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Ms Beary

Houseguests are overstaying their welcome and are driving me nuts. I kinda thought they would leave this morning, but they elected to stay another day. This morning they have looked thru my mail, stood over my shoulder as I read a magazine article, rearranged various parts of my kitchen, and paced the length of the house 20-30 times. I bit my cheek while eating breakfast and now it is bleeding.

Nov 28, 10 12:05 pm  · 
Ms Beary

Spoke too soon. Houseguests just left because husband showed them dooming weather reports for their route tomorrow. :)

Nov 28, 10 1:24 pm  · 

Woohoo strategic-weather-report-wielding husband!

I'm about to get electricity to the coop. Those beautiful girls have given us SIX eggs in the last week - so I'm eating $200 eggs for breakfast! (Value will go down the more we get, as in all things...)

Man I have to produce like mad this coming week. I'm tired already.

Nov 28, 10 2:46 pm  · 


Aren't you going to Venice this winter? I thought of you when i read this artice on Venice in winters. Sounds lovely... Especially all the little house museums.

I don't think this week will be as full of deadlines as last's but I too have quite a bit to produce.

Jump, did you use to celebrate Canadian thanksgiving? From what my sister says the meals are somewhat similar. Roast, bird etc...

Archi, congrats on finding the dress. One more thing to check off the list.

Hope everyone else has a restful Sunday. I wish I could nap, but never been a great napper. Except when i worked night shift. And that was napping on the job ::o

Nov 28, 10 3:33 pm  · 

been taking naps every day since thursday, almost caught up on my sleep - I'm very thankful for that. Might just have the energy to wrap up this semester in style. No house guests for us, but could have been some if we had gone back to Boston for my 20th HS reunion... those pics from 20 years ago are scary!

Donna, happy to hear about your $200/egg breakfast - did you have truffles and cavier with them?

okay, time to brace self for jumping back in the grind, the website should be live tomorrow!

Nov 28, 10 6:30 pm  · 

Woohoo, tk!

Also archi I'm glad the dress is found. It's a very, very important aspect of the event, one that causes many brides much trauma. My dress hunt was awful, because I desperately needed professional work clothes and couldn't believe I was going to forgo clothes I needed in favor of spending a few hundred bucks on a dress I'd wear once. But! don't forget the most important wedding advice: you don't wear your dress once, you wear it forever.

So what are YOU wearing?!

Nov 28, 10 6:36 pm  · 

Awww Donna what a magical piece of advice - I will be certain to share it with the missus.

TK I feel you - I'm having to do a complete overhaul of the school's website and we don't have the time nor the budget to have it done externally. So we'll be doing piece-meal over the span of 4 months wish us luck

Nov 28, 10 9:31 pm  · 

looking forward to it TK.

expensive eggs donna. very cool. you can lord it over your neighbours and say you eat only expensive eggses, because your worth it...;-)

@nam, sure thanksgiving is the same in canada (i think - don't trust me, i am suddenly filled with doubt!). we just don't do it here. didn't do it when i lived in UK either. so its been a while. about 18 years, now i think on it. my goodness. how time flies.

Nov 29, 10 1:49 am  · 
Sarah Hamilton

The best thanksgiving I've ever had was in Rome. One of my roommates' mom came over, and brought all the US-made foods with her - ie cranberry sauce in a can, stuffing, ect. Another roommate went and bought a turkey, which still had the head and neck attached - she had the butcher remove it.

Since we were all attending an american school, we invited lots of friends from class, and had traditional american TG, but with Italian wine and deserts. It was a blast.

I wish we could do TG here with friends instead of family all the time.

Nov 29, 10 9:59 am  · 

my big news ishere, finally! a few tweaks are still needed to the site, but we're working on it.
the press release is scheduled to go out tomorrow...

Nov 29, 10 11:23 am  · 

very cool barry, congratulations!!!

Nov 29, 10 11:30 am  · 

Congrats, Barry.

I hope everyone had a lovely Thanksgiving. The holiday season is here!!!! I love this time of year. I've blaring Christmas music in my iPod and counting down the days until the quarter is over and my life is consumed with gift making, cookie baking, family and friend lovin', etc.

Nov 29, 10 12:00 pm  · 

congrats barry,

sounds lovely n...

Nov 29, 10 12:49 pm  · 

am i the only person that can't stand xmas music/movies/commercialism/etc? outside of elf? best xmas film ever!

that being said, we will be making a modern gingerbread house in the next few weeks.

venezia is awesome in winter (venice is in california!) and especially on NYE day - the stillness of the city in anticipation of the night was unforgettable. it was almost like wandering around a ghosttown.

way to go barry! a plusenergie campus, phenomenal!

