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Atechno - Who the hell is Laura? ;o)

In other news... this just got delivered today.

Fortunately I road the scooter in so I can try it out. Also made an appt with the orthopedic specialist so hopefully by this time next week the knee will be drained. Keep your fingers crossed they don't need to do anything more than that.

May 6, 10 3:00 pm  · 

Thanks Archi. And *M - I'm thinking of Orange and other warm colors. And jacket looks good. I hope it works our for you, with the knee and everything.

And did I just see this right, the Dow Jones Index was down more than 900 points at some point today? I come back from lunch and it looked like my portfolio tanked. I thought I was seeing it wrong.

Ken - Thanks for the link to Ken Robinson's TED talk. I appreciate being exposed to things that I would otherwise not normally seek out on my own. I think even within our lifetime, there will be a shift towards the appreciation of creativity not limited to the fine arts and entertainment.

May 6, 10 3:23 pm  · 

slart yep, The PIGS are wreaking havoc on the markets..

May 6, 10 6:28 pm  · 
Ken Koense

The market was down 1000 points in 10 minutes, apparently a trader screwed up Screwed By Citi, Again...Dick.

May 6, 10 9:15 pm  · 
Sarah Hamilton

Wow. Been slow here. Well, good morning, anyway!

May 7, 10 9:09 am  · 
Distant Unicorn

Did anyone see today's issue of science?

New research reveals that there is something peculiar and unique about Europeans (and some Asians) related to race and ethnicity.

Europeans and Asians seem to be Human-Neanderthal hybrids!

May 7, 10 12:48 pm  · 
Sarah Hamilton

Unicorn, can you post a link to that? It sounds interesting.

May 7, 10 5:02 pm  · 

I'm a human/ninja hybrid.

I think everyone's watching the stock market... I thought we were done with this... it's really weird what happened... something is off...

May 7, 10 5:34 pm  · 

I'm here, just nothing cheery or useful to post. Honestly, it's a bit of a crap week for me. Had to go to the ER the other morning, but am not able to take time off of work this week. So right now it's really all I can do to drag my ass to work, make it through a day, then go home and lay around uncomfortably until I can finally sleep. Not exactly the stuff of exciting news.

May 7, 10 7:03 pm  · 

cool about neanderthals.

not cool about ER visits.

happy weekend all.

May 7, 10 8:15 pm  · 

I saw that, which maybe explains my giant forehead,

I am finally back home all. Having some wine with the lady. Glad to be out of Orlando....

Copper, hope everythings ok?
Nite all

May 7, 10 9:49 pm  · 
Distant Unicorn

Nam, you were in Orlando?!?

I would have totally spilled beer on your shoes.

May 7, 10 9:55 pm  · 

it is always good to be out of orlando!

i thought that i'd share this archive find with TC... it is a student roster from the 'CIAM Summer School' in venice from the mid-1950s and is perhaps the one time in history where denise scott-brown got more respect than robert venturi...

full size here...

May 8, 10 2:49 am  · 

yeah... so after a few days of repetitively bad news, holz had a stunning impromptu meeting today.

it's days like today that remind me why i still like architecture.

now back to the competitions!

May 8, 10 4:16 am  · 

oops sorry *melt

so I'm groggy, I've been stuffed up for the last 48 hours - worse I still have loads to mark etc. My teaching assistant is coming into work today so we can chip away at it. I'm hoping I can get it all done next week... I think I can, I think I can.

In other news... necteurs are the greatest. I emailed two of green gurus on a challenging question and was able to get some really good feedback. I just wanted to say thanks gold stars for you!

May 8, 10 10:11 am  · 

Love that archive find, Phillip.

I'm a PTA super star. Well, a star at least, others are the "super" stars but I'm good in support. We had our school Spring Fling last night and after a full day of solving problems (my red duct tape served many a game booth structural failure) I totally earned that late night drink out with the other moms.

copper, hope you're improving and able to rest this weekend - you too, archi.

holz, can you tell us more? Sounds great!

May 8, 10 11:07 am  · 

should have been meetingS...
1. work has pretty much grinded to a halt. so that's gonna entail some damage
2. met w/ a friend who lives in AK that is interested in exploring options for a near off-grid house
3. met w/ some guys who i really respect and carpetbombed the groundwork for potential job change down the road.

so the last 2 somewhat offset the first one.

