
Thread Central


i'm a big fan of the 3.0 site... it is different, but i think better in the long run... from what it sounds like all of the threads, news, etc will be making the jump, so i assume that our post counts will as well... we'll find out in a day!!!

Apr 9, 11 9:01 pm  · 

I hope the counter resets. I could use a fresh start. 2000 posts of mostly complete nonsense. I blame the '90's vibe of this place.

Apr 9, 11 9:05 pm  · 


No worries, it was bound to happen! This is actually a question I've become pretty familiar with as a friend of mine has a coop in his yard and its come up a couple times amongst our circle of friends. I understand that in these situations (which I think are wonderful, by the way) the eggs come from what are conceivably the most ideal conditions possible. However, the act of picking and choosing exceptions is not something I feel comfortable with, as its a slippery slope that I rather not traverse. Arguably this means I'm not challenging and fully understanding the core of my beliefs, but I feel that have consistent guidelines for myself makes my decision easier on a long-term basis.

Apr 10, 11 10:29 am  · 

Sarah, I don't know if you've seen v3.0 yet but I thought you would feel proud of this homepage screen cap I grabbed. I hope I won't get banished for sharing this! It just makes me feel good to see that drawing you did every time I open the homepage:

Apr 10, 11 10:40 am  · 

snook, glad you had a success to share with us here! You've been having it tough through winter I know so glad spring will bring new projects. Let's hope it's true for all of us.

Brian and I do share a lot of what we're working on because we can help each other out a lot with advice. We're both trying to run our own full time businesses now - his is fabrication, mine is somewhat separate from my partner, though we do still work together - and frankly I'm dreaming more and more lately of just having a real job with limited hours (which I would hope would mean I'd only think about it 9-5 MWF instead of 24/7/365) and health benefits for godssake! The stress we've been under as a working family this year has NOT been acceptable.

However, Brian's show at the Indianapolis Museum of Art opens in September, and after that 1. his 20 hour per day workday should fall way off and 2. we're going to do a deep examination of what our goals are and whether we should consider a significant change. I LOVE the community of people I have here in Indiana but I most definitely do not love Indiana, and the way US politics is going lately honestly makes me so sick to me soul. I just don't want to be part of it any longer. So a move to another country or a move to way off the map in the US looks terribly attractive. But who knows - the last 6 years have been running on the hamster wheel as hard as we can without really taking the time to look around and see if hopping off is even an option! SO we need to do some thinking, knowing right now that the thinking gets put off until after September. Who knows what the world will throw at us in the next 5 months!

Pixelwhore, thanks for answering. And it wasn't meant as a challenge, just exploration. There are definitely more and less ethical ways of, for example, eating eggs, but when it comes to personal choices like diet it's really that: personal. The discussion is fun to have, though, without judgement.

Apr 10, 11 10:51 am  · 

And yes, since I haven't said it yet: the v3.0 is really a lovely website, both in appearance and function. I'm very excited for it to go live!

Apr 10, 11 10:53 am  · 

I didn't think for a minute that you were challenging anything. I agree that its a great conversation to have with the right people and is necessary for me to better understand my own beliefs. Glad I've weaseled my way back into TC.

Apr 10, 11 11:48 am  · 

yeah pixel, good to see you around. and sarah ditto what donna said about your drawing. I love that the new TC identity came from a tc regular

Apr 10, 11 2:34 pm  · 

also donna, re: the feeling of going of the map. I am torn between two sides of the same question all the time. 1) continue down the professional path, maybe get another degree striving hard to make a career for myself 2) the other side which things there is a slight chance things will be headed south (globally, economically, etc) and that having some land, and being self-sufficient and off the grid is the way to go.

end of the day i think the i stay on my current path almost in opposition to my parents choices which was more of a tune in and drop out approach, not built on the usual markers of success...

Apr 10, 11 5:05 pm  · 

Donna & Nam-
I too have been having similar thoughts. This world has just gotten too complicated. There just seems like there is too much uncertainty and too much disrespect/impatience/self centered-ness in the world and I'm just tired of it. I find myself craving a more simple life style of living off the land and producing all that I use. Unfortunately at this point in my life it seems rather infeasible at the moment, so I guess I am stuck in my own go nowhere purgatory.

Donna - Lamb is an awesome book isn't it? I too became more okay with Christianity after reading it. Christopher Moore is a genius though. I'm currently reading Fool.

On the bright side I went for my first ride of the season on my new bike. Felt good to get out. Hopefully more rides like the one today will improve my mood.

Apr 10, 11 5:27 pm  · 

I planted Peas....this week....and now heaven is watering them...

Apr 10, 11 5:33 pm  · 

oh the lifestyle....

Apr 10, 11 6:07 pm  · 

Apr 10, 11 6:08 pm  · 
Apr 10, 11 6:09 pm  · 

least it isn't triple x...tasty!

Apr 10, 11 6:10 pm  · 

Donna, move to Seattle and we can both befriend Dan Savage. Just imagine the dinner party conversations...

Apr 10, 11 7:32 pm  · 


Apr 11, 11 5:40 am  · 

(hopefully the magic image resizer works!)

Apr 11, 11 9:24 am  · 

and it does... this is gonna be awesome!

Apr 11, 11 9:27 am  · 

New site looks good!

Apr 11, 11 12:12 pm  · 

woah - from 425 to 851?

I don't like change.

Apr 11, 11 12:27 pm  · 
vado retro


Apr 11, 11 12:35 pm  · 

Archinect v3: best part about coming back to work from lunch

Apr 11, 11 12:50 pm  · 

I miss the toadstool of 426 pages of TC 2.0.

we can always start a missing tc pages thread with iconic pics of number 427-850 in memoriam...

