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brian buchalski

probably found your "gmail" account just by "googling"'s only a matter of time before google becomes as despised as microsoft

Sep 1, 09 1:57 pm  · 

@philarcht: not a traditional way to work, but there are several architects who do build - mostly at a smaller scale (individual houses, etc...). If you are a student, you could do a summer with a non-profit community design center - such as the gulf coast community design studio based out of Biloxi Mississippi... or the rural studio to see how this is done in the non-profit world.

pretty slow around here lately - everyone busy or something?

Sep 1, 09 4:32 pm  · 


Sep 1, 09 4:33 pm  · 

not me although i am oncall this week.

I think other TCers might be in transit and with regards to Archinect in general i think it might have something to do with the start of the semester.

Sep 1, 09 4:39 pm  · 
liberty bell

I'm busy. Overextended.

Also, gmail seems to have imploded. Is Microsoft to blame?

Sep 1, 09 5:14 pm  · 

I'm too damned depressed to make a positive contribution. I read, but most of the time when I go to post something, halfway through I realize that it's bitter and terrible, and just stop (see last post on this thread for example).

I still haven't found a job. I've got a couple of leads for independent projects, but still nothing for a fulltime job, and it's kind of killing me. Nobody wants me to post more, trust me.

Sep 1, 09 5:24 pm  · 

wonderk techno and t melt, beautiful smiles...

kidney stone persisting. but i like the pain killer treatment.

Sep 1, 09 5:31 pm  · 
liberty bell

rationalist, your former last post on this thread was not only not bitter, it was pure genius!

Sorry to hear things are so rough. Change of seasons probably doesn't help - I know I walked outside this morning and thought to myself "crap, winter's coming". I'm looking forward to fall, but not what comes after.

Sep 1, 09 5:37 pm  · 
Sarah Hamilton

Rationalist I meant to tell you there some sort of illustrator graphic job here in Dallas - my mom thought incorrectly that I was qualified.

Hi all. My birthday is Saturday and my old roommate is flying in from Philly for the occosion.

Abram is hidingbehind a slatted bench and I have to pretend I can't see him.

Sep 1, 09 6:03 pm  · 

toast, nam

many thanks, many thanks
the gccds site reminded me of that show on the sundance channel
"Architecture school" which i thought was awesome, (and cant find on dvd yet) ill definetly have to do some digging to find a nonprof or internship position. its time for me to get out of Va anyway.


halfway through my posts i sit and wonder if what i
wrote is corny or has any relevance at all, and usually
end up erasing what i wrote, getting frustrated bcuz
ive wasted my own time, and then sign off of archinect.

Music appreciation homework
aka, time consuming bother

later folks

Sep 1, 09 6:52 pm  · 

and in advance....

happy birthday Sarah

Sep 1, 09 6:54 pm  · 

Aww cheer up ratinalist, or maybe you can partake in Orhan's treatment-drugs??

And it is raining here and will be for the rest of the week apparently.
Also just watched 5 cop cars spend over an hour trying to bust my neighbor for drugs, looks like he may have outsmarted them though,

Sep 1, 09 7:26 pm  · 
Sep 1, 09 7:42 pm  · 

^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^

Sep 1, 09 8:17 pm  · 

also over-extended. fell asleep on sofa this morning while waiting to take youngest to daycare and almost missed dentist appointment. clearly sleep is more necessary than it used to be ;-)

rationalist, post away even if it is bitter. i would be surprised if there was anything but support for you.

philarct, hope that start has cool movie ending. it is damndest thing how people come in and out of each others lives. craziest story is when my young bro was hiking in laos and met a kid we used to hang out with as kids on canadian prairie. the world is surprisingly small.

orhan i though the stones were gone!
if it makes you feel any better i will be getting 2 wisdom teeth pulled fairly soon, so you will not be only one in pain. although i don't think getting teeth pulled compares to giving birth, so really doesn't compare. hope you are over that all soonest.

