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good morning n_,

hopefully it gets better. Sometimes processing things slowly is actually easier.
I myself have been doing great. Until late yesterday when i started feeling run down. Think i might have caught a bug from roomie. Ughhh

Nov 17, 10 8:33 am  · 

hope you feel better soon nam and n_

didn't know about that holiday orhan, thanks for the vignette.

one of my good friends from czech republic told me of his most hated/loved holiday. i think it was easter (but could be wrong) with the tradition being that the boys would hit the girls with sticks for some reason that he always thought was mildly psychotic but was culture so there you go. not up there with blood letting but still pretty different ;-)

thats funny vado. crazy politicians.

Nov 17, 10 10:11 am  · 
vado retro

so wtf? i go outside to find someone has painted over my car windows and license plate with this pink/red glitter sparkle paint? wtf? not another car in the lot touched. just mine. i haven't lived here long enough to make any enemies so i must just chalk it up to the general caving in of societal ethics since the republicans won the house.

Nov 17, 10 3:17 pm  · 

So I go on a lunch time walk-about with Frito Jack and what the heck to I encounter..... a Hawk taking a medium sized blackbird as a hostage. He knocked him right out of the air as he was flying in a flock of birds. Took him to the ground and was doing him in. Frito was all excited being a bird dog and all... had to restrain him from getting into a free for all. I guess they must know it is going to be a long winter.

Nov 17, 10 3:58 pm  · 
Sarah Hamilton

Vado that sucks. Though I have to admit, it's so odd/random, it's kinda funny. Hope it didn't do any damage. Maybe they're trying to spread some holiday cheer!

Nov 17, 10 4:46 pm  · 

vado are you going to be Louisiana in March? I have a wedding to go to and would love to share a pint or a dozen.

OKay I'm off to Pecha Kucha - I hope it goes off without any worries

Nov 17, 10 5:25 pm  · 

finishing up my pecha kucha slides tonight to submit for the next louisville version. nervous already.

Nov 17, 10 6:54 pm  · 

pecha kucha all over! wow, mark must be wishing he could collect royalties. have fun guys!

so, i tried to post this in the news but couldn't get it to work so i thought i'd throw it down here. maybe one of you technically gifted people can put it up if it seems worthy. myself i just love that canada seems to be looking to a great future while us of a seems so paralyzed about what is coming next...

anyway, here is the news-thingy:

Welcome to Canada

"Confronting a shortage of home-grown architects, the Canadian government is making it easier for foreign-trained designers to work there."

for all you folk out there looking for work the Canadian government apparently thinks architects are the bee's knees, and not only that, firms are hiring and will likely continue to do so for the foreseeable future.

Nov 17, 10 7:07 pm  · 

Yay Canada!

techno have fun at P/K. it will be a blast I'm sure!

Steven don't be nervous. You rock.

Nov 17, 10 7:14 pm  · 

jump, I just posted your link into a new topic thread. I think Canada could use an infusion of some American charm.

Nov 17, 10 7:45 pm  · 

Hey TC.

things have been slow in seattle. unemployment has allowed me to create a response to the incredibly awesome "so you want to be an architect" video that has been making the rounds.

thought you guys could appreciate it.

Nov 17, 10 8:37 pm  · 

hm. doesn't seem very nice, does it, holz? i'm glad i'm a few years away from the school environment now. it's a nice place to visit. to think i always thought teaching would be part of what i do. it's bitter, man.

donna, i'm only nervous because i'm me and i'm doing what i always do: as you can imagine (because you know me), i'm shoving entirely too many images and words into my 6m40s.

i guess if it didnt, i wouldn't be me...

Nov 17, 10 8:53 pm  · 

Loving it, holz. It's making it rounds in Arch Hall.

Nov 17, 10 9:14 pm  · 

steven, it's kinda crass, but the original wasn't so nice. and it is kind of a critique of the profession through my experiences and stories from friends and here on the 'nect.

n_ awesome. that's hilarious.

