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morning all,
how is everyone. besides busy?

Jun 3, 10 8:45 am  · 
Distant Unicorn

I actually made a composite image (I loathe them!) for basically the first time in the GSD thread.

Other than that, I have been uhh not intentionally busy but trying to be busy.

Jun 3, 10 9:06 am  · 

yeah, i don't understand... since being laid off, i'm actually significantly busier than i was before, and haven't even started job hunt yet... christ.

Jun 3, 10 9:28 am  · 

because this news is NOT FB ready, and this venue allows for some anon and friendly regards, i will announce, with great sadness, my wife and i have separated. call it a failure to communicate; her needs, and my inability to address those needs. needless to say, i am terribly saddened by this latest, and i am not sure why i am posting this, other than there are many here that i hold in high, there it is.

thanks for listening.

Jun 3, 10 9:38 am  · 

Awww beta - I am so sorry to hear that. We are here if/when you need us.

Jun 3, 10 10:01 am  · 
Sarah Hamilton

Sorry beta.

Jun 3, 10 11:03 am  · 

not good news. very sorry, beta.

Jun 3, 10 11:37 am  · 

beta that is some sucky news but hopefully for the best? is it an amicable split by chance?

Jun 3, 10 11:59 am  · 

sorry to hear that beta... i hope that it all works out for the best in the end...

Jun 3, 10 12:02 pm  · 
Ms Beary

very sorry to hear that beta

Jun 3, 10 1:10 pm  · 
Ms Beary

holz... being laid off last year was my chance to rediscover and reinvent myself and grow immensely as a person. In fact, it turned out to be one of the best things that ever happened to me. I'm in a wonderful place that I couldn't have gotten to by working a regular job. I wish the same for you and others that have been laid off. Enjoy! Prosper!

Jun 3, 10 1:15 pm  · 

beta, I'm very very sorry to hear that. I understand the urge to post: sometimes you just need to let it out somewhere, for it to feel real and let you start to get a handle on it. I've done the same myself too many times round these parts.

Jun 3, 10 1:54 pm  · 

beta your news makes me very sad. I'm so worried for so many of my friends, it seems like so much shitty stuff is happening to so many wonderful people lately.

As you know, beta, you can contact me if you want to talk. Hopefully things will smooth out from the rollercoaster soon.

Jun 3, 10 2:41 pm  · 

i am sorry to hear that beta...

your challenge now is to not get caught in this for too long and fall behind on your life. i have had few friends unilaterally suffering from separation for elongated periods. it really is a challenge to move on. if i was a close friend of yours and/or near by, i would take you out as much as possible to different things. try to spend as much time with other things even though this kind of stays in your mind omnipresent for a while. i would think meeting new people going through the same painful exp. for friendship might help.

Jun 3, 10 3:01 pm  · 

beta that sucks. My sincerest regards. As you said there are people here to listen if you need us to. I know first hand how well the ears and advice on TC are... and extend them to you in your time of need.

Jun 3, 10 4:58 pm  · 


sorry to hear that as well. i've a close friend that went through that last year, and another this year, though in the end both were fairly amicable as far as separations go.

definitely working on the rebirth of holz. i've been uber busy w/ some local green stuff and have been more productive in the last few weeks than the previous 2 years (scary...)

plus, i have gone off the deep end with 'building without insulation'. we'll see if there are any takers here in the NW, but historically the interest has always dropped off after being hired.

Jun 3, 10 5:08 pm  · 

thanks everyone, i really mean it, if was able to drink i would have been 1/2 in the bag by now...thank you liberty for the phone call, i really needed that.

i think the part i am having the toughest time with, is that i am a pretty emotional person, and that ranges from the highest highs, to the lowest lows. in short; i am a crier, and no one likes to be around that.

Jun 3, 10 8:12 pm  · 

beta, i am glad to hear you are not drinking. it would be real bad at a difficult time like this.

on my front:

this is becoming a regular practice now. few people are out there organized to get me and i receive hate mails, insults etc..
if you read the comments about a news item i posted you will know what i mean. it has been going for a while now and very disturbing. receiving a hate mail with lies about yourself is like being subject to a hate crime.

i do feel like boycotting internet.

Jun 3, 10 10:17 pm  · 

orhan, a friend of mine did that recently... for a couple of months.

Did wonders for her. i wonder if i could do it. that was one thing that always attracted me about the idea of Peace Corps or something like that. being lost digitally etc and having all the time to read books and discover new lands..

holz sounds exciting! nite all.