Sep 1, 09 9:14 pm  · 
liberty bell

Ah - abra, thank yo for explaining beta's post - I didn't get it.

jump, I had two wisdom teeth out at age 34. They say the older you are the more it hurts and I have to say - not to scare you - my surgery sucked. I did it on Friday and was completely out of it for the whole weekend - managed to go to a movie but halfway through was too focused on my next pain pill to concentrate. Otherwise stayed home and ate milkshakes, mac and cheese, and mashed potatoes. I also had some nerve damage that DID eventually heal, but for about a week of it I was ready to off myself. Just hang in there if it happens to you - the pain is bad, but it does end eventually, and my mouth does feel better since then! Less crowded.

Sep 1, 09 9:52 pm  · 

yeah, ok, now i'm definitely never getting them out.

Sep 1, 09 9:56 pm  · 
liberty bell

They say if you do it at age 18 it's a breeze.

Sep 1, 09 10:02 pm  · 

jump, i had two wisdom teeth out one in 30's one in 40's. first one was little crunchy but felt no pain with local anesthetics, second was over before it really felt anything. no biggie. just don't plan to have any passport pictures taken.;.) good luck.

sw, you owe to your remaining teeth. do it.

Sep 1, 09 10:38 pm  · 

it's all in the angle of the roots i thinks.

Sep 1, 09 10:47 pm  · 

hi all today was my first day of school. Will likely blog about it via the school blogs if I can get on.

Sending out some positive vibes to my two archi-chicks driving their way to Portland. Keep safe ladies

Sorry about the wisdom teeth jump, I hope they knock you out for the procedure

Sep 1, 09 11:46 pm  · 

jump, I had one out last year, no surgery, no knockout. They cracked the tooth while it was still in my head and stretched my gums til they could wrench out the two pieces. It was stressful and I had the worst tension headache afterwards, but little to no actual pain from the extraction. There was just so much pressure that I kept expecting pain at any moment, which made me tense and my dentist very annoyed. I'm supposed to get the others out, but can't afford it. Damn, now we're back to the bitterness. It's been almost a decade since I had dental insurance. :(

Sep 2, 09 12:16 am  · 

big hug and positive vibes rationalist. Keep your chin up it will get better - much better

Sep 2, 09 12:49 am  · 


kinda wish i hadn't read all those stories ;-)

i had top 2 teeth out a few years back and was relatively ok. bad enough to put off bottom two til now anyway. but looks like they have to go soon, or will be full of cavities. dentist was keen to make appntment but i am putting off the whole deal for a week or so. funny thing about pain. when it comes unexpectedly i can deal, but arranging for it in advance bothers me. over-active imagination i guess. and now it has been prodded further by the grand stories above i am pretty much set.

rationalist, one kool thing about japan is that healthcare is tied to income and EVERYONE has to buy the government plan. which includes dentistry. so is dirt cheap for me as a poor architect.

more nice, i turned 40 last month and got letter in the mail saying my healthcare benefits have been upgraded to include free check-ups and reduced costs for dentist. apparently the japanese govt has this idea that it is cheaper to invest in preventative medicine than to pay for the full-on deadly diseases and palliative care later on. can't imagine why they would think that, but you know whatever.

guess i am living in socialist haven. one that gave rise to toyota and similar know those companies that didn't need to take money from the govt to survive the shitty economy and actually won the capitalist game against the usa and all that. but we're still fucking communists! don't let the capitalist success story fool you comrades! is sneaky cover.

werry werry sneeeaky.

see what happens if you don't sleep enough? start posting with silly accents. very bad sign ;-)

Sep 2, 09 3:13 am  · 
liberty bell

jump, don't worry - I'm pretty much big sloppy crybaby when it comes to pain. I cry every time I vomit, if that's any indication. AND m dentist told me on a scale of 1-10 my extraction was a solid 9. So take my story with a big grain of salt. That said, don't plan any important meetings for a few days after the surgery - if nothing else, you'll still want a chance to enjoy those painkillers!

Sep 2, 09 7:31 am  · 

Ahh the random coincidence of life (or not).

I too need to get my wisdom teeth out. Have waited until now because i didn't have money and it seemed as if my jaw was big enough to accomodate.
However recently (as in the last 2 days) some of my bottom teeth have shifted (finally according to dentist who warned me for years) out of purty alignment.

