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I saw that too... dropping the hammer like pimp raising his hand

Feb 18, 10 11:54 pm  · 

never heard of her manta. but i guess if there is a movie someone likes her. i don't read japanese literature myself, sticking mostly to newspapers (which are taxing for me) and movies (which i understand just fine) for my culture. reading translations never occurred to me oddly idea why.

archi, i bin really thinking about that book and especially what frank wrote, largely because of the times we are in. to be honest i think he was just 20 years older than the rest, and he had a practical rather than an academic background so his angst was piled up in different ways than theirs. how he switched from generic commercial architect to star-architect is interesting. he says it was like throwing a switch but i suspect it was more gradual...

how architects make their careers is very interesting. If you have them at your library archi i would recommend looking at the GA document series of interview books where the editor interviews steven holl, richard meier and others in order to put together a simple timeline/biography of making an office - in the architects own words. quite cool.

Feb 18, 10 11:56 pm  · 

well thank ****. I've seriously been avoiding posting because of the trolling kerfluffle, it just makes the whole place seem pointless.

Feb 19, 10 1:42 am  · 

ha, thanks. i was worried i offended people, but the manifesto seemed a little asinine and i've been trying to lay off the political threads and ignore the banal postings.

and yeah - i can be a 'hoot' with close friends, but tend to be a little awkward and reserved around everyone else.

also, i'm guessing shooting the breeze is a lot better with a cool caribbean evening and some havana club...

i dunno what the northwest equivelant is, a dark stout on a rainy day? sheesh.

Feb 19, 10 2:33 am  · 

What does CORA stand for? It's led by a guy named "Duo". Weird.

Why am I still awake?

Did anybody see Shaun White's half pipe run yesterday? Ridiculous!

I'm going to try to sleep now. I missed most of the last two pages. I'm REALLY busy at work so naturally in my personal life I'm experiencing a bit of mandemonium. It's all got me tuckered out.

Feb 19, 10 3:49 am  · 
congress of residential architecture
Feb 19, 10 3:55 am  · 

say goodbye to puddles while you still can... after the link he posted on the archinect pimp slap to the trolls thread, i'm afraid that he will soon suffer the wrath of archinect with a lifetime ip address ban... if you're curious, the link is WAYYYYY not safe for work, so be cautious.

Feb 19, 10 9:08 am  · 
snook I love me some red heads too!!!


No word back from PKN I'm a little nervous

when i started trying to set up PKN in tampa it was at least 6 months between when i sent the email to them asking for permission and when i finally heard back from them... as a result the first PKN didn't actually happen there until after i had moved to philadelphia... :(

Feb 19, 10 9:11 am  · 

architphil i saw that too and was like i am not even clicking link.

but i hope puddles manages to escape wrath or come back. but he shouldn't have flaunted his puddle(ness) like that

morning all.

DJ Dub, mandemonium huh? I take it that means you have too many men to choose from etc?

Feb 19, 10 10:13 am  · 
Sarah Hamilton


Good morning. I know it's been I Internet silence from me in two days, but I'm feeling better now.

Techno, you're sweet, but I think it's just you. Thanks justthe same.
Is it better that I post to my blog everyday or less?

Can you beleive it's been two years? Off to find the great adventure thread...

Feb 19, 10 10:21 am  · 

SH -- finding the thread b/c of Abram turning 2, or finding the thread because you have a new great adventure to add to it???

jump -- Ahh, interesting! She's gained a lot of traction in the US market. I know she just came out with a new translation and it got good reviews, like "Out". Not sure if it would be your cup of tea--you seem too sunny to ever enjoy a good black murder mystery. Perhaps, though! I am a very happy person and I love a good dark read every once in awhile.

Hey -- thanks for bringing up the GA series! I had forgotten about those -- recently I have been looking for interviews with architects describing how they started their firms. Just curious -- know of anything where Frank Gehry talks about his rise to prominence? My curiosity is piqued -- I didn't even know he was a typ. commercial architect before jumping into the big leagues!

dubK -- "mandemonium" -- i love it!

