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archinect 3.0 is like farmville? what's farmville?

Apr 6, 11 10:03 pm  · 

Ugh, allergies, please stop - my head feels like it's stuffed full of gold leaf.

Apr 7, 11 8:54 am  · 
vado retro

is mike huckabee jon stewart's ed mcmahon. this fat fuck is on the show every other day.

Apr 7, 11 9:34 am  · 
Sarah Hamilton

Gold leaf? We always knew you were priceless for some reason.

Apr 7, 11 9:48 am  · 

Back amongst the living once again. It's been exhausting and strassful past couple of months. I've been so overworked at work that I pretty much experienced a slow meltdown which lead to me to cry on and off the entire day on Monday. After mass amounts of sleep and some theraputic sessions with friends, I'm once again begining to feel like my old self again. Hopefully that'll stick. I hate feeling like I just want to crawl under a rock and never come back out.

Apr 7, 11 12:39 pm  · 

ah melt, sorry to hear. i find managing work related stress one of the most difficult aspects of getting older.

Apr 7, 11 3:02 pm  · 
vado retro

come out from under that rock, melty.

Apr 7, 11 5:39 pm  · 

hey, everyone needs to have a pity party now and again, i just had mine over the weekend and i emerged stronger than before.

Apr 7, 11 6:08 pm  · 
Sarah Hamilton

Beta, I thought things were going well for you.

Melt, there was something there about melt having a meltdown. Glad it's getti g better.

Apr 7, 11 6:12 pm  · 

That's funny, I had a pity-party / meltdown on Monday too. It was bad. Not to belittle what everyone's going through, but I wonder if there's some connection to the awful long cold grey-ass winter we're having? I do usually get some sort of Seasonal Affective Disorder around the end of winter, and this year it seems to be just dragging much more than usual.

Maybe we all need a bit of sunshine and springtime.

Apr 7, 11 10:52 pm  · 

word, night alll.

Apr 7, 11 11:18 pm  · 

Maybe everyone is bummed out about the world ending in less than 9 months.

Coincidentally, that's when version 3.0 finally rolls out!

Apr 7, 11 11:22 pm  · 

Manta- Funny... a friend of mine had a meltdown on Monday too. I agree with you about the long winter thing. I suffer slightly from SADs, March always seems to be the worst month for it. I don't think your theory is far off. Fortunately March is over and April is here. Tomorrow I pick up my new bike and hopefully the weather will be good enough for a bike ride.

Apr 8, 11 8:22 am  · 
vado retro

i was on the business end of a meltdown this morning. not fun.

Apr 8, 11 12:03 pm  · 
Sarah Hamilton

Still, I guess it's better than the kind Jump is facing.

I've got a question, and I've struggled with how to word it, but I can't get it right. So, if it comes off offensive, believe me that I don't mean it to be. Its just a personal observation, really.

All the vegetarians I've ever met, in person at least, have been obnoxious. They have also all been female. I'm wondering if there is a link. To sum up what I've noticed as a common thread, is...

thin, whiny voice
frail body
thin skin - literally and metaphorically
always play the victim / seem to believe the world is against them
like to point fingers and get in your face, even when they aren't upset with you, but just upset about something.

Could it be that there personality makes them choose to be vegetarians, or is their food choice creating the issue. Do I simply paint them this way because of their food choice, and then is it only women? Nam, you're vegetarian, right? I haven't met you in person, but you don't come across as whiny here.

Anybody else come across this?

Apr 8, 11 1:24 pm  · 

Sarah, do gay people next!

Apr 8, 11 1:33 pm  · 

sarah i am a vegetarian, raised that way. but really over recent years become more of a pesca-tarian (occasional seafood and egss)

Apr 8, 11 1:40 pm  · 

maybe it is just a particular breed of vegetarians native to texas?

Apr 8, 11 3:25 pm  · 
St. George's Fields

"Could it be that there personality makes them choose to be vegetarians?"

Upper-middle-class white guilt.

Apr 8, 11 3:31 pm  · 
Sarah Hamilton

So no one else has had this experience, huh?

Apr 8, 11 3:31 pm  · 
Sarah Hamilton

Well, George, they have all been white women.

Apr 8, 11 3:33 pm  · 

sarah - around here you have to ask some coffee shops to NOT put soy milk in your coffee.