Luckily they are alll visible and have broken through enough that the dentist thinks they should be able to do all without surgery and general anasthetic. I would prefer to be completely knocke dout but the cost difference between that and a simple extraction (even with dental insurance) runs into the thousand + dollars. So i think i will go for the extractions. Hopefully in the next month or so.

hope everyone has a good morning.

Sep 2, 09 8:44 am  · 

I had my wisdom teeth pulled when I was 21...

this past year was the first year I've had dental insurance since college...

I ran into the "nazi-healthcare" people in the train station yesterday evening. IMO, the moment you make comparisons to "nazis" or "hitler" in your argument against something you've lost any and all credibility. I don't care what side you are on, all it says to me is that you are being completely irrational.

Sep 2, 09 9:59 am  · 

just blushed a little when i saw my name mentioned by steven here on page 2 (back a fe wyears admittedly when i was just getting started).

Thanks Steven!!

Sep 2, 09 10:50 am  · 

nam: you're destined for greatness!

When I had mine out (for free in a big hospital in Eastern Canada) the doctor warned against such a thing as a 'dry socket'. Fortunately I never had one. Sounds horrible.

Sep 2, 09 10:54 am  · 
liberty bell

This may be irrelevant to everyone, but since rationalist mentioned insurance: my wisdom teeth surgery was covered by my medical insurance, which was decent, not my dental insurance, which was minimal. The insurance company considered it a medical procedure not dental, because it's so major, I guess, and deals with the jawbone not just the teeth. So if you have medical insurance but not dental, it might be worth a phone call to see what activities inside your mouth are covered.

Sep 2, 09 10:55 am  · 

ooh could one lb,
I will look into it.

Sep 2, 09 11:51 am  · 

I have a lot to catch up on! FYI, ****melt and I have arrived safely in Portland after a brief stint on the scorched earth of Southern California. This was our view from the train after the great WonderTechnoMelting of 2009:

I hope everyone is well. More later...

Sep 2, 09 12:05 pm  · 

soooooo weird.

so. i just had my two top wisdom teeth out on friday of last week... local anaesthetic..i.e feel the whole thing more or less and hear everything... a couple things

1. dentist told me that the top are easier than bottom.
2. impacted obv worse than if not.
3. you should be careful with bottom two...not to freak you out, but my oral surgeon who pulled those told me there is a nerve that they can hit with novacaine that could cause paralyzation of your facial muscles.. so much so that he only wanted to do one at a time.. of course this was probably ten years ago.
4. i'm 36 and had little to no pain... i had a slight fever and mild discomfort at the end of the day so i took the high strength ibuprofen they gave me and slept it off. there was some mild bleeding, but my dentist said everyone is different.
5. i have all four out now...i had one dry socket. it was so painful that i couldn't caused just a general fever and migraine type headache... i went into the dentist the next day and he opened it up again and cleaned it out... it was the most one to one solution to pain i've ever had...pain was gone was amazing.

so i guess i'd say that overall my wisdom teeth pulls have been more or less painless...the pressure on the jaw not withstanding... i had no swelling from these last two... and tried to go and get a license picture taken right after..figured i'd do everything painful all in the same day...but i forgot some paperwork sadly.. so i get to go back to the dmv later!

Sep 2, 09 12:59 pm  · 

soooooo weird.

so. i just had my two top wisdom teeth out on friday of last week... local anaesthetic..i.e feel the whole thing more or less and hear everything... a couple things

1. dentist told me that the top are easier than bottom.
2. impacted obv worse than if not.
3. you should be careful with bottom two...not to freak you out, but my oral surgeon who pulled those told me there is a nerve that they can hit with novacaine that could cause paralyzation of your facial muscles.. so much so that he only wanted to do one at a time.. of course this was probably ten years ago.
4. i'm 36 and had little to no pain... i had a slight fever and mild discomfort at the end of the day so i took the high strength ibuprofen they gave me and slept it off. there was some mild bleeding, but my dentist said everyone is different.
5. i have all four out now...i had one dry socket. it was so painful that i couldn't caused just a general fever and migraine type headache... i went into the dentist the next day and he opened it up again and cleaned it out... it was the most one to one solution to pain i've ever had...pain was gone was amazing.

so i guess i'd say that overall my wisdom teeth pulls have been more or less painless...the pressure on the jaw not withstanding... i had no swelling from these last two... and tried to go and get a license picture taken right after..figured i'd do everything painful all in the same day...but i forgot some paperwork sadly.. so i get to go back to the dmv later!

