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funny you mention puddles snook. I was thinking of him today when I was clipping and filing my nails.

Dec 1, 10 9:41 pm  · 

techno, let me know if you make it all the way across pennsylvania to philadelphia...

barry, looking forward to the podcast of your lecture...

vado, that film looks really interesting... and it even fits into my research!

Dec 1, 10 9:54 pm  · 

i went to studio this afternoon to check out students and to get some help with a small project on campus i am doing. students look cool, the profs are great (and so is the studio building btw)...but the actually nice bit is the cat that lives on the front porch of the building. amazingly friendly and handsome animal. have decided every school should have a cat on the front porch.

i am however as exhausted as archi sounds. i hear the trick is to catch the plates before they all fall

keep at er archi!

Dec 2, 10 6:19 am  · 

just witnessed a full pallet of plotting paper being delivered to the computing lab - must be near the end of the semester!!!!

Dec 2, 10 5:21 pm  · 

[img= width=410[/img]

Dec 2, 10 6:35 pm  · 

The vegetables are roasted to perfection. The husband, however, is still half an hour away. Grrrr.

I had a good day, but definitely ready for wine.

Dec 2, 10 6:36 pm  · 
Dec 2, 10 8:57 pm  · 


This week was a wine week for me. I have gotten out of the habit of having wine unless out to dinner. Instead keeping bourbon, tequila or beer around the house.

This week though i bought a nice italian red and had it with dinner twice.


Morning all.

Dec 3, 10 8:46 am  · 

Just to liven things up around here. Our good Buddy has been Knighted by the Texas Rangers, just in time for Christmas.

Dec 3, 10 11:33 am  · 

Ugh, I just have no desire to hang around on Archinect when I see that the top five threads have comments by WinstonSmith aka marxisthater guy. It actually angers me that his trolling is responded to, so I'm chacking out for a bit.

Dec 3, 10 12:36 pm  · 
Distant Unicorn

Oh Donna, you're always welcome at Marxist Central.

Dec 3, 10 12:49 pm  · 

Unicorn... how bored are you?

Dec 3, 10 1:06 pm  · 
Ms Beary

Sometimes I think the discussions are advanced by a schizophrenic with multiple accounts.

Dec 3, 10 1:15 pm  · 

So my NCARB renewal just shot from $95 to $225. Jiminy christmas.

Turns out I'd been paying under some discounted reward plan for the last 3 years, PLUS they just had a fee increase, so I called NCARB yelling "You're telling me my fees MORE THAN DOUBLED?!?!?".

I have to say the customer service lady was exceptionally helpful and patient with me.

Dec 3, 10 1:57 pm  · 

hi all!

that person reminds me of general ripper from dr strangelove.

in flamewar parlance - he's somewhere between an ideologue and a loopy.

also - I like the thread "comically white buildings."

back to the batcave!

Dec 3, 10 2:08 pm  · 

i love how ncarb, leed, etc. have all upped fees the last few years, meanwhile offices are still closing and people are still struggling to get work.

effing clowns.

Dec 3, 10 2:12 pm  · 

that sucks donna.

i am convinced there are people who post under different names and have conversations with themselves. rita used to do that a lot. maybe he is still here.

that sort of thing is just too much effort for me. can't imagine sitting down and making a new name just to post a comment or two...i spend too much time here as it is.

Dec 3, 10 8:03 pm  · 
Distant Unicorn

Hey now. I am not pretending to be anyone. Nam and Orhan can check it!

Dec 3, 10 8:14 pm  · 

hi ala puddles - I'm still alive. Still churning out the drawings... sucking down coffee in the am to stay away, and the single malt at night to quiet the thoughts and sleep. Sadly expensive booze does remind me of my first archinect meet up in Louisville with Donna, Vado & Steven... good times. Phil I'll shoot you an email once we've agreed our travel plans.

Dec 3, 10 11:40 pm  · 

i remember when bruce lee snapped chuck norris' neck, i just wish it was reality.

Dec 4, 10 7:01 am  · 

Oh my god rita is back!

Dec 4, 10 11:18 am  · 

i liked stephen lauf a lot. i don't think he thought much of me, but his work, both the website and the book are very thoughtful accomplishments. i miss his contributions.

Dec 4, 10 12:23 pm  · 

As well as his completely unwarranted and vicious attacks, see above - I always enjoyed them.

