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manta, the usajobs site doesn't allow for cover letters, neither does the army civilian jobs site, at least nothing i could find. it seems more qualification, and question driven.

Feb 23, 10 4:35 pm  · 

beta i would as sarah says want to keep up with your adventure...Hope you get it.

Feb 23, 10 4:46 pm  · 

i really would love to go to Afghanistan, have not told the wife i applied, yet, but no sense in worrying her until something starts shaking loose.

Feb 23, 10 6:02 pm  · 
Sarah Hamilton

I got a comment on my blog from someone I didn't recognize. First I was amazed becausei figure only you guys check it out. Then I noticed a URL listed - sweetteats.wordpress so I thought maybe it was tumbles, but when I clicked on the link, it was no good. Good news is, Tumbles, there's a domain name for you. But now I don't know who this person was. Their name was listed, but I don't know it. Maybe I'm fast on my way to famous. I promise to thank thread central when I get my Nobel.

Feb 23, 10 6:08 pm  · 

cheers architphil. will send an email inext time i am in area.

that is really cool about the monographs. must be a pretty good feeling to be able to do that. funny the lecture crowd was small to start. glad they showed up. such a waste to miss him speak when given the opportunity.

beta, you are brave (not telling the wife part). good luck with job application though. it sounds like something worth doing.

Feb 23, 10 6:16 pm  · 
liberty bell

beta, I worry for you going to Afghanistan. You'd definitely have to blog it, not only because it's interesting, but so I'd know you were OK! Even if you cry at The Hours, though, I know you're tough enough to handle Afghanistan.

manta, I might come up to your city next Wednesday, with the child. Would you be able to do coffee? Husband has a job interview.

I cranked all day today towards a meeting at 4. The last scheme I decided to throw in at the end, even though I was running low on time, was, of course, the best one. So the client is excited and it was all worth it, as usual. Now I'm drinking wine and getting ready to prepare stuff for tomorrow meeting on another job, sigh.

Feb 23, 10 7:07 pm  · 

Odd as it may seem I have always had an interest in going to Afganistan. It grew out of a childhood friendship. My friends father
was involved in Agriculture Science based on irrigation. He took a job in West Pakistan back in the 60's and transported his whole family of boys and a wife to Lahore. It was a time of turmoil as the Pakistan was at war with India over the Kashmier. So when things became harry, all non essential Americans were ask to leave the country. So my bud and his brothers and mom returned home to the USA. He of course had wild stories of bribing the motor bike cabbies into letting them drive their machines and wild ass parties in rich kids mansions.
He also had an extensive slide collection of where they lived and the travels they had made in Pakistan and Afganistan. So I was charmed.

Years later when the Russians were bombing the holy heck out of Afganistan, I was living in Phoenix. There was some big connect with
the medical community and Afganistan. Alot of injured were for one reason or another tranported to Phoenix so I was not that ucommon of a site to come across some one in very ethnic dress.

I told my mrs....that I found this job online in Afganistan and she said no. So I will not be applying.

Feb 23, 10 7:11 pm  · 
Sarah Hamilton

Husband has been threatening to go to Iraq/ Afghanistan as a mechanic for years. I keep telling him that Abram needs him here.

And guess what! Someone else I don't recognize commented on my blog. Strangest thing, is that both this person, and the other I mentioned before have the same initials, but not the same first or last names. Crazy, huh. The last one must have been from here though, since he mentioned architecture. Then again, maybe its just another kick-ass coincidence.

LB, why can't you have a meeting here, in Dallas....

Feb 23, 10 7:22 pm  · 

beta what jump said. don't want to be encouraging you if your wife (understandably) would be against.

But i dream of traveling and taking jobs like that. It was my original motivation for applying to Peace Corps. Imagine my disappointment in realizing that it is more difficult to do if you owe money to people.

Although they do accept people until 60-65. So there is always later.

With regards to lectures and such. I try to remember to take advantage of the College of Design lectures and one at Art Museum. But i find it harder to remember since I have been off campus.

