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ha, well, since I registered for this so long ago, and we can't change usernames around here, I'm 'rationalist' again. Hi all!

Apr 11, 11 10:37 pm  · 

paul, definitely agree about the emailing of members... 

Also, phuyake the images should autosize for you I believe....
Apr 11, 11 10:53 pm  · 
enough with the new archinect chitchat - I want to talk about this new fashion trend I really don't understand: men's tights.  I'm sure if you live in NYC/Boston/SanFran/LA you've must have seen this...  I don't get it.
Apr 11, 11 11:47 pm  · 

tights or leggings? either way ew.

Apr 12, 11 12:03 am  · 

Jeggings?  The most heinous fashion idea ever spawned?

Apr 12, 11 12:44 am  · 

Awesome! Dad Jeggings. A masculine answer to mom jeans.

Happy birthday Donna! This entire new site, just for you.
Apr 12, 11 12:53 am  · 
Sean Taylor

Not sure about the "firm potential".  In concept I would love to put my firm on the site.  But, the one time I actually put an ad on the 2.0 Archinect site for an open position, I got a ridiculous amount of applications from every part of the globe (from anyone just looking for a green-card) from people that really had zero chance of working for us.  I realize that sounds bad, but it was a huge waste of time for us.  I suspect that if I put our firm up on 3.0, I would get a constant stream of applications - even when we weren't looking for anyone.

Apr 12, 11 12:58 am  · 
Sean Taylor

Otherwise, love the update and love the edit feature on posting.

Apr 12, 11 1:01 am  · 

tyvek, are you hiring? I was gonna send you my 80mb portfolio, but clicking on your user name does nothing.

It does nothing!
Also, just put up your firm's profile (when they let you). Don't be a debbie downer. All the other kids are going it. etc...
Apr 12, 11 1:12 am  · 
Sean Taylor

Yes, we are hiring, but you will have to find our ad on Craigslist.  Although our responses have been equally unproductive, they are certainly more entertaining.

Apr 12, 11 1:15 am  · 

hmm, the new autoformat prevents you from making more that two paragraphs.

this line
and this one
should be separated with an empty line. No can do no more, but that's ok. My freedom to format my own posts is a privilege I took for granted. Shows me right.
Apr 12, 11 1:15 am  · 

I applied for a professional portfolio... now let's just watch them ignore it like they ignored me volunteering to beta test (after being asked via email too!)

Apr 12, 11 1:23 am  · 

hm, I think the new format encourages double-posting, and apparently you can edit a comment you accidentally double posted, but not fully delete the second one...

Apr 12, 11 1:25 am  · 

A couple of things that make me sad:

"Ladies and Gentleman:
'WonderK, I want to hear about your flowers  ' has now been replaced with: (drumroll)
i think snowi and diabase are made up now."
Aw!   :o(
Also, no more post counts!   I personally think that change is good, but what will be our new badge of honor?
Apr 12, 11 3:10 am  · 

we know who we are... that is enough a badge of honor for me!

Apr 12, 11 3:14 am  · 

i was thinking about that tyvek.  when i was putting up our office profile (brief as it is) i was imagining all the new e-mails we will get from people looking for work.  We get so many applications already from people we could never hire and hte number seem to rise the longer we continue here.  we have no idea how anyone even knows about us to be honest.  very strange phenomenon. the internet is definitely a funny animal.

Apr 12, 11 4:38 am  · 
Sarah Hamilton

Sorry, Toast, but the new archinect thing trumped your man-jeggins attempt.  I will say, teaching high schoolers, that those jeggins on boys while wearing super-wide shoes looks ridiculous.  Crazy kids.

Rusty, you have me curious about the paragraph thing.
Seems that I'm doing lots of returns.  Which, incidentally, makes me think of Winnie the Pooh.
Many Happy Returns of the Day!
Apr 12, 11 8:51 am  · 
Sarah Hamilton

AHHH!  I've been tricked!  That was mean, Archinect.

Apr 12, 11 8:52 am  · 

nice pooh reference sarah ;-)

how did archinect trick you?

Apr 12, 11 9:15 am  · 
Sarah Hamilton

Jump, when I typed out the post, with the many returns, it looked just like I wanted in comment window - with the spaces between paragraphs.  But when I submitted, it took the spaces out.  

Maybe I should start using bullets for all my new thoughts/separate ideas instead of separate paragraphs.  Although, I could see that getting obnoxious.
Apr 12, 11 9:38 am  · 

i can't edit. maybe 3.0 doesn't like my pc (strike 1) running ie (strike 2) on xp (strike 3)?

Apr 12, 11 9:45 am  · 
vado retro


Apr 12, 11 10:06 am  · 
Sarah Hamilton

I still don't understand the page number change.  I'm not complaining about it cause its not really a big deal.  I'm just curious why the length changed from 100 posts per page to 50.  That is what happened, right?

Apr 12, 11 10:09 am  · 

Steven, are you referring to editing a post? I recall there is a 5 minute time frame within which you can do your editing.

Apr 12, 11 10:52 am  · 

not jeggings - tights.  at first I saw one guy and didn't think anything of it because people sometimes wear "interesting" things around here - but it's been at least dozen or so instances in the past week (now that it's getting warmer) - all in a very fashion-forward neighborhood.  very strange.