May 8, 10 2:56 pm  · 

OK, so i have to retract the venturi/scott-brown thing... i sent it to a friend who used to work for bob and denise, and apparently denise was married to another robert before she was married to venturi... oh well...

donna, duct tape solves everything... there was actually a market stall selling nothing but various rolls of duct tape at the binnenrotte markt in rotterdam on tuesday... i was tempted to buy a roll of orange!

feel better copper...

techno, my students papers are due tomorrow and i'll be spending all day on monday in my hotel room grading them... :(

May 8, 10 2:58 pm  · 

My summer contingency plan may be falling into my lap! two potential consulting gigs may save me from the unemployment line if the grant that I've been chasing since December falls through. Not that the income from consulting will equal the $$$ of teaching, but it is still better then working at trader joes. Now I just need to keep plugging away at writing my final exam, submit the final grades for studio, review three dozen extra credit assignments, rewrite that grant proposal, and....

At least my head isn't stuffed up. Think I'll take a nap. Been quite a long 8 months of teaching.

May 8, 10 4:06 pm  · 

nam/donna/phillip---am or will be ok. Unfortunately alcohol, caffiene, and exercise all seem to make things worse, so am now engaged in the most boring weekend possible. Got restless and walked to the bookstore (about 2 miles) this morning, and it hurt. At least I brought back a good book.

May 8, 10 5:29 pm  · 

copper glad to hear.

Unicorn altamonte springs really. I thought you live down there almost got in touch with you. I was down there for training which kept me fairly busy.

Hi everyone. Glad to hear archinecters are having some good news.

As for me it looks like i might get on another local advisory board. This one for the county re: open spaces and recreation.

May 8, 10 7:20 pm  · 

barry, don't knock working @ TJ's!

May 9, 10 12:57 am  · 
Sarah Hamilton

Husband bought me a fiddle/violin for MD! I've always wanted to play one, and now I just have to figure it out.

Happy mother's day, moms, Wives of archinectors who are moms, and moms of archinectors.

May 9, 10 10:04 am  · 

Hi moms! Hope you have a good one.

May 9, 10 12:03 pm  · 

happy mother's day necteur moms. Congrats on the new advisory gig Nam, and to all the other lecturers marking endless piles of paper - I feel your pain. Now back to the grind.

May 9, 10 12:46 pm  · 

happy mothers' day all!

my body is tired: two straight days of yardwork in honor of mothers' day. ugh. and not a bottle of beer in the house. double-ugh.

this conversation wasn't all that interesting to me at first, but it's gotten rolling nicely. now it's a great example of how smart archinectors can be and why this is such a great resource:

May 9, 10 8:48 pm  · 

My life is turning into a series of dating disasters. I won't regale you with the details but suffice it to say that I am close to giving up, getting a dog, and forgetting about men in general.

I am pleased, however, to report that I had a happy hour with two lovely Archinecteurs on Friday evening and we had a rollicking good time. SurfaceS and n_, I wish you both luck in the craziness of your next few weeks! And thanks for making me laugh :o)

May 9, 10 10:26 pm  · 
Distant Unicorn

Dj dub K... just become an enabler! You won't get a "good guy" but its a good way to avoid "cat lady."

My carbon footprint is going to be MASSIVE SOON.

So, two job interviews in the ol' NYC. Oh, let me just log onto Orbitz and see if there's any deals. Oh wow, an airline ticket and a hotel for 3 nights (at some place other than BFE New Jersey, Days Inn Bronx or Jamaica) costs ~$1,000.

I luckily, however, found a hotel practically in the airport in Orlando for $39 a night. And I found roundtrip airline tickets for $89. Despite the fact that I have zero money to be doing this, I will be commuting to New York City for 4 days. Possibly 5.

So, I'll be saving like $400 by flying cross-country everyday. HOW DOES THIS MAKE SENSE?

May 10, 10 12:16 am  · 

where are the photos damnit? I believe we need to start issuing points, like bad drivers, for nect meet ups without photographic proof. Glad you had fun during your travels dubz and enough to wash the distaste of the bad dates (beer and booze tends to do that)

Steven I agree that thread is looking boss! Especially with states like, "my first year of architecture school back in canada was run by a group of teachers that included an opera singer, a (very good) abstract expressionist painter, a photographer, and only incidentally one architect. In hindsight it was a perfect way to start things off." The first two years are taught with the inclusion of two visual artists... I always wish there were more.

May 10, 10 12:52 am  · 

Unicorn, although not surprised that this is a more cost-effective option, I think this seems absolutely ludicrous. There isn't a hostel or something in NYC you could crash at? Did you try Surely even a hotel in Newark or possibly outer Queens / Brooklyn is the same price at least... I would hate to spend that much time in a plane if I didn't have to. And you really shouldn't have to.

