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Yeah that CHPS site is a great site to bookmark as a resource. Thanks..

Steven sounds like fun.

Apr 5, 10 8:34 am  · 
Sarah Hamilton

Man, Easter was hectic here. We went to the in-laws, and things are NEVER organized there. Ever. But Abram? Man that kid is an Easter-egg rounder! He knew exactly what to do, and grabbed the most eggs out of his group. 23 of the suckers. I felt bad, the other kids had maybe ten. Since he was such a pro, I let him go out with the big kids- We're talking 12 and up, after giving them a head start, and he still managed to snag about three. The kids a go-getter for sure.

We have a seperate computer for television hooked up to our tv. We got rid of cable years ago, and only use an antenna or the web. It's great!

Apr 5, 10 10:57 am  · 
vado retro

i've had a busy last few days...and all free!!!

went to the TaRaDoNoVaN opening on Thursday. Wasn't gonna go since it was a 20 buck admin charge for nonmembers. Saw a friend who was with an employee of the museo and got a comp tic. Score...

Friday met up with some people for the First Friday Art Opening and one of the guys is a very successful clothing store owner who lives in Cali who is old friends with a Special Lady Friend of mine and he bought DiNnEr. Score2!

Saturday called a guy I know who bought a very cool but very in need of massive repair and then he offered to buy me dinner too. Went to the same place as on Friday. Score 3!

Apr 5, 10 11:35 am  · 
Sarah Hamilton

Very cool, but needing massive repair what, Vado? House? Car? Boat?

And I for one, and glad to have you back.

Apr 5, 10 12:40 pm  · 

vado sounds like a fun couple of days...

What exactly did your friend buy?

Apr 5, 10 3:24 pm  · 
Sarah Hamilton

Any furniture builders in the House? I could use some advise on this thread.

And where is everybody?

Apr 5, 10 3:57 pm  · 
vado retro

mid century modern house, sorry.

Apr 5, 10 4:21 pm  · 

Vado, you going to get some work out of it?

Apr 5, 10 4:53 pm  · 

I must say lately that's all I think about mid-century modern - anything. I'm completely batty about the stuff. Doesn't help that most of the classes I teach have some reference to that era be it theoretical, social or design. We expect a full round up vado.

Last day of the vacation. Unfortunately I've had to give up two afternoons to pull lectures together. I'm more than half way through 2 of them, but nothing on the 3rd but that I safe as a discussion. I also need to write two assignments. I'm thinking I may just give them verbally. Too much work with my teaching assistant. It's going to be a rough two weeks.

Apr 5, 10 6:27 pm  · 

I think I need a bonk on my head. I should start being as brutal editing my archinect posts as I do with my work/students. The third sentence should read, "on the 3rd but I can save that as a discussion"

Apr 5, 10 6:34 pm  · 

So today I partook in my first ever Opening Day festivities. It was great. The weather was perfect so I rode my scooter downtown and was able to park it in one of the few areas designated for to wheeled vehicles only. Then I had a bloody Mary with friends before sauntering down the street to watch the parade, which was one of the most amusing parades I ever viewed. It was almost as if anyone that wanted to could participate in it. Anyway, it was great. Afterward I dropped off my scooter for it's post-winter/pre-scooter rally tune up and enjoyed a burger and two more bloody Mary's while sitting on the balcony of another bar that overlooks the city with another good friend of mine. The timing couldn't have been any better because right as my friend was about to drive me home I got a call from my mechanic to let me know my scooter was done. So she dropped me off and I was able to take a nice long ride back home. Afterward, I took a 2 and a half hour nap which was much needed, as I did not sleep well last night (damn after dinner coffee).

Now I sit and watch the finals. It's close game so I better get back to it.

Nite all.

Apr 5, 10 9:42 pm  · 

I spotted two turkey's strutting around my nabe yesterday with brilliant bronze plumage - don't think they were wild. I know folks with urban chickens, but urban turkeys?

Anybody else know who made the shortlist for the St. Louis Arch comp? heard that Hargreave/SOM/BiG learned the good news on Friday...

Apr 5, 10 9:50 pm  · 

vado's back! score!

Apr 5, 10 10:22 pm  · 

soooo jealous tuna... this is only my second year not being in florida for spring training, so i'm hurtin' for some baseball... looking forward to going to a phillies game sometime soon... might even go to a upenn game out of desperation...

Apr 5, 10 10:30 pm  · 

Go Butler! Urban turkeys seems unlikely. Maybe just got lost from the woods? And archi, who doesn't like mid-century modern. I mean really. Prince Charles? heheh

I had hot dogs but no Opening Day...

Nite all

Apr 5, 10 11:10 pm  · 

God, I hate Duke. >o(

And man I missed being at Opening Day. :o/

Apr 6, 10 12:49 am  · 

Can someone please explain why people either have a strong love or a strong hatred for Duke? I've honestly never understood it.