Sep 2, 09 12:59 pm  · 

wk - awesome pic -

reminds me that I was kind of obsessed with apocalyptic architecture (ala the brutalists) when I was in undergrad - I even did a study of how one of my projects would look after various natural disasters... it was a 500SF weekend cabin in the woods that was simply meant for us to understand how a complete building comes together (it included the design of structure and systems, site design, full CDs, etc...)... I, of course, completely missed the point of exercise and spent an entire week studying scorch-mark patterns a wood-framed roof would make on a concrete wall after different kinds of fires - I think there was even a stream of consciousness piece in there about being inspired by the long stick used by native americans to stamp out small fires that would occur at the top of long houses/wigwams due to stray sparks from the hearth.... that's probably why I got a lousy grade in that studio...

actually - this sums up much of my time in undergrad.

Sep 2, 09 2:00 pm  · 

I had this long post that when submitted resulted in an error - Something like:

"it seemed as if my jaw was big enough to accomodate" is the same exact excuse I've been using to avoid pulling my wisdom teeth out. Maybe that excuse will run its course eventually, or maybe I do have a less evolved(?) jaw line

WK - Does LA count as "Southern California"? I'm headed there soon for business. I hope they control the fire soon - and not for the sake of my travels. Still... my uncanny "perfect" timing strikes again.

I need help with writer's block. I am writing some essays for a fellowship application and I'm stuck. I'm not procrastinating; I have it open in front of me, but I just sit there paralyzed. And then I thought of the worst idea to remedy writer's block - e-mailing an ex. I didn't initiate it; she called me recently and sounded excited and happy to talk to me. The e-mail wasn't nasty or anything like that, I just wrapped up some things and asked more in detail how she was doing because the call ended somewhat abruptly due to timing - she called during the workday.

Whew - anyway getting away from my personal life that no one cares about - Yes writer's block. I think its just indicative of how low my morale is these days. Trying to stay upbeat takes a lot out of me, but I guess still better than being pessimistic. I'm hoping some travel will boost morale. Any other suggestions?

Sep 2, 09 2:49 pm  · 
brian buchalski

my eyelashes are really bothering me today...and my fingernails need to be trimmed again...why must i be so cursed?

Sep 2, 09 3:34 pm  · 

slart, don't start writing about what you want to write about, just start. john cage - via bruce mau - taught me that. perhaps tangentially start.

Sep 2, 09 3:35 pm  · 

hi guys

Sep 2, 09 4:33 pm  · 

Slart, I will be no help -- just finished up a travel fellowship app the other day and feel like I totally miffed on it. First draft was pretty decent and then gave to an english teacher friend to review who subsequently tore it apart... and then I didn't really have time to get it back together before it was due. Argh. Hopefully the idea is intriguing enough that they get the point even though it's buried under loads of shit writing...

However, that first, decent draft was produced by starting in the middle. I had bad writer's block for days when trying to craft from the beginning, aka : "I propose such and such; I am interested in the following; etc." Instead, I gave that up and just dove into some story about the thing that interested me, and it started flowing like water. Later I went back and wrote an intro 2 paragraphs and reworked the middle part into some semblance of order. It was much easier that way. Maybe that helps you...

Sep 2, 09 4:49 pm  · 

TC is going through a few days of pain! Guess I just have a big mouth - all my wisdom teeth are up and still in.

Most of my recent angst has been about completing my syllabus, writing the first lecture, lining up guests, and making sure that the class will be fun. I took the course Moodle site live a few minutes ago (sorry, you can't see it without enrolling), but thanks Nam and others for pushing for Moodle...

other pain news, I'm finally getting paid for July this week! It's been quite a tight stretch when the office got 5 paychecks behind. maybe we'll even get paid for august before the end of september!