Jun 3, 10 10:50 pm  · 
Ken Koense

you know, i was just at the walker and there was a Hannah Wilke piece Intra Venus kind of puts things in perspective, and leaves me a tad bit ashamed.

Jun 3, 10 11:16 pm  · 

I'm not sure what I would do if I tried to boycott the Internet? I'd have to start talking to people in person again... that would feel like I'm in the office.

Jun 3, 10 11:55 pm  · 

very sorry to hear that beta. I know it doesn't help much but i have been exactly in your shoes. details not for posting in public, but can totally relate. The good news is that over time things become better. friends do help, like orhan says. and of course you have LB too, so you are ahead of game.

orhan that is absurd. wassup with the angry people with access to the internets? guess it is better than guns, but holy sheepdip...

that is an amazing set of images ken.

Jun 4, 10 3:45 am  · 

i think the ucla ad on the front page is going to give me seizures.

Jun 4, 10 8:11 am  · 
Sarah Hamilton

Food poisonng sucks. Glad it's over with.

Jun 4, 10 9:29 am  · 

beta - so sorry to hear...

I couldn't boycott the internet if I tried. the internet was down in our office for a few days earlier this year - we had to set up camp in a coffee shop around the corner so we could correspond with everyone. it was nice for maybe 4 hours that first day - but it's pretty amazing how much project management and coordination happens via e-mail these days.

the other day I was wishing I could just leaf through a sweets catalog instead of trying to remember what something was called so I could find it online. It's tough when you know what something looks like, but you cannot remember what it's called - the internet doesn't allow you to search like that.

Jun 4, 10 10:16 am  · 

Tornado sirens just went off for the weekly test - Friday at 11am. I love the constancy of it.

Jun 4, 10 11:00 am  · 

ok, I know this probably won't make me popular around here, but here goes... Orhan, I know it's not a great feeling when somebody questions the validity of your work, but I really feel like it was that and not a personal attack. He did go a little far with it, but from the comments on this thread when I clicked the link I expected to be taken to another issue regarding your race or something. I'd really chalk it up to a dude who doesn't think you're doing something useful, valid, or original. Clearly, you disagree or you wouldn't be doing the work. So if there's nothing for you to take from the criticism, then don't dwell on it. Just my two pennies.

Jun 4, 10 11:05 am  · 

umm wow ken, those are some heavy images more for what they represent than what they show....

Jun 4, 10 11:41 am  · 

i have to say i agree with coppertop

When yepp111 asked you to apologize for implying he was a racist (which i think it was obvious you were) you respond with this:

"apologize for what? do you want me to park your car as well? maybe that's what you really want to see me to do instead of editoring and writing interviews and articles.."
- Orhan Ayyüce, Dec 30, 09 | 11:07 am

i've been here for a long time and i've read lots of posts and comments and such regarding this issue, but i have to say that imo (whatever it's worth) you often seem to bait posters with fairly condescending remarks of your own.

i for one do enjoy your interviews, but i can also feel like you're sometimes looking for something that isn't there when you're being criticized..i'm willing to be wrong..but since i know neither of you personally i'm just trying to see both sides.

also...isn't one of the posting 'rules' not to call out other members? aren't you an archinect editor? how do you know yepp111 and jwl are the same person?

i think in some of these instances it may be best to just take the high road and not respond at what if they don't like all of your work? everyone has an opinion, but that doesn't mean you have to appreciate or respond to it... don't feed the trolls as they say.

Jun 4, 10 1:38 pm  · 

I think it's a razor slim line Orhan has to walk. Yes he's an editor, and responsible for a lot of the content here - a lot of it the best content on the site, IMO: the interviews and profiles tend to be very personally revealing (of both the subject and the interviewer) and consistently optimistic about our chosen profession.

On the other hand, he's the most engaged editor in the forums and comments (except for nam and treekiller? Are they editors?) and while I appreciate the civil, educational tone of a lot of Archinecty I also enjoy the occasional zippy putdowns and even mudfests in which we all engage. Orhan writes cleverly, and the clever zings are part of what I enjoy so much. I thought the "do you want me to park your car" comment was incredibly sharp and insightful satire. When embedded in abra's FAIA stories they are even better.

That all said, abra, I agree with coppertop that the comment on your derive project didn't seem to be personally aimed at you - it reads to me like a youngster who thought s/he'd try out his/her catty commentary skills to see what would happen. Although if it is in fact a new name for an old person, and if you're actually getting hate emails from this person, of course, that's a different story.

Jun 4, 10 1:54 pm  · 

Archinecty, which is my pet name for the site obviously...oops.

