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Ms Beary

I love Costco. They have great small business services too, if you didn't know. We got our credit card swiper there and are doing our payroll thru one of their partners and we get a smokin' deal on both. Who knew?

I'm not as surprised that there is a Costco in Japan as I am that they sell 50 lb bags of tortilla chips.

May 17, 10 10:13 am  · 
Ms Beary

Hey TC, I just RSVP's to to a slumber party this Thursday. What to do? I'm a snorer! Plus I am on average 10 years younger than the other invitees. Do women in their mid 40's really have slumber parties on Thursday nights? I guess they do. I'm nervous. There is going to be a pajama contest. What have I gotten myself into?!?

May 17, 10 10:37 am  · 

Strawbeary, sounds fun.

May 17, 10 12:41 pm  · 
Distant Unicorn

"Do women in their mid 40's really have slumber parties on Thursday nights?"

Not intentionally. Adult slumber parties usually consist of drinking til you black out and pass out on the floor.

May 17, 10 1:03 pm  · 

nam, the seaweed is eaten raw, with ponzu (a vinegar and soya mix). quite good.

May 17, 10 8:41 pm  · 

End of the semester kicked my butt over the past few weeks. Finished uploading the 182 grades today. The tough part was figuring how to format the txt files for the website to accept (no spaces, just commas) and matching student IDs to their moodle username (don't even ask me how I did that). Now I'm getting a trickle of students asking me to change their grade.

now I just need to find a summer job so I can buy expensive seaweed from Okinawa. Thought ponzo had some citrus in it too. I love seaweed salad.

Jump, do you make homemade ponzu or use stuff from a bottle?

May 17, 10 9:25 pm  · 

jump, whats is the name if i might ask?

Also, tonight was the annual entertainment extravaganza and fundraiser at work for the children's miracle network. 3 years ago i was donald duck, last year a munchkin and this year a lady from the 1980s Nair commercial....

Is that the kind of thing you can put on your resume???

Night all.....

May 17, 10 10:42 pm  · 
Distant Unicorn

Barry, you should specify between ponzu or ponzu shoyu (ponzu with soy sauce).

Ponzu is basically mirin, rice vinegar, tuna flakes and seaweed, boiled, reduced and strained with bitter citrus juice added after cooking.

A friend of mine makes a very excellent French Italian version since she likes to put mayonnaise on her sushi (and ponzu is excellent mixed with mayonnaise).

She uses simple syrup, white wine vinegar, the juice from a can of tuna and a sprinkle of instant miso soup with a heaping splash of campari and soy sauce.

May 17, 10 10:43 pm  · 

wow unicorn that is all quite serious cooking. we are lazy and buy ponzu in a bottle. there are variations. the one we like has lemon in it. when we go to gyoza restaurant it is common to mix vinegar with shoyu (soya) at the table, so we do the same at home as well sometimes. its pretty straightforward. but be sure to use japanese vinegar and japanese soya or it will possibly taste funny if you try it yourself.

the seaweed is this:

i hadn't had it before, but was quite good. in english it is called green caviar or see grapes (says the internets) japanese is umibudo.

i feel guilty ans should admit the nachos was not actually 50 lb bag, only 2.5 lbs. but the bag IS huge. we still are afraid to open it because we will need another family to come over to eat it. either that or eat in shifts...;-)

entirely unrelated news...i contributed about 6 pages of text to an encyclopedia of sustainability that was published last week. my topic was on "smart growth". kind of odd to think some hapless person will read my bit and take it as authoritative. more cool to me personally is that hunter lovins is also contributor, a big hero for me when i was younger. anyway, first time to be published in something more substantial than a magazine. somehow that feels more of an achievement, even if it isnt.

May 18, 10 5:53 am  · 


May 18, 10 8:15 am  · 

that was for jump and also boy that seaweed looks funky..

May 18, 10 8:18 am  · 
Ms Beary

(I didn't really think you had a 50 lb bag of tortilla chips! But it was fun to visualize.)

May 18, 10 8:20 am  · 

I'm still alive.

50 lb bag of tortilla chips is kinda fun to visualize. Can you imagine how big a bowl of salsa/guacamole you would need to go with it?

May 18, 10 9:46 am  · 

a bed size bowl?

May 18, 10 9:54 am  · 

Hey! that's nacho salad! ... or would "that's nacho pillows!" be better?

May 18, 10 10:53 am  · 

Hi lars!

May 18, 10 12:29 pm  · 

perchance, would anyone have a smacna sheet metal manual in pdf?

May 18, 10 4:31 pm  · 
Ms Beary

beta, you can buy a pdf download. Or were you looking for a "used" copy? :)

May 19, 10 10:19 am  · 

Quite i guess we are all super busy?


