the "piecaken" recipe in the times.

Dec 3, 15 8:02 pm  · 

 I looked into emigrating to NZ a few years ago and the barriers for me and my husband seem pretty high, sadly.


when did law or rules come into play with regard to immigration?  I thought we all do whatever the hell we wanted? 

Dec 3, 15 8:51 pm  · 
Marc, I'd give Balkins a Ruger for a taste of that!
Dec 3, 15 8:59 pm  · 

when did law or rules come into play with regard to immigration?  I thought we all do whatever the hell we wanted? 

With enough dough you can live anywhere. 

Dec 3, 15 9:11 pm  · 


My hope was that the mention of pie/cake would redirect that conversation...

Dec 3, 15 9:14 pm  · 

With enough dough you can live anywhere

Or, with nothing to lose...

Dec 3, 15 9:28 pm  · 

Marc, should you really be taking your recipes from a website called 'domestic engineer'? Architects need to take back leadership in the kitchen before we lose our control of tasty desserts :D

Dec 3, 15 10:55 pm  · 

Noted, but Pawson's cookbook is way to sparse, and he would never dare to do something so "southern."

Dec 3, 15 11:05 pm  · 


Dec 3, 15 11:06 pm  · 
I made a kickass carrot cake this weekend.
Dec 3, 15 11:07 pm  · 

My hope was that the mention of pie/cake would redirect that conversation...

I was talking about dough.

Dec 3, 15 11:11 pm  · 

Something has changed here ... can't quite put my finger on it.

Dec 3, 15 11:12 pm  · 

i have made a few pie-cakes in my day.  i would probably pair cherry with chocolate, or apple with a cinnamon cake of some sort.

we called the big 3-layer pie-cake cherpumple in my day.  i blame millenials.

Dec 4, 15 7:04 am  · 

marc that looks like a decomposing emseal joint.....mmmmmmmm

Dec 4, 15 7:19 am  · 
Non Sequitur

Best non-pumpkin pie pie is a cherry-lemon collaboration.

Dec 4, 15 8:34 am  · 

No, apple pie is the only dessert pie you need in life.

Dec 4, 15 8:36 am  · 
Non Sequitur

I've never liked apple pie.

I challenge you: pistols at dawn.

Dec 4, 15 8:37 am  · 

blasphemy, have you tried apple pie with some pecan&caramel ice cream?

Dec 4, 15 8:39 am  · 
Non Sequitur

Yes... and I've found the apple pie to be an flavour anchor to the delicious pecan ice-cream.

Dec 4, 15 9:04 am  · 

Coconut meringue pie. Apple pie *warm* with vanilla ice cream. Peanut butter pie. Strawberry pie. Pecan pie. Indiana sugar cream pie.

Hmmm. I was thinking I only liked a very few kinds of pie, but I was wrong. I like lots of pie.

So I got a recorded announcement from my school district this morning. As I listened to the first few words I was of course panicking that we had an active shooter situation at school and this was how they were letting us know....but the reality is the bus was running 20 minutes late. Still, this is our world now.

Dec 4, 15 9:28 am  · 

It's like a sunny spring day here on A'nect. Hallelujah!

Dec 4, 15 9:30 am  · 

We've been watching Jessica Jones. It's very good, although Jessica bugs me a bit.

Dec 4, 15 9:33 am  · 

anything but pumpkin pie is delicious. that one is a weird contrivance only acceptable at thanksgiving.

Dec 4, 15 9:34 am  · 
Non Sequitur

^ Never.....

Pumpkin pie is the king of pies suitable for any pie eating occasion.

Dec 4, 15 9:36 am  · 

Chicken and mushroom pie is glorious.

Dec 4, 15 9:56 am  · 

Chicken pie can indeed be delicious, thank you for bringing up savory pies, archiwutm8!  The last chicken pie I ate was one made from my own chicken that I slaughtered and processed with the help of my parents.  I don't think I've ever had mushrooms added.

Dec 4, 15 10:12 am  · 
Non Sequitur

Savory pies?

You want savory then head on up to jolly ol' Québec for the meatiest of meat pies.

Tourtière is King I tell ya... King!

Dec 4, 15 10:16 am  · 

I am more of a pie than cake man myself, might be able to get into that weird combo thing...

The wife and I have made a couple of banana cream pies lately (one before thanksgiving as a test run and one for the day itself). We had a bit of a disagreement as too whether or not Nilla wafers needed to be included. Also, about whether to do a regular cream pie or banana cream (she doesn't like bananas). Perhaps it is my 20 years in south, but my position was emphatically yes to both. She obviously loves me cause i won on both.

As for savory pies, does shepherds count?

Dec 4, 15 10:43 am  · 
Wilma Buttfit

I am making cinnamon rolls, chocolate rolls, two kinds of chili, and mac and cheese for a winter forest tailgating tomorrow. I am hosting a christmas tree hunting party in the forest, yippeee!!!

Dec 4, 15 10:45 am  · 

Pie thread, hell yeah.

I could eat pecan pie every day. And don't try to slip chocolate in there. If you want to use bourbon in the pecan pie, I'm good with that though. Pie for breakfast is probably my favorite too, really underrated breakfast food.

Not a huge fan of savory pies, but there is a meat pie shop opening up a couple blocks away from work. Should be open soon I think - have to check that out.

Dec 4, 15 10:49 am  · 

there are some forms of humor you just have to be a well educated architect to understand, so TC, i give you holiday celebration in kenova, west virginia

and just a friendly reminder

Dec 4, 15 10:57 am  · 

A little something for everyone.

Dec 4, 15 11:31 am  · 

I finally, after many years of trying, achieved what I think is a well-designed and tasteful scheme for my front yard Christmas lights.  Now I just think it's boring.

Dec 4, 15 12:02 pm  · 
I make a killer Margarita Pie, and Icebox Pie.
Dec 4, 15 12:10 pm  · 

I just read this and it seriously made me laugh until I cried, my stomach hurt, and my glasses fell off my face. Does anyone else find they can't get more than three (edited) paragraphs in before losing it?

Dec 4, 15 12:34 pm  · 

I know it's not everyone's sense of humor. I also fell out of my chair - literally - and couldn't breath laughing at this one:

Dec 4, 15 12:41 pm  · 

Architectural registration update: After a lot of thought, I've decided to withdraw my application for licensure from New York State and apply with Ohio. In retrospect I should've done this months ago when I moved back to Cincinnati from NY, but there's really no good reason for me to get registered in New York beyond a sentimental attachment to NYC.

This means I'll most likely get my Ohio license a lot sooner than what would've been the case if I got registered in New York first and then gone through the process of reciprocal registration. I can always get reciprocal registration in New York in the future if needed.

I plan to apply for NCARB certification and reciprocal registration in Washington state as soon as possible, but it will likely take a few months for that process to play out. In the meantime, I'm cautiously optimistic that I'll be a registered architect in Ohio before Christmas.

Dec 4, 15 2:33 pm  · 

Wow, before Christmas, really? that's fantastic. I think you made a good choice. It's romantic to have NY be there first, but it doesn't really matter.

Dec 4, 15 3:11 pm  · 

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