Apr 6, 10 8:33 am  · 

i think that it is much like people's love/hate relationship with the yankees... they're so good so often that people hate them for always beating their own teams... yet they also attract a lot of passionate band-wagon fans that have no logical reason for liking them other than the fact that they're good... which in turn makes the haters hate them even more...

Apr 6, 10 8:46 am  · 

phillip, because of my crack organizational skills, i cannot find the card for the nai guy. sorry to offer and then not come through...

*melt, i think there is a particular kentucky-specific disdain for duke. it's based on some game that happened before i moved here, like 20 yrs ago. it's sort of a kentucky obligation to hate duke, even if you don't know why.

Apr 6, 10 9:09 am  · 
liberty bell

I am FURIOUS! Furious, furious, furious and ready to quit this project already which is what I should have done six months ago. I shouldn't talk openly about it, though I certainly could as it's not MY problem it's the builder's, but you can bet your sweet patootie I'll tell all once it's resolved. In the meantime, I AM FURIOUS!!!

Apr 6, 10 9:11 am  · 
Sarah Hamilton

Morning. It tool me a while to figure out what opening day was, but I'm glad you had fun. I don't know if it's me, my crowd, or my area, but baseball is fun to play but isn't really part of life.

Abram finally slept through the night - the first time in weeks - but now he's being a terror. Glad he has school today.

Apr 6, 10 9:36 am  · 

Sounds like a tough situation LB...

Hope it all works out. If not at least you can let off some steam here.

Sarah, has been having bad dreams or is he just not tired enough?

Apr 6, 10 10:16 am  · 

Phil - "looking forward to going to a phillies game sometime soon." Good luck getting decent seats. I've had a hard time getting decent seats after they've won the WS. You're going to have to buy them well ahead of time, buy non weekend games, buy them off ticket resellers (aka rip offs), or get invited out by friends (And sometimes contractors/clients!) that hold season tickets.

My IKEA kitchen is turning out pretty well, for anyone thats interested. It fits perfectly! And they do a good job of making their veneer material not look like veneer. I picked out my granite slab at the stone yard, and that was a great experience (I recommend doing so if you have the opportunity). I completely changed my mind at the stone yard and got something totally different from what I originally wanted. There was this subtle large natural pattern that you can't duplicate with the quartz stuff, and I had to have it. Although, I'm not happy that they have to make a seam. Being the uneducated designer that I am, I asked if they can do an angled seam at the corner (like a miter), but they don't do angled cuts.

Apr 6, 10 11:10 am  · 

Yay, slart, it sounds fun! Post pictures. I love going tot he slab yard, one of the favorite parts of my job. Did it twice last week, in fact.

Apr 6, 10 11:14 am  · 
vado retro

no i won't get any work out of it although i may help him work on it. its a cool house built in 1965. it was designed and lived in until recently by a female doctor. it has a courtyard which is unusual here. there are pics on my friends facebook page but i don't know if its cool to link it here.

Apr 6, 10 11:35 am  · 
Sarah Hamilton

Just was getting up every 15 minutes. Sometimes he sleep walks - I used to as a kid - but this was something else. We were thinking of putting the rails back on the crib.

Apr 6, 10 11:39 am  · 

I found the perfect image to start my lecture about practice and design!

okay, i'm being ironic... Gawker has a bunch of very funny articles about this bannana republic ad & this: architects-are-marrying-each-other-taking-sexual-tension-into-the-studio

Apr 6, 10 11:52 am  · 

yeh, i know slart... although the upenn grad center occasionally has tickets at a great deal... $10 for the ticket and a $10 food voucher...

it is certainly not like when i lived 3 blocks from tropicana field in st. petersburg and could wander over after work to go to a game just because i wanted a hotdog for dinner...

steven, thanks for looking... and, i think that you may be talking about this particular instant!!!

Apr 6, 10 12:33 pm  · 

sorry to hear that donna. hope all works out.

strange article, steven. not sure if it had a point. there is no sexual tension in our office, which is clearly a pity.

Apr 6, 10 1:24 pm  · 
Ms Beary

I guess this is how it goes, as soon as I give up on architecture, a friend's parents suggest they want to hire me to design their house. Am I interested? Not sure.

Apr 6, 10 1:36 pm  · 

Straw, just do schematics! Just contract with them to do the fun part then hand it off to a builder to do whatever he wants with no liability on your part! This is how the builder will want to work anyway, except that he'll try to foist the responsibility on you when he screws up!

Apr 6, 10 1:47 pm  · 
Ms Beary

Donna, Yup! Actually my friend, their son is a contractor, has his own company. His mom works for him now that I think about it, but not sure what she does. Could be really interesting clients! ~ But they are very midwestern too.

Apr 6, 10 1:55 pm  · 

barry - how'd you hear about the shortlist? they aren't supposed to announce until tomorrow...