Nov 17, 10 9:17 pm  · 

Are you an alumni from this program? Also, was that a direct reference to our dean?

Nov 17, 10 10:23 pm  · 

no and no. who is the dean now, peter cohan?

Nov 17, 10 10:34 pm  · 

Oh, honeys. It's hard out there - with holidays coming especially I know a lot of people are stressed. Lean on your friends, all.

Steven: your stress is manageable, at least the stress related to PK. You only have TWENTY images, right? And you know you speak quietly, so you need to practice at an uncomfortable volume, for you, to make sure you can be heard.

Nov 17, 10 11:54 pm  · 

Thanks all for the support.

Holz - check your email.

Studying for an exam in my bed. Love this feeling. (honest!)

Nov 18, 10 12:31 am  · 

holz that is pretty funny. It reminds me of getting a fortune cookie and adding the words "in bed" to the end of every fortune. But did you have to add that dig on USC at the end?!? My "daddy" certainly didn't pay for my education there :o)

n_ I hope you are doing better. Positive thoughts...

Good luck with your Pecha Kucha's everyone. Can someone remind me what the point of those are, again? And who is the audience?

Nov 18, 10 1:03 am  · 

thanks rustystuds. it popped up in the news too, so i guess i did it right by accident. when i hit submit i just got the entire archinect site popping up in the news window instead of the article. very strange, these intertoobs...

have fun steven!

christmas? aach! forgot about that. looks like we are moving house downtown probably around that time. gonna be busy trying to move and still take a holiday when the whole country thinks christmas is like valentines not a family thing at all....convincing everyone around us to take it slow for a few days is so hard. my kids even have to go to school christmas day....

ah well. i say all that every year. but its still truth.

Nov 18, 10 1:10 am  · 


my dad's a USC alum, too (not arch). but it kinda made the most sense since FOG's an alum.

the 'idiot' character is the antithesis of most TCers...

never done the 'in bed' thing, now i need to get some chinese!

Nov 18, 10 1:17 am  · 

good stuff holz... reminds me a bit of the old adage that A students will teach and B students will work for the C students...

Nov 18, 10 6:30 am  · 

silly donna. i get 20 slides. do you know how many images someone like me can pack onto a slide?!

Nov 18, 10 8:05 am  · 

congrats, techno, on your PK going well.

you should just check out the PK website dubk, or find some of the presentations on youtube. it's for anyone, about anything! and because you're hearing anyone about anything back-to-back and rapid-fire, it sort of gets your synapses firing in an inspirational/kaleidoscopic way.

Nov 18, 10 8:09 am  · 

But Steven only 20 seconds per slide and really HOW MUCH can a pair of eyes/a brain take in if you fit 50 tiny images into one slide?!?! Edit, my friend, edit. Only the most critically important, bigbeautifulsexystunningbreathtaking images. ONLY those.

n_, do hang in there. Enjoy the bed time, too - you might as well enjoy it while you can.

Ugh I'm late to a pre-bid meeting.

jump, are you moving yourselves into a new abode?! I thought you loved where you live?

Nov 18, 10 9:18 am  · 

yeah it looks like it donna, though we are having second thoughts and all kinds of reservations. we totally love where we live, but the commute is getting hellish now i stared doing research job as well as work at office - and from april will be doing studio too looks like, which makes it worse (though fun work !). the campus is on entirely opposite side of the city which is pretty far (like 60kms or more), so if we don't move close to office i'll never see the kids. hence the planning of the move. if we can find a place that is ;-) fun fun fun.

Nov 18, 10 9:38 am  · 

i hear you donna. not capable.

Nov 18, 10 10:04 am  · 

to be fair, only one slide has 12 images, the rest are only about half that. ; )

Nov 18, 10 10:07 am  · 

LOL! Steven, you kill me. I know it will be a spectacular presentation, but I also know it will probably be TOO spectacular for half the audience to get! Pearls before swine, in your case, for sure.

