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oh, I saw techno's comment on nebraska but not phillip's. Phillip, email me wouldja? It'd be interesting to discuss... my thoughts on heading in that direction sounds similar to yours... plus my SO is moving there.

Dec 13, 10 9:51 pm  · 

sorry b3ta no choice really. although I have heard a lot about how cool mpls is. Someday i will visit. Or you can move to Chicago like the rest of the minnesotans! ;-)

Dec 13, 10 10:00 pm  · 

believe me, i am considering it, as soon as the marriage ends.

Dec 13, 10 10:02 pm  · 

aww I was kind of kidding.

Dec 13, 10 10:07 pm  · 
Sarah Hamilton

Too much snow up thataway for me.

Dec 13, 10 10:15 pm  · 

Sarah, you can't flush, right? So are you peeing outside?!

techno I do love the taste of my own eggs, but they don't taste dissimilar from the farmer's market eggs we buy all summer anyway. Bright orange yolks. But I won't feed the chicks any more mealworms or fly larvae from the wild bird store - suddenly whatever they eat ends up in MY stomach. And those fly larvae are just gross.

Imagine if half a dozen 'necters ended up in nebraska!?

Did you all know Chrissie Hynde has a new band project? God she rocks.

Dec 13, 10 10:32 pm  · 

i love chrissie hynde but still can't forgive her for the pretenders' song (and one of my favorites) being licensed for use as rush limbaugh's theme music. argh.

Dec 14, 10 6:13 am  · 

Steven, I can't believe Chrissie had anything to do with that. I'll bet she's more angry about it than you are.

Dec 14, 10 8:39 am  · 


Dec 14, 10 8:40 am  · 

I'm having a weird bird related happening this morning. For some reason an entire flock of medium-size black birds keeps landing on the metal ledge above my front door and it's making a really creepy metallic scratching sound.

Dec 14, 10 8:44 am  · 


Since Limbaugh's Sacramento days, his show's theme song has been an endless bass-beating loop snipped from a 1984 song by The Pretenders, "My City Was Gone." The song, though, has potent and openly liberal lyrics, written by Chrissie Hynde to protest over-development: "I went back to Ohio / but my pretty countryside / had been paved down the middle / by a government that had no pride." Limbaugh never sought permission to use the music, never paid royalties, and Hynde, living in England, heard only occasionally about her song's hijacking. She had no comment until 1997, when Limbaugh answered a reporter's question about the song by explaining that it was "icing on the cake that it was [written by] an environmentalist, animal rights wacko and was an anti-conservative song. It is anti-development, anti-capitalist, and here I am going to take a liberal song and make fun of [liberals] at the same time." Upon reading that, Hynde had her representatives contact Limbaugh and demand payment. At Hynde's request, Limbaugh's royalty checks for using her song are now made payable to People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals (PETA).

So she did allow it to be licensed AFTER Limbaugh's company blatantly stole it for how many years? And no doubt in the face of a potential legal battle she decided the better outcome would be making Limbaugh give money to an organization he despises.

I wish Limbaugh would just die already. Palin too of course.

Dec 14, 10 8:45 am  · 

thanks for that! now when i switch over to hear what crap he's lobbing, at least the use of the music won't piss me off so much.

Dec 14, 10 8:49 am  · 

manta, i just sent you an archinect email...

Dec 14, 10 8:50 am  · 

That sucks Sarah. I hope you get running water and sewage soon.


Why is it they don't have a one country Eurail pass for Switzerland? And why do they have to be so expensive anyway? This whole figuring out an awesome Xmas presnt for my new man is killing me. Back to the drawing board I guess. :o/

Dec 14, 10 8:57 am  · 

morning all

why the sudden interest in Nebraska? going for the jobs i guess?

It below freezing here in fl all week, with windchill...

Dec 14, 10 9:43 am  · 

Doesn't Nebraska currently have the lowest unemployment rate? Or is that Iowa? I remember reading that somewhere a few months back.

Below freezing in FL? That's just wrong. And who says climate change is bunk?

Dec 14, 10 11:00 am  · 
Sarah Hamilton

Wait, Melt...When did you get a new man?!

And we spent last night at my mother's. I'm exhausted. The plumbers seem to have a skewed sense of what "in the morning" means. Sure, it's 10:30, so they technically have an hour and a half to get here, but still. Maybe I'm the one with the skewed sense.

Dec 14, 10 11:35 am  · 

sarah in my experience people with children have a totally different idea of morning than I.

And plumbers are notious (in my experience) re: running late etc

Dec 14, 10 11:38 am  · 


Dec 14, 10 11:39 am  · 

should be notorious

Dec 14, 10 11:40 am  · 
Sarah Hamilton

Third times the charm, Nam.

They just showed up. Guess it still counts as morning.

Dec 14, 10 12:16 pm  · 

I'm at the airport on my way home! I would be ecstatic but I still have 3 papers and one online exam to complete by Saturday. Holiday time, almost.

