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no problem aaron... i need to get up there again sometime anyway..good to know i have some options.  i may send you the file anyway just to see what you think in regards to how it's laid out..and if i need to make any layer changes and the like.  have fun in AC.. lived here for 8 years and i've only been to AC once..guess we'll be almost passing each other on 95/91/90

Apr 14, 11 5:49 pm  · 

lars: more than happy to look over the file and give feedback on things.

Apr 14, 11 6:53 pm  · 

Going through resume submissions makes me sad.

Apr 14, 11 8:07 pm  · 
Sarah Hamilton

A friend from 10 years ago contacted me today.  He was a Croatian exchange student when I was in high school.  I can't believe he still thinks about me enough to find me on Facebook.  That's nuts!  I'm flattered really.  To think that I made that much of an impression for someone to remember me after 10 years.  I mean, I think of people all the time, but I never stop to think that they may think of me.  Makes me feel good.
Erin, are the submissions terribly bad, or do you have a ton, and no positions available?

Apr 14, 11 9:31 pm  · 

i am curious too.  why sad, erin?  cuz so much bad stuff or so much good stuff?

that is really cool lars, about the job thing i mean.

Apr 14, 11 11:12 pm  · 
If you want to get an MBA, study philosophy instead.

thought I'd share...

Apr 15, 11 12:28 am  · 

So much bad stuff. The most interesting stuff I've gotten has been from illustrators, not actual designers (in other words, good looking stuff that's totally not applicable to the position I'm trying to fill). And the saddest thing is that most of the bad work comes from people who hold BFAs from four-year schools, which makes me sad not only for them, but for the state of design education, because these people surely think that they know what they're doing because someone gave them a design degree.

Apr 15, 11 12:47 am  · 

ah...that sucks.  i know the feeling.  we get so many applications for work that are just not realistic it is scary.  some clearly are not aware of how bad they are.  but then there is an amazing application and we want to hire them right away but don't have enough work to make it happen.  i just hope we keep getting interest from those kinds of applicants.

Apr 15, 11 2:45 am  · 

we've encountered resumes where the spelling and grammar are so egregious that at first it's funny, then it makes everyone so sad that we need to take a break from looking at resumes.

Apr 15, 11 8:56 am  · 
Sarah Hamilton

The only resume I ever got to look at that made me laugh was from a woman in India.  She listed her hobbies, and one of them was "Trekking."  We assumed it was simply a translation issue, but the guy who was doing the actual resume-sifting was a huge nerd - in a good way.  We definitely got a kick out of it.
You know, I am often curious is my portfolio translates to one of those "good" types or a "so bad it's sad" ones.  It's certainly not as flashy as the ones I've seen posted here.  Maybe someday I'll email it to you guys.  When I get my courage all screwed up. 

Apr 15, 11 9:38 am  · 

trekking i think translates to just hiking basically.. although it's a long hike. like 'going for a trek'... like the bicycle company.

i've def had both experiences with resumes/samples.. some are so bad it's funny.. or the information that they divulge/experience is just so odd...
but then there are those others where you just feel sad that my own samples aren't better.
then again.. alot of the samples that i like are more student work based whereas basically everything i have is a built i just don't worry about it

Apr 15, 11 10:44 am  · 
Sarah Hamilton

I know lars, which is why I figure it was simply a translation thing.  But it was funny none the less.

Apr 15, 11 11:23 am  · 
vado retro

It happens to the best of us. (not that I am the best) I am in the processs of redoing my resume and found a glaring typo that has been there for months.

Apr 15, 11 11:50 am  · 

A lot of people who learn English learn British English. I bet you "trekking" is a normal term among the Brits.

Apr 15, 11 12:43 pm  · 

I've started coming up with rules.
#1) DO NOT make yourself a logo. It's probably hideous, and makes you look pretentious to boot
#2) Do not send a headshot.
#3) Do make the title of the email some sort of headline for yourself, e.g. "Amazing designer and all-around great guy"
#4) Do not send me a file that crashes my computer.

Apr 15, 11 12:57 pm  · 

People really send you head shots? Seriously?

Apr 15, 11 1:01 pm  · 

oh yeah. They also make a photo of themselves the first thing you see on their website, which is just as bad.

