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steven, the sojourners group Jim Wallis seem to be a good starting point, ethical christians, without all the fire and brimstone of the old testament. the unitarian universalists seem to have it together too. i like organizations that accept evolution, because it seems we can have a conversation without it resorting to some fantasyland. aside from that, i am a fan of jesus, and not so much the christ part because, when i think of jesus, i think, damn, he would've been a cool guy to hang with.

May 25, 10 10:52 pm  · 

donna, i have a hard time believing that you weren't the most stylish person in the room...

May 25, 10 11:58 pm  · 

hahahahahaha... all of this religious talk has resulted in a google ad for "varnetta thomas ministries: where jesus is lord"...

May 26, 10 12:00 am  · 

and now one for scientology...

May 26, 10 12:01 am  · 

Phil I'm with you if memory serves me correctly I felt like a dud next to Donna and her boots. But maybe she has a point, perhaps with this projected upturn in the market we need to start preparing ourselves to be easily identifiable by upping the ante. Time to pull out our capes and architects uniforms discussed about 10 or 15 pages ago. I for one need to get some snazzy burgundy shoes maybe boots.

May 26, 10 12:34 am  · 

i've got a quick question...

for those who had several projects canceled due to the economy, and have mostly SD-CD work but minimal built over the last 4 years, any clues on how to stand out and not look like a student?

May 26, 10 12:42 am  · 
Distant Unicorn

I don't know holz.

I thought about e-mailing you because I really wanted to see your portfolio (and offer any [strike]valuable[/strike] shit input I have). But then I felt kind of creepy about it.

I stopped archinect-stalking people once I stumbled across the archinect facebook page and realize most of you are not menacing moustached types (a la Boris and Natasha).

You all were cooler when you were evil.

May 26, 10 12:47 am  · 

ha, thanks for not stalking me, uni.

my resume is fine, but my portfolio is hella sh*tty, thanks to 3 years of a combo of crappy economy and awful workload. i can add sidework/comps but they're not built and probably looks worse than most recent grad work these days.

maybe i should just grow a moustache.

May 26, 10 12:56 am  · 
Distant Unicorn

Haha. My idea of stalking these days is finding where people link their pictures from. Other than one person, I have not actually stalked anyone. I am mostly too lazy to do that these days.

I was going to join archinect facebook but I really loathe facebook... haven't been using it much.

I've taken the standpoint of "if it's not archinect, it is not for me to look at."

May 26, 10 1:25 am  · 
May 26, 10 7:56 am  · 

phil love that pic....

Also second the words about Donna being the most stylish...

Anyone else feel swamped?

May 26, 10 8:31 am  · 

Awesome photo Phillip. I wish I could say I'm swamped but the truth be told it's the exact opposite and I'm beginning to get worried. Decided to day to take a few things homes just in case. I'm also going to upload a few things to my thumb drive just in case too. A couple of months back I wnet to a psychic fair and had two people tell me there I am coming up on a major transtition in my my life at some point. GULP!!!

uni - we were evil at one point? That makes me sad.

May 26, 10 8:54 am  · 

Donna, definitely in line with your feelings on dear old AZ. I knew there were some batshit crazy folks there, but I mostly used to think they kept it internal. Now it's out there for everyone to see!

nam, def. also swamped. Am heading up to Seattle tomorrow morning. Primary purpose was socialization, but now I've gotten roped into a bunch of meetings so I've got a ton to do to prepare, and just not enough hours.

May 26, 10 10:39 am  · 
for those who had several projects canceled due to the economy, and have mostly SD-CD work but minimal built over the last 4 years, any clues on how to stand out and not look like a student?

that was my predicament last year when I was looking - about 4 years worth of SD. what helped me stand out was my personal work (including research I was doing with a local prof) - which landed me several interviews during a time when everyone was getting laid off

actually - that was the first time I included a page of personal work with my package - people seemed far more interested in that stuff than my pro-work - and it was easier to talk about because I was excited about it.

May 26, 10 10:46 am  · 

Tuna, GET IMAGES OF YOUR WORK AS SOON AS YOU CAN. It takes WAY longer than you think to get all the stuff you need. Just a word to the wise... I wish I had started early, when I got to that point.

May 26, 10 10:59 am  · 

AS I get involved with my new eLearning tasks I am feeling (based on the experience of all of you) that I need to have personal backups for my own post job use....

