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liberty bell

techno's back in school - sounds so fun!

Sep 17, 09 8:02 am  · 

Morning Folks

puddles, its funny you should say that, i have a classmate
in my music appreciation class who says that he's going to
start coming to class drunk because he feels he might learn
something while all she's talking about is her passion for
music instead of teaching us about music.

and that self intubation thing kinda grossed me out,
its awesome that the guy can do it to teach though

have a great thursday guys, im off to class

Sep 17, 09 8:21 am  · 
brian buchalski

back when i was in graduate school, there was actually a pretty direct relationship between the classes that i did the best in and the amount of drinking involved.

i had an arch history class that involved a spring break trip to rome (lots of wine).

for real estate classes with the business school the prof would hold "office hours" after class at a local pizza joint/bar...plenty of drinking involved.

and my personal fav was a video installation studio that i took with the art school. it was held on mon & wed evenings from something like 6:30-10pm...really long class, so i'd show up with up a tin coffee cup full jack & coke (really just a splash of coke though) and get a nice buzz. i thought i was pretty discreet at the time, but one of my classmates later said that you could smell it across the room it was so strong. i actually got an "A" so apparently it worked out well...kind of like jackie chan's drunken fighting

Sep 17, 09 8:57 am  · 

Man Puddles, stories like that really help convey the academic rigor of your profession.

Sep 17, 09 9:49 am  · 
liberty bell

I feel like my sister's medical school training involved the students giving rectal exams to one another. I fuzzily recall she had to go to class with no jewelry or nail polish on her fingers. But I could be wrong about that. I was in architecture school at the time and was more or less approaching class the same way as puddles related, plus staying up all night, so my memory has some gaps and inconsistencies.

Sep 17, 09 12:23 pm  · 

I'm not saying we didn't drink in school, just generally not in class.

Sep 17, 09 12:39 pm  · 

Did we already know that one of our favorite TCers is being talked about on Treehugger? Because it was news to me! Congrats lb on making the big time!

Sep 17, 09 2:02 pm  · 

LB's contributions have totally taken over both blogger and twitter lately. But not like we aren't surprised | we've been singing her praises since forever [insert vado song tribute]. I think her measure is how she gets top billing over Oscar Niemeyer.

Sep 17, 09 2:23 pm  · 

some of my classmates would mix something hard with coke and carry to class in slurpie (from 7-11) cup and drink from straw. wither that or just get stoned. i though it was funny at time, especially during chem class.

i like alcohol but growing up it was mostly seen as lubricant required to dull pain of inevitable fist-fighting that went with every party i was ever at. cowboys and alcohol - like punk lifestyle but everyone talkin jonny cash instead of sid vicious ;-)

puddles version is much better. cultured inebriation is always better than the other sort.

cool LB!

Sep 17, 09 2:24 pm  · 
Distant Unicorn

Cowboys... from Canada? Ok. :)

Sep 17, 09 2:27 pm  · 
brian buchalski
calgary is all about cowboys!!!
Sep 17, 09 2:33 pm  · 
liberty bell

Thanks DubK, I didn't see that until you showed me! techno: blogger? What are you talking about?!

Actually, Synergy, I don't think I ever drank actually IN class. After, yes, and occasionally before, though if I was counting I'd probably count more times having a Mimosa before the workday than having a drink before a class.

Sep 17, 09 2:35 pm  · 

Congratulations, LB!!! I'm very proud of you.

I never want to give a rectal exam to a classmate. Or friend. Or family member. Or anyone for that matter.

Sep 17, 09 2:48 pm  · 
Sarah Hamilton

It has rained everyday, all day, since Friday. I'm so worried that my gardenia is going to drown that I made a tent for it. It probably won't help.

Congrats lb, techno, and Phil. I think it was you who soldthe paintings.

I ordered the adobe design suite. I was nervous but I passed the student verification test. Seems odd to spend that much on a new program and at the same time begin the process to becoming a school teacher. Sounds awful, but one of my small fears is that I will gain 100 lbs just by gettng the teaching job. I don't know about there but teachers here are mighty big.