May 19, 10 10:49 am  · 

Am I the only person that proceeds to drool everytime you get a 3Form email annoucning a new line? One of these days I want a project in which I can spec some.

May 19, 10 11:39 am  · 

no *melt, you're not the only one... i hope to use it someday too...

May 19, 10 11:51 am  · 

Last weekend I bought a used Pentax K1000 series camera for a great deal. I have been wanting an old analog/manual style camera for awhile.

Can anyone suggest/Does anyone know what kind of film to use for someone like myself who is a beginner to manual style cameras?

May 19, 10 11:55 am  · 

kodachrome? naw, stick with the tried and true E-6 (slide), or even more old school B&W negatives and start processing the film yourself... E-6 forces you to learn exposure (little tolerance for over/under exposed), while b&w helps you see the tonality and exposure too. If you want to get all ansel adams on us, learn the zone system and get a separate light meter (or use the spot meter in the camera). Have fun!

May 19, 10 12:41 pm  · 

Yes quiet here. I'm under amazing stress, personally - pretty much panicking about everything that needs attention in my world. And all the threads on the first page are too depressing!

May 19, 10 12:52 pm  · 
"I want to open up the West wall to floor to ceiling windows, allowing a lot more natural light"

Ya... have fun with all that heat gain, bud.

May 19, 10 1:43 pm  · 

barry thanks for the info.
Donna sorry to hear. Even here amongst co-workers it seems like the last week or two things have become very stressful for many people I know in both work and personal life.

Meanwhile my sister just left today for two weeks in Costa Rica at a yoga retreat on a remote farm. Jealous me, nah....

May 19, 10 2:16 pm  · 
Sarah Hamilton

That's one of my favorite cameras, nam. It's so simple to use. I would say just start with some cheap 35mm film that is easy and cheap to have developed. You can have the processor put your images on cd instead of prints so you can still adjust in Photoshop. If you really get into it, then step up to your own dark room.

May 19, 10 6:56 pm  · 
Sarah Hamilton

That's one of my favorite cameras, nam. It's so simple to use. I would say just start with some cheap 35mm film that is easy and cheap to have developed. You can have the processor put your images on cd instead of prints so you can still adjust in Photoshop. If you really get into it, then step up to your own dark room.

May 19, 10 6:58 pm  · 

hmmmm, camera talk.

we had mandatory photography class in arch school during undergrad and learned the entire spiel...but now my SLR and extra lenses is sitting in my closet untouched for 3 years or more.

every photographer we hire lately is all digital all the time...except for one fellow who had one of those bellow type cameras. which was cool to watch, but the quality was not so different than the 30,000 dollar new digital cameras most guys are using recently...

not sure if i am nostalgic or looking forward to the future. maybe both simultaneously...wonder what iwan baan uses...

May 19, 10 7:39 pm  · 

jump, that would be a great question to get the answer for in an Archinect In Focus....

Also, i knew someone who did a Fulbright sponsored tour of India during his photography MFA. He only used a bellows old style camera.. It was cool to watch.

I am looking forward to experiment.

May 19, 10 10:20 pm  · 

that should read experimenting with the camera. Night all.

May 19, 10 10:21 pm  · 

elt, I just commented - I think it was helpful, tempered advice - on the kitchen design thread. I hope this guy finds a good designer and has a successful project, but I have to admit I love the highly creative and illustrative language that comes out of our fellow 'necters sometimes when they lash out at someone asking for free advice!

May 19, 10 10:23 pm  · 
Distant Unicorn

Donna, my advice actually came from you sort of.

I saw those windows and immediately thought "NaNa (spelling) wall." Then I think I've someone youse elsewhere talk about the expense of installing spans where they don't exist.

I was pretty much like "HURRR DURRR" at that point.

Can you use commercial curtain walls in a residential project? Cause those are hella cheap compared to similar residential products.

May 19, 10 11:10 pm  · 

strawbeary, preferably a used copy...i would have 5fingered from my last firm but i got lazy...i know, i's kind of ritual with moi.

May 19, 10 11:17 pm  · 

This place is so melodramatic sometimes. It's just a job, get over it.

**definitely not intended for anyone at TC. I am about 5 pages behind in here so kind of checked out of TC for awhile and checked back into the main page, and now I'm remembering why I had checked out of the main page and into TC in the first place. Guess I need to go get caught up.

May 19, 10 11:46 pm  · 
Am I the only person that proceeds to drool everytime you get a 3Form email annoucning a new line? One of these days I want a project in which I can spec some.

I used to feel that way too, until I did actually do a project in which I got to use it. Now I kind of bristle when I get their emails.

