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well, just remember the lesson I've learned in Phoenix... if a building inspector so much as breathes something that sounds maybe like the word "rats", you run, I don't care how cheap it is.

Sep 9, 09 10:57 am  · 

puddles - right - I was talking about the real cost of buying the lot... I wasn't thinking about the structure itself.

Even though you'd need serious funds for a livable structure, I still think it's doable... there are grants, and if enough people buy-in and contribute (or if we find a few sponsors) it could definitely happen.

If I was still living there I'd be more active in helping organize things and help get this idea off the ground - either an event or the house or both... If someone steps forward to lead this thing I'll definitely do whatever I can to help. I think this is a fantastic idea and even if it ends up just being a study, I want to participate. anyone involved with the archinect library project still around? how did you guys set that up?

rationalist - if you've seen some of these houses, rats are the least of your problems...

Sep 9, 09 11:49 am  · 

Wonder K, good luck with the pack. However I suspect if you keep sipping on Benadryl you'll be sleeping more than unpacking - it's the same stuff that's in sleep aids.

Just spent the morning setting up an exhibition between the French Embassy and the Caribbean School of Architecture called Extra-Muros - Architectures of Delight. The exhibition was originally produced and designed from a catalogue of photographs and critics of contemporary architecture, coordinated by the Cité de l’architecture et du patrimoine / Institut français d’architecture

I wore my architecture sucks t-shirt as I put up the exhibition. Students were appalled that I could wear such a thing.

I love the idea of an archinect convention house. But I think the best solution for those houses is to scrap them and send the materials to third world countries

Sep 9, 09 5:08 pm  · 

TO - please do! Oddly enough I actually remember that - I was supposed to sit there and observe but when the people running the session saw me they asked me to chime in. If you're still at the BAC, say hi to Jeff Stein for me, although I'd doubt he'd remember me.

Sep 9, 09 5:28 pm  · 

Less talk, more action!


I'm just saying.

Sep 10, 09 3:09 am  · 
brian buchalski

uh, let's not & say we did.

sure it might sound inexpensive to buy house in detroit, but i've heard of people that have actually tried to "fix up" some properties and that in addition to the problem of it being far more neglected than they could have imagined, they didn't expect that, for example, they would have new materials delivered to the site...only to return the next day to find them already stolen (even if installed). it's not only a serious money commitment but also a massive time commitment in that you have to monitor it around the clock...and it will probably take some extra time & work to garner the trust of whatever locals are left in the neighborhood (who might just view you as a wealthy outsider primed for being taken advantage of). take a close look at to get a sense of the place & then decide if that's really the kind commitment that you want to make.

these things are actually a money pit & i would be very cautious of taking title to such a property (unless you want to be even more broke than you are now). if it made sense, you'd see a lot more people doing it.

Sep 10, 09 9:24 am  · 
brian buchalski

having said that, i do love detroit...and am often prone to doing things myself that don't make sense.

Sep 10, 09 9:27 am  · 

Morning all.

Sep 10, 09 10:18 am  · 

morning nam. Is anyone else uncomfortable with the quite rational posts from puddles? Where's the "I'm still alive" or "my nails are getting longer?"

I'm sitting here with some black coffee, I made it 1/2 strength because I only need to wake up and could do without the afternoon alertness. I head back to the stress of the exhibition in the afternoon. And i have a lecture to prepare ... wow I'm tired

Sep 10, 09 10:47 am  · 

Yeah they have been more "coherent", less tream of conciousness lately.

They exhibition sounds interesting. Another line on the old CV huh?
Have you started teaching classes this fall yet?

Sep 10, 09 11:16 am  · 

Whoa, I just dreamt an awesome house and I still remember it! That never happens!

Sorry, just needed to get that out there while its still fresh. Yes, thats right I slept in.

Back to topic, I gotta think on the Detroit house thing. Having volunteered for redesign of a house that the city gave away for free, I know the costs and liability involved. But it does sound exciting.

Sep 10, 09 11:20 am  · 

puddles always makes sense!

so looks like i will be teaching 2 classes at rather prestigious uni this fall. quite suddenly asked, and not finalised, but looks like is going to happen. time is going to be hell to organise, but last job i was offered was 5000 miles from my office and this one is just across town. much better commute.

so i get to join ranks with the real teachers like treekiller and archi, if just on part-time basis. nice.

Sep 10, 09 12:04 pm  · 

woo, congratulations jump! That's so exciting for you!

I'm taking a leap and heading to LA this weekend. Job searching from Phoenix has been less than productive, and a friend offered a temporary place to stay, so I figure it's time to just commit to a city and give it a serious shot. Not that I wasn't seriously looking this whole time, just that it's become clear that companies won't become serious about me until/unless I'm right there in front of them. So, more scary unemployment adventures!

