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great vid Donna.

Lars I do enjoy your paintings, and look forward to seeing you capture landscapes - natural and man made with the same gusto. I too would love to add one to my collection. Sadly my wedding is likely to make me a pauper before the art collection does

Dec 9, 10 7:43 pm  · 

dudi jay...must be an indonesisan rapper.

Dec 10, 10 9:23 am  · 
Sarah Hamilton

What a crappy sub job I have today. I have to sit in the caffeteria for fourclass Periods, and coteach three other classes. Ugh. You'd think they'd have a better use for my genius.

Dec 10, 10 1:51 pm  · 

archi- thanks for your kind words..
it's funny my mom and aunt said the same thing... they love landscapes and are waiting for me to paint one..i don't really paint much more than faces though... i am thinking of doing a series on tree bark though...and maybe a large scale painting of light reflecting off water... so that's probably as close as i get.. congrats on gettin hitched does seem to put a dent in the wallet.

Dec 10, 10 1:55 pm  · 
Lars I do enjoy your paintings, and look forward to seeing you capture landscapes - natural and man made with the same gusto.

That's EXACTLY what I wanted to come on and write!

Dec 10, 10 2:00 pm  · 

face as landscape?

Dec 10, 10 2:13 pm  · 

Schiele did a painting of a harbor - lots of water reflections - that's one of my favorites of his.

Did some holiday shopping at some local downtown stores today, that felt nice. And it's above freezing here, that feels nice too!

God I wish that 27K thread would die already. What else is there to say?

Dec 10, 10 2:25 pm  · 

there is a local's only craft/trades fair tomorrow afternoon dowtown. I hope to get some of my gift shopping done there as I haven't even started.

lars, a series on treebark sounds interesting. It could be in some sense both (micro) landscape and like your portrait series, but of trees.

Hi all, tgif am i right? I just found out someone is leaving my team half way through a big project which a) open up more room for me to deveop a larger role for myself b) likely means more work coming soon.

Although I can't blame him as he is leaving for an over 5$ a hour raise.

Dec 10, 10 2:50 pm  · 

random question for the great minds of TC...

have any of you ever lived in or visited either lincoln or omaha nebraska??? if so, what did you think?

Dec 10, 10 4:58 pm  · 

yep, i did, i lived in omaha. philip, i'll have more to say, after the's not ALL bad.

Dec 10, 10 5:33 pm  · 

its been so long that the weekend actually meant days off. working this weekend too.

27k thread is kinda funny. i'm curious what the fellow who started it all off thinks of where it went...

Dec 10, 10 6:56 pm  · 

Happy Friday my @ss

so I'm going to get drunk and sit in front of 2 dozen sheets of drawings to do some redlines. Just when I thought this project was over... sigh. And the PM's are refusing to accept the use of piles, even though their report says that's the only option. Drink archi drink.

Lars - so it seems that others share the sentiment. Maybe this can be your French Polynesia ala Paul Gaugin. I find your interpretation so strong and emotive, but portraits I find to be personal and almost feel like I should apologise to the subject if I procure one.

Dec 10, 10 7:09 pm  · 

this seemed architectural enough

beer no.2

Dec 10, 10 7:46 pm  · 

techno, I'm in a similar situation. I've got the illustrations for three business strategy concepts that need to go out monday... I finally feel like I know where it's going, but that doesn't mean there isn't still a bunch of work to do! Also an interview next week to prep for, don't know how that's going to happen.

Dec 10, 10 8:32 pm  · 

I too will b working - Sunday for sure. For now I'm trying to find a craft to do at my kid's school for winter festival using the 27 frosting tubs left over from last year's gingerbread house project at winter festival.

Philip I visited Omaha when my husband was there for a 3 month residency. The downtown area where a lot of the buildings have covered sidewalks - not unlike Philly's Italian market - is cool. Seems like a fairly fun town - the Bemis Center is there, for art, and I know there are a lot of MCM homes in the area.

Dec 10, 10 9:42 pm  · 

i liked listening to lorne greene talk about animals for mutual of omaha when i was a kid. does that count?

Dec 11, 10 2:00 am  · 

Philip, Omaha is a nice place to visit. fantastic zoo, fantastic. the downtown = old market is nice, like donna said, but it gets old after a while. public transit, crap. it's a big city spread horizontally. the bemis and the art museum is good. the airport, a trip, you'll never have a problem flying in and out of there, ever. lincoln? meh. the campus is fine, but to me, the city is a bore. council bluffs? white trash heaven.

the one thing omaha has going for it is it's proximity to other cities; des moines, 2.5 hrs, kansas city 3hrs, twin cities 6hrs.

