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Star Trek!! DEFINITELY positive! Great one, jump!

Also - Sleeper!! ha!

Dec 6, 10 8:46 pm  · 

Julian Assange = Drama Queen.

Dec 6, 10 8:47 pm  · 

Sleeper = great!

Metropolis? i thought that movie was uplifting.

Dec 6, 10 9:33 pm  · 

lars that sucks...

Maybe it will be the start of the best thing you've ever done?
It seems I know alot of people it seems who at a minimum are maybe working and doing something extra, in terms of trying to start a business or offer services. It seems in this environment everyone has to be an entrepreneur on some level.

If only in spirit.

Night all

Dec 6, 10 11:10 pm  · 

yeah nam. i am not trekky enough to recall the episodes but it comes up every once in awhile. like the time when they found Amelia Earhart frozen in space and she was with this horrible texan capitalist who wanted to make money, but it turned out no one used it anymore....

speaking of capitalism, i just watched a student present to me the merits of the expo in shanghai for my class on sustainable architecture. i am shocked at how quickly the money side dominated the story (improved economy measure in % points = evidence of sustainability). .....teach......better.

i am very sorry to hear that lars.

Dec 7, 10 5:26 am  · 

tonight is finally my pecha kucha. i've edited and edited and i think i can now say everything i need to say in 7:20. : )

Dec 7, 10 6:35 am  · 

i still haven't got around to putting up my pecha kucha presentation online. I wanted to use that as an opportunity to expand upon it with some additional text..

Maybe this weekend...

jump: sounds like your student focused on the idea of a sustainable business/economy less on sustainability as ecological.. Although i think the argument could (should?) be made that the two are linked?

Good luck steven

Dec 7, 10 8:39 am  · 

Break a leg SW

Lars - so sorry to hear about your situation.

Donna - how are the girls doing? Did you relocate them to the back room? My cats won't venture out for more than a few minutes in this weather, which is making all of us kinda cranky.

I agree with Star Trek. I think it's probably the most optimistic view of the future out there. Idiocracy scares the hell out of me.

Dec 7, 10 8:42 am  · 

Steven, it's 6:40!!!


Dec 7, 10 8:52 am  · 

lars, I hope the "terribly exciting" prospect of being shoved into change brings about a terribly wonderful new situation for you soon!

Dec 7, 10 8:54 am  · 

Lars - I'm sorry to hear about your situation. I'll be sending good juju your way.

Steven - Good luck tonight!

Dec 7, 10 10:56 am  · 
Sarah Hamilton

Lars, can you relink your artwork?

Dec 7, 10 11:41 am  · 
vado retro

Lars that blows.

Steven,,,Tora Tora Tora!

Dec 7, 10 3:38 pm  · 

It's funny how I seem to forget simple standard dimensions on common household appliances, plumbing fixtures, etc. the longer I go without actually designing something. Thank God for Google.

Dec 7, 10 4:02 pm  · 

all-'s mildly cathartic to come here where i know alot of people will be empathetic of my situation...i lurk most of the time and don't post too often, but always try to keep up to date. a forum of architects with diverse backgrounds/strategies is invaluable.

i'm def hoping that this leads to something interesting.. in truth i've sort of been stuck in my current place because i didn't want to venture out into this horrible economy...with it not being my choice any more i'll just have to make the best of it... on the up side i got paid today! so that's something.

sarah - i'm happy to..

if any of you see anything you me directly and we'll work something out.

Dec 7, 10 4:22 pm  · 

dating, or trying to date, while in the process of getting divorced is no less challenging than if i was single. perhaps ashley madison...?

Dec 7, 10 4:59 pm  · 

lars - are you interested in doing illustration?

Dec 7, 10 5:00 pm  · 

lars, man, that blows. i don't doubt you'll be doing something that will make you happy. let me know some prices for your work, i am going into debt for artists, so if i can swing it, i'll try and buy a piece.

Dec 7, 10 5:01 pm  · 

i did a good thing today. some friends in a band, an awesome band if i must say - check em out and buy some music Red Pens - i did a solid. feels good, this x-mas spirit.

Dec 7, 10 5:04 pm  · 

toaster...most definitely.. although i tend to do portraits and the like... i've recently been looking at a lot of illustration and thinking about trying to get into magazine work... been looking at juxtapoz, mark ryden, james jean, chris wade, and a bunch of others... just trying to figure out what i have to do to get into that market...

beta...i'm sorry to hear about what you're going through...i've never been married so i can't fully empathize on that front to actually know what you're going through..but i can be fully empathetic regarding how much being single can suck... i never want to go on another first date again..i'm tempted to just call them 'second dates' just to get rid of the stigma in my head.