Although i still check the calendar occasionally

Feb 23, 10 7:33 pm  · 

oh lb I would LOVE to!!! What times? Unfortunately I snagged a gig for next week so I'll be on a 9-5 schedule. But I will certainly get a lunch at the minimum. Would LOVE to meet up with you at 5pm but I'm guessing you guys will be heading back to get the little guy into bed by that point? Well I will take whatever I can get! email me!

Feb 23, 10 9:08 pm  · 
Imagine my disappointment in realizing that it is more difficult to do if you owe money to people.

Yes, this is always my problem too. I try like crazy to counsel the younger generation that *nothing* matters as much in a college decision as HOW MUCH DEBT YOU WILL GRADUATE WITH, but it seems to fall on deaf ears. I think that's the kind of thing you simply don't understand till you live with it (and realize all the things you won't be able to do because of it).

Speaking of which, there's a listing up for a gig in Rwanda that I was already mentally applying for till I got to the very bottom and saw that compensation was only living costs + flight to get there. Too bad I have $500/month in student loan payments, or I'd be there in a SECOND. I have no mortgage, no car payment, no credit card payments, and no dependents. If anyone could go, it's me -- and yet even *I* can't, because of student loan debt! Such a constant frustration.

Feb 23, 10 9:14 pm  · 

hi all went on a site visit in a river about 15 minutes from our university. Although the city has become more and more urban as the years have passed it only takes going over the main for about 5 minutes to be knee need in the rural setting.

But alas I fell victim to nature and busted my hand on sharp rock.

Feb 23, 10 9:22 pm  · 
liberty bell

Ooh, your mouse hand techno? Previously we would have said drawing hand, how times have changed. Hope it's better soon.

manta I'll email, 5pm would work out probably.

Feb 23, 10 10:36 pm  · 

Thanks everyone for your votes. I'm sorry I haven't been around to respond in appropriate fashion, as I am at a conference in North Carolina right now, so I'm a bit discombobulated. I think TEAM GET YOUR LICENSE has it, though.

You know how people talk about being "house-poor"? I think you might hear about me being ARE-poor here soon...

beta, if you are serious about it, it looks like an amazing opportunity. Last summer I seriously considered a few of those types of jobs - not in Kabul, mind you - but the application process was truly daunting. Good luck, whatever you decide.

manta I was out at a bar when you would have called :) But thanks! This Olympics has been really awesome. Did anyone else notice the hipster on our men's curling team? Complete with rock star hair and everything!

And oh how I miss the Jamaican bobsled team! This sport seems much less fun without them...

Feb 23, 10 10:41 pm  · 

Wow, those girls' bobsled outfits leave very little to the imagination! I'm just saying!

Feb 23, 10 10:43 pm  · 

In other news, I am, in fact, having a bit of mandemonium. I've been talking to two guys but I have a date with a third on Saturday, LOL. Pretty crazy, right? They are all quite different but attractive in their own rights. Good thing I have an appointment with a trainer at the gym on Thursday...

Also please note the name on the post when responding. :-D

Feb 23, 10 10:51 pm  · 

outfits? you mean they aren't naked?

bobsled is awesome.

this one must have been invented by a coupla cannucks. i mean, who doesn't want to slide down an icy tube with a 200# guy sitting on them?

Feb 24, 10 12:15 am  · 

Bobsledding is a sissy Swiss sport!

Not a "manly" Canadian sport.

Feb 24, 10 12:18 am  · 

In fact, a majority of modern winter sports were invented by hotelier Caspar Badrutt in the spa town of St. Moritz to attract the English Gentry. The main idea was basically that snow was, in fact, fun.

Feb 24, 10 12:20 am  · 
Living in Gin

Well, this past week I submitted a final draft of my Advanced Project for review by my academic committee, and this evening I submitted drafts of five so-called Independent Learning Pursuits, by which I can receive college credit for real-world work and life experiences. All in all, that's 14 credit hours of work submitted within the past week... Amazing how productive I can be when I'm unemployed.