Jun 4, 10 1:55 pm  · 

hey donna/lb,

i agree about the content of orhan's work and the general quality of it to this site.

i can also agree at most times a witty put down is appreciated...but if you're willing to deride another person with comments such as 'do you want me to park your car' when (imo) the person said and did nothing to deserve that comment as far as i can tell (again there may be a history i don't know about) then one should not complain when the other person takes it personally and potentially throws back some mud of their own... like:

"I wouldn't let you touch my car. Not because of what you look like but more your age and reflex ability would scare me."

which is what Orhan is referring to when he says:

"you have been speculatively accused me of calling you a racist , harassed me about my age, and stuck your nose into matters of my professional titles etc. which is no business of yours."

as far as i can tell yepp111 wasn't initially racist in his comments..and was only looking for an explanation of why orhan considered him racist..and then made comments regarding Orhan's age in an equally offhand way as Orhan's comment was..but Orhan then took it personally. You can't have it both ways.

i guess my basic point is that if you can't take it you shouldn't dish it out.

i do, though, obviously agree that hate mail is way over the line.

but i also think that as an editor it is improper for Orhan to point out that Yepp and jwl are the same person... unless this is public knowledge this information would seemingly only come from private member based info that Orhan would be privileged to as an editor. In any case it seems like infantile behavior and unnecessary to me but maybe i'm being oversensitive now.

and as far as i know treekiller is an editor..or at least his other half is.

Jun 4, 10 3:20 pm  · 

AP is also an editor and when not in school is usually a high volume contributor in both stories and the discussion forums.

Jun 4, 10 3:37 pm  · 

it's over! It's finally over!! Grades have been validated. I was waiting until the 11th hour for an essay. Finally received it and was disappointed. I know there will be a few that won't be happy with the grades but that's how these things are. All my students knew that all they had to do to pass was do all the assignments and hand them in on time. That guaranteed them a B- but even that proved a little difficult for some. Oh well.

time to enjoy a little summer. I'll be taking pictures tomorrow to share in the fun and festivities. All Jamaica Grill Off!! Sponsored by one of the oldest rum manufacturers on island... Rum, Grilled meat, sun can't go wrong.

Jun 4, 10 3:49 pm  · 

As far as i know I am a frequent contributor but not official "editor". Honestly my occassional attempts in writing more long form stuff or interviews never get to the final completeion stage so it's probably for the best.

As for Orhan's provocations... Ocassionaly he does call people out. Obviously he can't know what is in people's hearts but but i think that usually he is correct in ascertaining peoples motives from tone (can you have a typed tone?) etc...

Plus, as far as i know he is the only editor who is (or main) a consistent target for people. It happens not just on Archinect but also his personal blog.

Anywho my two cents,

Jun 4, 10 3:51 pm  · 

mmmm. rigatoni w/ homemade ragu alla bolognese definitely makes filling in IDP info somewhat bearable. should have done this sh*t regularly.


Jun 4, 10 4:18 pm  · 

ok, I didn't really mean to start a whole big thing where we all debated whether Orhan was right or wrong... just to point out that there was another way to read it. He has certainly had personal attacks made on him in the past, and I know that it's easy to get into a defensive mindset even where it's not applicable based on past experience. I do agree with lars pretty much 100%, but don't want to draw out a discussion that Orhan's not participating in. So, sorry about that.

Jun 4, 10 4:31 pm  · 

holz - if you are filling in IDP with rigatoni, I'd use glue and maybe a little glitter for that extra something - ragu doesn't mail well.

Jun 4, 10 6:32 pm  · 

beta...times might seem tough now, but in time the issues you are having will fade. You will make another connection, and the amazing thing is it will be alot better than the one you have been in. Just remember give it time. You sounding has just grown alot, but you have to catch up to it.

Copper Top....every time I see your name I think, "Ever Ready"

archie...glad you made it thru the year....and you to Killer....and Donna (aka Liberty). I still keep trying to place what years you were at U of A. Think you might have had a friend of mine as an instructor or a crit....just not sure.

Orhan...your the best! Keep up the great work! I'm sure there are alot of people who have grown thru your association.

Jump I keep visiting your construction site....liking it more all the time.

Me I'm just running around in Circles....have my 72 sf entry and expensive pool project to keep me ....."Crazy"

Night all....enjoy the weekend~

Jun 4, 10 7:27 pm  · 


i was beginning to wonder if the numbers would shift cos the ragu wasn't setting fast enough. my inadequate hours would suddenly look even worse... yikes.