Dec 7, 10 5:22 pm  · 

ps. beta

the prices on the etsy website basically shows the range of what i charge... i don't know if it works to purchase through there or not.. if there are any that your interested in specifically just write me an email and i'll get you back pricing info

also, i hope that my above comment wasn't too negative... the one thing that i have found as i've gotten older is that i'm much more comfortable with myself/by myself so that i don't feel anxiety as much about why things go wrong on dates or if they will.. things tend to roll off my back alot more..hopefully you have or will have the same experience. for me it takes all the pressure off of dating... which existed in my teens and 20s....then again dating in NYC is like walking through a minefield with scuba gear on...

Dec 7, 10 5:55 pm  · 

b3ta, I think you'll have it 10x easier once the divorce is final. This is coming from someone who refuses to date people who are married, whether they say they're getting divorced, separated, whatever. The simple fact is that many people who say they're getting divorced wind up getting back together with their spouses, or are not actually intending to get divorced at all and are just looking for a little side action. So the one guy that made me want to bend this rule I told look, here's my number, call me when you get things settled. Dating after a major split is hard, but dating *during* is way harder.

Dec 7, 10 6:45 pm  · 

that's right nam. except the assignment was to talk about recent planning or architecture projects in light of the three pillars, not just economics. ah well.

Dec 7, 10 6:46 pm  · 

sorry, the key bit I left out of that is that it's pretty much impossible for a woman to tell the difference between a guy who's being honest about his situation and a guy who's not. So many of us just the we'll-belive-it-when-we-see-the-papers route.

Dec 7, 10 6:51 pm  · 

beta...I would say hang at Christmas Parties...who knows who you might meet. If you meet someone of desire, ask them out for Valentines Day, so you will have some time to really think about making it happen. Of course you will see them before Valentines Day...but it is a great line...around Christmas Time. If they accept, then see about moving it up the date.

Dec 7, 10 7:08 pm  · 

snook, speaking of Christmas parties, are you hiring yourself out as a Santa anywhere this year?!

Dec 7, 10 8:23 pm  · 

copper, i know you're right. it's funny, no matter how upfront i am about this limb-state, even i look at me and go; who the fuck are you kidding. it's almost like i am acting as though the world will end tomorrow, and i am thinking i'll never get laid again...i wish, sometimes, that i had zero morals...but, alas, i can't even begin to to consider pulling something so fucked up.

Dec 7, 10 9:07 pm  · 

lars, no worries. right now, i am dreading the 1st date as well. about the paintings, i will pay off the one i just purchased, this month, and i will want to buy one of the mylar ones early next year.

Dec 7, 10 9:14 pm  · 

hi all - drawings are almost done. In a subtle twist I was told they were for tender - not construction/building approval. So it's taking the pressure off of me ever so slightly - but still awaiting the drawings from the engineer. I suspect tomorrow will still be a little of the mad rush.

Also I've been invited to be the primary discussant for a Symposium on Columbian settlement in Jamaica in honour of the quincentenary of the first on Thursday. It should be podcast and live broadcasted... I'll let you know when I find the address. The academic cv is getting a work out.

Dec 7, 10 10:53 pm  · 

Steven, let us know how PK went!

Dec 7, 10 11:03 pm  · 

pk went very well! a great diversity of things to think about - though i have to say that last night, more than last time, there was a little too much generic sustainability preachiness. [if you want to talk sustainability, folks, show local solutions, not pictures of earth and pictures of glaciers. most people coming to pk GOT that already.]

i delivered 150 images in 20 slides and over 1250 words in 6:40 and - from what i've heard - it was intelligible! some people were even excited enough about the project i presented that they came up to talk to me afterward about how they think it should happen.

i did have a couple of times where i got to pause, however. i think i edited out 15 to 20 too many words...

Dec 8, 10 7:19 am  · 


If I were to go as Santa this year it would have to be as the Dutch Version Vincent Van Santa. Most of the Beard came off after Christmas last year. If the world of Architecture doesn't improve I will be their next year, in a big time way.

Mrs has been out doing here share of Christmas Decorating. She has Restaurants hire her to design and install their Christmas decorations. It is kind of a window design thing she picked up years ago while working in high end retail. It is really something what she can do on a tight budget.


Good luck in your ventures. I have always enjoyed your art work but at this time we are not in the market for any art work. We should actually be unloading some at the moment.


I don't think you have to worry about seeing to much skin in your neck of the woods, so I wouldn't worry about being sexually stimulated by some Norwegian Farm Girl from South Western Minnesota....Hey but they are great catches..

Dec 8, 10 8:41 am  · 

hi all....

Dec 8, 10 9:39 am  · 

I just woke up to thunder in Seattle!!! I am very, very, very excited about this as it rarely ever thunders here. Being from Tennessee, I crave thunderstorms. So much work to do, so little time. Then I fly home, which is just what I need.

I hope everyone is well.

Dec 8, 10 11:11 am  · 
vado retro

hey beta try this... i went out with a woman who was not only still married but she was seven months pregnant!! we ate thai food and watched herzog movies. it was fun until she dumped me for some other guy she was seeing. see you can be married and pregnant AND date more than one guy at the same time.

