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healthcare is absolute nonsense in this country, I lived in West Germany once, I know...

one month, or two, missed health insurance payments, sure enough that month my youngest had to go to the hospital, i didn't tell wife, she found out at the hospital we were uninsured at the moment (didn't want her not to go over money).

the hospital deduct for being uninsured was same as a monthly payment. so what I owed = the deductable.

in short I'm probably better off not having health insurance.

Dec 1, 15 9:16 pm  · 
Sorry to hear about your wife. I hope she recovers fast. Thankfully she has you to help her. Also Dealing with insurance companies and the hospitals is very stressful.

It's a complicated thing regarding healthcare. As a young'n working for a small office that does not offer healthcare Obamacare is pretty much my only affordable option.

Certainly not a perfect system.
Dec 1, 15 9:20 pm  · 

(happened a few months ago, all good)

Obamacare only works if you're poor enough, or perhaps not paid enough.

I'm in a shitty 'middle class' zone, where it works out the same financially, in other words no help from the government,  so I buy my health insurance, which should be a 100% tax deductable if you're going to make me do that.  is it?

of course if you're wealthy, nothing is a problem.

Dec 1, 15 9:38 pm  · 

This forum is useless. There are no talents here.. And I thought I'd be talking to elites.. :/

Dec 1, 15 10:58 pm  · 

^ Like walking into the wrong bar.

Dec 1, 15 11:03 pm  · 

Dave B Harry-Balls, I've looked at your web-site, I've reviewed your "portfolio" of work, describing your work as amateur would be an insult to amateurs. Your mapping is shit, your form making wouldn't make any design publications in the 1980's. Bugger off twat.

Dec 1, 15 11:30 pm  · 

There are no talents here

Looking at your portfolio I agree wholeheartedly.

Dec 1, 15 11:44 pm  · 

I'm going to say this a 3rd time and the last time.. I'm not an architect! I don't design stuff. I do modelling from floor plans, texturing, setup rendering scenes and actually do the renderings. Its called Architectural Visualization. I'm here to seek talented architects. Can't say much about your portfolio Ricky wannabe..

Dec 1, 15 11:52 pm  · 


Dec 1, 15 11:55 pm  · 

alienate your only friend


Dec 2, 15 12:33 am  · 

I was talking to miles (profile pic).

Dec 2, 15 12:52 am  · 

Go to and say the same stuff you've been saying here, I'm sure they'll rip you a new asshole. You do modelling and renderings but you can't even render light properly and you have a bad attitude, if you can't accept criticism you can never work in design and yes visualisation is considered design before you say you can't or don't design What type of training or background do you have?

Dec 2, 15 2:04 am  · 

He's probably one of those guys who dropped out of school and has no job, so he goes online and decides that rendering = easy money because "muh 40 cores beast CPU" and comes here with his shit portfolio thinking he's a visualization god. 

Dec 2, 15 3:12 am  · 

Dave B Harry if thats your real name and you are a real person and not the cousin of Mike Hunt or Ben Dover, I will break it down for you and I have tauht rendering and will show you sample work..........Two Types of renders Architects can use - 1) part of design process which means you do need knowledge of architecture and abilitity to produce a multiplicity of styles and churn things out in minutes - samples - you have 40 cores and say you are not an architect so my guess is you are trying to get into the marketing side 2) marketing - very high quality eye candy often includes websites and other marketing packages. Your work IS NO WHERE close, in short it SUCKS. see Spine3d or D-Box(if they even do straight up rendering anymore) and there are a handful of Chinese and Southeast Asian companies to nearly comparable work at cheaper prices. you are not even close to their quality.........i have taughr students in a semester to produce better renderings. You have a lot to learn.

Dec 2, 15 6:57 am  · 

I don't design stuff. 

I wasn't referring to your lack of design skills.

Dec 2, 15 9:17 am  · 

i'm dealing with insurance for a totalled car.  not the same as health insurance, but i assume it's pretty much the same.  i think the secret is that the lawyers are the ones who rigged the game, so you have to involve them to get a fair settlement.  remember, obama is a lawyer, as is most everyone who writes, studies, defends, judges, or does pretty much anything else dealing with the law.

my answer to solving health insurance problems is to not go to the doctor.  i suppose that will catch up with me some day though.

Dec 2, 15 9:30 am  · 

Alright lads, I'm going Copenhagen and maybe Prague this month any suggestions to what I should see?