Jun 4, 10 8:04 pm  · 

snook I was at UA fall of 1985 through spring 1990.

I made a steak glazed in balsamic and arugula salad tonight. Very yummy.

Jun 4, 10 8:31 pm  · 

any other policy wonks and community activists around here? I know nam might be interested in this:

Strategies to Prevent Investor Ownership from Causing Neighborhood Decline

pretty useful info if you live in the city and there are many "mothball" properties and where people can still practice blockbusting (i.e. scaring the white people into selling their place for less than it's worth by moving in scary dark-skinned people into the neighborhood).

I'd post in the general forums but people don't seem as interested in this stuff anymore.

Jun 4, 10 8:50 pm  · 

is that code, holz? i hope so, otherwise i have been away from english too long (sometimes i can't understand spoken english)

thanks snook. it is coming along nice. lots of drama i am not writing about too, which is a headache but still enjoyable. there is nothing like getting to do a job that doesn't feel like work.

we just doing mid-term presentations here, archi. but i know what you mean. it is amazing how some students are able to simply refuse to put in just a wee bit of effort. seeing young adults so careless with the opportunities they have always amazes me.

Jun 4, 10 8:51 pm  · 

Agree with snook, jump, the blog is fun to read. I'm in love with that glu-lam notched for the stair treads - it looks so eager to please.

Jun 5, 10 8:35 am  · 
Ms Beary

In case you all are interested, here is an update on my new job. Again, it is a literacy clinic, where we give intense, explicit, multi-sensory instruction in reading, comprehension, expression, spelling and math, one-on-one. We do other subjects too, like writing and Spanish as they are needed. I've been training as a clinician and I start taking students next week! I wouldn't normally put this on the internet, except here, lost in the depths of TC I feel it is safe. Not easily searchable at least.

Anyways, I will have a 13 year old boy who is smart, but has some anxiety that blocks him from finding the answers, especially in math. He needs to get his skills up so he and his parents can move halfway across the world at the end of the summer. His parents are environmentalists that are going to SE Asia for work, and they are threatening that they can't move until he gets his skills up! The pressure is on! He will be attending a competetive international school there. I'm going to work with him to breath thru the anxiety, find his brain-body connection and visualize the computations. He is good at geometry, so I know he has it in him! I might teach him Sketch Up on break just for fun. He seems to lack interest in things, but I guess that is what being 13 is all about. Maybe I can get him interested in architecture.

Another student, who the cutest little 8 year old boy EVER, and is very eager to please. He was doing poorly on tests, but appeared smart by all other counts. He gets very scattered when he tries to express a thought, so I am going to work with him on organizing and clarifying his thoughts.

Then I have another little boy, also 8, who is in special ed and has ADHD and dyslexia. I will work with him on isolating sounds within words and relating those sounds to letters. Sometimes I'm amazed that any of us know English when I see language thru the eyes of a student like this.

I'm just taking a few of the students, but are pretty much full for the summer!

Jun 5, 10 9:24 am  · 
Sarah Hamilton

I cheese grated my hand today. It sucks.

Jun 5, 10 10:25 am  · 

Strawbeary that sounds awesome I love hearing about positive teaching experiences (especially when my most recent ones suck donkey... you can finish the rest). And again I really wish there were more facilities like that here as well no stigma attached. I used to spazz out in exams, and I never got coaching for it until the summer before architecture school (damn good timing if you ask me)

Jun 5, 10 10:39 am  · 

that is quite cool strawbeary. my wife teaches children to be geniuses...which sounds sort of silly or horrible but is actually pretty cool. she also teaches children with down's syndrome, with the idea being to give the kids a bit of a leg up. She quite enjoys both parts of her job - i think part of it is just the positive reaction from the kids that archi is talking about. it is always the best to be a teacher who feels like a difference is being made.

thanks donna. i agree. the timber framing is amazing stuff. when i worked in large office we only ever used wood in massive trusses that were nothing like this, so i am finding this a quite educational and interesting experience. it is a pity that it is all going to be covered up, really. the spaces of the home are definitely coming along nicely though. more than detailing i am into spatial planning side of things so it is real cool to be walking round in the spaces and seeing that they are the trick is to be sure the detailing is good enough that we don't make rubbish of the work so far. ;-)

Jun 5, 10 11:02 am  · 

morning all!

toast thanks for that. I think i will share in the EP this week.

Jump i have said this before but love the current project and the blog in general.

Off to work some over time hours... TTFN

Jun 5, 10 11:09 am  · 

a roller coaster without the g-forces. fun.

Jun 5, 10 11:41 am  · 

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