Jump, some of the funniest country music comes out of Canada. I like the song about the trucks getting stuck in the mud trying to pull out the other trucks, and then using gm corn or canola seed for traction and how the authorities aren't going to like that.

Damn rain. My chimney is leaking again. Got to rescue the electronics.

Sep 17, 09 3:43 pm  · 
liberty bell

Which is better: therapeutic drinking, or therapeutic baking?

I really should take up yoga. In the meantime, brownies are in the oven.

Sep 17, 09 5:01 pm  · 

when in doubt, mix em

Sep 17, 09 5:26 pm  · 
brian buchalski

oh...brownies sound really good.

Sep 17, 09 5:59 pm  · 

Liberty it was all about you

Sep 17, 09 6:55 pm  · 

Just had interviews #4 and 5, LOL. Still not officially hired yet! But today I was assured that they are definitely interested. :o)

Sep 17, 09 6:55 pm  · 

Sometimes i feel like life is giving me a rectal exam....

But actually todays wasn't so bad. Drinking or baking are good.

Sep 17, 09 7:08 pm  · 
brian buchalski

i dont' vouch for the accuracy of any of these but some of you might find these attempts at graphically explaining the banking crisis to be interesting, link

Sep 17, 09 7:08 pm  · 
Ms Beary

Sometimes we had studio at the bar. We'd walk there as a class, order scotch on the rocks, sit around and talk architecture. The same professor smoked in studio, in a room with no operable windows that opened up to a large atrium. I don't know how we got away with doing either.

Sep 17, 09 7:24 pm  · 

lol sarah. the one my mum used to sing to us as kids (well, actually she sang it beside us, but we were listening) was called the rodeo song. you know it? chorus goes...

its 40 below but i don't give a fcuk
got a heater in my truck and i'm to the rodeo

which pretty much sums up life on the prairie.

orochi, dude you are kidding right? don't get more cowboy than the canadian prairie. thats why texas felt so comfortable when i was there. rodeos are still part of reglar life (my cousin, a registered nurse, practices calf ropin in her back yard with her da). hell, in the cities where i lived the gangs even call themselves posses. which might sound cute right up to the minute you get stabbed for trying to stop some punk from stealing a car. but yeah, from manitoba to alberta its pretty much like living the clint eastwood life.

the only difference is that after you break your hand because you are a drunken fool the doctors fix you up for free.

did you think everyone from canada acted like those mellow dudes in vancouver?

anyway, sarah did i miss something? you are going to become teacher?

Sep 17, 09 7:30 pm  · 

matisse has rebounded....were feeling alot better about the long term outlook....damn he was falling asleep on his feet kind a like a kid in there desk....head sinking lower toward the desk....lower and lower....and then a knee jerk reaction. Mrs. did put it on video for the vet to watch. Today a friend of mine who is the office manager there called just to see how he was doing. She told me she had watched the video and had never seen anything like it in all the years she had worked with were celebrating taking him and da little big guy for lots of walks, just so we can keep and eye on him. Thanks for the thoughts.

Sep 17, 09 8:25 pm  · 
vado retro

just got back from a lecture about george nelson at the museum. it was fun there were free martinis before hand and i met some design community folks. too bad my partner in crime LB wasn't there!

Sep 17, 09 8:58 pm  · 
liberty bell

Yay for Matisse!

techno I feel like a dope that I didn't see you had put the bus stop on your blog. Thank you so much!

jump did those cowboy punks call you "podner" before stabbing you in the back? ;-)

DubK it sounds grueling. Hopefully there's good news and an offer at the end of the gauntlet.

I made brownies. And drank a bourbon. And now to work...

Sep 17, 09 9:02 pm  · 
liberty bell

WTF vado how come I didn't know about this?! Man....

Sep 17, 09 9:02 pm  · 

Still alive.... I think

Sep 17, 09 10:09 pm  · 

way cool LB that you are getting so much internet exposure. its is amazing how these inter-tubes have changed things...

don't think i ever heard the word podner come out of anybody's mouth. did face a few bad-guys with knives though. mostly they just said fcuk a lot. real hard-asses don't bother being romantic, i guess.

Sep 17, 09 10:14 pm  · 

jump, there is a reason they are so mellow in Vancouver i think.
As for bourbon, LB, I too had some.

