
Thread Central


I do too, I just spent an enjoyable evening watching it. Or rather, I spent an evening stuck on the couch waiting for it to come on, even as my stomach grumbled and my paperwork went undone. But it was worth it to see Shen & whatshisname win. Their short program made my jaw drop -- I've never seen anything so perfect in my life. Just beautiful!

Feb 16, 10 12:27 am  · 

i am working from home this week it seems. my youngest has the mumps. she explained to my mum back in canada that i was staying home to help her with the TV, because she can't set the dvd herself. funny how kids see the world ;-)

Feb 16, 10 4:33 am  · 

howdy all.

snook that is a cool "art installation"...

I think the idea of pottery is awesome a couple of good friends do it and I actually have an amazing teapot one made with a woven handle.

However, for meditative medicine related to ADD/speedyness i prefer self medicating, preferably via inhalation..

Although yoga and long hot baths are also two key medicines on my treatment plan.

Slart, hopefully i can think about buying something in the next couple of years but i definitely want to buy a fixer upper.

Puddles, you are the only reason i come here.

Do you think there are really only 200 or so regulars?

Feb 16, 10 8:26 am  · 

also a WWTCD question..

some of you may have seen this already.

I am currently working to pay off debts/save money so (hopefully) i can go back to school to pursue my interests in urbanism and ecologies.
However, an opportunity recently presented itself to me and I have a decision to make;

Is it better to keep current job title working in field i am not passionate about but that is not stressful/or demanding of my abilities.

Or to stay in same field (i am not passionate about) but with new job title, and more money/responsibility/work and which will use a bit more of my abilities..
I think it will depend on how much more money???

Feb 16, 10 8:32 am  · 
brian buchalski

if you have a paying job that doesn't require hours beyond the old-fashioned 9-5/40 hours per week and it doesn't tax your brain too much (i.e., you can daydream about what you really care about while working) then i think that is pretty nice arrangement...maybe not for "greatness" but certainly for sanity/quality of life.

yes, i do think there is something on the order of 100-200 regulars here. and by "regulars", i mean people that follow front page forum posts on a nearly daily basis (whether or not they actually write/post anything or not). it's just a guess loosely based from the number of views listed on each thread. unpopular threads (only a couple of posts) rarely generate more than 200 views and often less than 100. but threads that gain some traction (say 10+ posts) can quickly pop up to 1000 views since, i'm assuming, that people are now making multiple visits to follow that discussion. but i don't really know, that's just my speculation...and obviously, other parts of probably draw far more traffic but i do think that the forum community is relatively small & nuanced.

Feb 16, 10 9:07 am  · 
Sarah Hamilton

I agree. Depends on how much more money. I mean yousre planning on switching fields at some point anyway, so why not make/save some money in the meantime?

Morning. Were all feeling better, but husband says I should keep Abe home from school today.

Feb 16, 10 9:12 am  · 

Nam - are you talking long term or short term?

After much digging out, I finally got out of my driveway this morning. Only got majorly stuck once. Now if only the bastard who traded his shitty snow shovel for my good snow shovel would show up. I'm not a violent person but after what I had to do this morning I really would like to punch them in the face.

Feb 16, 10 9:15 am  · 

melt, short term 1-2 max. Hopefully.

And puddles, sarah that is the thing in the new position i would have at least a little less time to "(daydream about what you really care about while working)"

Feb 16, 10 9:26 am  · 

*m heard you guys had 8" of snow, please be careful. Actually anyone who has battle anything but pina coladas and lying in the shade please be careful.

So I'm on the ball again with PKN::: Jamaica and they've asked me to identify 15 creatives to who would likely speak at the first one. And well my brain has turned to putty trying to find them all (even tho I know for certain that they exist). So as always I throw it out to TC - what to come to Jamaica and talk about what you do? Puddles? You are close aren't you?

Feb 16, 10 10:28 am  · 
liberty bell

puddles, please god, go do techno's PK!

Feb 16, 10 10:34 am  · 

I've realised that I can't seem to type in English unless I've at least a cup of coffee - sad really

Feb 16, 10 10:36 am  · 

techno, send me details!!!!

Feb 16, 10 12:24 pm  · 
Sarah Hamilton

I want to go, but I don't have anything to talk least not in the creative sense. Maybe I'm not a creative.