Feb 19, 10 11:23 am  · 

@jump the GA no6 on Steven Holl is by far one of my favourite, and perhaps most influential books. The way he spoke restricting the size of his firm, ensuring gradual but lasting success like a southpae boxer who trains by restricting his natural form.

Feb 19, 10 11:23 am  · 

i assume you meant southpaw?

Feb 19, 10 11:27 am  · 
Sarah Hamilton

Oh god, no. At least I hope not. If I'd been drinking right now, I wouldve spewed it everywhere! Abrams birthday is tomorrow.

Feb 19, 10 2:59 pm  · 
vado retro

as i stated earlier the translator of Out is a friend of mine. she has an awesome kimono collection. i just read the Redbreast aobut an alki norwegian copper. and now i'm reading a 1942 novel by helen Macinness called Assignment in Brittany which is quite well done.

Feb 19, 10 4:13 pm  · 

those both sound good vado. I am currently reading a fun romp through regency england. I have a bunch of the early 1900s authors on my list though. Read a bit recently about Dorothy Parker that revived my interest in herself and her circle.

Feb 19, 10 6:03 pm  · 
Sarah Hamilton

Testing Testing...

Feb 19, 10 6:33 pm  · 
Sarah Hamilton

wierd, I couldn't post anything through Google Chrome.

Feb 19, 10 6:42 pm  · 

thats cool vado.

murders are def not my thing manta, which i am honestly sorry to say since you like the book so much. i am a hard-SF fan, geeky though that may be. i bet my wife knows the writer though. she pays attention to those things better than i do.

@archi, you know i think about him saying that every once in a while. cuz i am pretty sure he never stuck to that number, unless he means that he keeps the office small by outsourcing the drafting and so on...and he still seems to be doing good work.

herzog and demeuron in that article on SOM posted recently said they think 300 people in office is the maximum. which is funny. i have trouble with a handful. but would love to be able to say something silly like that some day.

Feb 19, 10 6:54 pm  · 

Sarah - I'm posting this on Chrome right now. Can you tell me what version of Chrome you're using, and if you're on a Mac or PC? Thanks.

Feb 19, 10 7:55 pm  · 
Sarah Hamilton

Paul, i'm sure it was the latest version since I only downloaded it a month ago, and I'm PC. All it was saying was "invalid page " or something. It was an Archinect message, not a forbidden sort of internet message. I'm in chrome now, so lets see if its working....

Feb 19, 10 8:03 pm  · 
Sarah Hamilton


Feb 19, 10 8:03 pm  · 

Cool, so the problem is gone? Maybe it was a temporary server glitch...

Feb 19, 10 8:21 pm  · 
Ms Beary

been kinda keeping this quiet, so I don't mess it up, but I'm happy to report ... our offer to buy the business was accepted! I'm SO excited, I feel like I am on the right path. So excited for the new journey and rewards of entreprenuership. Ready to have a job again, even if the business can only support me part time. I don't miss architecture. I mean, I like architecture of course, just not being an architect... Not even going to finish the exams - that will keep the doors open for real estate development down the road.

Feb 20, 10 9:32 am  · 
Sarah Hamilton

You can't be in realestate if you're an architect?

Oh! And congrats! Maybe you can tell us more now.

Feb 20, 10 10:06 am  · 
Ms Beary

sarah, I don't want to be a licensed architect if I also want to be a developer some day. I will hire out the liability, instead of getting smacked twice if something goes sour.

I'll post the link to the biz as soon as it is ours. I think I've said this before, but it is a literacy clinic. Basically, we assess and administer research based cognitive intervention programs to facilitate visualization, phonemic awareness, and comprehension in kids. The program has a lot of success with dyslexics, autistics, and ADD students. My husband will be the director (that is his job now, we just don't own the company.) My new job will be part time, I will do payroll, accounting, marketing and office/business management. I will also get trained in all the programs and get related accreditations. I think I will love it.