Now rita's odd genius has been replaced by ignorant unimaginative racism. Sigh.

Dec 4, 10 4:50 pm  · 
Distant Unicorn

Well... from the looks of it, the person in question fled to the ARE forum for a long while and then was banned. That would explain the resurgence of that particular character around these parts.

Dec 4, 10 6:48 pm  · 

I'm about 4 degrees from relocating the chickens into the unfinished master bedroom where at least it's 55 degrees. Jeez I should have known I'm incapable of keeping outdoor pets.

So we had a birthday bash last night for husband and his hot rod buddies - they've spent a long weekend working on finishing up the Meteor, one of our (gulp) three current hotrods. Big pot of chili, cornbread, lots of beer and a herd of small children running through the house. Good time, but now it seems I've been cleaning up the kitchen for 12 hours and not making any progress! ;-)

Dec 5, 10 10:25 am  · 

For those of you not on FB:

I de-potted the decorative kale from the front porch and fed it to the girls. Kinda sad as they were, for kale, quite spectacular and looked great in the verdigris-glazed pots flanking my chocolate brown front door, but the girls need their greens!

Dec 5, 10 10:28 am  · 
Sarah Hamilton

We just sold the last of our hotrods on wednesday, and THursday, Husband texts me to say he bought another car. I think it must be a disease. DO they have car-buyers anonymous?

Oh, jump, before I forget, do you have yogurtand near you? We just got one here, and it seems incredibly Japanese. They even have odd tasting candies and flavors.

Dec 5, 10 11:12 am  · 

Hi TC,

I'm looking for some TC genius assistance. the context, I'm naming three assignments for next semester after films: #1 is the good the bad, & the ugly; #2 is back to the future; and I can't figure out what to name #3...

I need help finding a good films about the future that isn't dystopian and point towards a positive (if not utopian) tomorrow. can be animated, but needs to be well known. All my favs involve some sort of disaster, war, or oppressed society like blade runner, gattacca, matrix, and city of lost children!

I'm already using back to the future, but that's the PG rating I'm aiming for... (so no zombie films!)

Any suggestions?

Dec 5, 10 5:01 pm  · 

What about The Truman Show? It's been a long time since I've seen it but didn't it end with Truman headed out into the real world feeling optimistic?

Dec 5, 10 5:12 pm  · 


Dec 5, 10 5:14 pm  · 

barry, the link you porvided sums it up. 99.99% of these movies are dystopian by nature. Otherwise they would be no fun to watch.

I'd go with "Idiocracy" myself.

Dec 5, 10 5:22 pm  · 

Well Idiocracy *is* the best movie about the future ever made, but it's not especially optimistic, is it?

I can't remember how Gattaca ends, but it's gorgeous to look at!

Dec 5, 10 5:39 pm  · 

Idiocracy is very optimistic. After U.S. President Dwayne Elizondo Mountain Dew Herbert Camacho spares Joe (aka "Not Sure") from death by a flamethrower and appoints him vice president, Joe goes on to teach the population that reading "wasn't just for fags", and that plants crave water (like from the toilet).

Dec 5, 10 7:05 pm  · 

idiocracy would be a good choice.

night all.

Dec 5, 10 7:35 pm  · 

So a not-smart to begin with guy is the smartest person alive? That's not an entirely good outcome IMO. But I loved the movie.

Dec 5, 10 7:43 pm  · 

the star trek movies are about the future and fairly positive - some of them are halfway decent. However, my favorite is star trek IV the voyage of the humpback whales - because they save the whales from the evil Japanese, and spock is a kung foo master and fights hipsters on a bus.

probably the most appropriate for your class is the wrath of Louis Kahn.

joking aside - one of my favorite movies about the future is "delicatessen." it's the only movie I can think of that is almost entirely about food in a post apocalyptic world... there are some great scenes in that movie... I especially love the underground vegetarian resistance. verrry french, though....

alphaville is set in the future on another planet that looks a lot like mid-60s paris... although I'm sure a good number of your students would be totally confused by that movie...

Dec 5, 10 8:48 pm  · 

code 46

maybe not that optimistic...

Dec 5, 10 9:09 pm  · 

toaster the underground resistance guys are AWESOME! I love Delicatessen.