Probably too much.

Nite all.

Sep 17, 09 11:31 pm  · 

I liked nam's analogy that he feels life is giving him a rectal exam.

I've spent the past few days walking, bussing and biking Seattle. Loving it thus far.

Sep 18, 09 12:20 am  · 

I haven't had bourbon since last I was chumming up with the starchitects Liberty B and Bjarke nearly a year ago. But I did have a vodka/tonic with the president of the institute of architects after he and his design partner gave a chat about 2 of their recently award Governor General projects. Fun night - pity the students didn't join us for drinks.

Sep 18, 09 1:03 am  · 
Sarah Hamilton

Jump I didn't know that song was yours! It's stuck in my head now; thanks. The song I mentioned is in the same fun vein, but cleaner. I'll have to see if I can find it, your girls might like it. It's silly and fast and rhymes like doctor suess.

Yes. About the teacher thing. In Texas, if you have a degree, then you pay around 1500 bucks, take some tests, pass a criminal check, and whollah you've got a teaching permit. Then you get ateachinf job, they garnish your pay for a year, and bam you've got a liscence. It's the cheapest career option for me and I've got to do something. I siigned up for highschool history and gradeschool math. I may change the fields later. I don't know what's in demand. I'll keep looking doran architecture job though. Though I never have gotten past that 8-3 schedule.

Abram is loving his coloured pencils. He also love my mortar and pessle. and he LOVES dizney's three little pigs tape. It's an old cassete tape from my childhood and he makes me listen to it almost exclusively in the car. He likes to sing along and hahahahaha are easy words I guess. 'whose afraid of the big bad wolf' gets stuck in his head and I hear him singing throughout the house. He also sings while I put him down at night. Think of dogs howling with the lady at the piano. It's impossible not to laugh.

Sep 18, 09 9:03 am  · 
liberty bell

Thanks for your gender equality up there, beta!

I read that with great fascination. It's such a dry account of breaking one rule (not listening to your client's program) and also another (starting a "romantic" relationship with the client. [I'm really intrigued by "romantic". Is that different from "sexual"? Would it matter if it was one but not the other, vs. both?]).

Sad, but fascinating.

Sep 18, 09 9:38 am  · 

Morning all,
I am oncall but just for today. Filling in for someone.

Sep 18, 09 10:52 am  · 

sarah, that's really cute about songs getting stuck in little abram's head! Since I don't have any kids, I sometimes still have a habit of forgetting that they are actually mini-humans, and not like... some other species that eventually morphs into a human later. That's a cute image you gave me. Also, I had that tape -- or record, rather -- growing up, and we loved it too! Too bad we couldn't listen to anything in the car back then.

teaching sounds like a good secondary option for you, SH, but I have to say I'm really disappointed in how easy it is to become a teacher in Texas.

Sep 18, 09 11:29 am  · 

sarah - teaching isn't an 8-3 job - you're going to be putting in 60-70 hour weeks if you want to do it well... if you think architects get paid shit and are disrespected for the amount of work we do - just wait until you become a teacher.

Sep 18, 09 11:36 am  · 

That AIA story, incidentally, highlights one of my biggest concerns with moving forward with my own practice.

Part of this client's complaint is that he came to the architect requesting that his house be completed within 10 months (which I originally interpreted as construction time (it might be too tight a time frame even for that, depending on site and level of finish) and then he complained that the CDs weren't finished until after the requested 10 months had passed. Meaning that the original 10 month limit was apparently for ALL design AND construction, which is absolutely absurd. However, everything I learned for the contract docs exam basically can be summed up as "you have to meet your client's size, budget, and time-frame requests or die trying". How do you take a potential client, that thinks he can get a certain thing in a certain time for some reason, and adequately disabuse him of his notions, while still a) retaining him as a client and b) convincing him so fully that you are correct that there are no lingering questions that could turn into later liability claims?