Apr 12, 11 11:38 am  · 
vado retro

how you post videos?

Apr 12, 11 12:13 pm  · 
vado retro

on the question of the superiority of ivy league students: last night i was watching a documentary about Alexander Hamilton. Hamilton attended what would become Columbia and on the campus a statue of him rests outside a building that carries his name. The filmmaker asked several Columbia students who Hamilton was and several of the interviewees had no idea who this man was! wth???

Apr 12, 11 12:25 pm  · 
Sarah Hamilton

Alexander Hamilton ..... Does he play for the Rangers?!

Just kidding.  He was the guy who got into the duel over a lover, right?  They should make a movie of that!

And tights?!  Maybe they're those running/body armour things?
Apr 12, 11 12:29 pm  · 
Sarah Hamilton

HEY HEY!!!  Rusty, we just need to put in two returns when we want one.  I'm a genius.

Apr 12, 11 12:29 pm  · 
vado retro

maybe you're related!

Apr 12, 11 12:35 pm  · 
Sarah Hamilton

Could be re-incarnated!  I've always thought a duel would be the story/movie sense.  I don't think I'd actually want to shoot someone - I want to be clear.  I don't really like firing guns, hurts my wrist, and makes a mess.

Apr 12, 11 12:37 pm  · 
vado retro

watch the film The Duellists. i'd post a link to the trailer but it ain't working.

Apr 12, 11 12:42 pm  · 

I wear my cycling leggings with shorts over them when I go running in colder weather, like that?

(from the member formerly known as Pixelwhore)

Apr 12, 11 3:35 pm  · 

nope more like this:

keep an eye out... you'll see what I'm talking about.

Apr 12, 11 4:11 pm  · 
Sarah Hamilton

Kinda reminds me of this...

Next thing we'll have cod pieces.  Where's that thread?
Apr 12, 11 4:17 pm  · 
vado retro

bacalao piece.

Apr 12, 11 4:40 pm  · 

I wish the new version had a poke feature so I can repeatedly poke Vado's smarmy face.

Apr 12, 11 4:47 pm  · 
Sarah Hamilton

Now Rusty, you better play nice with Vado.  Word has it he's been hangin out in the bayou learning voodoo.

Apr 12, 11 5:37 pm  · 


This thread has evolved over the years into a place where members can go to talk about anything of any circumstance/importance that they see fit for sharing without worrying about trolls or flame wars.  I ask you to please refrain from hurling any insults at other members within the confines of this thread.  Thanks.

your meltiness

Apr 12, 11 5:59 pm  · 

melt, vado's a big boy and I'm sure he can take care of himself. Anyways, we've been f-ing with each other cross thread, and there are no hard feeling here. Or so I hope.

Thanks for not sending me to the timeout corner!
Apr 12, 11 6:31 pm  · 

Aaron, I clicked your codpiece link but it didn't take me where I expected to go, which was here.

BTW, I've had several glasses of wine tonight, making up for having to spend my birthday evening - last night - finishing a pricing set.  So if I post silliness, blame it on the vino, or blame it on my true nature blaming it on the vino.
Apr 12, 11 9:19 pm  · 

Unfortunately that thread seems to have occurred during one of my many hiatuses from Archinect. There's way too much catching up to do!

Apr 12, 11 9:36 pm  · 

Here's the job I *really* want: the person who chooses what image goes with the Forum tabs on the homepage.  Really nicely done so far!

Apr 12, 11 9:41 pm  · 

There should be a matrix defining real names with archinect names so we can keep track.

Apr 12, 11 9:44 pm  · 

ahh, aaron, nice to see you!  I like your Nova Scotia project.  I am still utterly dumbfounded at MIT...  

I'm not sure what I'm going to do about this profile thing.  I would love to have something of my true self online - and this is such an excellent opportunity to finally start putting my work online - but... not quite ready yet.  Still consider it too...dangerous, I suppose, in a way.
Apr 12, 11 11:23 pm  · 

manta, I feel like encouraging you, or anyone, to come out in their real identity here is akin to shouting "Drink! Drink! Drink!" to a freshman at a keg party.  So I'll be quiet about it - it's a personal decision for everyone.

Apr 12, 11 11:33 pm  · 

Well manta the one thing they've done that I think is nice is that they let you choose whether to associate your true identity with your comments or not. You could still have a screen name for your forum posts and only use your true name for your work profile if you wanted, just by clicking a single button.

Apr 13, 11 12:43 am  · 

Thanks manta! I haven't lost too much sleep over the MIT situation although as the notification date for the wait list approaches that may change.

I bounced back and forth a couple times between using my real name or the Archinect name that I've become so attached to, but felt that I should follow Donna's lead in becoming legit. Luckily the option that Erin mentions changes all your entries, not just the ones that happen after the change, so if I decide to revert back to Batman no one will know who Bruce Wayne really is.
Apr 13, 11 8:04 am  · 

sometimes i consider using my real name, but you guys have all gotten to know this one, so...

Apr 13, 11 8:10 am  · 

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