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I'd go line by line and debunk every Balkins assertion so far with actual sources, but I have a job.

Dec 3, 15 2:33 pm  · 


So what. That's why as people we have a responsibility to exercise discipline and control and instill that in our youth. 

We have an ill citizenship.

Just because you own a tank doesn't mean you use the turret gun to shoot the cars in front of you on the highway. 

All problems points to the person. Then it is the person. Frankly sir, without disclosing military classified secret weapons or how an a--hole can attain these weapons, a hell-bent a--hole will replace guns with something else many times more dangerous if they didn't have guns.

Don't change the status quo from guns to something worse.

Dec 3, 15 2:36 pm  · 

balkn's, you are your only enemy.

Dec 3, 15 2:39 pm  · 

What legally + easily obtainable object is many times worse than a gun?

Dec 3, 15 2:42 pm  · 
Non Sequitur

Balkins, you're a glowing example of why background checks and gun control laws need to be enforced. The thought of someone so deranged owning a firearm is alarming.

Your views are dead wrong and intellectually insulting to anyone old enough to tie their own shoes. Get help.

Dec 3, 15 2:42 pm  · 


you can't shoot a gun without human interaction to operate. Guns don't just accidently discharges without human interaction of some kind. A child mishandling a gun can result in a accidental shooting. But it takes a mind to control the hand that pressed the trigger or to flip the safety switch or to put load the bullets.

I'm not saying every case was an intent to kill someone but it always takes a mind to pull the trigger. In the context of the recent shooting in California is clear intentional control and use of a gun to shoot and kill people. 

When it comes to children and guns, that is a separate matter and frankly, you would not have the bullets loaded in the gun, you would have trigger, safety locks and you would have it in a locked cabinet. Basic safety when it comes to children. 

Guns do not have any will. When a gun is not in use, no bullets should ever be in the chamber. The gun should always be unloaded. Guns are tools that requires responsible control to operate. 

Dec 3, 15 2:50 pm  · 

No one is arguing against the thing you're saying. They're making the astute point that the thing you're saying is irrelevant to the argument.

Dec 3, 15 2:58 pm  · 


What legally + easily obtainable object is many times worse than a gun?

Balkins probably thinks everyone has a downloaded pdf of the Anarchist Cookbook on their phones and are ready to make deadly shit to blow themselves up.

Dec 3, 15 3:03 pm  · 


If I told you, I will have to kill you.

Therefore, I will not tell you. 

Dec 3, 15 3:07 pm  · 


How do we know you haven't downloaded the Anarchist Cookbook but it can be said the terrorists probably have a copy of that book (electronically or in print) among others.

Dec 3, 15 3:10 pm  · 

now you're threatening to kill people rick?  you're the person we need to worry about.  you're the person we need to defend ourselves against.   you're the bad guy.  you having guns is a bad thing, and if the government exists to protect the governed, then the government has a responsibility to take guns away from you and put you in a safe place where you can't hurt anyone.

Dec 3, 15 3:11 pm  · 

talking about expansions joints is where you develop a passion for the actual profession.

This sentence makes me giddy. Thank you, curt.

I hate guns, and for the most part think people who own them have tiny penises. Or rather, ONE tiny penis.

Dec 3, 15 3:18 pm  · 

death threats on Archinect, that's a new low, even for Ricky.....doesn't the NSA monitor this site? Shouldn't the local FBI be knocking on an Astoria, OR  door by now?

Donna, you are correct on the penis assessment, going on since the beginning of time.

Dec 3, 15 3:23 pm  · 

I wonder if all the militia nuts on the Soldier of Fortune forum find Balkins as irritating as we do.

Dec 3, 15 3:26 pm  · 

"With nearly 2 billion islam believers and ~15% of them are extremist radicals that are taught on an extreme ideology to destroy western civilization, I don't think the U.S. military or our police has the resources to stop all of them without resorting to basically a total end of human civilization. "



15% are extremist radicals? Where is this number coming from? is this like all the other stats you somehow obtain out of the air?

Dec 3, 15 3:26 pm  · 
Non Sequitur

tiny penis?

Dec 3, 15 3:29 pm  · 

Ricky B,

There isn't anything worse accessible to the general population at such a large scale other than guns. A potential attacker with a knife will think 10 times before setting out on a rampage to kill dozens of people. A knife doesn't provide the range or personal safety that an assault rifle does. A knife won't accidentally go off and kill your neighbor's kid if you pick it up wrong. 

Dec 3, 15 3:33 pm  · 


classic CIA line. Frankly, if I disclosed that information, then I would have to have to clean house the information trail. That information if disclosed entirely would be aiding and abetting those who will use that kind of information to kill people in the masses. 

I'm not going out to kill tduds but if I am going to tell him classified information then I would be in a position where I would have to because such information really doesn't belong out on public forums. 

A death threat would have to imply that I have an intent to kill a person. I point is that such information does not belong being discussed on a public internet forum and we shouldn't be telling people how to get or make certain kinds of very deadly weapons. 