Dec 11, 10 2:50 am  · 


Dec 11, 10 9:56 am  · 

I don't remember much about omaha except my cousin's scary gene simmons posters. also there are a lot of Lutherans there.

I am also working this weekend... next week is full of pricing sets, presentations, and a meeting with a very important person.

plus, our office is most likely doubling in size (from 5 to 10) within a month. this should be interesting. right now we're all fighting over our one intern and she's obviously burned out.

Dec 11, 10 11:37 am  · 
Ms Beary

Philip, I am very familiar with both. Omaha is a nice city, it is large enough to have something for everyone and is an easy-going, affordable, and pleasant city with lots of different types of people, good shopping and good places to eat. It is actually one of my favorite cities to shop in. The airport is small enough that you will never break a sweat getting to your gate, yet there is a sufficient number of flights that get you anywhere you want and very affordably at that.

Lincoln is a more conservative, smaller city with college town demographics, which IMO means a-hole cops, obnoxious football fans, and a large university student population. Beyond government activity (it is the capital city of Nebraska) and education activity, the Dollar Store or the Farm Store gets a lot of traffic.

Feel free to message me with other Q's about either.

Dec 11, 10 11:49 am  · 

toaster, I feel like that intern. Well, I'm not an intern, but I'm the only one at my office that does what I do, so I'm often tugged in too many directions. Last night I started crying as I rode home from work because I'm just so burnt out. It's just one high-demand project after another, with no down time in between, and I can't keep functioning like that. I really need a vacation, but I'm never able to take vacation because I can't find the time when they don't need me. I'm so close to being done with this job, the amount that I care about it has seriously dropped by about 60% in the past couple of weeks. It's almost annual review time, and I'm afraid that I may just break down crying to my boss trying to talk about how hard of a time I'm having with this schedule.

Dec 11, 10 12:22 pm  · 

thanks for the nebraska input everyone! strawbeary, i might send you a message in a few months if it looks like moving there might actually be a possibility... at this point it is just speculation about a possible teaching job...

Dec 11, 10 12:57 pm  · 

Phillip....I spent part of a weekend in Omaha. We drove my cousins go-cart around in a Church Parking Lot. So if your into racing go-carts around in parking lots, I would say go for it!

Dec 11, 10 1:37 pm  · 

epic snowfall, epic.

Dec 11, 10 1:56 pm  · 

the missus is considering a job in Nebraska and it's on the summer short list of school I was considering for my phd. But none of us have ever been there - but we just drop in to see the place.

Dec 12, 10 1:44 am  · 

midwest holla!!!

copper sounds rough. after the first two years at my current job without a vacation i realized how tough it is to work without one and thus have started making taking even long weekends a priority.

I remember reading somewhere that some large % American's don't even use up all the time off they are owed, whereas Europeans et all get 6 weeks.

anywho, i hope it gets better.

i wish i could see some snow, maybe i will have to take a skiing vaca this spring

Dec 12, 10 11:24 am  · 

I use up my vaca time by getting sick.

Dec 12, 10 1:29 pm  · 

My thoughts are with you copper.

Wow, architechnophilia! You will be in quite the culture shocked from your beautiful Caribbean island to the landlocked Nebraska.

Writing a paper and listening to Christmas music while making gingerbread spice bread for my studio mates...and watching a wrecking ball take its latest victim, a beautiful 1940s brick building a block away. This is fascinating. I wanted to take a time-lapse photo shoot of this destruction but it's pouring outside and my window screens are filled with water so the picture quality was extremely pour.

Side note: I thought it would be much louder. I'm a block away and can barely hear it.

Dec 12, 10 2:26 pm  · 
... my window screens are filled with water so the picture quality was extremely pour.

Love this, n_!

copper, you DO need a break, try your best to tell your boss that you're feeling a bit burned out!

Dec 12, 10 3:21 pm  · 

techno, maybe if we both end up there it might not be so bad!

Dec 12, 10 3:36 pm  · 

Spiked eggnog = rilly rilly yummy.

Also, did everyone see this video of the Metrodome collapsing? It's freaking awesome!

