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vado retro

wk---there was an interview on fresh air awhile back about internet tracking....

One of the fastest-growing online businesses is the business of spying on Internet users by using sophisticated software to track movements through the Web, so that the information can be sold to advertisers.

Julia Angwin recently led a team of reporters from The Wall Street Journal in analyzing the tracking software. They discovered that nearly all of the most commonly visited websites gather information in real time about the behavior of online users. The Journal series identified more than 100 tracking companies, data brokers and advertising networks collecting data — which are then sold on a stock market-like exchange to online advertisers.


Nov 20, 10 10:05 am  · 

Sarah do you know there is an active volcano there? The cold I can deal with - I have sunny disposition.

oops I'm getting my avatars/alias' mixed up

Nov 20, 10 10:14 am  · 

Besides not all of Canada is frigid in the winter. I hear Vancouver has a very temperate climate. It's nice to see activity here, I feel like it's been rather sparse in recent weeks.

Have fun with the kids Donna - shape those fabulous architectural minds. Are your chickens doing any better since the hawk attack?

Thanks everyone for the well wishes. I am finally coming back to life after a horrible painful week.

Nov 20, 10 10:52 am  · 

so I'm attempting to do the impossible, I need to bring 25,000 square feet of schematic to design development for the engineers, contractors and quantity surveyors by Monday. So what am I doing online? Sigh

Nov 20, 10 11:23 am  · 

oh a student asked me what a "Jack & Jill bathroom" was yesterday and I've not been able to find an answer. Any clues?

Nov 20, 10 11:25 am  · 

next time I go out for Chinese Food....think I will ask if they have,
"Chicken with Hot Feet". Sounds like something from a Chinese Menu.

Nov 20, 10 11:49 am  · 
Ms Beary

A jack and jill bath is one that is between two bedrooms, like the kids' bathroom in the Brady Bunch.

Nov 20, 10 1:00 pm  · 

To add to what strawbeary posted, I believe they also usually have two sinks so that the people from each bedroom can do non-private things like makeup and toothbrushing at the same time.

Nov 20, 10 2:14 pm  · 

LOL!!! I was going to say the exact same thing, down to the Brady Bunch reference.

Nov 20, 10 4:53 pm  · 

oooo....lucky me, i get to go to a sports bar for thanksgiving - i'd rather the casino - with members of my soon to be ex-family. joy.

Nov 20, 10 6:21 pm  · 
Nov 20, 10 6:56 pm  · 

Nice pic, melt.

I LOVE Louisville! Honestly it's such a cool, funky city.

snook, I actually HAVE eaten chicken feet, long ago at dim sum. They were room temperature, which is probably one reason I didn't especially like them.

Like copper said, a real jack and jill has two separate sink areas, attached to bedrooms, with the toilet/bathing component(s) shared between the two - so from a hallway one cannot enter the toilet are without going through a bedroom. Usually the sink area is set up like a dressing area, with access to the closet as well.

We do them frequently, sometimes with a separate WC, sometimes not.

Nov 20, 10 11:20 pm  · 

Interesting, Donna. I've only seen them as two sinks on a long mirror wall with wc and shower on the other wall, with the walkway basically forming a hallway between the bedrooms. Your way makes sense though and is probably the more current way of doing it, since square footages just seem to be getting bigger and bigger.

In other news, I am still recovering from several completely hellish weeks at the office, which included two deadlines less than a week apart, an actual 24-hour workday, and breaking in a new project manager. I feel another nap coming on just thinking about it, and am laying low this weekend and trying to be really kind to my body: lots of time at the gym, naps, and veggies. Maybe even a manicure.

Nov 20, 10 11:44 pm  · 

busy next week coming up. final presentations of student work. one or two juries in every architecture school in los angeles. best one, since i did their mid term crits, could be sitting in a jury with thom mayne in ucla next friday, critiquing their 'suprastudio' project. then, fly to arizona state to do the same. i love it! student projects rock! i will report back to tc council how it all went.
my two weeks stay in a gregory ain's tierman house is ending tomorrow. as i am dreading to say goodby to thelonious...

i hope everybody is doing well. specially tuna.