Apr 8, 11 3:33 pm  · 

Are you talking about their attitudes towards other people's diets, or the world in general?

Apr 8, 11 3:54 pm  · 

I imagine being a vegetarian in Texas is akin to opening a McDonalds in India.

Apr 8, 11 4:13 pm  · 

you mean like this rusty?

Apr 8, 11 5:52 pm  · 


Apr 8, 11 5:57 pm  · 
Sarah Hamilton

I was meaning world in general. Sheesh, I can't imagine having to aak for regular milk. Crazy!

Apr 8, 11 6:17 pm  · 

most of the vegetarians that i know are great... just had dinner last night with my neighbor who happens to be a vegetarian... that said, personally i think they're crazy, 'cause who doesn't love some good pork/bacon/beef/etc., but whatever... and actually the one holier-than-thou vegetarian that i know happens to live in texas!!! if you actually consider austin to be part of texas...

Apr 8, 11 6:54 pm  · 

i'm vegetarian, and i'm a dick. i have fair skin, tend to be whiny....just kidding. i know about those ethical vegans, you know the kind. i'm not a peta type vegan, i'm a health focused vegan, i should note i am lacto-vegan - or whatever describes my need for milk and cheese. i like leather and suede.

i do however refrain from forming negative opinions of ethical vegans, so long as they don't jam their existence down anyone's throat, and don't go around throwing blood on people.

Apr 8, 11 8:31 pm  · 

Sarah, you must also run into what we could call generalizations with other moms who are rabidly in favor of organic/no HFCS/vegetarian/breastfeeding/etc. with their kids?

I know all kinds of vegetarians and all kinds of gay people and I myself get pretty strident about certain things (local meat, some feminist issues, turn signal use). I think a lot of people like to feel strident about some things and vegetarianism is one that's easy to preach about. Or maybe vegetarianism is one of the "first tier" alternative lifestyles, meaning young people looking for a cause find vegetarianism one that's easy to be passionate about because it's their first available mode of, I guess, rebellion?

Or I'm talking out my ass, easily true.

But it reminds me I heard recently that a LOT of young pre-teen and teenage girls tend to get very passionate about Jesus for a period in their lives. The theory being that they are developing into pubescence enough to be searching for passion, but their peer boys are less mature and Jesus represents a safe early outlet for passionate - not sexual - feelings. The drama, the pathos, the unattainability - all these characteristics lead to lots of young women having serious thoughts about becoming nuns, aka Jesus' bride. It wears off, for most of them, eventually. I find it a fascinating idea, though, that Jesus sets off passion in young women who are looking for passion anyway - maybe later they channel that passion into vegetarianism/astrology/feminism as they age?

Myself, I never thought of Jesus as my "friend" which is how my church always portrayed him, because he was of course perfect. So I, as a not-perfect child, looked pretty shitty compared to Jesus - I always came up short. In other words Jesus was a gunner, and pre-teen me resented that.

Apr 8, 11 8:37 pm  · 

I also just got off (2) 3-hour school bus rides with 23 second graders so I am slightly delirious.

Apr 8, 11 8:39 pm  · 

Donna, did you tell the 2nd graders about the gay, vegan Jesus?

One way to move out of middle America is to be chased out by pitchfork wielding fundamentalists.

Apr 8, 11 8:45 pm  · 

Now that I'm an adult I'm cool with Jesus. Christopher Moore's "Lamb" helped me get there.

Which reminds me, on the bus I finished reading Bad Monkeys by Matt Ruff and oh my god (old guy, throne, beard) it was incredible!

Apr 8, 11 9:02 pm  · 

'she left me for jesus' (hayes carll) is a beautiful song, by the way.

i like bacon and vegetarians.

i just played butt darts.

bourbon is good.

Happy Derby Time!

Apr 8, 11 10:26 pm  · 

steven, what are butt darts?

donna, those bus rides sound like something close to hell. and i'm totally with you on the issue of turn signal use, especially as a pedestrian waiting to cross the street only to have the non-signal-using bastard turn right before getting to me...

Apr 9, 11 9:18 am  · 

hold a quarter tight between your cheeks, walk it forward until you're properly positioned over the cup on the floor, "aim", and drop it.

this game was instigated by a table of 70+yr olds at the table adjacent to our group of friends last night. how could we not join in?!