On a funny note, I was walking past a Hudson News store at the airport. A business woman was walking about 10 feet in front of me. She saw the new Sarah Palin book on display and flipped every single book over so that you couldn't see her face. I found this behavior quite amusing for a 40 year old professional woman, dressed in a pant suit, Blackberry in hand. I love this city.

Dec 14, 10 12:56 pm  · 

ooh melt, new man? awesome. I'm working on a bit of that myself, but it's still early. Probably part of why being overworked annoys me, because it's really hard to get something going when you can't make plans reliably.

Dec 14, 10 1:37 pm  · 
Sarah Hamilton

Pipes are all connected, just have to wait for it to dry before turning the water back on. Can't happen soon enough.

Dec 14, 10 2:02 pm  · 

New man, melt?!

And nam, is your special lady still in the picture?

And since we're talking romance, techno, when is the wedding, again?!

I just got my husband his Christmas present. That's a big one down.

Dec 14, 10 2:23 pm  · 

Yes... new man... for almost two months. Been very quiet about it because I didn't want to jinx but after we both talked about meeting each other's friends this weekend I think I can now safely talk about him. Problem is, the guy is kind of a Renaissance man, meaning he does everything. He's a mechanical engineer that wanted to be an architect when he was little. He's always designing stuff in his head, he even designs and makes his own Xmas ornaments. WTF? I've thought about getting him everything from a vintage Le Mans poster of some sort (yep he's a gear head) to vintage maps (he likes history) to trying find a sepia reproduction of what was once the tallest building in Cincy (I took him up top on our third date) but I'm not having any luck. I sent an email to the local historical society so I'm hoping that one pans out. If not, he's also a big fan of FLW so I thought about getting him this cool old(er) book I found online (for sale at the bookstore up the street that specialized in rare and used books) but that just seems trite. Oh and did I mention I'm on a tight budget?

SH - glad to hear your pipes are back online.

Dec 14, 10 2:38 pm  · 
Sarah Hamilton

Masterpiece theatre is doing a thing on Lennon, John Lennon. It's online at PBS. I'll let you know how it is.

Dec 14, 10 3:20 pm  · 
Sarah Hamilton

Well that wasn't what I expected. Lennon was a bit of an ass. Figures.

Dec 14, 10 4:34 pm  · 

melt, i like the lemans poster, but guys like tech shit too...for the most part, give a guy something that plugs in, needs batteries or needs programming, and we're happy.

Dec 14, 10 5:20 pm  · 
Sarah Hamilton

Santa is bringing my man a tin-can robot kit.

Dec 14, 10 6:28 pm  · 

I have a feeling I will be getting a bag of coal...just to keep the stove going over the course of the winter.....sigh.

Dec 14, 10 6:52 pm  · 

From an analysis of the recent election - the mandate for what Americans really want:

15. Health care that is cheap, superior, and readily available to me without the danger of the same being enjoyed by anyone I deem undeserving.

The whole list & article is pretty good. Enjoy!*

*courtesy of copper, through whom I came across the link.

Dec 14, 10 7:16 pm  · 

OMG Sarah!!! Where ever did you get that idea. That might be perfect. Can you send me a link or something

Dec 14, 10 9:20 pm  · 

LOL!!! I just looked it up. I'm guessing it's for Abe. Funny thing is I think my guy would find it hilariously funny to get.

Dec 14, 10 9:22 pm  · 
Sarah Hamilton

Actually, husband has been building robots for him and Abe to play with. I got Abe a wind-up tin robot, so the batteries can't die and we won't have to help him with it, and husband got the build it yourself soda-can robot. Santa gifts for each other have to be small to fit into stockings, but then we still give each other gifts from ourselves. Santa just isn't something I've ever wantedto give up.

I actuallyworked with a lady last week who decided they weren't going to lie to their 5 y.o. daughter, and told her Santa was a benwvolent man, but no longer exists. Crash!! I can't even imagine.

Dec 14, 10 9:33 pm  · 
Ms Beary

Parents who think that telling their children that Santa isn't real for the sake of honesty forget that fairy tales develop other very important qualities in a child, like empathy and imagination. Um, way to go, honest mom-lady.

Well, the year is drawing to a close and we made it as small business owners! Today we will hand out bonuses. I bring this up because the size of the bonuses, while not huge, are larger than I ever got in architecture. Not to make anyone feel bad, just broadens that gap between me and ever returning to architecture. Would you believe we had 6 times more students in December than the business had last year at this time??? I love getting rewarded for efforts, finally.

Dec 15, 10 9:25 am  · 

Strawbeary: that's great - congratulations on your success.

Dec 15, 10 9:34 am  · 

STRAWBEARY, CONGRATULATIONS ON HOW WELL YOUR BUSINESS IS DOING. Oops capslock, yes I'm cadding. So I'm enthusiastically shouting congrats to you ;-)

Also, just ignore this question if you want to, but are you pregnant? I recall you talking about it before. The whole Santa thing is complex. I hate lying to my son about it, honestly. And that really is what it feels like - like I'm lying, not fostering imagination or any of that. It's weird, but I'm ready to just tell him the truth.