As I said to tduds, "Therefore I will not tell you." Means, I have no desire to kill him and the information is too dangerous to be discussed on public forums. It is bad enough, the rabbit is out of the hat, enough. The point is make the enemy have to find the information. Don't just tell them. 

I don't want to kill tduds but it is information that if I were to tell him, how can I keep that information from being disseminated to others without having to kill him because dead people don't speak.

Therefore, I will not tell him as I do not have an intent to kill him. 

Dec 3, 15 3:37 pm  · 

Thanks for clearing that up while dodging the argument yet again.

Dec 3, 15 3:39 pm  · 

Non Seq, that's Brad in a role. He's *playing* a guy with a tiny penis. He's exceptionally talented. (Note: "talented" is not a euphemism.)

Dec 3, 15 3:44 pm  · 
You can take the Balkins out of the Ricky, but you can't take the Dick out of the Balkins.

Listen, stooge, you haven't the slightest fucking clue about architecture, let's not compound your idiocy, by having people suffer the stupid you profess is the way the works works.

In short, you're a douchecanoe, you glorified drafting technician.
Dec 3, 15 3:45 pm  · 


The collected intelligence of CIA and other intelligence agencies.

The reason the number is that high is because 30 years ago there had been a very influential Ayatolla that promoted this extremist  ideology and it has become engrained and taught. 

The views gained support because of the sins of CIA over the past nearly 68 years. 

You name it, the sins of our nation's past doesn't help and when this is viewed, they have a strong anti-western world (anti-British  and anti-US). 

The very fact that we along with the UK created the current incarnation of Israel which caused a political rift in the Islam world. It doesn't end there. It is a whole chain of events in the middle-east that developed a strong anti-American, anti-western world view point and there is a heated moment that is at a flash point.

Radical / zealots are only a single terrorist attack from being a terrorist.

It doesn't take much for them to be part of the cause of terrorism or carrying out acts of terrorism.

Dec 3, 15 3:47 pm  · 


In an aforementioned wikipedia link, New Zealand is the lowest and last 'developed nation' of any size in terms of gun violence. Consider that in light of your above statement ;)

This comment will probably be buried as mine usually are, but as an early Archinector who sometimes pops in to lurk and have a look (since from around 2001) I have to say that this entire forum is now a shadow of its former self despite some of the long termer's best efforts.

No idea why, but it is akin to a subreddit clusterf*ck. Let me partially digress.

Although I am of a similar 'western' background as many of the people here, I share none of the understanding of the reason why many American's are gun nuts. No clue, no understanding - complete foreign in every sense to me.

And yes, gun nuts in the proverbial sense. There are some pockets of insanity in the states, as there are in NZ, The main difference is that we don't empower them with tools of violence through legal means, backed by an industrial complex awash in money under the guise of so-called freedom.

But what would I know - we are in a corner of the earth increasingly rewarded with the tyranny of remoteness. Someone could take us over in 5 minutes. And there would be hardly any guns to go round too fight back. We will take the risk I guess, because we don't want your alternative - who would?

I also have to say that the tone on this forum as an outsider, is a microcosm of US society as I know it - genuine, earnest and sincere people, some nut jobs which devolve frustratingly (usually after sincere efforts to create understanding) into the inevitable bullying that I see all the time now here.

Architecture is a profession and practice. I suggest that many of you should look at your conduct on this forum and really ask yourselves whether you would work with or for you based on what people can glean from this forum - anonymous or otherwise.

Who cares what I think though.

TLDR - really archinect?

Dec 3, 15 3:48 pm  · 
Non Sequitur

^ Blame Balkins

Dec 3, 15 3:50 pm  · 

Non Sequitur,

I/we have seen many Balkins's over the years-  they come and go. This forum is a library of babel of bollocks.

Dec 3, 15 3:53 pm  · 

Balkins powder keg.

Dec 3, 15 3:53 pm  · 

Not to get all twee and patronising on this, but I am a father to 3 young boys. The biggest lesson I have to teach them is that no one is responsible for their actions and reactions but themselves. Hard to explain to a 6, 9 and 11 year old - architects, masters students and others here on the other hand should have got that a long time ago.

Dec 3, 15 3:58 pm  · 




Until then, shut up.

PROVE that a gun will actually operate on its own without human interaction. I don't blame guns. I blame people. It's a people problem. 

The problem is with PEOPLE.

If you want a nation without needing guns or any weapon for self-defense then you are going to need a nation without humans (people). The problem is social. The problem is psychological. The problem is people.

Dec 3, 15 3:58 pm  · 

The problem is Balkins.

Dec 3, 15 4:02 pm  · 

the only classified information you have  is why your parents haven't kicked you out of their house yet.

Dec 3, 15 4:03 pm  · 

I will keep my guns and weapons for self-defense and protection of family and friends.

300 Millions Chinese and / or a bunch of Muslim extremists have no interest in your mouse and keyboard.

Aside from that, if the problems is people, not guns, and we can't get rid of people, then isn't getting rid of guns the logical thing to do? Think hard about this for a few years and then get back to us.

Dec 3, 15 4:04 pm  · 

where is Balkins? was he banned? 

