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Some of will though. But then again, I have the memory of an elephant ;o) If I had any personal projects to speak of I'd totally create a profile. Unfortunately they all with work and in collaboration with people and I'm not sure if I want the entire world to know my "secret" identity. That and I'm not sure if my firm would be down with it. Morning everyone. BTW - I created a thread but haven't gotten any hits so I figured I'd try here. Does anyone know of any concrete countertop contractors in the Denver, CO area that they would recommend? Even better if they are on the airport's list of "acceptable" contractors. Thanks.

Apr 13, 11 8:28 am  · 
Wilma Buttfit
Apr 13, 11 10:36 am  · 
Wilma Buttfit

melt, now you owe me a beer.

Apr 13, 11 10:42 am  · 

that is a cool feature erin. wonder if it is unique to archinect.

i just like my archinect name so decided to keep it.  but i put my firm up (more or less) and i am in the profile list as myself so it isn't like i am particularly anonymous. for the time being i am the only person from tokyo in the lot.  which is sad isn't it?

Apr 13, 11 11:39 am  · 

paul has dragged me kicking and screaming into the world of google chrome after his repeated condescensions toward internet explorer.   : ) 

3.0 looks much prettier now. 
Apr 13, 11 11:40 am  · 
Sarah Hamilton

YAY Steven!!  Welcome to the future.  What do you think?

Apr 13, 11 12:00 pm  · 
vado retro

Ignore button. Sounding better all the time.

Apr 13, 11 12:05 pm  · 
Sarah Hamilton

Vado, you sure have been cranky lately.  You don't seem like your old self.  Maybe someone should write you a song...

I'll see what I can do.
Apr 13, 11 12:27 pm  · 
Sarah Hamilton

Ok, so it's just a chorus, but you got start somewhere, right?

To the tune of Come on Eileen...

Come on Retro  
Oh, I beg you don't go.  On Thread Central, you're our favorite Joe.  
When you get upset, well, it brings down the rest.  So be cheerful.  
Ah, come on, Vado...
Apr 13, 11 12:45 pm  · 
Wilma Buttfit

Sooo, things must be picking up in the architecture world? I am not even looking for a job and have gotten 2 good job leads in the last 24 hours. Too bad I am so out of practice. :(

Apr 13, 11 12:56 pm  · 
vado retro

i wasn't referring to an ignore button for you. thanks for the tune...oh and i ain't goin anywhere.

Apr 13, 11 12:57 pm  · 

Thanks becca. Have you used them before? The last concrete fabricator I used was a huge disapointment so I'm rather gun shy to use anyone.

Apr 13, 11 1:10 pm  · 
Wilma Buttfit

I haven't personally, but I know designers who have and they have been recommended to me by them when I almost had a concrete countertop job, but it never happened. I have seen their stained concrete floors, very nice. Haven't seen their countertops though. Their client list includes Red Rocks, museums, the zoo, etc, so NOT a dude with a pickup who insists he can do whatever you want. My only hesitation would be that maybe they don't tend to work on countertops? That would be a question for them.

Apr 13, 11 1:31 pm  · 

Sarah, that song is fully vado-esque.  Fantastic job!

Apr 13, 11 2:00 pm  · 
Sarah Hamilton

Thank you all.  Mister Archinect, can we get a "gold star" option?

Apr 13, 11 2:32 pm  · 

I guess vado does hate my guts then. I never really interacted with him much until the point of him suggesting I'm running multiple accounts on this site. I still don't get that one. I thought he was joking, as otherwise he comes across as a light hearted member. 

But yeah, I too hope architect gets an ignore function so that people who don't like my contributions can ignore me. 
Sarah, loved your poetry! Can you do one for me along the lines of "He broke my heart"?
Apr 13, 11 2:36 pm  · 
vado retro

bye bye archinect pie.

Apr 13, 11 3:27 pm  · 

hola senoritas...and amigos!.....I have found my way....praise the 2x4!

Apr 13, 11 9:01 pm  · 

Hi snook!  I saw that Chili Davis was back on another page!  I wish I had something interesting to say beyond saying hi to everyone but I'm just so excited...

Apr 14, 11 1:54 am  · 
Concrete Stain
Apr 14, 11 3:10 am  · 

The downside to not seeing post counts next to names is when you see a piece of spam - as I suspect that link above me is - it was always easy to tell because the person's name said "0 entries, 1 post".  

Apr 14, 11 8:29 am  · 

hi all, been way busy with work.. although I am sure you all are too.

AP what is new job? Maybe I should just call you...

The news postings have definitely picked up. Not sure if that is because Archinect home-crew is less busy prepping for go-live or if we have new users who are busy bees...

Apr 14, 11 9:23 am  · 
Sarah Hamilton

Doh, I'm such an idiot.  Why did I not put AP with his "new" name.  Duh.

Rusty, I thought about it all night, and I can't come up with any lyrics for you.  I tried doing a version of "Love Hurts," but nothing worked out right.  I even tried other songs, even really old country songs, well, because I've got that in my repetois.  (ok, I'm not French, and my French student isn't here.  I cannot figure out how to spell that.)
Apr 14, 11 9:43 am  · 

michael speaks posts updates on archinect?

aside from our "famous" regulars, I know there are some other well-known architects who regularly read archinect (and likely post under pseudonyms).  I'm waiting for them to out themselves and start posting twitter-style updates about how their lives are awesome while the rest of us schlubs are picking toilet room fixtures for an applebees -

or more likely working at an applebees.