Dec 8, 10 12:06 pm  · 

beta - that sounds cool.. look forward to see which one u like

snook - i totally hear you on unloading art... i feel like i should move, but at the moment i just don't have the energy... i think i have about 60 or more individual pieces of art...and that's just counting the ones on mdf and scratchbord... then there's the mylar and paper pieces..

mmm....norwegian farm girls..

Dec 8, 10 12:50 pm  · 

lars, those drawings are amazing. i looked at them for a long time last night (specially giacometti). you're really onto something..

Dec 8, 10 1:02 pm  · 

thanks orhan..
i've been doing alot of scratchboards recently..i love the difference in the way it makes me think and i get obsessed with new materials and's just a way to expand my repertoire...

re: giacometti..
i love his paintings...i think they have so much angst in them.

i want to start a series of my inspirations..giacometti is the first.. if anyone has any suggestions of those to add to the list let me know..

artists: edvard munch, alice neel, lucian freud, egon schiele, chuck close, jerome witkin
architects: rem, scarpa, miralles, kahn
musicians: tom waits
authors: eco, borges, capote, steinbeck

it's a compacted list at the moment..but i think it's a good start.. mainly i want people with interesting work and faces.

Dec 8, 10 2:23 pm  · 

Lars your paintings are beautiful. good luck with everything!

Dec 8, 10 2:53 pm  · 

lars, love the ecstacy 2 image. i might have to put it on layaway...hmm. i decided i am going into debt for art.

Dec 8, 10 5:39 pm  · 

so the drawings weren't finished - far too much coordination needed with the engineer and not enough time. But I had to hand it off, too much to do this week. And damn it's almost Christmas

And the missus is stuck at work, a snow storm hit Cleveland.

Dec 8, 10 8:50 pm  · 

worth watching:

Helen Mirren's comments on Women in Entertainment

Dec 8, 10 9:53 pm  · 

beta, I love that you are going into debt for art. It's a fantastic commitment to people to whom it will actually matter.

If there was a fire in my house, this is the order of saving things:

1. people and dog
2. computer or hard drive
3. Richard DeVore vase
4. whatever other art I could reach

I have a lecture to write tonight and damn am I tired from critting students all day!

Dec 8, 10 9:56 pm  · 

Oh, manta, I love the video, I love Helen Mirren (totally), I love that you posted it here, but you *have* to include the Tracey Ullman version as well:

Fish Out Those Old Teats

So damn funny!

Urgh, back to work...

Dec 8, 10 10:26 pm  · 

n_ so that was really thunder? one of the few things i miss about living in virginia - late night thunderstorms scaring the crap out of everyone. heading down to the desert has offered a nice alternative, though. lightning storms are insane.

giacometti was the man. i agree, his paintings are incredible... i miss escaping down to basel to check out his work in the beyeler.

alberto also had quite an unforgettable face, especially later in life.

Dec 8, 10 11:47 pm  · 

That Tracy Ullman clip reminded me just what an amazing impersonator she is. I actually went and looked up other stuff of hers. Every time I come across her I make a mental bookmark to see if I can rent the dvds of her show, and then I forget again... time to check Netflix!

Dec 9, 10 12:02 am  · 

lars, i've always been partial to francis bacon...although i've recently discovered schiele and love his paintings.

Dec 9, 10 4:39 am  · 

Schiele is amazing, and in his same school Oskar Kokoschka, I think? And Giacometti's portraits.

And Tracey Ullman is indeed a genius.

Dec 9, 10 8:57 am  · 

donna, i just watched far too many clips of tracy ulman. she is way funny. love her interview with that parkinson dude.

Dec 9, 10 9:59 am  · 

what's crazy to me is that schiele died at 28...28! (or at least that's the number i remember off the top of my head)... i've always associated schiele with klimt..but i guess he and kokoschka were around at the same time..kokoschka just lived a lot longer. schiele's work is striking in person..and so far ahead of its time.. i saw an exhibition of his at the neue gallerie here..about 100 drawings and paintings....amazing.

holz..yeah that's the image i used..
i've yet to go to any of his museums in switzerland...i passed by an exhibition of his in zurich before i really knew who he was..and also in milan...i walked into the back entrance of what i thought was a gallery..but i guess was the gift shop of a museum..i could see his work through the doorway.. i've always seen his work as the expression of the angst of the creative process..if you read the book by james lord giacometti is always talking about how it's not good enough and is constantly reworking his paintings...something i rarely do, but would probably benefit from..

beta..for whatever reason i've never bought into francis... i guess i just don't like abstract as much...i walked around almost the entire Met last weekend and saw a few of his paintings..but i'm always drawn to the portraits that are semi-realistic..figurative...chuck close's airbrush painting of his friend..and such. i like process and layering.

donna...i've often thought of what i'd grab in a fire...i'm not sure what i'd go for.. but it'd def be tough..i have a room full of books.. and too many paintings and works of would be heartbreaking to leave any of them behind..

Dec 9, 10 2:16 pm  · 

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