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the one time i watched that show it was about the guy trying to pitch the skyscraper he designed. really?!

why is it always skyscrapers? and who does a skyscraper by himself? besides adam sandler in 'click', that is.

May 28, 10 7:30 am  · 

this just in! some people don't know that they're stupid!

apparently the best thing to do if you screw up and get a ticket is mouth off at the officer so you can get arrested. sounds like he actually believed he was taking the high road and that the officer was the problem.

hey donna and vado: you must know this guy, right? he's from indy!

May 28, 10 7:54 am  · 

if that's the episode i'm thinking of with SVEN, that was one of my all time faves... really thinking about bringing a key-tar to all my client presentations...

May 28, 10 8:48 am  · 

Ugh, Steven, we don't need to be reminded how many stupid people there are in this world.

Meeting in 5 hours holy crapola I'm not ready!

May 28, 10 9:14 am  · 

happy belated sarah and unicorn..

Morning all.

May 28, 10 9:33 am  · 
Sarah Hamilton

Steven, one of te craziest things I saw in Italy was a dad driving his scooter with a son on back, and a 3 year old son standing between his legs upfront! I think its funny that the officer in this case didn't care so much that it was a baby on a motorcycle, but that the baby was without helmut and between the handle bars.

Jump, I heard this guy on the radio yesterday, and I just have to know if you talk like him. It cracked me up to think that you could sound like him. Then I got to thinking how diferently people around here say vetrinarian - they tend to say it more like vetter-narian. But I like his songs about the stuck truck and the calvary.


May 28, 10 9:37 am  · 

Steven - the skyscraper thing was for a few episodes I think, because I saw another episode where he was slaving away all night on some bit of design and then his boss scrapped it, or something. Much more realistic.

May 28, 10 10:28 am  · 

yeh, i remember the skyscraper episode too... by the way, i think that SVEN=BIG!!! i could totally see bjarke showing up to a meeting with a keytar... i forget what it was called, but there was some other show in which two of the characters ran a firm (just them) and were supposedly doing skyscrapers and baseball stadiums and the like...

May 28, 10 10:37 am  · 

Yeah, of course they don't get *all* the details right! But they do seem to come much closer than lots of media portrayals. It's really the small details about the character that they get right - for example, he's always going off into architectural diatribes with his friends and they shut him up. He's a really good combo of dorky/passionate that I think could apply to a lot of us.

May 28, 10 10:44 am  · 

IMO - what bothers me most is the "big pitch" crap they always show. by the time you've reached "pretty pictures" you've already been working with the client for a while - especially large projects where even due diligence can take a long time.

of course boards with numbers and charts and massing schemes aren't as sexy.

May 28, 10 12:30 pm  · 

At least to those not the industry you mean ;o)

May 28, 10 1:07 pm  · 

mmmm.... parking counts... oooh baby....

May 28, 10 1:25 pm  · 

Hah Phillip I was going to say the same thing....

May 28, 10 1:30 pm  · 

hi TC, long time no visit.

May 28, 10 6:12 pm  · 
Sarah Hamilton

Ether! I was just looking at your flickr page yesterday, wondering where you've been. How the heck are you?

May 28, 10 6:37 pm  · 

hi ether. Ted Mosby rocks!! I think the skyscraper is a default icon to both connect him to the audience as an architect and possibly more importantly as a New Yorker. Even though any true NY architect would be more connected to brownstones.

May 28, 10 9:49 pm  · 

so if any of you get the chance to catch nick whitfield's film skeletons this year, i highly recommend it.

May 28, 10 10:05 pm  · 

Hi ether! Are you still working where you used to work?

Check out my designers, they made Core 77. This isn't MY project, my project is undergoing electrical testing right's going to make everyone gasp and fall over shocked, to use Angus' terminology.

May 28, 10 11:57 pm  · 
Sarah Hamilton

Donna, does he really say "fall over shocked?". That is so crazy and fun. Abe say "oh my goonness" all the time. And no, it's not a typo, that's how it comes out.

May 29, 10 9:17 am  · 

Hey Sarah! I am well, a bit drenched from the dog walk I just took. I haven't been quite as diligent about keeping up w/ my flickr as I use to but hopefully will get some new pics up soon. How's Abram?

Donna! I am not. We did not endure without lay offs. It's an unfortunate situation but one I have gotten use to. I'll have to fill you in w/ an email. That project looks pretty rockin'. Send my regards to the rest of the fam.

May 30, 10 12:00 am  · 

So last night I took a ride in a replica of one (minus the gray stripe) of these after having Indian food

Last week, got to ride on the back of one of these for some sushi an hour away.