Apr 15, 11 1:04 pm  · 

dangit, I tried to edit my previous comment and it apparently failed. I meant to say "#3) Do not make the title of the email some sort of headline for yourself"

Apr 15, 11 1:05 pm  · 
Sarah Hamilton

You mean you wouldn't open an email that said "I love your company, Pleas please please hire me!!  I know I'm awesome!

Apr 15, 11 1:33 pm  · 

in parts of europe it's standard practice to put a photo on a cv...i remember telling a french friend to take it off a cv he was using for a job in mathematics (i think it may actually be illegal here--discrimination, etc.)  and he thought i was joking.  so if they're european, cut them a little slack...:)
also, lots of people in nyc go 'trekking'...usually in exotic locations like nepal...i always thought it was just walking with a stick...

Apr 15, 11 1:50 pm  · 
vado retro

a former miss nepal was just over for dinner a coupla weeks ago.

Apr 15, 11 1:57 pm  · 

Sarah, I would absolutely open the email, but I would be prepared to laugh.
Elinor, it's definitely not illegal to put one on, but companies are strongly advised against requesting/requiring them.

Apr 15, 11 2:04 pm  · 

ah, got it.  either way, not much good can come of it...

Apr 15, 11 2:09 pm  · 

Never considered putting a headshot on a CV, but isn't that exactly what archinect is doing now? I just knew Paul was an euro commie type.

Seeing all the headshots on here confirms that about 80% of male designers (including me) look exactly the same. 

My glasses are better, of course.

Apr 15, 11 2:23 pm  · 
Sarah Hamilton

Man, I feel like y'all aren't getting the joke.  The resume-sifter was a trekky, and hence, the lady saying she was into trekking was funny, mostly because our first thought was of her going to cosplay gatherings.  Maybe it was only funny to me.  Oh well.
Rusty, I think you look like Jack Black, but then I've only seen a 1/2"x1/2" picture of you. 

Apr 15, 11 2:38 pm  · 

Wondering if Living in actively trying to finish up grad school has been awhile.



Apr 15, 11 3:10 pm  · 

snook - LIG is living it up in the Queen City and busily working on his MArch.  I run into him from time to time. I think his new life is treating him well.

rusty! - Please stop with the insulting/mean remarks about other members on TC.  I'm aware they are in jest, but again, this is not the appropriate thread for that stuff.

Apr 15, 11 3:58 pm  · 

OMG ****melt! I think you and I have a serious miscommunication problem here. Who exactly am I insulting? If you like your architecture completely humor free, that's your thing man. Read the very first post of this thread again. It sets up a very tongue in cheek level of discourse (which has persisted over the years). Do I need to use smiley faces in my posts for you to comprehend them? If I insulted someone I'd be glad to apologize, but I just don't see it. Enlighten me please.


Sarah, I get Jack Black a lot. Even in real life. The difference is that (as has just been pointed out) I'm just not that terribly funny.

Apr 15, 11 4:40 pm  · 

I don't mind humour. I love it actually, I'm just tired of the mean-spiritedness.  I deal with snide comments everyday at work.

"I just knew Paul was an euro commie type."  Not really humorous.


Apr 15, 11 5:05 pm  · 

melt, I assure you I despise all forms of spiteful professional conduct as well. This is just not the case of same.

re:Paul comment >  observation that headshots in CV's are not ok > observation that they use headshots in european CV's > my observation that new archinect application format will inadvertently use headshots > everything from Europe is inevitably perceived as socialist/commie > thus my comment. I thought it was funny. Up mine I guess. Still far from insulting.

I will concede that as someone who was born in communist europe my sense of humor is sometimes not well received by anglosaxons.  

Apr 15, 11 5:32 pm  · 

i didn't think it was insulting either, perhaps for obvious reasons.  actually, i took it to mean that paul looked 'intellectual'...i mean, most intellectuals who look the part are 'euro' and were probably 'commies' at one time or another... :)

Apr 15, 11 5:49 pm  · 
  • rusty! --> hilarious.
  • People getting offended by rusty! --> even more hilarious.



Apr 15, 11 5:52 pm  · 


Apr 15, 11 5:56 pm  · 

now THAT's funny

Apr 15, 11 6:25 pm  · 

"und was ist mit Spanien, Portugal, Italien?"
I think everyone wants to know what's up with THOSE people. But who really betruger-ed the family? I bet it was those frog eaters. No, not those ones. The other ones. The Griechenlanders.