Nov 22, 10 2:59 pm  · 

Orhan did you get some writing done as writer in residence?

Copper minus the manicure sounds like what I have been doing. lying low and being kind to my body.

Hi all, anyone else have deadlines before Thurs?

Nov 22, 10 7:46 pm  · 

holz I posted your vid version on my blog and it has been getting some interesting traffic. Do check out the comment section

Nov 22, 10 11:01 pm  · 

Disney day 3: after this I'll be ready for Iron Man.

Nov 23, 10 9:59 am  · 

I just completed a major electronic recycling. I cleaned out every dead electronic dead item in the basement. It included cellphones, digital cameras, telephones, dvd players, computer monitors, computers, keyboards ink jet printers, laser printers, and the array of chords and tranformers to plug things into. It was like 20 years of stuff which has been sitting on the shelf. I figured I should clean house before the snow flys. I do feel better, lighter, and relieved that the guy at the recycling center didn't go ballastic on me for bringing in so many items.

I have also been battling a problem on my oldest computer. Somehow I managed to change the menu box everything is really large.

Nov 23, 10 11:54 am  · 

Doing much better Orhan, thanks.

Went on a way cool facility tour this morning of a company that designs PV installations. It was really cool to see what they are doing in the sustainabilty area. They don't necessarily produce the PV cells but they are trying to figure out way to make better use of them. We got to go up on their roof today and see all the different type of installations they have. They basically use their own facility as a sort of testing ground to see which PV companies really do hold up to their claim. They even informed of some of the misinformation I've been fed out there on some of the different technologies out there and some of the things they've discovered that work in theory but not in practice. It was all so incredibly intresesting.

Then I sat there for a good ten minutes geeking it up with their LEED AP learning more about geo thermal technology. Almost fell in love. The only thing I hated about their facility is everything was so dark. Perhaps it was my upbringing, but I crave sunlight and their place was so incredibly dim, I think I would suffer from SARS if I worked there.

All in all though I was still very impressed and it's gotten me thinking about the challenges of bringing PV energy to the private sector and what could be done to combat it... at least in Ohio.

Nov 23, 10 1:19 pm  · 
vado retro

I hope you all have a safe and enjoyable Thanksgiving!

Nov 23, 10 6:09 pm  · 

I figured out my putter problem....and I'm changing servers....soon.

Nov 23, 10 7:15 pm  · 

very cool, melt

that all sounds totally awesome orhan!

3 days at disney steven? wow. i knew the american version was bigger than here

we just went this weekend (again!) and had a blast, but a day was enough. my own kids however never get enough. are yours still raring for more?

Nov 23, 10 9:54 pm  · 

for some reason my posts won't go through. So let's try this again

Nov 23, 10 10:24 pm  · 

I see you, techno!

I just inadvertently clicked on a page from the middle-right side of the grid of numbers above. It was fun to read back - the page when tk's boy was born! I love you guys.

Nov 23, 10 10:45 pm  · 

I've done that before, clicking on a random page. It was in the 200's, I think, and I was like "Where am I?"

I had a deadline that was supposed to be Monday, and it was going to be a real push to finish, but it's gotten extended to December 15! So now instead of killing ourselves over Thanksgiving Break we will be taking our time and double-checking our work. I was happy as pie today.

copper, I am truly sorry about all of your crappiness. I'm glad you get to take it easy this weekend. We recently had a graphic designer position open up, and I thought of you, but our graphic design department is the one place in my company I wouldn't feel comfortable referring people to... it's kind of a sh*t show. You could run circles around those folks. Maybe someday someone like you will save them from themselves.

Speaking of incompetence, this hurts my brain in every imaginable way:

I hope everyone else has a great holiday... I'm coming out of a long spell of stress and anxiety myself, and trying to dig out of a bad mood that seemed to last for weeks. So the long weekend is a nice step in the direction of getting back to my old, more pleasant self.