Good thing to keep in mind. Although I don't think job security is an issue or will be anytime soon. The work currently seems endless.

Luckily a deadline for end of business today just got pushed back a little. Especially since I don't yet, have all the software installed that i need to be using..

Also here's an update on the Texas schoolbook standards issue.

May 26, 10 12:01 pm  · 
Sarah Hamilton

Thank you, nam. That is fascinating. I don't have a problem with HS students researching the church/state/ first amendment issue cause it leads them to make their own opinions. I don't have an issue with them learning about Jefferson, and since I don't know anything about ole Ed Kenedy, I don't miss him in the text book, I always figured he was aMass. thing anyway. But putting McCarthy on a pedestal? Now that's just crazy talk.

May 26, 10 1:24 pm  · 

ted kennedy? he was behind almost every single health-care reform and bill since the late 60s... he's responsible for stuff like COBRA. not just a Mass thing - the guy's kind of important.

of course- all healthcare is socialist science mumbo-jumbo...

May 26, 10 2:31 pm  · 

yeah, thank god for those socialist safety net, otherwise i'd be fukt right now.

May 26, 10 2:45 pm  · 
Sarah Hamilton

Well cobra is a ripoff, but the idea behind it is ok, it's just too expensive when compaired to private insurance.

May 26, 10 4:44 pm  · 
Well cobra is a ripoff, but the idea behind it is ok, it's just too expensive when compaired to private insurance.

cobra isn't insurance - it's a law that allows you to stay on your former plan when you lose your job, but you pay the entire premium instead of your employer paying a % of it and you making up the difference out of your paycheck. it's much cheaper than getting the same individual coverage directly through a provider (since you're still getting the group rate), but I'm sure you could probably find something cheaper through a co-op...

May 26, 10 5:10 pm  · 

The problem with the Texas school book revisions is as much, if not more, about the process used than about the subject matter included. Reading more about the process will, I think, make you angry, Sarah - given how logic- and reason-oriented you are. The due process of writing and revision by a team of historians and expert teachers - people who have studied and taught the subject for years - was completely subverted by a political process dominated by elected representatives with no experience in the subject whatsoever (and further perverted by lackeys that they appointed to a special commission, with no election oversight whatsoever). Whether "my side" had "won" or not I would be offended by such a mockery of impartial standards, bulldozing of knowledge and expertise, and such disrespect for the education of our children.

May 26, 10 5:27 pm  · 

Also, that article nam posted kind of glosses over the many, many odd amendments that this school board fought for (and sometimes got). There's a lot of truly weird things about slavery, and Civil Rights, and they keep putting in things about how Reagan was great because he 'defeated communism' (?) and gave us small government (which is an outright falsehood).

Nevertheless, the allegations drummed up public outrage, and in April the board voted to stop the writing teams’ work and bring in a panel of experts to guide the process going forward—“expert,” in this case, meaning any person on whom two board members could agree. In keeping with the makeup of the board, three of the six people appointed were right-wing ideologues, among them Peter Marshall, a Massachusetts-based preacher who has argued that California wildfires and Hurricane Katrina were God’s punishment for tolerating gays, and David Barton, former vice chairman of the Texas Republican Party. Both men are self-styled historians with no relevant academic training—Barton’s only credential is a bachelor’s degree in religious education from Oral Roberts University—who argue that the wall of separation between church and state is a myth.


On the global front, Barton and company want textbooks to play up clashes with Islamic cultures, particularly where Muslims were the aggressors, and to paint them as part of an ongoing battle between the West and Muslim extremists. Barton argues, for instance, that the Barbary wars, a string of skirmishes over piracy that pitted America against Ottoman vassal states in the 1800s, were the “original war against Islamic Terrorism.”


"They have since resorted to a more subtle tack; while they concede that people like Martin Luther King Jr. deserve a place in history, they argue that they shouldn’t be given credit for advancing the rights of minorities. As Barton put it, “Only majorities can expand political rights in America’s constitutional society.” Ergo, any rights people of color have were handed to them by whites—in his view, mostly white Republican men."

There's much more to this story than meets the eye, and it's pretty scary if you are a rational human being... plus it's surprising how much the Tea Partiers support these people since they are supposedly against government politics strong-arming the local people.