Feb 16, 10 12:37 pm  · 
Living in Gin

Looks like I've found a place to live in Cincinnati: A newly-renovated art deco one-bedroom apartment on the west side, and a short drive from DAAP if that's where I end up going to grad school. It's about three times the size of my current place in NYC, and one-third the rent. Go figure.

I also found a subtenant for my place here in NYC, and will be getting my sizable security deposit back... That's two huge sources of stress off my plate, assuming nothing falls through at the last minute. Wish me luck.

Feb 16, 10 12:58 pm  · 

techno, i'd come and speak, but you might have to spray intumescent fireproofing on the entire facility, because i'll go off like Al Pacino in Scent Of A Woman...

Feb 16, 10 1:28 pm  · 

Sounds good LIG

Feb 16, 10 1:29 pm  · 

LIG, i've been meaning to ask; how are you collecting NYC unemployment in Ohio??

Feb 16, 10 1:34 pm  · 
Living in Gin

Unemployment benefits aren't based on where you currently live, but on where you've been working for the past year or so. For example, I was collecting NY benefits while living in Oregon and in Chicago in 2004-2005, and I collected Illinois benefits when I was unemployed in Philadelphia in 2003.

Feb 16, 10 1:41 pm  · 

that's interesting, my UI always asks for address and whether or not that information changed, and i get mines in direct dep...nice to know though....

Feb 16, 10 3:16 pm  · 
Sarah Hamilton

I think they ask to know where to send the information and paperwork, beta.

Feb 16, 10 4:31 pm  · 

is it safe from all of the trolls in here? i haven't ventured into thread central territory in quite some time, but with all of the ridiculousness going on out there this may be the one last bastion of sanity on the 'nect... i want the old archinect back!

Feb 16, 10 7:49 pm  · 

"The majority of architects in American have been ill-served by the institutions that support and regulate our profession. The American Institute of Architects often promotes membership over service, self-recognition over relevance and words over action. In academia and journalism, style and image are too often valued over substance and use. Government has eroded the recognition of our profession’s authority and its unique role in preserving the safety, efficiency and beauty of construction.

This loss of credibility has occurred over the last generation and has imperiled our practice with disastrous consequences in the current economic crisis."

Any thoughts?

Feb 16, 10 8:20 pm  · 

sounds like what i was hearing in the 1980's, beta.

am happy to come give a lecture/whatever archi, but am quite obviously not that interesting.

that is cool LIG. glad things are moving in your direction

Feb 16, 10 8:52 pm  · 
liberty bell
1. That all states require a licensed architect to sanction the design of any construction requiring a building permit, including houses.

Even though I'm a residential architect, I don't think this is reasonable. I think homeowners should be able to do whatever they want to their homes, as long as they get a permit. The American ethos of independence and being master of your own domain far outweighs the need for architects to be employed.

Of the other seven reforms, some I like, some I don't (I think LEED is a ridiculous standard to expect, though they do allow an alternative), but overall I think the reforms are too broad-ranging to be effective. They need to narrow their focus: is it about residential design? Reforming education? Pushing sustainable practices? Getting more respect? Getting more work? It's too broad.

Feb 16, 10 8:52 pm  · 
liberty bell

BTW, hi architphil!

Feb 16, 10 8:53 pm  · 

HI ARCHITPHIL!!!! - long time no see.

The snow outside my back door. It measured 14" this afternoon.

Feb 16, 10 9:36 pm  · 

wow. this 'call to action' (ultimatum?) is really scary. agreed, LB.

architects are, historically, the voice of reason?!?

architects have always valued, advocated and practiced 'sustainable design'?!?

Not surprisingly, all levels of government have responded to society’s increasing perception of our profession’s irrelevancy by creating an ever-tightening web of regulatory oversight. The perceived incapacity of architects to provide holistic, relevant building design has allowed government to sanction alternatives to the use of licensed architects.
translation: regulations are bad, that's why we want to regulate sanctioned alternatives from ever building again!

1) That all states require a licensed architect to sanction the design of any construction requiring a building permit, including houses.
will never happen. engineers won't let it.

3) That Continuing Education or Professional Practice Certification requirements be administered only by institutions accredited to confer professional degrees in architecture or by NCARB with consistent national standards applicable across all states, and that a minimum commitment of pro bono professional practice, teaching, or mentoring be required for continued licensure.
this, i actually agree with...