Nov 23, 10 11:30 pm  · 

Ugh, DubK, how about this one?

Nine year old 25-story condo tower to be demolished in Seattle.

They didn't use non-shrink grout on the PT cables. One small fuck-up, and the entire thing is a waste. So awful.

Hey, preview just worked on page 400something, wow!

Nov 23, 10 11:36 pm  · 

thats totally shitty (the grout thing). i wonder who pays for that kind of error?

we just learned that moving is very very hard in tokyo. all day-cares in places we are looking at are full! no daycare = no moving. seems likely that we will wait until our youngest can start elementary school and then move. sometimes i really really long for a european system here. i want to live in a world where quality child care is a right, darnit!

and the japanese govt wonders how it cold reverse the shrinking population trend!

Nov 24, 10 12:44 am  · 

Donna I remember hearing about that... isn't it awful? Such a waste...

Nov 24, 10 1:32 am  · 

jump, where would the elementary school be? Are there neighborhood schools that are required to take you if you live in that district? Or will it be private school? I honestly don't know the first thing about the Japanese school system, so forgive ignorant questions!

Here in Naptown we are switching to year-round school next year. So a 5-week summer plus (3) three week breaks is I think how it will work. More school systems are going this way, question is, will the local daycares/summer camps adjust to suit the needs of the public school system's working parents? We shall see!

Nov 24, 10 8:59 am  · 

Morning all,

Met my one big deadline this morning, but still have some other work to do today.

Donna, that is pretty cool about the change in the school calendar. As much as I love(d) the big breaks in the old schedule it is amazing to me that we still base our school schedule around a agrarian seasonal cycle.

Longer days and school years are two of the easiest ways to increase both instructional but also extra curricular (arts, sports etc) time for children. Haven't heard anything like that being tried in my area, but i would be fully in support of it..

Nov 24, 10 11:28 am  · 

hah hah if they tried that shorter school terms many many businesses would cease to exist here. Summer parties and activities, especially close to the end of summer work much like black Friday - they inject much need income into the economy

Nov 24, 10 5:46 pm  · 

Look at THIS!!!!


Nov 24, 10 6:02 pm  · 

Congrats on the first egg Donna!!! I love the smiley face. What are you guys going to do with it?

Nov 24, 10 6:16 pm  · 

hurray for eggs!

donna, the school year is organised the way your area seems to be going. kids sure spend more days in school than i remember when i was a kid (no 2 months of summer off). school year starts in april/may and is split into three semesters. there is no grade K, so kids are all 6 years old when they start proper elementary school and most can read and write basic stuff by then.

there are two daycare systems, one for working parents and one for parents who stay at home. both are run by the government and have limited enrollment so waiting lists are not altogether unheard of. it has become easier since population numbers started to drop in last decades, but still not quite easy as i would like.

honestly, it is all quite cool and i should not complain because it is still better than most have access to in much of the world, but it is a frustrating hurdle when trying to move. am resigned to it now, but we had to cancel our application to a really great flat a few days ago after hitting that wall.

elementary schools are different story thankfully since legally all kids have to go to school they have to take us if we live in the area. which means we wait til the spring and then all will be well.

but it will never be as good as raising own chickens....with eggses!

Nov 24, 10 7:47 pm  · 

Thank you to the universe for continuing to support and tolerate us despite our best efforts at screwing everything up. Happy Thanksgiving everyone!

Nov 25, 10 9:06 am  · 

OMG angus is a YOUNG LAD!!!! Seems like yesterday he was just a toddler!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Nov 25, 10 1:12 pm  · 
Distant Unicorn


You can feel slightly better at the expense of my pain. My kidney infection has been upgraded to kidney stones.

Ahh, the joy of childbirth everytime one urinates.

Nov 26, 10 2:27 am  · 

morning all,

Hope everyone had a great Thanksgiving. I ate for ten. You?