Which reminds me, I'm trying to find a title for myself. Nothing pretentious, but it can be creative. Any ideas?

Feb 20, 10 10:34 am  · 

administrative architect.

Feb 20, 10 10:48 am  · 
Ms Beary

ha ha, steven. funny, that DID cross my mind.

Feb 20, 10 12:06 pm  · 
vado retro

tumbles i was braggin on you to a friend about how people are going back to artisan things and that you seemed to be enjoying yourself much more since you started making cheese and raising goats. but please dont eat the ducks. i love ducks and ever since i decided that have not eaten any, even though they taste good in a nice plum sauce.

Feb 20, 10 12:32 pm  · 

Hello strangers.

So I have totally dropped off archinect since school started. I apologize. I'm going to try to do this again. Round 2.

I hope everyone is doing well.

Feb 20, 10 6:43 pm  · 

Strawbeary that sounds great. When things are looking up you may want to franchise - there are no such centres in the region although increasing diagnosis of dyslexia and autism.

Tumbles your post reminds me of a cross between men who stare at goats and the horse whisperer.

Feb 20, 10 6:53 pm  · 

Strawbeary: while not intended to change your mind about anything, I thought I would say that I spent about 15 years of my early career as a real estate developer - I was a licensed architect the entire time. The firm stamping the drawings carries the professional liability - not the developer (unless the developer usurps the architect's role). I never once had an e&o problem, nor did I ever really worry about having that sort of liability.

Sincere congratulations on your new gig. Hope it works out as you wish.

Feb 20, 10 7:34 pm  · 
liberty bell

Strawbeary congratulations. I have another don't-really-want-to-be-an-architect friend (from arch school) who has worked in an administrative role with special needs children. She felt a very tangible sense of purpose in that work.

tumbles, I'm so excited for you, too, doing tangible work.

nice to see you, n_!

Feb 20, 10 7:36 pm  · 
Ms Beary

quizzical! I didn't know you read thread central! :) I guess there are other reasons to not take the exams too.... cost and well, now I don't have a reason TO take them. And paying to maintain a license is not in the budget.

we serve kids, and adults too for that matter, of all abilities, but yes, techno, diagnoses of dyslexia and autism are climbing as you say, and the programs we use have been proven to be sucessful for those students and provide a good client base. we are already associated with a national network of similar providers. interesting idea... to franchise. internationally at that. remind me of that in about 3 years. :D

tumbles!!! awesome! i want to tell my friends about you!!

Feb 20, 10 8:55 pm  · 

diagnosis is improving or are there actually more cases of such tings, strawbeary?

quite an interesting switch in profession too - i have feeling you will do well.

Feb 20, 10 9:58 pm  · 

btw, any of you here have a sure fire way to convert pdf to autocad file?

Feb 20, 10 10:07 pm  · 

jump, illustrator?

Feb 20, 10 10:28 pm  · 

yeah that is what i usually use but it converts text to lines and keeps crashing when i open as dwg because of the circles being made into crazy splines or something. i want to import property plan we received from real estate broker and is not remotely complicated file. probably would have gone faster if i traced it by now;-)

silly me trying to find an easy way.

Feb 20, 10 10:35 pm  · 

Strawbeary - when you've been doing this as long as I, you realize things change with surprising regularity. When I started in Real Estate, I thought I'd never practice again. But, after 15 years I recognized that I am, at heart, an architect. I've needed my license the past 18 years and am glad I kept it intact. My view is that it's better to have it and not need it, than to need it and not have it. The longer it's delayed, the harder it is to go back. But, I'm sure you know your mind. Good luck and best wishes.

Feb 20, 10 11:14 pm  · 

jump you can try wintopo - it's a free software for saving scanned images into vectors and allows saving into dwg autocad formats.

Feb 21, 10 2:35 am  · 

cheers, archi! will try next time round.

i ended up redrawing parts of the file in illustrator and it didn't crash so got it working. i still don't know what the problem was though. somehow the pdf to ai translation was not so good...