Nov 29, 10 1:47 pm  · 
Sarah Hamilton

Linking Donna's comment a few pages back, and what holz is talking about, that comercial with the guy and his "post-modern" gingerbread house makes me laugh, and also annoys me. On one hand, its funny because its something that anyone of us would totally do, on the other, its annoying because the commercial is all about over-indulgence, and is suggesting that having an architect design a home is indulgent, or that creating an architectural gingerbread house is extravagant - neither of which is true. It cost no more to build a traditional one as a "post-modern" one.


Nov 29, 10 7:38 pm  · 

holz bah humbug... I've never been a fan of the over the top commercialism that passes off as Christmas themed movies and music. But I do enjoy me some egg nog and sorrel especially when loaded with obscene amounts of rum! Go Santa

Nov 29, 10 10:36 pm  · 

Elf is indeed the best Christmas movie ever.

I didn't think it was possible to stuff myself on sushi, but I did - husband's birthday. Then the obligatory cake after with his mom and Angus - ugh, I vow not to eat tomorrow at all!

Nov 29, 10 11:12 pm  · 

jump, are you and the girls okay? 6.9

Nov 30, 10 1:07 am  · 

Inspired by Donna, I talked to my SO last night about the some-day possibility of us raising backyard chickens. He said "NO! They stink and they're loud!" but then agreed to goats with the sole caveat that we won't consume goat milk or cheese.


Nov 30, 10 1:42 am  · 

omg, donna. when the wife and i eat sushi we friggin stuff our faces. it's right next to a really good cupcake place (cupcake royale!) and so naturally on date night we have to have that, too. then we wheel ourselves back home. but man does it taste good...

Nov 30, 10 2:42 am  · 

omg, donna. when the wife and i eat sushi we friggin stuff our faces. it's right next to a really good cupcake place (cupcake royale!) and so naturally on date night we have to have that, too. then we wheel ourselves back home. but man, does it taste good...

Nov 30, 10 2:44 am  · 

i love christmas in all its commercial glory. i love miracle on 34th street, elf, santa clause, and rudolph too.

probably because here it's a night dominated by kentucky fried chicken and is basically a huge love-hotel holliday devoted to young couples eating chicken (WHY KFC!!?) then getting happily drunk and you know the rest. now THAT is weird. all the young kids look forward to it as a romantic evening. it's not only commercial but indecent! ;-)

hi orhan. i didn't notice the earthquake. was on a subway when it hit. my daughter just told me she went under her desk at school just as taught in the drills. it's kind of scary. i worry the training is about as useful as stop duck and cover nonsense taught as a response to nuclear explosion back when....

Nov 30, 10 5:01 am  · 

Glad the earthquake was pretty much a non-event for you all, jump.

manta the funny thing about the backyard chicken forums is how EVERYONE is constantly talking about the remodel work they are doing to their coops! Adjusting the roost bar height, making a wider roost, adding panels to the nest boxes, hanging the feeder or setting it up on blocks, caulking the pop door, rigging a safe heat's amazing. I don't think most of these folks would ever consider putting the same time and energy into remodeling their OWN living environments!

Also, the birds don't stink if you manage the poop well. And even though they do chatter a lot they're surprisingly quiet.

Nov 30, 10 8:08 am  · 

Glad to hear you and the family are ok jump,

As for stuffing face. I made an amazing pasta with crab, butter sauce and warmed arugala, last night after my run....

And one of my neighbors recently put in a chicken coop and run and all this talk is making me seriously consider it for my spring yard project.

manta, why no love for eating the goat products? Stinky or no dairy?

Morning all.

Nov 30, 10 9:07 am  · 

I have no idea, nam, it makes no sense to me. Why would you want to keep a backyard animal that is both stinkier AND louder than chickens*, but then not eat the products that animal provides is beyond me. I just smiled and said "ok" because I love goats and I will get them whatever way I can. And then secretly mix goat milk into his coffee, ha ha ha!

My father was a goatherder for a time. I think it's in the blood.

* Although in my limited experience I found goats not very stinky and their braying very soft and relaxing. But I also didn't find chickens stinky or loud so what do I know.

Nov 30, 10 10:26 am  · 

holz, I miss cupcake royale. And good sushi. LA has creative sushi, but the fish isn't as fresh. I thought I was going to get to come back, but the place I was talking to majorly lowballed me, and now I'm not so sure.

Nov 30, 10 10:56 am  · 

You all must go watch this video from the News of FLW.

Nov 30, 10 12:49 pm  · 

Elf as the best holiday movie! I beg to differ. CHRISTMAS VACATION is were it's at! I love that movie. In fact, last night I was CADing away and listening to Christmas Vacation in the background. That movie has the best one liners.

Holz, did you try to Cupcake Royale's special November cupcake, the pumpkin cardamon one? No words can describe its goodness so I'll give it letters: OMG.

Ok, back to tectonicing. Have a good day, folks.

Nov 30, 10 1:29 pm  · 
Sarah Hamilton

Manta, I now have the song from Sound of Music stuck in my head. Yodalay yodalay yodalay-heehoo!