May 30, 10 10:37 am  · 

hi all. worked on Sat yesterday. Brunching and maybe going to see MacGruber the movie later today...

melt, that is some nice back to back riding..

That is all.

May 30, 10 11:04 am  · 

Sweet ride. When I was really into cars in High School, the Cobra was my favorite. *m - Were you wearing your new jacket on that bike?

Ether, sorry to hear. I've heard of firms hiring people back that have been laid off, so I wish you the best.

I don't know if I only remember the negative comments, but I tend to visit Archinect less often when there is so much nonsensical negativity directed towards the profession. Thoughtful criticism is a good thing, inane name calling towards an entire profession is not.

I really believe as individuals, it is our choice and conscious decision to make our work relevant and positively impact the people coming in contact with our work, no matter what that work is. And its that constant strive that makes it a career. "Every honest work is honorable work."

So really, its a matter of sustaining a business model that can provide such opportunities to talented, hard working individuals. The economy hasn't made it any easier, but are some people forgetting how difficult that task is even in an idealized world where a good economy is not built on unsustainable practices? I've been back in the architecture world and I can't tell you how happy I am for even that opportunity.

May 30, 10 3:41 pm  · 

Not that I'm assuming you're still unemployed, Ether, but I assume you would've wanted to stay with your former employer.

BTW, since when was it so expensive to have canvas stretched and framed? I've been experimenting printing on canvas with a plotter I inherited, and as a gift I decided to make a nice print and have it stretched and framed. I was quoted around 170 just to have it stretched for a 24x36 print (a pretty damn standard size). And additional 450 to have it framed (floating) So I bought all the parts and tools and stretched it myself. Came out OK, but still need some more experience with stretching canvas... suggestions welcome.

May 30, 10 4:08 pm  · 

hey all - I'm in Detroit - I'll be here for a little while longer before heading back out east.

I thought things were bad when I was here last year... people are desperate. there's still some hope (people are actually somewhat excited about the farm thing)... but damn...

May 30, 10 10:40 pm  · 
Sarah Hamilton

Farm thing?

May 31, 10 10:41 am  · 
Ms Beary

Nursing my husband, who is down with a Scottish Ale hangover. He is in the chair curled up groaning, not looking so good. It is such a beautiful day, if I get him well, I want to go for a picnic in the mountains!

May 31, 10 11:39 am  · 

oh - didn't you hear? there's a farm company that is buying up property and going to turn large swaths of the city into urban farm. People I've talked to (in my old neighborhood) are more of "at least they're doing something" however they mostly want jobs and are willing to do anything for a paycheck - and if they can work on a farm, they'll be happy to do it.

The city is trying to be more proactive about coordinating this with neighborhood consolodation (moving people into denser neighborhoods - which is meeting with resistance) - but it's still in the works - but it looks like it is actually happening - Detroit as urban farm.

from what I understand, food is already really cheap around here - as Michigan is one of the country's largest crop/food producers - I'm a little worried about who is going to consume all this produce - export to canada?

The other interesting thing I learned is that they are trying to bring back the inter-city rail line, that connects ann arbor (past the airport) through the city to a couple of the northern suburbs...

... it's still kind of depressing around here, though. I love this place and especially how awesome Detroiters are, but I'll be glad to be back home.

May 31, 10 12:20 pm  · 

wow TC is awfully quiet.

May 31, 10 8:19 pm  · 
Sarah Hamilton

It's a holiday, techno.

May 31, 10 9:14 pm  · 
Sarah Hamilton

Off to school. I have class all week about how to teach. I'll let you know how it goes.

Jun 1, 10 9:05 am  · 

have fun, sarah!

Jun 1, 10 10:20 am  · 

Here's what is going on at my house:

Jun 1, 10 10:57 am  · 

Looks amazing Donna. Can't wait to see it in person.

Slart - I did not end up wearing the jacket. I did though, bring it with me, but it was just too hot to wear it. Had we ridden back on the motorcycle I would have definitely worn it, but it was getting dark and I didn't like the idea of him doing the hour return ride in the dark on a heavily semi truck infested highway, so we took the car instead.

How was everyone's long weekend?

ether - sorry to hear you were a victim of this damn recession. I hope you have been able to find something.

Detroit and urban faarming = awesome.

Jun 1, 10 12:11 pm  · 

Looks amazing Donna. Can't wait to see it in person.

Slart - I did not end up wearing the jacket. I did though, bring it with me, but it was just too hot to wear it. Had we ridden back on the motorcycle I would have definitely worn it, but it was getting dark and I didn't like the idea of him doing the hour return ride in the dark on a heavily semi truck infested highway, so we took the car instead.

How was everyone's long weekend?

ether - sorry to hear you were a victim of this damn recession. I hope you have been able to find something.