Feb 21, 10 9:29 am  · 

morning all,

It been a lazy weekend. Saw Edge of Darkness last night with my pa. Mel Gibson at his most angry and sad.

Although i imagine the BBC series it was apparently based on was better.

Sarah those recent photos you shared on the A Great Adventure are adorable. He is such a curly blond.

Feb 21, 10 11:03 am  · 

I spent about 2.5 hours on archinect trying to catch up. I had so much free time because I spent last night uploading youtube videos for my professor's website. The process was slow and tedious. Alas, I was able to read all threads and catch up (somewhat).

DubK has a new name! As does puddles! And apparently, there has been significant trolling the past few weeks (months?).

Today is a gorgeous Seattle day. The past few days (actually weeks) have been really, really pleasant here. I'm enjoying it to the max with my beautiful corner window studio location.

I plan on writing an abstract for a public art proposal that brings public awareness to the built environment by guiding walking tours through the use of stenciling on sidewalks. I'm keeping my fingers crossed because one of my professors is really excited about the project and it will be a great lead in to my thesis research.

Breakfast awaits. Then my studio desk awaits. Then Microstation awaits. Then model building awaits. Then steak, potatoes and beer await.

Feb 21, 10 12:19 pm  · 
Ms Beary

quizzical... I know things can change, I hope I am making the right decision by not finishing the ARE. I have a good chance of looking for yet another career switch in 10-15 years, but if I go back to architecture, I'm going to have a lot more gaps than just lacking a license. I could never go back to being a staff architect.

Stopping my licensure path has done something very valuable. It has allowed me to clear my mind about why it is I started down this path anyways and what I hoped to accomplish. I have a lot of interest in the built environment, but I have come to realize architects have very little to do with the things I am interested in. I have little interest in producing fancy graphics and drawing blueprints of buildings I'm not convinced should exist, which is how I sum up the past few years.

jump - increased awareness and diagnoses.

Feb 21, 10 1:15 pm  · 
liberty bell

n_, that does sound like a very cool project.

quizzical, nice to see you!

Feb 21, 10 1:15 pm  · 

n_, glad to hear you are doing well! The weather HAS been nice lately, hasn't it? Go PNW!

I am currently in Raleigh, NC for a conference and thought I would stop in and say hello. I always forget how boring it can be in these hotel rooms if you don't have your own apartment and stuff to keep you entertained.

Also, if I may give myself a small plug, some of my posts on my blog are now being syndicated by another outfit. Fun stuff but there are some errors in translation that I can't do anything about, which is a little frustrating.

I am having a slight existential crisis... nothing major, but I thought I might ask you guys about it. Feeling up to the task? I'll be back later to explain :o)

Feb 21, 10 1:16 pm  · 

Whoa actually Strawbeary is having an existential crisis very similar to mine. There's a hint.

Feb 21, 10 1:17 pm  · 

thanks LB ... it's good to be back.

Feb 21, 10 1:30 pm  · 

Emily, how do you like NC? I have/am considering transitioning to NC in the next few years.

I actually have been having a existential crisis of sorts similar to Strawbeary's.
Mine related to career direction. Your's too, or was it the mandemonium you spoke of earlier?

Hi, quizzical...

Has anyone else noticed the comment about approved by moderator now, when they submit a comment on a school blog?
New feature?

off the Publix.

Feb 21, 10 2:57 pm  · 

I hate to do this where I drop in on TC to ask a question unrelated to any current topics going on... but here I go again:

Is there a thread already that talks about people leaving the profession before even getting into it? As in students in the process of getting their Bachelor's/Masters degree moving to a different field while they're in school or even high school grads changing majors before getting to school? I was reading some threads talk about studio projects, and I was thinking... are they happily doing studio projects as if the game hasn't changed in the real world? How ARE the schools responding? Are they more focused on the transition to being employed?

Feb 21, 10 5:59 pm  · 

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