My focus for the next three days is now toward packing up all my shit into cardboard boxes. I plan to load up the truck on Saturday, and I'll arrive in Cincinnati sometime on Sunday. Although the weather this week is pretty shitty, so far it's looking like I'll have decent weather along the Pennsylvania Turnpike through the mountains this weekend.

I've signed a six-month lease on a one-bedroom apartment in Cincinnati's Westwood neighborhood... About three times the size of my current place, at about one-third the rent. I'll try to resist the temptation to spend my unemployment checks at IKEA, buying furniture to fill up all the new living space I'll have.

Once I'm settled in Cincinnati, I'll have a few weeks to make any revisions needed on the schoolwork I've submitted, and I'll have just a couple more independent study things to complete during the spring quarter. My parents just booked a flight to Chicago in June for my graduation.

If anybody in NYC is available to help my load up the truck on Saturday, send me a message...

Feb 24, 10 1:53 am  · 

i've got the unusual benefit (?) of having a drawing hand AND and a mouse hand. i can't use a mouse with my left hand, for some reason. also can't use left handed scissors. i guess i've just adapted to the world - except i can still only write/draw with my left.

Feb 24, 10 7:35 am  · 
liberty bell

Steven your talents are many.

LiG, travel safe. The roads are crazy.

Feb 24, 10 8:21 am  · 

I think that photo is of a double luge event?

Hope the hand works out ok archi.

DJ, sounds like you have your pick of the litter.

Feb 24, 10 8:32 am  · 


yeah, it's tandem luge.

Feb 24, 10 10:10 am  · 
Sarah Hamilton


Feb 24, 10 10:17 am  · 
vado retro

my fave things to watch as a kid in the olympics was bobsledding and the skijump. i don't think i've watched a winter olympics since the miracle on ice in what was it, 1980?

as for the was one of two weekday matinees i went to when i was living in chicago where i was the only man in the audience. the other was chicago. the films had both been out for sometime, so there were only twenty or so people in the audience. there is (if its still there) an excellent little movie house in wilmette or is it winnetka? whichever town is just north of evanston that had a great monday matinee that i would often go to. they would show smaller films like Last Orders and stuff like that. well i would often be the youngest person there as they would bus in these retirees from the old folks home.

Feb 24, 10 11:58 am  · 
liberty bell

puddles: this is for oyu, ebcauae I think it's a song you like:

You'll Lose A Good Thing

And I'm worried we haven't seen you lately, or am I mistaken?

Feb 24, 10 2:23 pm  · 
Ms Beary

yes, the miracle on ice was in '80. I was obsessed with the Olympics when I was a kid. My swim teacher was an Olympian, my first crush. He was a dream, I was five.

Did you know the olympics used to have art and architecture? I learned that from wikipedia.

Watching the ski jump reminded me of how we were so desperate for work, we tried to get us a ski jump design gig. I am really, really glad I didn't have to pretend to know how to design an icy ramp for skiers to propell themselves off of to the tune of 140 meters.

Feb 24, 10 3:54 pm  · 

My favourite winter Olympic event is the skeleton - even more stupid that the luge or the bobsled. I don't even think they bring the medics out for that one. Just a shovel and a hose to take up the bits (too morbid?)

The hand is recovering but it's a little sore. Thanks

I'm curious what you did in the art & architecture category of the Olympics?

Feb 24, 10 5:16 pm  · 

GIN... screw IKEA after you unpack use the cardboard to make your furniture especially since you may have access to uber cool power tools at the school workshop

Feb 24, 10 5:34 pm  · 

an apartment of home made "Gehry"'s

and maybe you built something? It doesn't seem like it could just be a design but not build category...i mean then it would just be a drawing thang.

Feb 24, 10 6:59 pm  · 

LB, i think that puddles might be gone for good... he posted a link to porn on the forum rules thread... i just checked the list of members and there is no puddles listed...