Dec 2, 15 9:32 am  · 

shuellmi: I'm doing it for LA license (and I'm not using CLARB for it b/c the annual dues didn't seem worth it); still finishing up IDP for the Arch license.

Dec 2, 15 9:50 am  · 


See the dentist- I read an article that said root canals are like, $38 in Prague...

Dec 2, 15 10:56 am  · 
Non Sequitur

Dave, you suck at modelling and visualizations. Your portfolio is shit.

Now go away.

Dec 2, 15 11:29 am  · 

Don't miss Plecnik's work at the Castle in Prague. OMG. So good. The purple brick church there is also incredible, but I wasn't able to go inside the clock tower which was unfortunate.

Also Loos' Villa Muller is one of the best interiors ever, and is open for visiting these days. I had to pretty much sneak into it 24 years ago!

Dec 2, 15 12:12 pm  · 

Anything for Copenhagen? No idea what I'm doing, booked it last minute cause I had a few days free.

Dec 2, 15 12:23 pm  · 

I need to rant.

I'm beyond pissed with the NY state board right now. In addition to meeting NCARB's IDP requirements, they require applicants for licensure to have three years experience with firms registered to do business in New York State. Since I've worked at reputable firms in NYC for several years, I figure no problem, right? Wrong.

Back in 2007 I took a two-year hiatus from my undergrad studies to work at a firm in NYC. When the recession hit and I got laid off in 2010, I finally re-enrolled in school, finished my undergrad degree, and started grad school. The problem is, New York doesn't award credit for work experience gained while a student, even though I wasn't enrolled in any classes at all during that time. I need nine months of additional experience in NY addition to my IDP hours, and they're only willing to grant me credit for 5 months of those two years.

Just as frustrating, anytime they've had a question or needed to provide additional documentation, I've always gotten it to them within a matter of hours. But I think my file goes to the back of the queue each time I send them something, and the process starts all over again. It's been eight weeks already, and now they're saying it will take up to several more weeks for a response. Whenever I've called them on the phone, they've been incredibly curt and lackadaisical. Mind you, this is the body that enforces professional conduct.

I've spent 20 years of my life working toward this goal, and most of that time was spent taking part-time evening classes while working my ass off during the day, while dealing with health and financial issues. And I still have six figures of student loan debt to show for it, I've put off settling down and getting married, and I'll probably never own a home or retire. I've jumped through every hoop that's been placed in front of me, and now they're saying it's not good enough. Seems like the system is designed to fuck over those of us who weren't fortunate enough to have mommy and daddy pay for a traditional four-year, full-time college degree. (Yes, I know. And water is wet.)

At this point I'm not sure what to do. I'm seriously tempted to withdraw my application from New York State and apply directly with Ohio or Washington, if that's even possible.


Dec 2, 15 2:40 pm  · 

PM'd you.

Marcy does not provide a comforting vibe, over there.  A little bit of a smile when she talked would be so reassuring.

Dec 2, 15 2:55 pm  · 

I swear, it's like dealing with some fictional bureaucracy from a Franz Kafka novel or Terry Gilliam's 'Brazil'.

Dec 2, 15 2:59 pm  · 

Here is the thread.  See Spontaneous' comment.  You even commented within this thread.

Dec 2, 15 3:02 pm  · 


Dec 2, 15 3:03 pm  · 

Saw that. I wasn't enrolled anywhere near half-time status during this period of employment (in fact, I wasn't enrolled at all), but they're still telling me the work experience doesn't count.

Whenever I tried to explain that, she'd usually interrupt me in mid-sentence and recite from her script again.

Dec 2, 15 3:08 pm  · 

David, that sucks so much.

Dec 2, 15 3:13 pm  · 

And now another mass shooting by white dudes with a camouflage fetish. If it weren't raining right now I'd drop everything and take a long walk around the block.

Dec 2, 15 3:36 pm  · 

David Cole,

I highly suggest you inquire about re-transmitting your NCARB record to another state instead of New York. You may possibly work around that and back into New York via reciprocity rules. Just an idea.

I highly suggest inquiring or simply file and pay NCARB to re-transmit NCARB record. It might be that all that matters is getting NCARB to file. 

I believe it is possible that you can file into Washington or Ohio (or both) and possibly cover New York.. later. Find the path of least resistance to initial licensure.

I do not recall Washington requiring that your experience be in that state.