4) That all licensed architects be LEED certified as part of their licensure, updated by required Continued Education or Professional Practice Certification cited above. Alternatively, that the AIA promote consistent sustainability standards nationwide on the model of the California Green Building Standards Code.
LEED is a scam. so let's all sign up for it - pyramid scheme! hooray!
wait a sec, 5 minutes ago, architects always 'advocated and practiced sustainable design' - if this is the case, why do we need to pay 300+ dollars for MORE regulatory oversight - for something we're already doing? FTW!

5) That architectural education include a base curriculum that requires mentoring, internship and building experience of students with licensed architects in the tradition of apprenticeship before a professional degree is conferred.
instead of requiring schools to mentor students, shouldn't you practictioners be doing this? don't blame universities for your shortcomings as mentors!

6) That the AIA dedicate an appropriate portion of its budget to grass roots gatherings promoting regional integration of architects and their user groups, and provide for that re-allocation by streamlining its headquarters staff and downsizing its national committee structure.
or just disband altogethor! our local AIA already does this....

7) That all institutions that support our profession, including the AIA and its local chapters, recognize residential architecture as a unique discipline and dedicate an appropriate portion of their budget to that effort.
wait, is CORA stating that the AIA doesn't recognize residential architecture? What are all thoses AIA house of the year recognizing, garages septic systems? and nevermind the fact that commercial, institutional and multi-fam have higher billing... yes, let's water down the industries that have higher billings!

8) That all institutions, schools or media be encouraged to promote the true value of architecture to the public at large devoid of stylistic preferences.
scary. and will CORA be dictating what constitutes 'true value' and does this mean all churches will look like houses?

Feb 16, 10 11:42 pm  · 

different group complaining but reminds me of "the end of architecture" conference c. 1990 when zaha and mayne and steven holl complained that the profession was finished. Frank Gehry wrote brilliant intro to the book telling them things would seem different once they were grown up...which was in hindsight pretty much how it all worked out.

our profession has issues. these seem somehow motivated by the harsh times and not so much by thoughtfulness. but whatever....

Feb 17, 10 1:10 am  · 

Good morning all.
Melt that is a lot of snow.

So i think i am going to try an get that job.

Feb 17, 10 8:33 am  · 
brian buchalski

sorry, but i'm not likely to be in jamaica anytime soon. and i don't really have much to say anyhow that isn't already posted somewhere on this forum.

still alive...and back from mardi gras with a few goodies to share

did you know that famous film critic roger ebert had lost his voice to cancer and had his jaw removed? article about him in esquire. apparently he's become a voracious writer (and blogger) since he can no longer speak.

just read this piece in the nytimes about the patriot/tea party movement. i hadn't bothered to pay them any attention before but they might be part of something bigger. what's most telling is that nytimes (i.e., a supposedly liberal pawn in pantheon of big money/corporate interests) is almost sympathetic in their portrayal, painting the participants as normal people rather than fringe lunatics. they even offer a unifying principle (fear of tyranny of fed gov) while rather gently suggesting that the movement avoid slipping into racism lest it undermine its potential.

and for those of you who are curious about another story of unemployment...or are just otherwise interested in history, engineering, and even a little bit of anatomy.

Feb 17, 10 9:24 am  · 

puddles, i invented one of those a while back, it is energy efficient - green, only needs twenty minutes to re-charge, responds to the touch, and is easy to move...

Feb 17, 10 10:07 am  · 

So you are still doing the goat cheese thing? but doing the organic inspection while you get it up and running?

those are some nice looking heirloom ducks.. are they actually greenish yellow like they look?

Feb 17, 10 12:55 pm  · 

i am getting an early nite yall

Feb 17, 10 9:42 pm  · 

man - I sound like an inexperienced ranty idiot on that retirement thread... I don't like that I was quoted on the architect mag blog. I need to be more careful of what I post around here. or maybe I need to post more insane random stuff so people don't take me so seriously.

I don't understand the speed skating relay - that is some strange stuff...

Feb 17, 10 10:06 pm  · 
Distant Unicorn

Toaster is onto to me!

But, seriously, that's why I just go crazy somedays.

I'm still a little miffed about this thread:

I called Sambo Mockbee appealing to the middle class. Got flack for it. Posted an unfinished 1,000 word essay with sources. And no one answered or replied.

I know I am not the beacon of seriousness or civility. But, seriously... I tried!

Back to posting buildings shaped like penises!