Now off to shop for a new laptop.. But hopefully only via the internet.

Nov 26, 10 11:14 am  · 

if i had more guts, i'd go to the airport, right this second - i mean as i type this - buy a round trip ticket to new mexico or cali, walk out into the desert, scream a guttural, manly yarl, and get back onto that plane and come back to mpls.

Nov 26, 10 1:26 pm  · 

beta....the next best manly thing to do in mpls, is go buy a 1964 volkswagon air cooled beetle and drive it around the Cities all Winter long...with the windows rolled down you you can scrape the ice off of the windshield as you drive about. Then you are a manly man....even in Garrison Kellors book.

Nov 26, 10 2:14 pm  · 

When Brian bought his '68 MGB-GT without working heat, he plowed snow with its bumper form upstate New York all the way to Philly.

beta, that's a fun idea but you can do a manly yarl in the frozen north just as well as in a desert!

Nov 26, 10 5:07 pm  · 

Such a happy, happy story out of New Zealand - diabase, tell us about the jubilation?!

Nov 26, 10 6:53 pm  · 

i saw that in the times yesterday donna. amazing story.

i prefer yawps to yarls.

wish i could join a thanksgiving feast. totally jealous of you all.

Nov 26, 10 7:24 pm  · 

You know how we always say part of the fun of being an architect is constantly learning new knowledge as we have new clients? My clients right now are chickens and I am learning A LOT about how to heat their little coop so my girls don't get too cold.

snook, ask some of your friends up in the frozen north how they manage their chickens!

It may be spoiling them, but come on: they're giving me free breakfast these days, I have to take care of them!

Nov 26, 10 8:35 pm  · 

so the missus has a dress and is over the moon. All we need now is a venue

Nov 26, 10 11:43 pm  · 

Hope everyone had a nice Thanksgiving.

I think it was the last page when EmK asked me about my first ARE test. I did pass! Turns out it was my fault I didn't receive the results for so long, since I didn't change the address with the State Dept. I haven't taken a test since but looking into changing the order I'm going to take them. Probably overthinking the order thing but eh, I didn't want to study over the holidays anyway. Good luck on your tests EmK and whoever else that are studying/taking the AREs.

Donna, I was going to comment on the hawk thing, but that was so crazy I couldn't even wrap my mind around it.

I was reading that 27K salary thread, and man I don't know what to think. My first job I think I was paid 12.5 an hour w/no overtime pay. But then again, I wasn't in NYC and I was still in school. I also got a nice raise the next year. Actually, I've gotten pretty nice raises the following years except for 2008/2009.

Nov 27, 10 12:59 pm  · 

assuming you saw the chicken coop piece in the november dwell, donna? they also talk in terms of their feathered clients.

it's 5pm. we've been on the road since 4:25am. that means only 5 more hrs to go! [ugh.]

Nov 27, 10 5:06 pm  · 

thats awesome archi!

hurray for chickens and clients with a convincing cluck.

it is surprising how cautious/angry so many of us are, slarti.

sometimes the bad ideas are the best ones and the safe choices lead to dreary hell and the only way to find out is to go do it. My bias is to always do the crazy stuff so really not the best person to go to for sober advice, but it sounds like some would prefer the fellow be unemployed than paid poorly...

Nov 27, 10 6:40 pm  · 

I agree jump the wild decisions are often my choices as well, as of late - they at least leave you with a story if all goes to hell in a hand basket ;)

this has been my first lazy Saturday since... a long time. I've taken 2 naps, 3 beers, 2 junk food meals, and now a glass of single malt. Back to the grind tomorrow

Nov 27, 10 7:30 pm  · 
Sarah Hamilton

I rarely take naps. I just can't do it. It keeps me from sleeping at night. Plus, I might miss something.

On that salary thread, I say ask for 32 and take what the counter with. Seems like the guy is happy there, and it's garunteed. Sounds like the safe choice.

Nov 28, 10 10:06 am  · 

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