Apr 6, 10 3:20 pm  · 

t'weren't my article, jump! i don't really understand the issue either - everybody needs to leave sex and any associated tensions at home. there's enough tension in the office as it is.

Apr 6, 10 4:33 pm  · 

toaster- we had a guest at the U on Monday who learned that they made the cut...

Apr 6, 10 4:37 pm  · 

Apr 6, 10 4:47 pm  · 

wups sorry steven!

the article was funny because i was expecting it would be about gender issues but mostly it was just shop talk.

thats cool strawbeary!

even more cool is unsunseptium. right up there with higgs-boson stuff.

Apr 6, 10 9:50 pm  · 

I just came from a very sad occassion as a friend of ours and a client
passed away last Thursday at the young age of 40. The wake was today and well his body will go back to his homeland once all the paper work is taken care of... what a loss.

Apr 6, 10 9:56 pm  · 

btw, and apologies that is link to our own work, but the timber frame house we are working on is going up finally and is totally fascinating.

We seldom did wood structures like this when i was working for someone else, so this is a bit new to me and i am quite enjoying geeking out. check here if interested in seeing some cool joinery and such.

Apr 6, 10 9:58 pm  · 

Anybody in NYC want to tag along my great landscape safari either friday or saturday? drop me an email and I'll pass along the meet-up coordinates.

Friday we're starting with a tour of the Highline with one of the designers, visiting a green roof under construction in the village, and ending the day with grand tour of lower Manhattan that may include a cruise on the staten island ferry.

Saturday we're starting in prospect park, then brooklyn heights promenande, brooklyn bridge park, then crossing the bridge to catch the Ikea water taxi to erie basin park in red hook, then possibly heading up to greenpoint for the rooftop farm...

My feet are already tired just from typing this. Anyways, I won't be checking email starting thursday, so let me know ASAP...

Apr 6, 10 10:20 pm  · 

Philip... yep, that's it. Well, that and everything else you said about Duke.

Apr 7, 10 3:20 am  · 

Phillip, sorry I spelled your name wrong, LOL.

It's a rough week for me... busy busy! And I've got to do my taxes tomorrow! :-O

Does that discovery of ununseptium mean we are only a few years away from unobtainium?

Apr 7, 10 3:22 am  · 

no problem dubK... that happens so often that i barely notice it anymore... my name has been misspelled on everything from aia awards to my drivers license... even my computed tells me that "Phillip" is wrong...

Apr 7, 10 7:11 am  · 

Morning all,
toast 40 does seem to early..

Jump I like the part about taking neighbors cake....

Barry wish i could tag along.

Apr 7, 10 8:11 am  · 


I want to make a site visit! This looks like another fantastic project!
One of the biggest advances in Timber Frame Construction is the Crane. It makes everything so much faster. I have hoisted timbers with a bunch of people with a block and tackle and have watched the same process with a Crane. Be sure you are the day they start setting the frame, cause it will be done before you know it.

Apr 7, 10 8:36 am  · 

Snook - sorry to hear about your friend

BL - if I were anywhere close to NYC this weekend, I would totally love to join. Have fun. You definitely should take photos of the green roof (and everything else) while you're there.

jump - was cool photos of the timber joints. I think it's cool that they use computers to do all the cut outs.

LB - Hope things get better with the client issue soon. Crappy clients suck.

Straw - I think Donna's idea sounds like an excellent one.

DJ - Hope things settle down soon. Thanks for reminding me... I still need to do my local taxes.

Phillip - that's pretty hilarious that even your spell check tells you its wrong.

SH - that's kind of scary no?

SW - cool


Now back to twiddling my thumbs :o/

Apr 7, 10 8:40 am  · 

Barry I will be in Minneapolis on Saturday....then off to the North Woods for a couple of days and then home on Tuesday. So I guess
you will not be seeing me unless it is an Airport.

Hope you have a grand time in the City.

Apr 7, 10 9:00 am  · 

if anyone's curious here's the shortlist of teams for the stl arch competition.


- Behnisch (and others + two WashU faculty)
- MVVA (and others + Steven Holl)
- PWP + Foster + Civitas
- SOM (BiG, Hargreaves, et al...)
- Weiss Manfredi

solid list, IMO...

I think the Hargreaves team has a bit of an advantage since they've done a lot of riverfront work... but we shall see. I think Behnisch is the only team left with a local connection...

Apr 7, 10 9:21 am  · 

woops i just realized that i meant snook not toast in my earlier post.

Sorry snook. alot on my mind this morning. Just got a ton of new work/responsibilities on my plate. Which is good but no new money yet

Apr 7, 10 10:08 am  · 
Sarah Hamilton

Melt, one of the most interesting things about having a kid is seeing what behaviors and things actually are genetic. Crazy. And any of you parents out there have any tips for gettng a two year old to stay in bed at bedtime, and stay there all night? Anything?

Sorry about your client/friend snook.

Apr 7, 10 11:59 am  · 

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