Feb 17, 10 10:22 pm  · 
brian buchalski

that reminds me...once i wrote a little essay about how i thought per corell's 3dh fit into the danish building tradition (with cited sources) and i posted it on the hi, all you fancy graphics lovers thread. i don't think anybody read that either. i haven't done any writing like that again because it made my brain hurt...kind of like a hangouver but with out the benefit of the fun drinking part.

yeah, penises are probably the way to go...maybe archinect needs a penis central thread.

Feb 18, 10 10:22 am  · 

morning all,

I finally got around to reading that retirement thread. quite interesting and just another example of Archinect serving it's purpose. A great useful important thread...

And it got picked up by Architect Mag.. Although i wouldn't worry about it toast.

Don't think it was anything that someone could be offended by.

Feb 18, 10 10:32 am  · 

puddles, do you read any of the Henning Mankell books? Are they any good? I keep hearing about him.

Feb 18, 10 11:21 am  · 
brian buchalski

i have never heard of henning mankell. sorry..guess i need to google that name.

rolling stone is roasting wall street again. personally, i wouldn't want anything to do goldman sachs. they may be rolling in the money right now but it feels like america is being primed for some bloodshed and i wouldn't be the least bit surprised if in a few years the "patriots" are storming wall steet. like they say in creole, "koupe tet, boule kay"

Feb 18, 10 12:32 pm  · 

If I had more free time I'd create a persona that only comments in diagram. someone can steal this idea.

Feb 18, 10 3:22 pm  · 
liberty bell

toaster, you MUST fulfill that persona! That's a great idea! I'm with nam - I wouldn't worry at all about what you posted that ended up on Architect's blogs. I do think it's weird that they post comments from here - whenever the news shows say "let's check Twitter to see what our viewers have to say about this story!" I change the channel as fast as I can.

Feb 18, 10 5:20 pm  · 

puddles, he's a Swedish author who writes clean, clear mysteries and has won worldwide translation and a lot of acclaim for doing so. He's been recommended to me several times (for his Kurt Woollander series) but I forgot about him till I heard abit on him on NPR today. I really liked his manner of speaking, and the ideas that seemed to motivate him. So, just wondering if you were familiar with his work.

Here's an interesting bit from his website.

The NPR link above has an excerpt from his most recent translation, by the way, which I find compellingly written. It's going on my reading list for sure.

If there are any other fans of clean, clear prose out there, I highly recommend Natsuo Kirino's Out. It's just plain gripping. The style is so crisp that it can really be refreshing, especially if it happens to come after you've enjoyed a good American or British lit with a more florid style. Mmm!

(jump, is she very popular in Japan?)

Feb 18, 10 7:19 pm  · 

Oh how I LOVE reading. One of the many perks of the fun-employed.

Feb 18, 10 7:19 pm  · 

are we being over run by Jesus? Dude can post faster and quicker than most.....think he needs to find a job other than trying to save cranky ole souls like myself....snore..snore...snore...

Feb 18, 10 7:20 pm  · 

oh ya, I like black ducks..and white goats...and red heads...but I'm married..

Feb 18, 10 7:24 pm  · 

and old...sigh....

Feb 18, 10 7:25 pm  · 

what's with the roosters on that CORA page? Anyone?

holz by the way, loved your response to the position paper - I'm convinced you'd be a hoot to roll with and shoot the breeze with.

Sarah you are far more creative than you give yourself credit for... might I remind you of that wonderful gem of a blog you've created.

jump I'm sure if you can keep your students captivated you would have no problem with the PKN format. I'm glad you reminded me about the "end of architecture" conference - i'm teaching the introduction to architectural theory and as part of the tutorial have asked the students to investigate the theories of previous Pritzker prize winners - and I've been waiting for the question, "how did FOG get his way before the others" and it is just that... he grew up fast and knew how to sell his architecture with time, value and cost despite that it looked like a dog's breakfast

Feb 18, 10 8:18 pm  · 

snook I love me some red heads too!!!

welcome back tumbles. No word back from PKN I'm a little nervous yet still keeping the excitement going. I have two possible venues to use and hoping that if things come on stream we can host it for next.

Feb 18, 10 8:34 pm  · 

speaking of goat cheese, on the way home yesterday I tried out the Goat cheese/Honey/Lemon combination and it was amazing. Is this a common combination?

Feb 18, 10 9:16 pm  · 

Well i guess the Big Green Head has spoken

Nite all.

Feb 18, 10 9:40 pm  · 

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