Sep 10, 09 1:31 pm  · 
Sarah Hamilton

I vollunteer to head the business side of the group. I'm unemployed so why not.

Anythoughts on where or what kind of vacation I could have for one week on the cheap?

And is adobe creative suite student the same as regular? Maybe it's the design suite.

Sep 10, 09 1:47 pm  · 

Hi everyone. Decided to come out of my shell for a bit.

I think the buying a house in Detroit thing has potential, so I'm willing to see how far we can go before we are thwarted.

Hope everyone is having a great day!

Sep 10, 09 2:29 pm  · 
Sarah Hamilton

Damn backwoods Internet. Puddles, you're speaking so rationally. Makes me scared.

Congrats jump; I'm jealous. I want to teach. Why does everyone seem to lead a more exciting life than I?

Where's lb? Have I just missed her? Maybe so.

Sep 10, 09 2:47 pm  · 
vado retro

Liberty Bell is still alive. at least she was when i talked to her at noon.

Sep 10, 09 3:03 pm  · 
brian buchalski

yes, detroit house has plenty of potential...but it will remain just that unless someone with courage & conviction makes to move and initiates it him/herself.

it's a big commitment buying real estate under normal conditions and in these's probably closer in spirit to being a pioneer in the old west days of the 1800s. it's easy to post links to newspaper articles & dream about possibilities but have any of the "can do" crowd even spent anytime in detroit, let alone one of these neighborhoods?

i think the city is a great place and i normally encourage people to move there, but something like downtown or midtown would make much more sense.

as for the allegations of violence, i think it gets overplayed in the media "murder city" and all. but make no mistake, detroit is a scary place because as jafidler has pointed out: it's empty. it's more likely that you'll have no neighbors than actually be scared of them. psychologically, this is tough because when a stray car finally does come cruising down the street you realise that there is no one there to hear your screams. and as for calling the detroit police department, by the time they arrive the might as well have been coming from a strip club in canada (which, come to think of it, is probably where they are coming from). living in one of these neighborhoods, it's probably worth investing in a gun & training classes. again, old west comes to mind, living in detroit you will see people with guns.

i'll be curious to see if anything comes of this...but in the meantime, good luck.

Sep 10, 09 3:05 pm  · 

Love the video, Vado. The characters represent what I've seen thus far in Seattle: less hipsters, more Western settlers.

Lars, thanks for the recommendation. I originally had planned on doing that but the span is 9' which made me feel confident that I would need a middle support. I feel that would have been somewhat more challenging as I would have had to have drilled into the floor and ceiling.

After 12 drilling attempts and a load full of curse words, I finally have my i-hooks in the ceiling joists. I'm going to attempt the rest of the closet contraption later this afternoon.

Congratulations, jump!

Sep 10, 09 3:46 pm  · 

cool, puddles laid down the gauntlet!

Sep 10, 09 5:22 pm  · 
brian buchalski

in the detroit news today, another longtime resident leaves...but at least another house available!

Sep 10, 09 5:54 pm  · 

Having been involved in the group ownership/management of a house in need of some TLC before, the Detroit plan scares me a little. Granted my previous situation involved all college kids, so there was a certain amount of extra immaturity going along with it, but still. The amount of responsibility involved and the upkeep costs make me wary.

Oh, and toaster, don't underestimate the amount of damage rats can do. At this point I think I'd take foundation cracks over rats.

Sep 10, 09 6:21 pm  · 
brian buchalski

this is what caught my eye in the article i just posted

"And so, Bouyer got a gun.
She is not alone. According to the Michigan State Police, Bouyer is one of more than 5,000 women over age 50 in Detroit who has a license to carry a concealed pistol."

just chew on that for a moment...there's over 5,000 grandmas packin heat in

in happier news, the marc newson g-star raw collection is now available at moss

Sep 10, 09 6:31 pm  · 


Sep 10, 09 7:34 pm  · 

detroit sounds like where i grew up, but with fewer people.

cool rationalist. i couldn't get a job in london til i bought plane ticket and moved there. right after 9/11 sent out tonnes of cv's and not a peep. it seemed reasonable considering the context so tried again a few months later with same result. finally i moved there and had a job in 2 weeks. don't think that works now in london (things are very bad form what my friends tell me) but the idea is sound. being where you want to work is a big difference.

thanks sarah. life only sounds interesting. most things happening lately i think are just natural progression from being here so long and not quitting. if i were sane i would have quit a long time ago and taken a proper job with security and a predictable income. now if we could just get a nice plump commission i could dare to speak to my wife again and even broach the idea that coming to tokyo was a good decision ;-)

rats! yikes.

Sep 10, 09 7:38 pm  · 

Um, this is crazy:

The Hermaphrodite track star of South Africa

I really don't see how she could possibly keep her medals. Testosterone levels of that nature are equivalent to doping.