^ what's going on here?

Dec 3, 15 4:11 pm  · 

If people want to kill people, why not just give them convenient access to the thing that makes killing people super efficient and easy? If we take that tool away it'll just be, you know, a lot harder for them to commit murder.

Dec 3, 15 4:11 pm  · 


Ricky B is Balkins' new rap name. Reppin' the streets and basements of Astoria, Oregon.

Dec 3, 15 4:14 pm  · 

this is funny:

Dec 3, 15 4:22 pm  · 


You don't get rid of people. Those people who are out there shooting people, they need to get help to restore mental health and social health before they do these things.

Getting rid of guns is never going to happen because why, outside the U.S., guns are very prolific. Getting a gun in most of the countries throughout the world is easy.

They will still be. 

If you want a nation that never going to need guns or other weapons, it's going to have to be a nation without human beings.

Dec 3, 15 4:23 pm  · 

Lol.. some people never grow up 

Dec 3, 15 4:27 pm  · 

outside the U.S., guns are very prolific.


I wasn't going to do it but I'll start doing it. From now on I'm only responding to you with sources that show your made up facts to be wrong.

Dec 3, 15 4:27 pm  · 

more like rick-Bore

Dec 3, 15 4:28 pm  · 
Dick - Balkins, show me a drafting technician that knows anything about dick; law, architecture, guns, women, art, interior design, construction, life, humans, plagiarism, etc...and I'll show you an unrepentant asshat. Dick-Balkins.
Dec 3, 15 4:29 pm  · 

I'm pulling an Al Qaeda by luring Balkins into a costly, time-wasting flame war that slowly ruins his ability to ever get a job. I don't need any competition in Oregon.

Dec 3, 15 4:33 pm  · 


guns are sold throughout the world. They are manufactured/mass produce and sold anywhere and sold all over the places. Even people in third world countries of Africa has guns. 

If U.S. becomes a nation without guns then it will be a nation taken over because we would be weak because they can just downright storm the U.S. in numbers far beyond the capacity of the 2.1 to 2.2 million in the military personnel.

The reason a country like China or other high population countries don't just do a mass wave of 5-10 million is because they won't go very far with U.S. citizens defending the homeland. 

Remember, just because China doesn't seem like an enemy today doesn't mean they can't be in the future.

Iran also has a high population.

ISIS/ISIL has anywhere from 66 to 290 Million supporters throughout the world. Some direct and some indirect supporters.

Some rogue radicals and then the numbers become scarily large if carried out in full force against the U.S. 

If we didn't have guns, the 2.2 Million military personnel can be killed off substantially. We need a ready and armed citizen 'militia' to defend the nation above and beyond the military. That is the Constitutional foundation that built the United States and made it the super power. Without us, defending the country, this country will surely fall. 

The citizen 'militia' or the word militia may have a temporal connotation but it is the citizens that will need to defend the nation along side our soldiers when you have a massive scale attack by a country or organized group that brings to bear forces on the order of 100 Million or more.

I presented hypothetical scenarios, what are you going to do if the enemies of this country has guns and you don't?

Dec 3, 15 4:38 pm  · 

I was going to try to respond to the discussion I was trying to start a page or so back, but it appears that has been drowned by Balkins' word vomit. 

So instead, I'll just post this picture of a bumper sticker I saw once and consequently just about crashed my car I was laughing so hard.

Back to you Balkins for your spewing ...  

Dec 3, 15 4:40 pm  · 

In other news, I will now always picture Balkins (now that he has removed his profile picture) wearing a tin foil hat.

Dec 3, 15 4:42 pm  · 
Ruh-Oh, someone forgot to take her meds. Quick, Dick-Bal is going full Balkins.
Dec 3, 15 4:43 pm  · 

tduds, i try to keep myself to 1 or 2 attempts at dealing with RB.  too many responses gets pretty spammy.  just my $0.02.

Dec 3, 15 4:45 pm  · 

Balkins, you know how every now and again somebody posts the latest compilation of your collected misinformation, outrageous boasts, cobbled together plagiaopinions, and other hilarity?   And then you know how you respond with "I don't need this!" and a bunch of profanity, and then flurry about futilely trying to hide your trail?  Did you ever stop to think all of that would be unnecessary if you stopped posting the things you don't want people (potential clients, employers, friends, family, landlords, university administrators, law enforcement, the AIBD)  to find in the future?  Stop and think about that now.

Dec 3, 15 4:51 pm  · 

Actually, I'm already bored with this.

That last rant was too dumb to even warrant a debunking. 

Dec 3, 15 4:54 pm  · 
Wait, dia, in light of which statement?

Actually it doesn't matter. The US is so screwed. I looked into emigrating to NZ a few years ago and the barriers for me and my husband seem pretty high, sadly.

I totally agree with you on the state of the Forum. But check out the "lets talk about a building" thread! It's excellent!
Dec 3, 15 5:06 pm  · 

@Everyday Intern

In other news, I will now always picture Balkins (now that he has removed his profile picture) wearing a tin foil hat.

Dec 3, 15 5:13 pm  · 

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