I wish you best.

Dec 2, 15 3:37 pm  · 

David that blows.

I just found out this afternoon that I'm now an architect, I'm sure it is a total coincidence that it came two days after I received an email from a case worker at my state rep's office saying that he would look into my application.

You could try contacting someone in your state's legislature, perhaps they can get someone's attention?

Dec 2, 15 4:04 pm  · 

Thank you, Balkins, I'm aware of Ohio and Washington's requirements, and I've been in touch with NCARB already.

I'll give New York a few more days to get their shit together. If there hasn't been any movement by the end of next week I'll probably withdraw my application from NY and start a new application with Ohio.

Congrats, shuellmi!

Dec 2, 15 4:19 pm  · 

It would be the $400 NCARB transmittal, plus the wait for them to transmit, plus the application fee to the next state, then the wait for application processing, then the dues for the first renewal period, and the wait for that to be processed - all before you could apply for reciprocity.  Even by NCARB's most optimistic schedule and assuming the states with the shortest processes that would be another 6 to 8 weeks minimum, more if it's any of the states that have to officially vote on you at a board meeting, and $600 to $1000 or more in extra fees- and then to apply to NY for reciprocity would be another outlay of cash and time. 

The situation sucks, but I think you'll get to the end of it more quickly by satisfying the few more months of work experience that you're missing in NY's convoluted rules than to get into the rigamarole of getting another state's license and then transferring back through NY.


Dec 2, 15 4:23 pm  · 

Also once you get licensed elsewhere you'd have to have your NCARB record sent to NY again, because now it will show that you're licensed - but NCARB won't transmit your record once you're licensed unless you get NCARB certified (unless you're not eligible for certification.)  The wait for certification is much shorter than it used to be (5+ months when I did it) but it's still 4 to 6 weeks - and then the $400 transmittal fee again to send the now-certified record to NY again.

Dec 2, 15 4:30 pm  · 

NCARB is looking into the possibility of waiving the $400 transmittal fee this time, and the fee for initial registration in Ohio is only $50. And it would all presumably get reimbursed by my employer anyway. New York would at least partially refund the $370 fee I gave them.

I'm no longer living or working in NY state, so I'm not in any particular rush to get a NY state license; that just happens to be the state where I was living when I filed the initial paperwork.

I am, however, anxious to get an initial license from *any* state so that I can finally call myself an architect and send out job applications as such. I also have a small project in the pipeline here in Cincinnati and I'd like to get moving on it as quickly as possible, and I plan on moving to Seattle at the end of April. So I might be better off just getting my initial license through Ohio and then starting the NCARB certification process so that I can get a license in Washington around the time I arrive. New York can wait until I actually have a real reason for getting registered there.

Dec 2, 15 4:34 pm  · 

Oh, I see.  Yes it might make sense to give up on NY then.  Just pick a state that doesn't have to approve applications at a board meeting - that usually adds 2 months to the overall schedule.

How much are Ohio's dues for the first year? (most states make you pay that too before they'll send you the license number.)

Dec 2, 15 4:38 pm  · 

The $50 covers the first year's dues. Ohio has a massive brain drain problem, so they're desperate for professionals to set up shop here. (And then the state government turns around and passes laws that further makes smart people want to leave Ohio, but that's another topic.)

I don't think initial registration requires a board meeting; they issue an interim registration that officially allows you to call yourself an architect and practice as such, and then the entire board apparently votes to make it formal and signs your wall certificate, which may take a few months.

Dec 2, 15 4:51 pm  · 

Congratulations, shuellmi!! It's awesome. And I'm so glad to hear some good news in the midst of the crappy news everywhere else (not on Archinect, but all over. More shootings.)

I'm very bummed out tonight. So I'm going to bed and hopefully tomorrow will be better. If nothing else, tomorrow I get to do some public hand drafting for a fundraiser for the Museum's programs for teens!

Dec 2, 15 11:10 pm  · 

"I saw thousands of white people shoot 350 people in San Bernadino" - D-Trump

It must be true.


FRaC, if we made a mistake, it was based on early reporting, from the news. Now, all the right-wing-D-tRumps will go out there and have a field day with a guy named Farook, and call this ISIL inspired. Fact, 14 people are dead, 15 or so are seriously injured. Guns are a fucking problem in this country. 