May 26, 10 5:34 pm  · 
In late 2007, the English language arts writing teams, made up mostly of teachers and curriculum planners, turned in the drafts they had been laboring over for more than two years. The ultraconservatives argued that they were too light on basics like grammar and too heavy on reading comprehension and critical thinking. “This critical-thinking stuff is gobbledygook,” grumbled David Bradley, an insurance salesman with no college degree, who often acts as the faction’s enforcer. At the bloc’s urging, the board threw out the teams’ work and hired an outside consultant to craft new standards from scratch, but the faction still wasn’t satisfied; when the new drafts came in, one adherent dismissed them as “unreadable” and “mangled.” In the end, they took matters into their own hands. The night before the final vote in May 2008, two members of the bloc, Gail Lowe and Barbara Cargill, met secretly and cobbled together yet another version. The documents were then slipped under their allies’ hotel-room doors, and the bloc forced through a vote the following morning before the other board members even had a chance to read them. Bradley argued that the whole ordeal was necessary because the writing teams had clung to their own ideas rather than deferring to the board. “I don’t think this will happen again, because they got spanked,” he added.

That is pretty much identical to how the History revisions played out, only even more politicized, if you can imagine. So ugly and frustrating - not the way I envision my country being run. Very irrational.

This is a more in-depth article if you're interested. I read a long article about this a few months ago - might have been in the Atlantic Monthly? - but I can't track it down now. It was fascinating, in a horrifying way.

May 26, 10 5:37 pm  · 

and sorry to say this is why as a history lecturer we often seeking the date of historical references, as well as verify the sources. I worry about the repercussions of this in a decade or two. Let's hope it doesn't go too far.

I'm saddened when people talk like the holocaust didn't exist, or worse when they think it was only a Jewish thing, not realising that the atrocity affected not just a singular religion, but all creeds, colours and communities as it removed in essence a third of the population.

Anyway... architecture folks!!

May 26, 10 8:38 pm  · 
Sarah Hamilton

Sorry techno.

Wow, that is some intense reading, and I haven't even gotten to the link! Yes, the process anoyed me, but it wasn't on the table of conversation. I'm defnatly a state the facts and let people decide for themselves sort of person. Like in my mind, if we had helped the Vietnamese when they asked us against the French, we wouldn't have had to fight against them in the Vietnam war.

I did t know cobra was a law since it's always refferedto as cobra insurance. Maybe I just got really lucky, but my cobra rate was $850 a month, and my BCBS rate with the same coverage in only $250. That's also why I get so confused about people saying they can't afford health insurance.

Ok. Architecture. Um. I applied to two firms last week and got nothin. Worse, they were actual Aia ads. Oh, and I had to pull up my moms bathroom carpet today after it had been steeping for 5 days. Smelled likewet sneekers. Gross. Why do people put carpet in bathrooms anyway?

May 26, 10 9:02 pm  · 


If you want to catch the California Drift on this you have to find the book: Surely You're Joking, Mr. Feynman! (Adventures of a Curious Character) written by Richard P. Feynman. The book is basicly a wild ride touching upon everything from the atomic bomb, love, death, school books and the space shuttle explosion. It gives and interesting insight into what happens in the background, far to often.

May 27, 10 7:41 am  · 

I have four architecture students (actually they're very recent grads) installing a wicked-cool fireplace surround at my house right now. My camera is out of battery - pics will come later today!

May 27, 10 8:43 am  · 

when does your episode of 'cribs' air?

May 27, 10 8:54 am  · 
Sarah Hamilton

Ah, Cribs, what a funny show....

Husband wants to run a marathon in 2013. I wish him luck, but its so out of his old character. Its interesting watching people change when you're ok with it.

Does anybody use Suunto products for their running? I bought him the watch/heart rate monitor last anniversary, but now I'm thinking of getting him the PC pod and maybe Pedometer. Anybody ever used it? Even know what I'm talking about?

And how does one have a big birthday party when you only know 2 people?

May 27, 10 9:27 am  · 

I never use any of that stuff - I'd like a pedometer with GPS so I don't have to plan my route before I go out, but I run so infrequently these days I can't really justify the cost.

btw - I did cross and track in college, and was competing at a pretty high level for a few years... I've tried getting back into it seriously a few times, but I've gotten so busy that it's hard to find time to even go on easy runs during the week.

May 27, 10 11:02 am  · 

Damn I miss running. Haven't done any since I laid down the scooter :-( The doc said the bone was slightly bruised so I think I'm going to let it heal a little bit more until I start hitting the pavement again.

May 27, 10 12:00 pm  · 
Distant Unicorn

"And how does one have a big birthday party when you only know 2 people?"