Apr 9, 11 10:27 am  · 

Who picks up all the quarters after the game? I can imagine some squeamishness about touching them.

Apr 9, 11 10:52 am  · 

Also, do you have to be wearing sweatpants? because I can't imagine tight jeans would work. And is there a handicap for height? So many questions.

Apr 9, 11 10:52 am  · 

it's both good and bad to be in a position where people want your help on something and you don't have enough time. good that you are busy and good that people think highly enough of you to want your help, but bad that you have to turn things down.

it's strange - I'm constantly finding myself in situations where people actually both understand what it is we do and that they actually need our help. the big problem is they can't pay, and there's only so much time I can donate. is our job in the future also going to be to help people secure funding if we want to do public work projects? our jobs are difficult enough as it is, and all money comes with strings...

Apr 9, 11 11:41 am  · 
"Also, do you have to be wearing sweatpants? because I can't imagine tight jeans would work."

I was wondering whether pants were involved at all!?!

Apr 9, 11 12:04 pm  · 
So many questions.

yes, so many variables and opportunities for strategic sartorial decisions... chess-like, really, in its potential for high-intensity competition.

...except for the drinking, of course.

Apr 9, 11 12:21 pm  · 

I'm one of them ethical vegans - I blame it on listening to a lot of Krishna-influence hardcore music (Nam, I hope you're chuckling). I always feel bad when my dietary choices limit the places I can go out with friends that aren't vegan. I've been at it long enough (14 years vegetarian, vegan for the past 4) that I try to keep it under wraps because I'm tired of having the conversation with people about why I do it because everyone likes to come up with extravagant 'what if' situations to see how serious I am.

Apr 9, 11 1:05 pm  · 

I don't see how pants could be involved at all.

Apr 9, 11 1:09 pm  · 

Pixel, I'm sorry but I'm going to throw a "what if" at you: I have three chickens who I spoil silly, meaning they have a heated coop, a nice yard with sunshine and growing things (I even bring them potted plants to eat because they tear up whatever is growing in their yard eventually), I feed them kale leaves and raw sunflower seeds and all kinds of yummy treats. So anyone looking at their lifestyle would have to say that, for a chicken, they are living about as well as possible. So would you feel OK, from an ethical standpoint, eating my chickens' eggs, or do you think my chickens shouldn't exist at all if they're basically living only for my benefit, or somewhere in between?

Apr 9, 11 3:59 pm  · 

i am still posting news on v.2 archinect! like, i don't want to abandon an old friend in its last hours.;(
rage, rage against the dying of the light.

Apr 9, 11 4:28 pm  · 

I hope archinect 3.0 looks similar to archinect 2.0 - I love all the calming white space.
Jezebel recently switch from a nice calming white-space blog layout to a crazy flash-filled all-jazzed-up site - and it's so bad that I think most users use the canadian or uk sites now to get the old layout back. I would seriously rage if something like that happened to my beloved archinect, the one online social site I allow myself... :-P I wish I could have gotten an invitation for beta testing.

Apr 9, 11 4:40 pm  · 
vado retro

so when archinect 3.0 starts will all the post entry tallys revert to zero? am i destined to be like george costanza and his high score on frogger?

Apr 9, 11 4:52 pm  · 

I need to make sure I'm on the v2.0 home page when the countdown clock stops!

Apr 9, 11 5:56 pm  · 
St. George's Fields

I'm not sure if any of you have been sniffing around...

but there's an archinect subdomain titled!


Apr 9, 11 6:39 pm  · 

The changes I authored to a towns planning and zoning regulations did meet with approval this week along with the approval of my project. So now we have to get er...done! Nothing like winning battles for you client who is a tenant. Convinced the landlord to go along with our crazy ideas....along with everyone else.

I'm really in the dark about the changes coming. You guys must know something I don't. Hummmm you think they are going to ban me from 3.0....damn I hope it isn't like an autocad upgrade, which usually is a lesson in frustration.

How is my sketchup buddy Donna doing? Do you show your drawing to Mr. Donna? Does he look at you like your nuts?

Apr 9, 11 7:50 pm  · 

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