Dec 2, 15 11:37 pm  · 


guns aren't the problem. PEOPLE are the problem. Guns can not kill people as they are inanimate objects. If it ain't guns it would be swords and knives and bows & arrows. 

The problem isn't guns. The problem is a people problem. We have a people problem in the United States. The United States has a serious problem with mental illnesses leading to this and part of the exacerbated problem has been A) media putting national attention causing a frenzy, B) economy problems, C) Divisive and dysfunctional government.

Media for damn sake, STOP turning these *LOTS OF BAD WORDS* into stars. Media, if you believe in American values and citizenship and what the nation founding fathers values, YOU NEED TO EXERCISE discretion and not make these people into pop stars. Stop making this world into the video game storytelling because the end result is certain death for everyone. If you even wish to have a safe future for your family to grow up in, don't ruin the nation. Don't exacerbate the mental illness problems of our country. These people are dangerous because they are desperate and out of control. Desperate and out of control doesn't mean they can't be organized in carrying out their objectives. They are always aimless idiots with a gun. They can be strategically organized because they have actual military training whether U.S. or foreign. They are out of control because they are way out of operating on in a rational mind. They are crazy in that they are out to destroy and kill YOU, your son and daughters (after raping them a 1000 times by every one of them, then beating them and then downright killing them).

This is why media needs to SHUT THE F___ UP and exercise self-censorship for the health of the nation to not dwell on crap.

Our government leaders, it is time they we downright dissolve the political parties and serve the nation and its citizens. NO MORE REPUBLICAN OR DEMOCRAT. There should be only ONE party.... the AMERICAN party of ONE NATION united. Partisan politics needs to end.... NOW! 

4 more years of this and the country will be so damages that we will need to dissolve the United States and start again as new nation(s). 

I'm afraid that the United States as we know it is running a course to its own destruction and this would end in a civil war that will be bloody. The idea of a civil revolution is optimistically idealistic but borders fantasy if history is to be a lesson.

However, we need to remember one thing, lets not let our emotions cloud our sights on the real problem. Guns themselves are not the problem. Guns do not operate without human control of operation. This isn't a case of accidental discharge. This is a case of explicit human control of the guns. A gun is a tool to kill for food that we eat. 

Blaming guns is like blaming cars for running over people or people dying in car accidents. Sorry but that's just blaming the things that allows our nation to literally defend itself if we were to be attacked by foreign and domestic tyranny. 

Guns as with other weapons is a necessary tool for self-defense because guns are accessible EVERYWHERE in the world so if we were ever in war with a country like China or Iran (if it develops an armed force capable to global wide reach), how are you going to defend yourself against a BILLION combatants coming over to the U.S. in the waves of 100 Million plus people.

We only have 350 Million or so citizens but if only those who are in the armed forces or police is the only ones with guns, then how the hell can we defend our country against conquest. We might think conquest doesn't happen anymore.... don't be stupid. Human history proves people will do ANYTHING for their objectives. 

Therefore guns as with our weapons are tools of offense and defense but they are a tool but a tool does nothing without a mind. We the people are the minds. 

Therefore, we need to stop blaming on the wrong things and point things exactly to what is. PEOPLE ARE MESSED UP. We have a people problem and an erosion in the union of our nation. 

Dec 3, 15 4:07 am  · 

I blame guns.

Dec 3, 15 4:08 am  · 
FRAC, the reason we all jumped to the angry white dudes theory is that it has happened so many times before. Predicting an outcome based on previous results from the same situation is actually a *good* trait to have.
Dec 3, 15 5:20 am  · 
Non Sequitur
Balkins has gone full-retard.
Dec 3, 15 6:43 am  · 

shuellmi does that mean you got the VIP membership to archinect? is that handled by NCARB. curios.

Dec 3, 15 7:06 am  · 

and I blame Canada,the happiest and most free country in the world as per their citizens in a recent research.

Dec 3, 15 7:07 am  · 

Eh, it's guns. We have more guns than US citizens.

Dec 3, 15 7:30 am  · 

fuckin' eh!

Dec 3, 15 7:31 am  · 
I'm going to try to throw happy thoughts into TC all day today (because the only other option is to curl up under my couch with s bottle of bourbon): in ten minutes I meet with one of my favorite structural engineers ever! Yay for people who know their shit!
Dec 3, 15 7:59 am  · 

Donna, try googling some version of "the world is getting better"

might help distract from tragedy

Dec 3, 15 8:21 am  · 

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