Apr 11, 11 12:53 pm  · 
Sarah Hamilton

Oh, this is weird.  Where's the "Go to Bottom" button?  I don't like change either.  

I am proud to be so prominently displayed on the home page though.  Thank you.  I think I giggled out-loud, and blushed a bit.

Apr 11, 11 1:09 pm  · 
Sarah Hamilton

Oh, I see people got their "edit" button.

Apr 11, 11 1:09 pm  · 
vado retro

i like this it will be more chattyl i'm a chatter.

Apr 11, 11 1:23 pm  · 

yeah - the old version I felt more inclined to post long diatribes - now it'll be about as deep as a twitter post.

Apr 11, 11 1:44 pm  · 
Ladies and Gentleman:
'WonderK, I want to hear about your flowers ' has now been replaced with: (drumroll)
i think snowi and diabase are made up now.
Apr 11, 11 1:46 pm  · 
vado retro

 i think limiting some of the entry lengths is a good thing.

Apr 11, 11 1:55 pm  · 


I saw that snowi/diabase comment and it brought it all back. We had a fight...V3 is very good.

Apr 11, 11 2:52 pm  · 

Hey guys, just a heads up, to maintain the integrity and context of discussion threads, we've implemented a 5 minute time period that you can edit your comments.

Apr 11, 11 2:57 pm  · 

Thank you for pointing out the new phrase to be made into a Tshirt, n_.

I was half and hour early to my meeting.  So, half an hour of enjoying v3.0!
I will also point this out: I had visited Archinect v1.0 a few times, but then dropped off (I think I'd had Angus right about then).  Then Adam Greenfield, on his old v2 dot org, announced how excited he was about the new v2.0, and I visited it and...10 billion posts later, there's a new version again.  I have long institutional memory.
Apr 11, 11 3:17 pm  · 

what's the difference between people with blue names and people with regular names?
was there a button i had to push that i didn't?

Apr 11, 11 3:18 pm  · 

Happy Birthday Donna!!!

Apr 11, 11 3:19 pm  · 

larslarson - if you choose to use your real name (instead of your archinect screen name), all comments will have your image and link to your profile. that is a setting in your profile (click the red pencil under your photo)

Apr 11, 11 3:20 pm  · 

Thank you Paul!  I couldn't have asked for anything nicer! Excellent work!

Apr 11, 11 3:24 pm  · 

just noticed that the post counts are gone...

Apr 11, 11 3:25 pm  · 

Wow I haven't been on here in awhile and I come back thinking I entered in the wrong URL. I love how clean it is, but it will take some getting used to. I have forever associated red text with archinect; so odd not seeing any.

Is this also the end of having to type width=418 for images?

Apr 11, 11 3:30 pm  · 

@archinect: "Hey guys, just a heads up, to maintain the integrity and context of discussion threads, we've implemented a 5 minute time period that you can edit your comments."


Maybe so ... but I just edited a comment I posted last Wednesday and the change seems to have gone through.


I think your intent is a good idea ... you might want to check that it's working as you intend.

Apr 11, 11 3:47 pm  · 

So there is no way to contact other users any more. That's the biggest downgrade in my opinion. 

I suppose you can be contacted if you chose to go by your real name but that's a bit of a dirty trick. If you work for yourself, or even if you teach, then going by your name on here makes sense. If you work for other people, I would think twice about associating any type of comment to your name. Especially in a dog-eat-dog corporate setting where backstabbing is common. 
I'm not trying to hide anything. Anyone who wanted my real name could easily just have messaged me. Not anymore. 
In a way, it's a big loss.
Apr 11, 11 3:54 pm  · 

quizzical - what comment was it that you edited? are you sure it was a comment and not a post (the first post in a discussion)?

rusty - this is the first release of 3.0. there are a ton of features we're gong to be releasing in the coming weeks/months. don't assume anything that you see now is final.

Apr 11, 11 3:58 pm  · 
Sarah Hamilton

Then should we make a list of things to bring back?

Apr 11, 11 4:12 pm  · 

Wow, will have to get used to this new look...and TC all of a sudden has 851 pages...

One comment right off the bat, which is something that was also peculiar in the previous version, is  that a large thread such as this one does not show its most recent page first.  Everything else on the internet (blogs, archives, etc.) always have the most recent info first and the other stuff is under "Older Posts", so that you click back in time if you so want.  Why make everyone go to the bottom of the page and click to the recent page? (this may have been asked before but I didn't see it then).  Just my 2 centavos.

Apr 11, 11 4:14 pm  · 

I agree with Emilio. It would be great to be able to sort comments in reverse order as well (last comment first).

Paul, I look forward to whatever tweaks to the site are yet to come. If you can figure out the privacy part so it's not so all or nothing, that would be great. I may feel like it's my patriotic duty to share with this thread that I'm hungover, but not so much with my spiteful coworker. Don't take all the fun out of this with the caste system you now have in place! :)
Apr 11, 11 4:36 pm  · 

Love the speed of the new site though.

Apr 11, 11 4:37 pm  · 

Oh, and firms profile feature has tremendous potential. It looks very clean. Other sites have tried to make lists of design companies to underwhelming results. This one looks a lot more promising.

Apr 11, 11 4:58 pm  · 

Wow what a surprise, I love it! Still a little lost.

Apr 11, 11 5:46 pm  · 

OMFG!!! It's beautiful. Can't wait to get time to look around some more. Okay... back to the f***ing grind.

Apr 11, 11 5:47 pm  · 

hurray.  glad to see its live. i will admit that i liked the retro look (can a few years old be considered retro?) and the relative non-sophistication of the earlier site. since this kind of place is all about content in the end i am quite happy with this version too, especially how much easier it has become to post and cetera.


AND i just edited this post!  way cool.  bet no one even noticed ;-)

Apr 11, 11 6:05 pm  · 

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