May 27, 10 1:23 pm  · 

anyway - more power to your husband for wanting to do a marathon... it's not that it's physically difficult to do, it's staying in a mental zone for 26 miles that is the hardest part.

personally, the longest race I can make it through and do well is a 10k (probably because it's around 30 minutes - about how long I can concentrate on one task) - anything longer and I start losing focus. it's also the main reason I hate running by myself.

May 27, 10 1:46 pm  · 

I run a about 4 miles twice a week. Never used a pedometer or anything like that. I did use Google Maps to measure the route after I ran it the first time.

I haven't done any 5k or 10k s yet, or a marathon but have considered doing a 5k as i already run just a bit more than that.

Morning all. I am getting more and more swamped. If i can only make it through middle of next week. May come in Sat for a bit actually. Even though it is a long weekend.

May 27, 10 2:16 pm  · 
Sarah Hamilton

Unicorn, that it how almost all of my birthday parties turn out. Quite sad, really.

And on another depressing note...

On my way across the state to buy Husband's birthday presents, I drove past a funeral home under construction. It was the renovation that I helped design, and they are finally going through with it. It hit me kinda hard. I was a bit surprised really. I mean, the work wasn't exactly high design, but I still felt like it was mine, and I'm not the one in charge of it - not that I would've been anyway since I was just an intern, but still. I wonder if its a bit like what a parent of a child who gets raised by others feels like when they see that child playing in the park. Anybody else know what I mean? It was a pretty big bummer.

May 27, 10 2:39 pm  · 
Distant Unicorn

Sarah, I know how you feel.

I'm always the birthday party planner but never the birthday party recipient. I've decided not to ever divulge my birthday anymore. My own family generally forgets what day it actually happened too.

I like my pity party birthdays, though. Coffee with baileys and cookies in bed all day.

May 27, 10 4:10 pm  · 
Sarah Hamilton

Unicorn, we should start pact that says we throw each others parties. When's yours, and do you live near me? I guess if you dnt, then an e-card is the best we can do.

May 27, 10 5:32 pm  · 
Distant Unicorn

Mine was May 8th.

May 27, 10 5:34 pm  · 
Ms Beary

Here comes a 4 day weekend!

May 27, 10 5:53 pm  · 

so I heard that the deadlines for one of my projects is fast approaching, and I have a week where I have to be on call the same time. No one ever said it would be easy! But I do love architecture, even if it sucks

May 27, 10 6:51 pm  · 
Sarah Hamilton

Well, crap. You mean I have to wait a whole year to wish you happy birthday? Well pooh.

Instead, I'll wish you a Very Merry Unbirthday!

May 27, 10 6:51 pm  · 

Happy belated birthday Unicorn.

May 27, 10 9:15 pm  · 

nite all. about to take a soak in my claw foot.

May 27, 10 10:27 pm  · 

architecture's hard, mmkay?

May 27, 10 10:29 pm  · 

I just did a bit of time on an elliptical trainer - it was a good workout. I'm doing a boot camp thing, it's really fun. The TV at the gym was showing How I Met Your Mother, and it was actually pretty damn funny. The architect guy was teaching an Arch 101 class, at least that's what he thought it was, but it was actually an Econ class. it was very funny. I've heard the show was good, it certainly seemed funny from the few minutes I saw.

May 27, 10 10:43 pm  · 

Yeah they actually get the architect details pretty right (more or less). It's so surprising - you figure the writers MUST have some archi friend available for script review or something. How else would they get the characterization right?

May 27, 10 10:45 pm  · 

actually I was chatting up on some back episodes and the more and more I watch it the more I think he's an effigy of me. The episode I watched his friends would laugh at him if reveal his cultural side - that happens to me all the time!!! Sigh... okay I'm sheets to the wind so I'm out!

May 28, 10 12:37 am  · 

wait apparently I'm a tad inebriated that should be three sheets to the wind!. That's what scotch can do!! Aye!!!

May 28, 10 12:47 am  · 

i watch HIMYM all the time and i had a moment like the one that techno is describing just last week... my 3 college roommates and i are planning a trip to chicago for later this summer and i suggested possibly going to the art institute so that i can see the new renzo piano wing and one of my friend's responses was "i'd rather cut my throat than go to a modern art museum"... oh well, i'll just go a day early to do some archidork stuff...

May 28, 10 6:52 am  · 

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