May 19, 10 11:48 pm  · 

I should clarify on the 3form thing...

not that the product's not good - it is - but it has a lot of frustrating limitations that you only find out about after attempting to use it in some way that you dreamt up. This wouldn't be a problem (limitations can be inspiration, after all!) except that their tech support is kind of pathetic, and you don't find OUT about the limitations until after your $30,000 mockup is put together. Or I should say, DURING your $30,000 mockup construction. Ugh.

Their back-of-house support seriously needs to catch up to their marketing support. Once that happens it will be much more fun to spec their product.

May 19, 10 11:50 pm  · 

the way that we used it wasn't even that weird... someday I'll post a pic for y'all, when I finally get them.

May 19, 10 11:51 pm  · 

Donna - how did that thing with your mann in my town go? the one you were hoping to drive up and accompany him to, but couldn't go? not sure if I can speak plainly... just curious to know if there might be some sink family in my future.

also - i have a little time on my hands lately. Maybe I'll hop on the train to the big naptown. If anyone's down, let me know. Is the train station accessible to anything?

May 19, 10 11:53 pm  · 

I'm doing that thing techno makes fun of me for... multiple posts in a row. I swear I'm not trying to get my post count up... just spastic.

May 19, 10 11:53 pm  · 

Morning all.

May 20, 10 8:47 am  · 

manta: I can speak plainly about it. Brian has been working at the (important art school in your town, I'm not sure if you've been clear about where you live) one day a week for five years. They revamped their entire first year program this year and let go 13 faculty in Foundations, pretty much every part-time faculty, including him. The trip we were supposed to make up was to interview - yes, interview for the job he already had - and I ended up not joining him because I was too busy.

I enjoyed teaching the one class I taught last semester, and hope to do it again, but I am so, so happy I never went seriously into academia. The institutional politics, procedures, infighting etc. drive me crazy.

On the up side, though, my mother in law now lives here and is desperate to have Angus spend lots of time with her - so a long day trip up to your town for galleries. etc. is much more possible these days than it used to be. We'll do it soon, really.

May 20, 10 9:11 am  · 

Manta - if you decide to go to Naptown and it's on a weekend perhaps I'll make the drive from Cincy. Midwest may not be as fun as the coasts but it does provide easy access to to hanging out with some 'nectors.

And I would just like to say thank you, to what you and Donna posted on the kitchen advice thread. My first instinct was to chew the person a new one, but then I realized that with so many people out of work and so many people out there not knowing the worth of a good architect/designer perhaps it would behoove me to be civilized and to try to educate them. It never ceases to amaze me how ignorant the general population is to what we actually do.

May 20, 10 9:30 am  · 

Donna - I forgot to ask how did you last class go? If you don't feel like going into here you can always just email me.

May 20, 10 9:33 am  · 

melt - I cancelled it! Lame I know, but I had to leave class early to go crit another class anyway (critting some of the same students from my class!), so I figured driving for an hour to teach for 45 minutes then drive back 1.5 hours to crit some of the same students was utterly ridiculous. I scanned all the advice comments you all made and put them in a power point pdf I posted on the class website, then emailed the students and told them to read it. They all had final crits anyway and I think were happy to not have to go to my lecture.

Also, I had just a wee headache from combing wine and Bourble.

May 20, 10 9:51 am  · 

Make that combINing wine and Bourble - not that I combined them, I just drank them in sequence.

And that post makes me miss puddles and his Merlotch.

May 20, 10 9:52 am  · 
Sarah Hamilton

I know most of you don't care, but since TC is my "office water cooler" of sorts, I have a question...

How the hell do you get a crazy-smart two year old to stop peeing his pants on purpose! He does it cause he thinks its funny, to get my attention, or to make me come to him when I'm busy doing other things. Its driving me insane!

May 20, 10 11:55 am  · 

hey jump,
Per this article from Forbes regarding India tapping Japanese expertise for its new urban eco-town development plans.

What do you know of Japan's Kitakyushu Eco-Town program? which is the model India will be following?

I ask not because you live in Japan but because of the fact that you got your PhD in related topic...

May 20, 10 12:46 pm  · 

Sarah, that's a really really hard one. I don't know, but let me think if I had a parallel situation with Angus.

May 20, 10 1:16 pm  · 

hi nam. i have heard of it but don't know much about it. like much eco-based topics here the literature seems to be heavy on platitudes and not so much content. i am curious though, now i see the article. i guess the expertise could be related to cleanups from insanely toxic pollution in the 60's, and certainly trains. but why the eco-town idea is related to india i am not certain. it seems an odd fit on first blush. thanks for the link though, am looking into it.

sarah, no ideas, except that he will grow out of it. sounds funny and horrible. horribly funny.

May 20, 10 6:58 pm  · 

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