Techno, photos were not taken to protect the innocent. :o)

May 10, 10 12:58 am  · 
Distant Unicorn
"my first year of architecture school back in canada was run by a group of teachers that included an opera singer, a (very good) abstract expressionist painter, a photographer, and only incidentally one architect. In hindsight it was a perfect way to start things off."

Nice to hear. I agree architecno and Steven. I laid off my tirade about the quality of Southern universities to let people actually have a meaningful discussion.

In other news (and somewhat related to broader education),

I'm attempting to do stick framing! The bottom floor needs to be redone. But I am using the concept from the house that holz posted in name that architect thread. I'm exploring technical aspects for once.

May 10, 10 1:21 am  · 

unicorn... would it be cheaper to fly out of tampa or jacksonville? doesn't jet blue fly from tampa to nyc for cheap?

May 10, 10 7:13 am  · 

my students stayed at the chelsea hostel for ~$50/night. It served their purpose. next cheapest option I can suggest is the cosmopolitan on chambers street ~$150-$175/night.... if those fail, better start buying carbon offsets with the $ you save. There are some cheap places in Jersey that need a car to access.

May 10, 10 8:52 am  · 

Unicorn, I too would recommend hostel stays as opposed to flying out every day. I stayed at Jazz at the Park (borderline ghetto, 105th & central park west) for like $30/night and it was perfectly fine. There were lockers so if you're bringing expensive stuff like a laptop or interview clothes it won't get jacked.

If I remember correctly there was some sort of hostel loft situation in Brooklyn that was a weekly deal. Like $200/week or some such thing? Anyway, I'd look at options like that for interview stays.

May 10, 10 11:02 am  · 
Distant Unicorn

Phillip, Orlando is now a JetBlue hub! While there is a lot of deals from those two places, they require a two-hour plus drive plus parking (that's like $25 a day plus gas for departure and return trip).

My schedule is as follows. I have one interview tuesday and then another interview friday-- both 3 p.m.. Hate the idea of a 3 p.m. interview because people are not jolly nor happy to be at work by then.

The first position is a Junior Project Manager (which I'm assuming pays crap nor am I qualified for). The second position is unrelated as an Analyst for a economics/planning firm (this position might be a little more attainable since I have more 'relevant experience').

I got the second interview because I mentioned to them in a follow up interview that I was being interviewed somewhere else. And there's a possibility for a third position because I mentioned that I had two pending interviews.

I think I'm just going to fly for the two days. I kind of wanted to turn this into a little trip with some sightseeing and dropping by some offices to have a look around. I also wanted to scout out areas and see what the apartment market looked like in person. I heard that renting from online advertisements is essentially a giant ripoff-- much better deals to be had in person.

I don't like driving to the airport in my car because I absolutely loathe taking my car on any highspeed road. And the ghetto backway to the airport is an infuriating and anxiety-filled route that I would rather not have to drive more than once (i.e. staying near the airport).

The deal I got at the hotel airport includes free parking (which will be about $25 dollars a day, and the hotel is only $40!).

I'd have no problem staying in Jersey even if getting from hotel to airport or train station is a pain in the ass. But hotel + taxi and hotel + car rental is already like $150 bucks at that point.

Anyways, I am dead set on Newark to fly into as the tickets were $119 with taxes and fees and it is super easy to get to Manhattan from Newark.

I thought about hostels but I'm not sure about them. I dislike the idea of having to keep everything locked up. Not having any sort of fridge or even a counter (meaning you'd have to eat every meal out which increases the expenses drastically). And sharing a room with like 12 people? Eh, not too thrilled. Would do it if I had at least one other person with me.

And the idea of all that weirdness to encounter on a hostel trip... with the ever looming fear of bedbugs? I'm hyper ventilating already.

May 10, 10 12:41 pm  · 
Distant Unicorn

Basically... coming from one of the world's most expensive and most rip-off-y tourist traps, I am completely blown away by how expensive it is to book a hotel in NYC.

I was looking to find a hotel in the $100-150 range. Down here you can get quite an excellent hotel room for that kind of money! I couldn't even stay in a closet in Manhattan for $150 bucks. I have two friends who work at hotels up there (one works at some ritzy french hotel and the other works at the standard). They have yet to get back to me about discounts.

But this is all kind of happening next week and I just learned about this like 3 days ago. Not exactly enough time to do anything other than freak out.

Anyways, thanks!

May 10, 10 12:47 pm  · 
Distant Unicorn

I could stay with friends there. But I'd rather not. I'd just like to kind of do my own thing without having to worry about so much other stuff. And I don't really want to get dragged out and taken to every dive bar in Brooklyn.