Detroit and urban farming = awesome.

Jun 1, 10 12:11 pm  · 
Sarah Hamilton

I forgot how boring school can be. Snore.

Jun 1, 10 2:07 pm  · 
Sarah Hamilton

I forgot how boring school can be. Snore.

Jun 1, 10 2:49 pm  · 

what's with the double posts everyone?? Donna what am I looking at?? Is that the new finish for the fire place or is a uber cool scaffolding/hoarding? I am somewhat in favour of the latter not for any reason other than it would be really cool construction protection.

Totally but calmly pissed that I was instructed to mark/assign grades to assignments over 3.5 weeks due. I wrote a letter expressing my distaste in the matter, but not to the level of my disapproval. Anyhow I'm thinking a few glasses of rum should do the trick or a bottle of wine.

Ohhh I'm wondering has anyone ever tried having an brewery/winery for a bridal registry?? I'm thinking I'd love to get some top shelf Kentucky Bourbon

Jun 1, 10 4:06 pm  · 

That's the wrapping itself, just needs to be slid into place. It's very, very complex, and mesmerizing when it's up and running.

Also, techno, I imagine if you just send an address the bourbon will start to flow...

Jun 1, 10 4:18 pm  · 

an all-bourbon registry sounds like a great idea!

Jun 1, 10 5:03 pm  · 

doesn't it just. The problem of course would be you'd spend the first decade of your marriage in this bourbon induced haze... actually as soon as I wrote it I'm not sure what the problem is.

Jun 1, 10 6:47 pm  · 

the most difficult design problems come in small packages....I have 72 sf to do an entry foyer with one step, landings in front of two doors...and oh wow...I'm exhausted! Going to have to go drink a beer on this one and take another look at it in the morning. Oh ya, the design problem included an existing existing adjacent airhandler/condenser and window. Oh, I'm in a pigeon hole. Most likely the Fire Marshal is going to ask me to install a fire supression system. Then there is the owner who isn't going to want to pay for the design, so I guess I just go drink a beer. Some things are not ment to be designed....think I'm going to give it back to the contractor and tell him.."use your best judgement."

Jun 1, 10 7:37 pm  · 

Liberty,,,looking like a cool fire surround...We have Ella Fitzgarld hanging over our mantle. Nothing like that Hot Loven Sound!

Jun 1, 10 7:38 pm  · 

way busy here lately.

that is tantalizing donna.

sarah, yeah i guess i sound like that. he certainly sounds normal to my ears. To be honest my accent is a bit british nowadays, or possibly slightly japanese. native english speakers are not part of my daily life much, most days.

Jun 2, 10 6:09 am  · 


I am still intrigued by that... Also, I am going to be very busy rest of week. Monday was off for holiday (burgers and beer with friends) and then Tues was the first meeting of the second advisory board I was just appointed to a few weeks ago. So i only worked a half day.

So now I am probably going to come in on the weekend again..


Also my first film from playing around with the Pentax KX 100 I got didn't come out, but i got some quick lessons from a friend and am confident i can get it to work. Just have to experiment with the fStop and shutter speed settings more..

Jun 2, 10 8:07 am  · 
David Cuthbert

saw this, then read Snook's post and I just had to share

Jun 2, 10 1:49 pm  · 

the gulf oil spill is really starting to creep under my skin. had trouble sleeping last night trying to figure out what a poor LA could do to help. Maybe it's time to start the 'landscape architects for humanity' affiliate of AFH. Ultimately the spill is a landscape issue - dead wetlands, our addiction to oil because our cities require cars et cetera. Or maybe I just need to start a new blog/facebook group. If the CNU could helicopter in after katrina to help 'rebuild' the gulf coast, then why can't landscape urbanists seize the moment of the spill to leverage our theories into practice?

Jun 2, 10 2:26 pm  · 

is the architect in david's cartoon wearing a bolo tie?

Jun 2, 10 6:02 pm  · 

ok so, keytar & bolo tie... got it...

Jun 2, 10 6:21 pm  · 

Sorry, I didn't want to respond in the other thread because I don't want to bump it:

Urbanist - I don't know how or why, but you responded to a post of mine that I wrote about a year and a half ago. Not that I mind per se, but I just don't want to get snagged into that thread again. I think there was a little misunderstanding as well because, I was referring to articles done at the time and it wasn't my belief. In fact, my point was that at the end of the day, the results proved otherwise.


Barry - Just curious... are you talking about design solutions that can be deployed to mitigate damage, or are you talking about rehabilitation? Its unsettling that it happened in the first place, and I'm dumbfounded by the "solutions" that they've used that seem so unintelligent and crude.

Jun 3, 10 12:48 am  · 

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