Nov 30, 10 2:00 pm  · 

personally i think 'a christmas story' is one of if not THE best.. although who's to say... there's def a little bit of everyone's childhood in that movie.

Nov 30, 10 2:11 pm  · 

i also like the peanuts christmas's just sort of timeless... although i could understand why some wouldn't like it.

Nov 30, 10 2:13 pm  · 
vado retro

one of my favorite XmasMovies

Nov 30, 10 2:14 pm  · 

I've watched Love Actually every Christmas for the past 6 years. I personally both Elf AND Christmas Vacation rock.

Nov 30, 10 2:23 pm  · 

Love Actually is an awesome movie, PLUS an awesome Christmas movie!

TOO MUCH TO DO! My partner is headed out of town and I'm stretched suuuuper thin!

Nov 30, 10 2:28 pm  · 

since i've been unemployed, i've been avoiding eating out. so, no sushi OR cupcake royale. depressing, yes! even missed it for my birthday. although the last time i went, the recipe had changed and the cupcakes were smaller. boo!

christmas vacation is a close second. nothing is greater than will ferrel's enthusiasm in elf. if only everyone could be so fascinated by the mundane, life would be a lot more entertaining.

charlie brown xmas is also timeless. vado, is that trading places? christ, another good one!

Nov 30, 10 3:00 pm  · 

will self on love actually:

'...hatred would be a very weak word to describe it...
when they played transcipts of last phone calls of people on the over the opening credit sequence, hugh grant saying there was a lot of love around in the world and you could really know this cos when they played transcripts of the last phone calls of the people that were on the flights that flew into the two towers, they were speaking lovely things to their loved ones is the most grotesque and sick manipulation of a cinema audience's feelings that I've ever seen since Leni Riefenstahl's Triumph of the Will... it was a really grotesque exercise'


Nov 30, 10 3:17 pm  · 

anyone familiar with the work of guenter brus and the wiener aktionismus? i caught a retrospective several years ago, and had a flashback to his work while napping.

very disturbing, yet at the same time, you can't take your eyes off, and it's somehow very beautiful.

Nov 30, 10 5:53 pm  · 

Hi TC,
more News! so now I can publish my blog post about the zero plus campus project - yeay!!!!

Nov 30, 10 6:20 pm  · 

congrats barry

Love Actually is a fantastic movie, that is just set in Christmas and it makes me cry every time I watch it. *m did we watch it together last year? And elf is awesome well because of Will Farrell

Nov 30, 10 10:18 pm  · 

Atechno - no we didn't, but we should have. The missus needs a couple days off the next time you are up in Cleveland so you can come down for a visit.

Congrats Barry on the new project. Is this a part of the grant you also received?

First snow of the season today. Yay winter!!!

Dec 1, 10 8:40 am  · 

First snow here today, too. I'm so worried about the chickens! melt, do your cats go outside in this?

Dec 1, 10 9:46 am  · 

Yes they do Donna. In fact my female went out this morning when I woke up but didn't show up when I left for work. Some days she comes when I call her, some days she doesn't. She'll be fine though, her winter coat is so thick at the moment she looks like a tiny heavily padded football player.

Dec 1, 10 12:10 pm  · 


did you see your boy savage on colbert? he also has a great post on SLOG about gay fliers getting their jollies from TSA rub downs, er i mean pat downs.

Dec 1, 10 2:21 pm  · 

*m she may have a few days but I suspect we may go across to Pennsylvania or Rochester. Nothings confirmed yet.

Argh I'm so bloody tired. I've been back to back on this project. We did have another good meeting with the engineer, and one of the directors commended me on my efforts. But he's worried if I can sustain this to the finish which is next Wednesday. So I'm taking off tonight to hang with mum for her birthday - then back at it tomorrow.

Dec 1, 10 5:37 pm  · 

Horizontal rain today..kind of a fun experience when your on the coast but inland it is just a drag. My felt hat blew off my I chased it in the rain, it was soaked when I caught up with it, cause it had been flopping thru the puddles. I miss "Puddles" think he might be hanging someplace enjoying a single malt whiskey. Oh well some people have all the luck in life. The rest of us get to deal with the mundane.

Dec 1, 10 5:48 pm  · 

Got my first round of applause after a lecture today! being a guest has its perks. two more guest appearances next week, including one on post-oil urbanism that will be videoed and posted for folks to see. I'll share the link once it's up.

tuna - yeah, that is the grant/project that has bumped me up to a 100% appointment.

Dec 1, 10 6:42 pm  · 
vado retro

i gleaned this off the Experimental Jetset Facebook page. a film about the Post War London public building program and the architects who worked in it.


Dec 1, 10 7:54 pm  · 

i am missing rain and snow right now. instead we just have cold.

Barry good things are happening. off to dinner.

Dec 1, 10 9:03 pm  · 

for you i meant.

Dec 1, 10 9:05 pm  · 

i can't wait for my TSA rub down, can't wait.

Dec 1, 10 9:05 pm  · 

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