Feb 24, 10 8:59 pm  · 
Sarah Hamilton

Ohno! Not puddles. Really?

Feb 24, 10 9:13 pm  · 

duh, techno, charrette! ;-)

I will miss puddles but I also know that if he got himself banned it was purposefully. that's a man who knows what he's doing.

Feb 24, 10 10:42 pm  · 
liberty bell

I think you're right, architphil, that the porn posting might have gotten puddles banned.

And I also think you're right, manta, that if he did, it was intentional. puddles is one super-savvy dude.

But in any case, we can all enjoy the utter kick-ass awesomeness that is Barbara Lynn.

Feb 24, 10 10:54 pm  · 

i am sorry to say i do not now who Barbara Lynn is.

I'll have to Google..

Up late making a roasted veg salad with nuts and goat cheese.

Nite all.

Feb 24, 10 10:58 pm  · 
liberty bell

Click my link above, nam, for the awesome video.

Feb 24, 10 11:00 pm  · 

wait does anyone know of puddles other alias'/monikers/avatars? Speaking of avatar has anyone seen the trailers for the last Air Bender? I was really disappointed they were making into a film but I'm satisfied that the interpretation from the little I saw has capture the ethos of the animation

Feb 24, 10 11:47 pm  · 

morning all,

thanks lb

Feb 25, 10 8:24 am  · 

puddles also changed his name back to bryan buchalski.

Feb 25, 10 8:34 am  · 

Hey all-
I'm still alive.

Atechno - I feel you on the hand thing. I had a pilsner glad explode while I was washing it the other day. Ripped my right pinky all to hell. You'd be amazed at how important that digit is.

Nam - I thought the Peace Corp allowed you to go even if you had student loans. I pondered it when I graduated but at the last minute I chickened out. Funny, as at this point in my life I'd jump at the chance... unfortunately I have student loans galore.

Feb 25, 10 8:41 am  · 
Feb 25, 10 8:48 am  · 
Sarah Hamilton

Techno, you'll be very interested in the blog today, you're the winner!

I really liked the air bender series. I'm excited about the film.

I have "become a teacher" orientation tonight. I wonder what it's about.

And if puddles is gone, the mr Brian should stop in here. Say hi!

Feb 25, 10 9:22 am  · 

Can we kindly not discuss the Air bender movie? I might go into a rant about the whole whitewashing thing.

Speaking of IKEA, how dependable are their kitchen cabinets? Anyone have experience?

Feb 25, 10 11:10 am  · 
Sarah Hamilton

Ooh slart, now you've got me curious.

Feb 25, 10 11:39 am  · 

Slart - a friend of mine who used to work at Lowe's told me that if you want to install granite or any other solid surface countertops for them they will need extra support as Ikea cabinets can't hold the extra weight. Other than that, I've heard no complaints from people I know who have them.

Feb 25, 10 12:25 pm  · 

Thanks *m. That confirms my contractor's (who has an M.Arch btw) experience with IKEA's apparently flimsy legs. I guess there are no issues with the veneer/laminate material.

Anywho... Kinda quiet on archinect today.

Feb 25, 10 3:59 pm  · 

i thought so too slart. but then i have been in meetings and trying to wrap some work up before weekend.

Feb 25, 10 4:01 pm  · 

I'm all about IKEA kitchens although I've never used them. The idea of buying affordable modern kitchens spec off the shelf intrigues me and tickles my architectural fancy.

Feb 25, 10 5:57 pm  · 

I'm spending way too much time thinking about my kitchen. But only because I have limited resources. This would be a lot easier if I had a bigger budget.

I am a bit infatuated with this gas cooktop, although I don't think it'll be very practical. I mean I certainly don't need four burners, but my diet consists of ramen noodles and tea so what do I know. The reason I liked it is because it is so shallow I can have clearance in the front and back. I never liked the idea of a boiling pot teetering on the edge.

BTW, does the "PREVIEW" button ever work for you guys?

Feb 25, 10 6:57 pm  · 

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