Apr 14, 11 10:09 am  · 

Seriously, toaster - at this point I'd be happy to be picking toilets for an Applebee's, as long as I don't have to work - or eat - there.

Apr 14, 11 10:14 am  · 

yeah - that was cynical.

Apr 14, 11 10:22 am  · 

actually - i'd like to hear famous archs talk about how they used to do tenant-fit-up work so that it gives the rest of us hope.  I'm getting really tired of this either/or nonsense that "you need practical business knowledge and architecture schools only teach you how to be fruity designers with too much theory in your heads," vs "I hate EIFS strip malls and derivative buildings and why do people build this shit?" 

There has to be a middle ground.

Apr 14, 11 10:42 am  · 
vado retro

LB I was gonna take you there for your birthday!

Apr 14, 11 11:36 am  · 

woops didn't mean to "out" AP.....

Apr 14, 11 1:23 pm  · 

my work updates from a few years ago:

10:00am meeting with fypon rep.
10:15am deciding which vinyl cupola looks better on the 100% vinyl gazebo.
10:30am they make plastic fountains shaped like lions that look EXACTLY like stone?  awesome and classy.
11:15am aw yeah - gold finish plastic faucets.  only $25???  I'll spec two!
11:30am time to hit the bottle.

Apr 14, 11 1:24 pm  · 
vado retro

love it!

Apr 14, 11 1:33 pm  · 

FYPON!!! i used that crap on a bunch of crappy projects back in the day... they even had a plug-in for autocad, fyponcad, that would give you the exact elevations and profiles of their products... a step up from eifs moldings (maybe)...

Apr 14, 11 1:35 pm  · 

i'm confused..where did AP post about his new job?
cause Aaron Willette is pixelwhore and beccabec i think was
i'm not seein AP's real name in the last two pages of TC.

Apr 14, 11 1:59 pm  · 
larslarson used to get so much done in 15 minutes!

Apr 14, 11 2:01 pm  · 
Sarah Hamilton

Nam, you didn't out him.  It all just clicked in my head suddenly.  Now Lars, he totally just outed some people.  :)

Apr 14, 11 2:06 pm  · 

well.. aaron said who we was when he made the name switch..although i knew who he was from some work he did with some of my friends in boston and seein that work posted on flickr and here

and beccabec posted somethin on facebook..but i still didn't give her real name now did i?

i knew AP from here and flickr..then met him when he was in NY, became friends  and actually played soccer together with him for a while.  didn't realize he was in beijing though.. guess the school year is over.

it's a puzzle keeping all of these names straight...but i don't think i said anything that isn't out there on the public interwebs did i?

Apr 14, 11 2:14 pm  · 

i love the new edit feature btw.

Apr 14, 11 2:15 pm  · 

lars - I've worked on projects where my billable hours are literally 15 minutes during the week.  although the timesheet software only lets you enter in 15 minute increments...

Apr 14, 11 2:40 pm  · 
Sarah Hamilton

Lars, I think you're good.

Apr 14, 11 2:55 pm  · 

lars: who do you know that I've worked with? I feel like this is something I should know but I'm drawing a complete blank.

Apr 14, 11 2:55 pm  · 

for some reason i always thought that erin was 'beary because of her red hair... all these new names are so confusing...

Apr 14, 11 2:58 pm  · 

hey aaron.. you used to work with the boston cutlab i think?  i went to school with kjt and was roomies with him and st in boston for years before i moved to new york.  i'm actually tryin to get some stuff cut by kjt at some point soon.

Apr 14, 11 3:16 pm  · 

ahhh! The Cutlab machine is now housed above my roommate's machine shop - Boston is a small place. Were you over on Sherman when you were in the city? If KT falls through give me shout, I've got my own machine these days.

Apr 14, 11 4:30 pm  · 

aaron -  did you build it?

Apr 14, 11 4:53 pm  · 

toaster:  nope, as by 'my own machine' I mean 'unlimited access to the one I run at work'.

Apr 14, 11 4:54 pm  · 

Hi TC - just found out that I'll be in LA the week of May 15th! drop me a note if you want a meet up (if I have free time).

Apr 14, 11 4:56 pm  · 

yo aaron...when it gets right down to it the architecture community is a very small world no matter where you are...why it's important not to burn too many bridges or piss too many people off...
i'm gonna be in boston actually this weekend.. would u by any chance be able to cut me something?  i know it's last minute but as always KT is super busy... i've been wanting to make a set of shelves forever..i could send you the file tonight for you to look at and see if it's something that wouldn't take too much time for you.
i moved to NYC in 2003 so i don't think you and i have ever met.. i visit every once in a parents are still up there.

Apr 14, 11 5:00 pm  · 

lars - weren't you laid off recently?  are you working?

Apr 14, 11 5:12 pm  · 

lars: unfortunately I'm heading off for a bachelor party weekend in Atlantic City tomorrow morning, otherwise it wouldn't be a problem.

Apr 14, 11 5:31 pm  · 

hey toaster..
i was laid off at the very beginning of the year... i worked on my own portfolio, art etc and was starting to get a business plan together to start a furniture company that a friend of mine was ready to invest in..and then i wrote my former employer to see about getting some images for my portfolio and they asked me if i could come in and work for a month.. that month has turned into what will be four and who knows how long.. totally unexpected.  i've been very lucky in this recession to have found work almost by accident.  the two times i've been unemployed it's only lasted a week or two.

Apr 14, 11 5:42 pm  · 

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