We had a client at my old firm that we told repeatedly "the cheapest you could possibly do this house for is $500,000", and he seemed totally on board, repeated it back, etcetera (this was in multiple meetings), and then months later he pitched a severe fit because he kept claiming we had promised him his house for $300,000. The number 300k had never once even crossed our lips. We were forced to attempt to dig back through correspondance and find any documentation of these discussions. We DID have documentation, but he simply claimed that he had "never agreed" to that, and that we had verbally quoted him 300k, etc. He never gave up, and eventually stiffed us on our work completed to date AND dropped the project. How on earth do you avoid this kind of crap?!

Sep 18, 09 11:41 am  · 

Oh, I missed that 8-3 reference. Yeah, SH, that's... basically impossible, even for a high school math teacher. Teaching, if you do it WELL, is one of the hardest things anyone can ever do, I think. In my opinion it is more difficult than working as an architect, although less difficult than architecture school.

The two months of summer are for real, though!

Sep 18, 09 11:44 am  · 
Sarah Hamilton

Woohoo schoolout for the summer!

Sep 18, 09 12:35 pm  · 
This is a great article by David Byrne, and a great idea for a discussion topic.

Oh, and hello everyone! Tomorrow I'm volunteering in two different places: in the morning I'll be working at a Habitat House, and in the afternoon I'll be working at an open house for a "green" home. Fun!

Yo AIA, I'm really happy for you, and I'mma let you finish, but Archinect has one of the best groups of online architects of all time!

Sep 18, 09 2:11 pm  · 
vado retro

I haven't had bourbon since last I was chumming up with the starchitects Liberty B and Bjarke nearly a year ago.---thanks for including me in your little party techno!

Sep 18, 09 3:13 pm  · 

I interviewed Bryan Berg last year when I went to the Gravity Free conference in Chicago. He had an unfortunate mishap on Live with Regis & Kellytoday where his stack of cards came crashing down on live TV. It's too bad but he already has a bunch of world records so I doubt he'll lose too much sleep over it. Still, you have to think that maybe the vibrations from the audience countdown may have contributed to its demise? I would have told everyone not to breath if that were my tower....

Sep 18, 09 3:34 pm  · 
brian buchalski
"...He never gave up, and eventually stiffed us on our work completed to date AND dropped the project. How on earth do you avoid this kind of crap?!"

if you're in business, basically you can't avoid that kind of crap. that's why all the whiny interns/employees out there should quit crying about how their bosses are always knuckleheads.

Sep 18, 09 4:47 pm  · 

sorry, sarah - I think I sounded a bit harsh there - it's just that education isn't something to be taken lightly... it's not just a job, it's a career and profession just like architecture. I'd hate to see yet another person fall into teaching because it's the only thing that's available.

IMO - It can be an incredibly rewarding field that actually has many similarities to the profession of architecture... I think if you take it seriously you could end up loving it and never want to return to architecture.

Sep 18, 09 4:49 pm  · 
Sarah Hamilton

Well, to be clear, the most fun I had in school was as a TA for a freshman design class. There wasn't a day I wasn't dorkily excited to go teach. I was lucky in that the actual prof pretty much let me do all teaching

Sep 18, 09 5:55 pm  · 
Sarah Hamilton

You will never believe this. I've got an interview on Sunday. For a job! If I get it, I'll let you know more. For now I'll just say it's an architecture job.

Wk, what are your feelings on Dallas? Email me.

Sep 18, 09 6:56 pm  · 
liberty bell

Sarah, yay! Is this the person you sent a fan letter to?!

Sep 18, 09 7:22 pm  · 

thats cool sarah.

i dont think it sounds too easy to get teaching certification in texas. lots of teachers go to university to learn to teach and are horrible at it. others, like my wife for instance, learned to teach by teaching and after 15 years is seriously seriously good at it. in my wife's case she is good because of her personality more than anything. I can totally imagine sarah being good at it too.

rodeo song was by a dude from thunder bay (ontario) named Gaye Delorme. he is actually a serious musician but doesn't take hisself seriously, which is the best way to be in my book.

word puddles. damn those whiny interns who think it is easy to run office. (¬_¬) (thought i'd give japanese emoticon a try. not sure if yall can see it, but it is the japanese version for angry)

speaking of songs in the head my kids have been singing the entire soundtrack to mama mia movie lately. they know the whole thing by heart.

Sep 18, 09 7:23 pm  · 

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