Sep 10, 09 8:06 pm  · 

Jump, how long have you lived in Japan?

I've been soooo productive today. I'm not used to this.

Sep 10, 09 9:15 pm  · 

rationalist : make sure that, even if you don't technically live in the place you're interviewing for (yet), find a friend in the city who is wiling to play host sponser to your resume... AKA put a LOCAL address on your resume as much as possible for each city that you are hunting in. Then, when you're called in for an interview, be ready to drop your plans and drive / fly the distance asap to get there in time. It sounds silly, but it works.

Sep 10, 09 11:23 pm  · 

DubK - I was wondering if that was the case when the story first broke.

Congrats jump on the position.

Wish you all the luck rationalist in your move to LA and your quest for employment.

I am way knackered after a fun evening with dinner and friends. Nite all.

Sep 11, 09 12:00 am  · 
liberty bell

I've been very productive this week away from Archinect, sad to say, and sorry to come in only to react negatively to the Detroit house idea. I'm not actually negative on the idea itself, which I love, just concerned that it's a much tougher reality than may be apparent.

Also, I almost signed in to tell everyone that the spoof version of that Kohler ad is totally hilarious, but to see it on youtube you have to sign in and verify you're over 18, which I'm too lazy to do.

I'm logging out again now, as tomorrow I have another day that requires my full attention to get done even half of what I need to do.

Later all!

Sep 11, 09 12:23 am  · 

n, been in tokyo for about 6 years now. moved here from london, UK after things got quiet with the invasion of iraq and projects were put on hold...

as for japan, been in and out several times since 1992 with time off to do education in canada and to work in london, etc. i tend to move around.

Sep 11, 09 12:35 am  · 

manta, actually what I've been doing is just leaving my address off. People can assume what they will based on my phone number, but everyone knows that's not 100% accurate. The trouble I've actually been running into is that nobody is actively hiring, but want to call me in for informational interviews. That's the point at which I have to own up, as I did to a REALLY great firm in Seattle today, and say "actually, I'm pretty much in LA right now, but if you find shortly that you are actively looking to hire, then let me know and I would be really happy to come up and meet with you. If that doesn't happen, then I'll let you know the next time I'm in town and we'll get together." They were nice and understanding about it, I thought. Told me my resume was impressive and said they definitely wanted to stay in touch in case things changed. If they had said they were looking to fill a position, yeah, I would've been there Monday morning with bells on, but this "we're fully staffed but would love it if you dropped by the office" thing is rough.

Sep 11, 09 12:50 am  · 

as for the athlete; i knew that was going to be the "scientific determination." as a human being i find any retaliation against her to be ridiculous. i know very little about the intersex community, but the little i do know, from the television, notes that most are assigned genders by physicians and/or parents, and that typically are assigned the wrong here's my suggestion to the IAAF or whatever their organization is; move on, leave this one go.

Sep 11, 09 6:01 am  · 
vado retro

i am remembering september 11th by not watching or listening to the news today...

Sep 11, 09 8:13 am  · 

Hi all,

And LB, not negativity-words of wisdom?

Also, I am jealous and inspired by all these people getting into teaching. Just serves as a powerful reminder to me that that is where i am heading. Even if I am temporarily waylayed..

Sep 11, 09 8:40 am  · 
brian buchalski

i have a lot of negativity & skepticism on the detroit house...which is why i'm staying off that thread.

sure an archinect group might buy a house. they might have nice conference/party and a great start. might get a lot of publicity out of it too. but what happens after a year or two when no one is there are they any different than any of the other absent landlords / homeowners who have left the city with another dilapidated structure behind? pardon the crude analogy, but detroit needs people willing to commit to marriage, not people showing up, jerking off on it and then splitting to chase the next kink.

sure powerhouse is a nice recent example of artists, but keep in mind that project has only been there less than a year. they recieved a ton a early publicity, but what's happening with that now? their blog hasn't been updated since may...will it last another winter? and these are people (mitch cope & gina reichert) who have been in the city for years, know their way around, have an artist's sense of commitment to an idea.

i think a far better idea would be if a half-dozen or so of the unemployed archinects agreed to move to the D, maybe rent apartments on the same block/neighborhood and tried to form a small community first while they observe & understand the place...then if things work out, maybe buy a house. that's a strategy that might actually work because it provides what detroit actually needs most...people living their lives there.

again for emphasis,

detroit needs people living their lives there.

are you willing to commit your life to detroit? anything less than that is a failure to help revitalize the city. i couldn't do it. i thought i could, but after years of trying when something better emerged it took me less than an hour to decide bail. i failed detroit. hopefully some of you are better than me.

i don't know, maybe archinects are the new pilgrims. if they can survive a winter or two in the new world then the colony might flurrish and someday they'll be celebrating their own version of thanksgiving. but it won't be easy and it will be earned.