However, my husband and others have convinced me to push away those feelings of deceit and let him believe as long as possible. My fear is that he'll be angry when he eventually figures it out. Oh well, cross that bridge, I guess.

Dec 15, 10 9:45 am  · 
Sarah Hamilton

He won't be mad as long as the way he finds out isn't because someone is being mean. I tell Abe that the santas we see out and about aren't the real Santa, but he's excited just thesame. I can't wait for Christmas this year. And strawbeary, I'm curious too.

Donna, just think of it as a fun game. Like when you pretend you can't find your son during hide and seek.

Dec 15, 10 9:58 am  · 

Congratulations strawbeary! That's fantastic! It must feel great to be doing so well that you can give your employees a little something to show that they are appreciated.

OK, operation Nebraska is in motion. I have officially let the chair of the search committee (who asked me to apply) that I will in fact throw my hat in the ring for their teaching position. Who else wants to join the Archinect Nebraska Commune?

Dec 15, 10 10:01 am  · 
Ms Beary

Thanks everyone! No, not preggers now. I was when I was laid off and later lost it. :( No need to provide sympathy please, we don't need to talk about it here. Now that I have health insurance (as of today, actually, hee hee thanks for reminding me, we will try again!

donna, like i said above, believing in Santa develops empathy and imagination. I can even recall developing that empathy as a child forming worldly views and brotherly thoughts by thinking of all of Santa's children of the world at Christmas time and how I wanted all of them to have a nice warm home and fun toys to play with. (No, Santa doesn't do much to teach the realities of physics, but that's ok.) Santa develops imagination much like fairy tales! There isn't much value in teaching honesty or right/wrong thru Santa Claus. You don't read your kid strictly non-fiction, do you? When you read fiction to them, you don't end for instance by telling them animals can't really talk and they don't live in houses, you sustain that notion and the lessons and visions of the story can be learned and imaginged.

Dec 15, 10 10:50 am  · 

That's wonderful news to hear Straw. I can only imagine how awesome it much feel to have a burgeoning business and be able to given out holiday bonuses. Hopefully you'll have 6 times as many students at the same time next year too. WOO-HOO!!!!

Dec 15, 10 11:19 am  · 

Opps. give not [i]given/i].

Dec 15, 10 11:20 am  · 

Enjoy the trying part, Strawbeary, it's the best!

Dec 15, 10 11:23 am  · 
Ms Beary

Yeah, one night of fun then your life changes FOREVER!!!

Working with kids defintely makes me want some! Actually, I ALWAYS wanted kids, I just could never figure out how I was supposed to be an architect AND have kids.

Dec 15, 10 4:39 pm  · 

this just in; i am going to my first party at a secret location! ooooo!!!!!!!!

Dec 15, 10 10:05 pm  · 

One of the weirdest years of my life is drawing to a close. Hmm.

In other news, I may be offered a position doing nothing related to architecture that requires very little skill, zero expertise, and minimal education (high school diploma only). This position will pay me a few grand more than the most I ever made as an architect, in upwards of 10 years practicing, most of those as a Project Manager. I will get more vacation time, plus time-and-a-half overtime. In the short months I've been working on contract in this position, I've received constant thanks and praise (really sweet, sincere comments) from all kinds of people that I've been simply doing my job for. Praise that is specific to me personally and my personal work in the company. I get paid for my lunch hour. Unless I feel like making some overtime pay I leave at 5pm. It's increasingly hard to imagine going back to working for a firm. This thought makes me scared. I feel like I am disappointing my younger self, and that I am only being lazy. It's a weird feeling.

Dec 15, 10 10:30 pm  · 

Congrats to strawbeary. For some reason I though beary was a guy. I always think of all anonymous internet posters as being an army of fat guy typing away in their mom's basements. Go figure.

As far as santa goes, I think it teaches the kids how to be cunning. Just play along, and a butt-ton of gifts is all yours. Heck, I'll believe in santa or satan or that other guy for a promise of a more fiscally rewarding new year.

Dec 15, 10 10:42 pm  · 

Strawbeary, that's awesome news about the business! I don't think my current firm gives bonuses... in fact I've been warned that I'm about to get bitched out about not following proper procedure for taking my personal day. I thought I did, but I feel like the procedures at this place are always shifting/evolving and I can't ever seem to keep up and get it right...

And for the record, my parents told me that Santa wasn't real, and I told them that they were liars. So it can work out anyway :)

Dec 16, 10 12:02 am  · 

manta, don't worry about it, architecture will always be here, and besides nothing's permanent.

strawbeary, congrats on doing so well! so sorry about the miscarriage. i agree with straw about santa, there's enough time for kids to deal with reality, fantasy is good for cultivating an imagination.

oh, my current dilemma? i need to learn how to assemble a holiday party outfit, the party is themed - vintage. help.

Dec 16, 10 5:10 am  · 

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