Okay, so my framing is a little impractical ( 5' foot cantilevered exterior walls from pier foundation!). But I am learning a tremendous amount of little things from having to read and draw details taken from codes and construction books.

My first floor ceilings are retardly high (15'6"). I know that I can use two-by-fours space on 1' centers with double twelve by two headers. I read that it works better to avoid using longer lumber and to break up the wall into smaller framed sections with doubled up top plates.

But I read somewhere else that you can go up to 2' foot centers if you use two-by-eights. I didn't like the "look" of this. And it looked fighteningly dangerous and expensive.

So I went with using two-by-sixes on ~1'5" centers.

So my question is, how common or not common is it to space studs to seemingly bizarre proportions? I use the divide line function in sketch up to determine an equal placing of the studs but I always end up with spaces like 1'4 13/16". Is this acceptable? Or is it just better to start in the middle and work out even placements with the odd sized small gap?

May 10, 10 1:01 pm  · 

If you over-think framing in that way, you'll lose all of the benefits you get from it being a system. At that point , it's basically finished carpentry. Economy may not be your goal, but I'd say that once you've abandoned the system aspect of stud framing, it's really something else, I.e. It possibly becomes meaningless to call it the same thing.

May 10, 10 7:15 pm  · 

Hi all.

Happy Belated Mother's Day! - I missed the lecture because I have a Wednesday night class. Tear.

DubK - Wonderful to see you this weekend.

Bye all.

May 10, 10 11:05 pm  · 
Distant Unicorn

6 hours gone bye! and done! Dare I skin it?

Anyways, thank you holz for the inspiration!

May 10, 10 11:42 pm  · 


you have a wed. night class? unacceptable! one of the best lectures i've seen in a long time (though thomas auer @ cascadiaGBC was pretty flippin life-affirming for me as well)


that project is prefab, i believe - cross laminated timber or similar.
and you're welcome. i can't believe no one has figured it out yet...

May 11, 10 4:43 am  · 
Sarah Hamilton

I'm at the apple store getting my phone fixed. While I wait, I thought I'd check in and post from the new iPad. It's not as finger-friendly as a keyboard, but is still kinda cool. It's kinda like a keyboard. Kinda. The screen is certainly bigger than my iPhone


May 11, 10 11:00 am  · 

Victoria's Secret ads on Archinect, really? Ugh. I despise VS - I wonder if it's only because of my age and remembering the excitement when they first hit the market? I love fancy undies, I just hate the branding/cross-promotion/everything about VC. A mall store trading on women's physical insecurities. Yuck.

Actually, I'm pretty anti-chain store these days, though it's hard, because I love Target despite everything that says I should hate them.

May 11, 10 11:02 am  · 

Funny... I don't mind VS. Its the only place I can actually find bras that fit correctly, or was able to until they discontinued the line I wore. It's an Italian brand, and are supposedly opening their own stores in the US soon, which will be nice b/c I really need a new one.

May 11, 10 11:24 am  · 
Sarah Hamilton

I used to love VS, until their merchandise became poorly made. It all falls apart now. I'm actually quite pleased with my recent Nordstom purchase, and its the first bra I've have that fits so well. Try going there, Melt. Get the fitting done, and then, maybe go elsewhere for cheaper stuff. Or maybe you'll get lucky and they will have a sale!!!

May 11, 10 1:37 pm  · 

all of this bra talk is kinda ironic... i walked past a lingerie store in maastricht today and there was a sign in the window that said "bigger is better. we have a lot of g cups." it left me wondering whether european cup sizes are different than american cup sizes...

May 11, 10 5:47 pm  · 

I was just watching cricket. The batsmen wear cups so they don't get injured uhmm.... on their.... balls by balls - there I said it. I hope that doesn't fall under inappropriate conversation.

In other news I'm getting over the sniffles and just in time to mark more papers. Wow the pile has slowed down some, and I'm only halfway through. I was expecting about 100+ on Monday but it was barely 10% of that

May 11, 10 8:01 pm  · 
Cherith Cutestory

> 1000 <

May 12, 10 2:07 am  · 

Yay Cherith!

I have a meeting this morning that will most likely be difficult - after I spent a lot of my fee on a lighting consultant, I'm afraid the engineer is going to nix their fixture recommendation because it's "too hard to change the bulb", something that should have to happen about once every 5 years. I'm planning to stick to my guns, but we'll see.

May 12, 10 8:02 am  · 

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