Nov 18, 10 12:59 pm  · 
vado retro

hey tc.

pk fever. i've never done one. it seems as though there is one every other week in indy. of course, i'm in louisianastan now, though i still get the event updates.

techno i may be here. i may not. depends on several things. although as is often the case, one stay s in a place because they can't afford to leave it.

Nov 18, 10 1:33 pm  · 
vado retro

funny vid holz.

Nov 18, 10 1:44 pm  · 

steven, good luck! especially with the editing !

next presentation i am going to use prezi instead of ppt. no idea how it works still but it looks fun even if not really as radical as they want us to believe.

you might want to look into it because you can scale in and out of the images rather than just do a lantern show. very cool feature i think.

Nov 18, 10 7:46 pm  · 

Prezi is very cool. We tried to use it for one presentation but overloaded it pretty quickly and cut bait: back to the old way. If you don't make too big a file, it's very fun! And effective. Like mapping your talk.

Nov 18, 10 8:12 pm  · 

steven that was actually the thing i struggled with the most in my Pecha Kucha presentation. I think I averaged about 2-4 maybe...

But i think doing having probably contributes to the rapid firing of the synapses.

I found it a great way to structure the beginnings of a paper. Almost like outlining. I am still hoping to turn my first one into a essay/submission. And already have plans for another in the next couple of months.

Jump, sounds like more than a few big changes on horizon. good luck!

I am still sickish and annoyed cause i was really looking forward to running this week. The upside is I get to work from home tomorrow.
Nite all

Nov 18, 10 11:11 pm  · 

I went to an event last month called "Ignite Portland" that seemed suspiciously like a Pecha Kucha, but of course wasn't called that. And the audience was quite large... apparently they have these things 3 or 4 times a year. The presenters talked about all sorts of random topics, but the format seemed very similar. So Pecha Kuchas work for all sorts of disciplines then, yeah? The two presentations that I remember distinctly were 1) about a giant Jenga set and 2) about two graphic designers with the same name who worked with the same guy at one point. Very, very funny, and hard to explain so I won't.

Prezi is pretty cool. I thought about using it for my presentation last week but I just didn't have time to convert it over.

So, $15 Archinect t-shirts, eh? I need another t-shirt like I need a hole in the head! I would love a full compliment of building materials though, LOL.

Nov 19, 10 1:34 am  · 

I'd be interested in seeing everyone's PK presentations after they are finished. It seems like a really cool concept and would love to go to one.

very funny video holz

hope you are feeling better n_ I too think I process my feelings very slowly but I think man is right it may in the end be better. At least you're dealing with them and not shoving them down into the shadows of the unconscious.

I've been flattened for the last few days with a horrible kidney infection. Doctor told me it was a good thing I made an appt. when I did otherwise I would have landed myself in the hospital. This is the first time in three days that I've actually had enough energy to do anything.

Nov 19, 10 12:15 pm  · 

Oh heavens, melt. I hope you're doing ok and glad you made the decision to go to the doc.

Nov 19, 10 12:53 pm  · 

It is 3:38 pm...friday....and well I think I will go and get into the Thanksgiving Spirit Early! Nothing else to do on a Friday afternoon, after spending a good part of the day looking at GIS Maps, Town Master Plans, and Google Earth. reading property values and looking to see who the neighbors are. Now if I only had a bucket of my own money...I could go celebrate instood of my client.

Nov 19, 10 3:40 pm  · 
Distant Unicorn

****melt, join the club.

Try paying for Suprax and Noroxin with prescription coverage!

Nov 19, 10 3:43 pm  · 
Distant Unicorn


Nov 19, 10 3:47 pm  · 
Sarah Hamilton

Mmm spirits!

Husband is going out with guys tonight. Anybody want to come over? I've always wanted a girls night out, but the two ladies I'm friendly with never can come. Sometimes I think husbands/dads get off easier than wives/mothers.