Sep 2, 09 4:56 pm  · 

Thanks for the suggestions beta and manta - I've been trying to go for the "just write anything" thing but I'm still paralyzed. Its almost as if I don't want to think about it. Maybe I'm a pressure junky and I'm waiting for that pressure to build before I do anything productive (although realistically, that pressure should've been building for a while now).

Maybe I'm thinking about it too much - its really a long shot - the odds are slim I'll get it in the first place.

Sep 2, 09 5:16 pm  · 
brian buchalski
map of smoke & fires in southern cal
Sep 2, 09 5:20 pm  · 
vado retro

From Goose website here in Indy...

If you call yourself a "food lover’s market," you had better have some stellar cheeses to back up that claim. We love our stank and because of that we don’t want the other kids to laugh. We have created a special program that we call “A Dozen Cheeses Before you Die.” This is a twelve step program that will allow you to always make a good decision. We have twelve cheeses that we think you should try before you die. And if that doesn’t happen before you finish all twelve steps, we may just change a few to keep life interesting. Fresh chevre, big blue veins, aged raw milk, bloomy rinds, farm fresh, artisanal, local or from far a way France. Which will make the cut this month?

Sep 2, 09 7:22 pm  · 

i only had two wisdom teeth. does that make me enhanced?

Sep 2, 09 7:34 pm  · 

my 2cents about wisdom teeth removal....I was living in Wyoming at the time and had to drive to Rapid City South Dakota to have it extracted....a good 2 1/2 hour trip at 8o mph. I have to have a driver so I wrangle my younger brother as a driver. The dentist does his extraction....we head for home and about 20 minutes out I tell my brother to turn around cause I'm bleeding like a stuck pig. So we go back to, " The Specialist" and well he apologizes and I tell him well as far as I'm concerned it is like going to a bad Mechanic.... and he perscribes me some sort of medication. Which of course can be filled by the pharmacy just below his office. The pharmacy wants me to pay cash and I'm but a dollar short. So the guy is giving me a hard time and I tell him take a f>>king pill out and that should make up the difference. He is stubborn...will not do it. He has never met someone like me...I march back up stairs...and tell the dentist ...I should not be paying for your fricking mistake cause I'm paying you far more than you should receive. Then I say, I can sit in your office lobby and let you other clients know how you treat them or you can settle up with the guy down stairs and let me go for my 2 1/2 hour ride home. He caved....and I thank the master of revolutiong Mr. Saul A. for his book revolution which I happened to read that Summer.

It was a pisser of a week cause I have twisted roots and a twiste mind. Oh by the way, I head once, Dentist have the highest rate of sucide among professionals. It is base upon having way to much education to be auto mechanics of the mouth.

Sep 2, 09 7:38 pm  · 

Tumble....You will be a "GREAT GOAT LADY"! When I was growing up on the wind swept high plains of western south dakota. There was this lady who teathered her goat on the empty parcels of property of the downtown area. We called her, "The Goat Lady." Years went bye and when she came to pass and go onto Goat Heaven, it was discoverd she was worth millons... May my Best Goat thoughts be with you....long as you don't figure out how to tame a Goat....they be independent sort of animal...and oh ya they love to climb on top of cars. I recall seeing 15 of them on top of my new car...when they say me they scrambled ...well the paint finish was never the same...but that is another whole story... Good Luck!

Sep 2, 09 7:48 pm  · 

tumbles, you and mdler should go back together. he has taken a similar route picking fruit and making food too.

Sep 2, 09 8:23 pm  · 

definitely sure spot for "working out of the box" features of archinect.

Sep 2, 09 8:25 pm  · 

I had to get one wisdom tooth out because I waited too long to get a cavity filled and it broke while chewing.

I was so nervous, but when it came down to it the dentist pulled it out with a little "pop" and I nearly swallowed it. It hurt later, but not too bad. Maybe its better when they only pull one at a time.

Sep 2, 09 9:03 pm  · 

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