Sep 11, 09 9:54 am  · 

ahhh, rationalist -- that "informational interview" thing really throws a cog in the works, eh. I see. How annoying! Sounds like you've got it all under control as usual. :)

I feel strongly for Caster, in particular for how she's been completely disrespected by the sports authorities, but at the same time, it's difficult to figure how she should fit into the competition mold. If we don't allow other women to compete with boosted testosterone, how can we allow a woman, or an intersex, who has much more testosterone than other woman compete on the field against them? It's not a fair competition in that sense. It's a tough problem. It's not her fault, but then again it isn't the fault of the other women competing, either.

Sep 11, 09 10:00 am  · 

that sucks rationalist.

hopefully the signs of improving economy will turn out to be real and everyone here has jobs and gets rich and famous and has lots of...well, whatever yall want lots of, i guess.

you shouldn't feel guilty over leaving detroit puddles. you might get angry at the underachievers who let the city crumble and failed to invest in things that had real futures instead of urban revitalisation projects. but guilt is not required.

i cannot believe it is fall already. trees are losing leaves! i barely had a chance to notice them when they flowered this year. shit. time for some of that slow-life stuff i think.

Sep 11, 09 10:15 am  · 

Dammit... I don't know why I didn't realize it sooner, but I feel like I was milked for free services. ARGH!!!!

Sep 11, 09 10:57 am  · 
brian buchalski

no guilt over it, but it is a fact: i did want to help and i did fail to fulfill that goal.

and the slow life stuff is worth fact, time for friday's brunch at the beach. later all.

Sep 11, 09 10:59 am  · 
Sarah Hamilton

I'm selling my childhood daybed to my mother and using the proceeds to get a new guestroom. When times are tough, get creative- right?

Rationalist hang in there.

Puddles can I come stay with you for a while?

Lb I forgot about your signoff plan. Glad it's working.

Sep 11, 09 11:37 am  · 
Sarah Hamilton

I'm selling my childhood daybed to my mother and using the proceeds to get a new guestroom. When times are tough, get creative- right?

Rationalist hang in there.

Puddles can I come stay with you for a while?

Lb I forgot about your signoff plan. Glad it's working.

Still no answer on my adobe question, huh. Guess I should find a relavent thread.

Sep 11, 09 11:41 am  · 
Sarah Hamilton

I'm selling my childhood daybed to my mother and using the proceeds to get a new guestroom. When times are tough, get creative- right?

Rationalist hang in there.

Puddles can I come stay with you for a while?

Lb I forgot about your signoff plan. Glad it's working.

Still no answer on my adobe question, huh. Guess I should find a relavent thread.

Sep 11, 09 11:41 am  · 
Sarah Hamilton

I'm selling my childhood daybed to my mother and using the proceeds to get a new guestroom. When times are tough, get creative- right?

Rationalist hang in there.

Puddles can I come stay with you for a while?

Lb I forgot about your signoff plan. Glad it's working.

Still no answer on my adobe question, huh. Guess I should find a relavent thread.

Sep 11, 09 11:41 am  · 
Sarah Hamilton

Damn iPhone

Sep 11, 09 11:45 am  · 

Hi sarah and everyone else.

Sep 11, 09 11:50 am  · 
are you willing to commit your life to detroit? anything less than that is a failure to help revitalize the city. i couldn't do it. i thought i could, but after years of trying when something better emerged it took me less than an hour to decide bail. i failed detroit. hopefully some of you are better than me.

yeah - I sometimes feel like failed Detroit too... I grew up there - went back for a year after college, and I still ended up wanting the hell out. I just didn't have the kind of energy

but definitely right on people having to live there... that's how places get better - a critical mass of people with enough knowledge to stay and commit and advocate and organize - and it takes time - years, decades...

I'm more interested in the study, though... IMO - I think the research could be a model for locals who are interested in banding together to buy and make something of a property - providing the backbone and initial tools for people with enough energy and wherewithal to commit to living there.

Sep 11, 09 1:15 pm  · 
liberty bell

Very poignant and honest post, puddles.

Sep 11, 09 2:50 pm  · 

Sarah, I guess I didn't understand your adobe question... did you mean you want to know whether there's a difference in what programs are included in the package between student and professional versions, whether there's a technical difference inside the programs like a "Student Use Only" stamp, or whether there's a price difference?

Sep 11, 09 4:23 pm  · 
won and done williams

the detroit house thread is making me sick. if anyone is really interested in this idea and needs a local contact, drop me a line. i'm not participating in that morass of a thread anymore.

Sep 11, 09 6:14 pm  · 

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