Nov 19, 10 5:43 pm  · 


Snook - how are things going in your neck of the woods. Things looking up at all?

SH - I totally agree with you. I have a bunch of girlfriends who tell stories of how their husbands do all these extra curricular activities but when it comes to the women wanting to go the guys are like "WTF?" One of my friends wanted to take a class or something and her husband said no even though he's on a bowling league he said no because they can't afford it. Mind you, she's home with the kids 24/7 without a break (product of the great economy) and desperately needs one for her own sanity. ARGH!!!! I would offer to babysit but they live in Houston.

Nov 19, 10 6:09 pm  · 

woh melt, that is not good. hope you are better soon.

mark and astrid's club (superdeluxe) is a few blocks from my partner's flat so we see pechakucha fairly often. usually one good show in an evening at least that makes it worth it. but lately is much more crowded with all the people looking all design-ery and cetera. sometimes its a bit much. tokyo is already kind of over-dressed (and acting cocky) and designers are so much more so ;-)

the thing i love most about the whole PK deal is that they started it off pretty much just as a way to bring people into their night club. that kind of viral transformation is really awesome.

my wife goes out more than me (if i don't count business related outings). maybe you need to make an intervention sarah.

speaking of which my little brother (also living in japan) just bought a ticket to guam for his wife and mom in law so she can take a break from their son. he will babysit for 4 days (and enjoy it!) isn't that the way marriage is supposed to be ?

Nov 19, 10 6:28 pm  · 

melt...hanging the finger nails....but still hanging..."This will Pass."

Nov 19, 10 7:53 pm  · 
David Cuthbert

I'm sitting in the office battling with a design I hate for a project I love whilst I wait for my car to return from the mechanic. I have dinner for a friends birthday that I'm 30 minutes late for and dog-assed tired from all the effects of the week, including pecha kucha - in a weird segue my missus is at pecha kucha tonight as well - though in Cleveland. It's in 369 cities vado, I'm sure one is in your neck of the woods. Anyone fancy moving to Canada - we could start our own commune.

Nov 19, 10 8:35 pm  · 
Sarah Hamilton

Canada? Do you know how cold it is there? There's an artic front moving through, and it's already in the negative digits. Eff that! Why can't we start the commune on your place in montserrat?

I'm pretending to be asleep sothat Abe will go to bed. I really wanted to watch that queen Victoria movie to tonight. Give it up already, kid.

Nov 19, 10 10:11 pm  · 

Oh my god this is my FAVORITE PICTURE EVER!

Someone FINALLY finds a good use for those thermal imaging camera dealios!

Nov 19, 10 11:04 pm  · 

Donna, no offense but there are plenty of good uses for those "thermal imaging camera dealios"... did you actually try it on your house? Any insulation surprises that might help you save some money on your energy bill?

Took Site Planning & Design today. Another crap shoot.

Why am I still awake?

OK, one more thing, and this is super effing creepy if you ask me... I happened to be doing some browsing on the site earlier this evening, for probably the first time ever, and now there is a banner ad at the top of Archinect with the exact same bags I was looking at! Every last one of them! I didn't know they had gotten THAT GOOD with advertising!

Nov 20, 10 4:59 am  · 

Humor, DubK. It was humor.

We architects are a touchy bunch, aren't we? Not only you, Dub, all of us, anytime we feel someone is making a joke at our expense/criticizing what we do. I overheard a conversation at a bar last night between three guys, one was getting his house remodeled and bitching somehow about the windows...I was straining to hear but couldn't. I don't know why I was trying so hard but I guess I just wanted to feel angry about something.

Anyway, I'm teaching Louisville's young architects today! Will try to turn them into passionate yet somewhat cynical believers like we all are!

Nov 20, 10 7:11 am  · 

chicken have hot feet! cool.

Nov 20, 10 8:40 am  · 

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