Dec 5, 10 10:17 pm  · 

sarah - do they have pinkberry (yoghurt place) in your parts? that place will be the death of me... f-ing coconut and honey... oh man...

Now rita's odd genius has been replaced by ignorant unimaginative racism

and where is the quondom person who seemed to claim a priori knowledge on every single theoretical notion on the forums? I really miss that weirdo.

anyway - looks like my sabbatical from archinect was a bust - I cannot stay away. I need obtuse discussion with obscure cultural and architectural references that weren't culled from wiki or google - someplace... I know there are still at least a couple of you who manage to come around here infrequently.

it's an incredibly f-ing exciting time for our field right now. so why the hell are there so many miserable snobs? even if you cannot find work and no one is building anything, where the hell is that inner nerd who loves architecture?

Dec 5, 10 10:39 pm  · 

toaster, rita=quondam=1 (I think)= (apparently) emergency exit wound.

It's an amazingly exciting time for everything right now - amazingly open, and amazingly hard. I remember the day after Princess Diana died I said to my coworkers 'Isn't it exciting!" meaning the media storm I knew was coming - and my coworkers were appalled. That's how I feel right now - like our profession, and many other commonly held ideas, are in a storm of change. It's exciting, though also terrifying in general and sad in specific instances (that is, my friends who don't have work).

Dec 5, 10 11:20 pm  · 

welcome back mr toast

Barry how's about 2001, I-Robot, AI

I can't imagine watching back to the future again... it always got under my skin. Damn that marty mcfly

Dec 5, 10 11:27 pm  · 

Donna sounds like your hubby's party was a hit... seems like the kind of do you'd like to be a fly on the wall to witness. I'd show up and help you clean up, simply because I know you'll pull out the wine or better still Kentucky's finest.

Steven I have a cd about 90% complete for you (cd swap). When you can, send me your address via email.

Dec 5, 10 11:35 pm  · 


underground resistance (UR) is a sick detroit techno collective started in the 80s (mike banks & jeff mills, later robert hood).

some seriously. effing. delicious stuff.

Dec 6, 10 12:29 am  · 

wlecome back rita (and friends)!

i don't know about that place sarah. it could be here and may even be japanese in origin but i don't know about it. my brother was making fun of me this morning because i don't know enough about zombies and i explained there are gaps in my knowledge. very likely the same thing going on. massive gaps in my knowledge. very sad. whats the point of getting a phd...;-)

2001 and 2010 are pretty positive, if vague movies about the future. idiocracy is a favorite. scary realistic too.

star trek has got to be the most positive future vision out there, no? i always use it as shorthand for utopia in class. they don't even need money there! and unemployment is a choice.

Dec 6, 10 1:30 am  · 

jump, unemployment is a choice? that really is a utopia. But i think you are right regarding Star Trek.

Welcome back toast!!!

Archi and steven how does one get on this CD swap action..

Is there a theme, plan etc?

Dec 6, 10 8:29 am  · 

Barry if you want a PG rating you can't use Idiocracy, at least because of the giant dildo swinging and flopping around on the hood of his monster jam car.

And with that image burned in everyone's brains, Happy Monday!!

Dec 6, 10 8:35 am  · 
vado retro

future movies from the past:




Dec 6, 10 11:35 am  · 

It's like this article about Julian Assange's "poison pill" - terribly exciting! But also terribly terrifying!

We live in exciting times.

Dec 6, 10 1:56 pm  · 

i concur about the "terribly exciting"... i just found out on thursday that i'll be joining the ranks of the unemployed... i have some savings, but it's def leading to a ton of questions...

main question is if this profession is the right one for me... i don't really long for going back to the days of 60 hour weeks.. (i've been working 20 for the last year which wasn't great, but paid the bills).

i am interested in restarting some projects that i've had on my mind for years..

what i'm trying to figure out is how to write a business/financing plan... how to raise money and how to write grants and what grants would make sense. i feel like i'm on the edge of a cliff of a choice that i'm not sure i want to make, but don't really have another choice...

meanwhile if any of you need art for the holidays or help with shop drawings or something let me know...i'm reasonable. (i'm in nyc but i have internet, computer and autocad too)

Dec 6, 10 5:34 pm  · 
Ms Beary

I'm very sorry to hear that, lars.

Dec 6, 10 7:16 pm  · 

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