Dec 12, 10 3:54 pm  · 


It makes me think you may have enjoyed those Bob McConnell lectures on earthquakes and such!

Dec 12, 10 5:14 pm  · 

I love watching building failures - not fires, but structural collapse/demolitions. Not happy about anyone getting hurt, of course, but when it's without harm I think it's fascinating.

I also enjoy tornado footage. My husband calls it my "storm porn".

Dec 12, 10 5:22 pm  · 

orhan's gone political again... someone send him happy thoughts.

nam - first time I've heard of TAZ.

Dec 12, 10 8:24 pm  · 

toast what about Hakim Bey? guy is sort of wild...

Dec 12, 10 9:15 pm  · 

the internet says he's into some uh... <a href = "">zeus/ganymede</i> type stuff... (hopefully this should thwart more 'interesting' ads)

I'll still read his stuff, but it taints things...

Dec 12, 10 11:29 pm  · 

oops - guess not

Dec 12, 10 11:29 pm  · 



Dec 12, 10 11:45 pm  · 
vado retro

I saw her standin on her front lawn just twirlin her baton
Me and her went for a ride sir and ten innocent people died

From the town of lincoln nebraska with a sawed-off .410 on my lap
Through to the badlands of wyoming I killed everything in my path

I can't say that Im sorry for the things that we done
At least for a little while sir me and her we had us some fun

The jury brought in a guilty verdict and the judge he sentenced me to death
Midnight in a prison storeroom with leather straps across my chest

Sheriff when the man pulls that switch sir and snaps my poor neck back
You make sure my pretty baby is sittin right there on my lap

They declared me unfit to live said into that great void my soul
Be hurled
They wanted to know why I did what I did
Well sir I guess there's just a meanness in this world

Dec 13, 10 1:45 am  · 
Sarah Hamilton

Anybody else see this? It may the future for all of us...

Yeah, yeah, yeah...I didn't feel like doing a fancy link.

Dec 13, 10 11:59 am  · 
Sarah Hamilton

The plumbers just ripped up my front walk. Oh, I can't look!

Dec 13, 10 3:51 pm  · 
Sarah Hamilton

Now they've hit a water pipe. Too bad it's so cold out.

Dec 13, 10 4:06 pm  · 

someone is impersonating steven holl...

Dec 13, 10 4:13 pm  · 

I love that Daisy's pic showed up again on the front page!

Sarah do tell - why is your yard being torn up?

Was supposed to send six drawings to contractor today - I finished one of them. Why does everything - still - take 3x as long as I expect it will?!

It's 9 degrees out, and yet the chickens gave more four eggs today - those girls are total champs.

Dec 13, 10 4:46 pm  · 

great vid Donna... it was real time but felt like slow motion. Like everything came slowly and safely to the ground

Dec 13, 10 6:01 pm  · 
Sarah Hamilton


It started with backed up plumbing on Saturday - which we tried to remedy with loads of drano. No good. So Sunday, Husband and I started digging up holly bushes, and finally found the clean-out. We tried to snake it out, but it wasn't working, so we plunged our hands into the pipe, in an attempt to do it manually. I'm using the term "we" very loosely at this point.

It was all roots, and such, so we called a plumber. He comes out, and tries his snake - like he thinks his bigger, so it must be better. He just pulls out mud. So he he sticks HIS arm down the pipe, and pulls out wads of root and clay. Great.

He calls his son for back-up, and shows us that the our pipe is nearly collapsed, and needs to be replaced.

Today, they dug up the yard, called the city to fix a clog on their end, and stood around watching the city do their thing - in typical city-fashion - one guy working, while the rest stand watching.

Tonight, we have no sewer, but thats ok since we have no running water either. Yippy!

Dec 13, 10 6:50 pm  · 

sara sounds fun!!!

Dec 13, 10 7:58 pm  · 

Donna I meant to ask if you prefer, bias aside, the taste of your own chicken eggs? I'm usually on the fence about it. It is a richer taste I find but far too varied by other factors - being scared shitless by the hawk could be one of them

Dec 13, 10 8:07 pm  · 

funny that someone mentions nebraska - I am thinking of moving there myself and went to check it out this weekend. techno if you want some info, email me.

Dec 13, 10 9:46 pm  · 

nebraska? please, for the love of gawd, move here to MPLS; we - and i - need more friends. i am suffering for some more cool people.

Dec 13, 10 9:49 pm  · 

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