Apr 15, 11 6:33 pm  · 

nice paul !

trekking is normal english, isn't it?

  head-shots are standard practice in lots of countries, including japan.  my CV MUST have a head-shot and date of birth on it.  for most jobs the preference is that we fill out a form so that all creativity is removed altogether on top of that.  i still find it all strange but my German friends think its normal...

  Canadiancommunist humour is totally snarky.  i don't find rusty offensive.  architects do all look alike. we're such lemmings ;-)

Apr 15, 11 7:05 pm  · 

Perhaps I'm just uber sensitive cuz I hear snarky comments all the time, which is odd cuz up until very recently they used to roll off my back like water off a duck's.

LOL Paul!!

jump - thank god I'm just an interior designer than ;o)

Apr 15, 11 7:21 pm  · 
Sarah Hamilton

Oh my god, people!  Trekking IS a normal English word, but trekking and trekkies are two totally different things.  Surely you all know what trekkies are, I mean they've been around since what, the 70s?  I feel like I'm explaining a joke to my high schoolers.

Oh, by the way, I was reminded why I could never teach lower grades.  We were laughing because a student mentioned how this one guy was sooo cute because of Australian accent.  I mentioned that I just didn't get the accent thing, but knew that some girls just went bonkers for them.  She smiled and nodded her head vigorously.  I then said, "Yeah, I bet Pol (our French exchange student) gets lots of play."

My mentor teacher was shocked, and after a few seconds, I realized that I probably shouldn't have said that.  Whoops.  At least my mentor laughed!

Apr 15, 11 7:39 pm  · 

oh, and on the topic of standard things to put on resumes: what happened to putting the year you graduated (or expect to graduate) on there? About half the ones I've seen omit that, and it pisses me off. I just want to know if you're still a student, and if so if you're a sophomore or a senior...

Apr 15, 11 8:32 pm  · 

SH - I get it now, but I now but I didn't get that from your initial post.  Perhaps I skimmed over something.  I probably would have snickered too had I been in the room.

Erin - I thought graduation dates were standard form?  Man, I'm either completely outta touch or I'm just plain old.

Apr 15, 11 10:11 pm  · 

I got the trekkie joke, SH.  Thought it was cute.
I've seen that recently, too, Erin... drives me nuts!

Apr 16, 11 12:55 am  · 
tommy lee jones is awesome as the guy in the coffee boss commercials

it's nice to see the world has gotten normal enough that we get to see american superstars doing commercials again.  the first two weeks after the earthquake it was all government sponsored messages about love and hope and peace.

@sarah, glad to hear you knew the word.  please forgive me if i am not laughing.  not sure what the word is in english but in japanese we would call that a cold joke (usually a description reserved for horrible puns) ;-)

was a good day today.  signed contract with client, then went to see a small exhibition with my kids that had pieces by andy warhol and Sol LeWitt and Nam June Paik.

Apr 16, 11 9:03 am  · 

it's record store day in the u.s., folks. go to your locally-owned store and buy up some vinyl! 

Apr 16, 11 9:10 am  · 
creativity expert

so, you are all hiding in thread central, I hear crickets in the rest of the blogs. 

Apr 16, 11 9:24 am  · 
Wilma Buttfit

Saw three real live cowboys herding some dogies yesterday. They had ropes and hats. It made my day and still thinking about it today.


Honestly didn't even think of trekking meaning anything but hiking. I learn so much here.

Apr 16, 11 9:53 am  · 
vado retro

i don't think there's an independent record store within a two hour drive of where i am.

Apr 16, 11 11:34 am  · 

ah...'trekkie'...totally didn't get that, sarah...cute.

Apr 16, 11 9:23 pm  · 

Does anyone have seven grand laying around they could e-mail me? Mr. Taxman wants a donation, or he'll break my thumbs.

Apr 16, 11 9:32 pm  · 

just noticed the new "skip to last comment" button!!! AWESOME!!!

Apr 16, 11 11:00 pm  · 

ME TOO Phillip! Amazing!

Apr 16, 11 11:02 pm  · 

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