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the wife and i have been talking about Montreal again, we're fearful of an impending situation - collision - of right wing fanaticism and a certain white house official, really worried...i thought the loons from clinton years were bad, here we are barely 8 months in, and these book burning, racist, white trash, neo-fascists are readying for an all out race war...

Sep 5, 09 10:26 pm  · 

i don't know if you guys caught this on all things considered

but paul wolfowitz just whined about being called the 'architect of the iraq war'...
...despite a lot of inaccurate representations — including this use of the word "architect" to describe me...

damn right it's inaccurate.

damn right.

Sep 6, 09 12:06 am  · 

I never did understand the issue with people not wanting their president to speak to the children. They should be honoured. So many countries out there first world and developing have leaders who shun the public and act with autonomy. Only veering outside waving flags at re-elections and kissing babies. To instil wisdom and a sense of personal, notwithstanding national pride in the young should be encouraged.

Can't the secret service just kidnap some of those fox reporters and replace them with the mistaken terrorised patrons/inmates at Guantanemo bay?

Sep 6, 09 12:37 am  · 

I didn't mention to TC that the organisers/planners for the wedding I went to in LA were called the Party Architects: events and design studio. I did effectively warn her that she was using a legally protected title, and that with the state of the economy with soooooooo many unemployed architects they would like go after her since it would in effect be "work." I suggested she use Wedding Gurus instead

Sep 6, 09 12:50 am  · 

responding to the last page:

i have to totally disagree about mt rushmore... when i drove cross country in October/November of 2001 there were two monuments i wanted to see... mt.rushmore and the alamo... i'm not usually as nostalgic or proud of my citizenship as i was at the time..but i think there is something to be said for those two... (also hoped to see the grand canyon)

in any case i arrived in river city after dark...following my map i drove towards mt.rushmore... feeling i was lost i started wondering if i was going the wrong way when all of a sudden lincoln's head rose out of the forest well above my head. it was so eerily beautiful..and then i drove in and basically saw the monument all by myself in the middle of the night... i would never dissuade anyone from that experience.

plus you have the crazy horse memorial and custer park... first buffalo i've seen...and then you just have the badlands in general..

driving cross-country is a great experience..i've done it three times..and halfway a number of others... i hope i get to do it again soon.

Sep 6, 09 1:52 am  · 

too true snook.

but in usa the crazies seem to have the influence.

gary trudeau summed up pretty neatly today, actually. just could not have said it better.

personally i am happy if anyone calls themselves architect in the ways described above. i am not threatened and pretty confident in what i am/do, so is fine with me. i wonder if engineers are worried when an article describes the way a situation was engineered? would be funny if they did.

Sep 6, 09 4:43 am  · 

Today was one of the few days I actually read a printed paper this morning. And thus for once read the funnies.
Saw that. The older i get the more i like Doonesbury. I think i just didn't get it as a youngster. i went more for Foxtrot, Calvin and Hobbes, Dogwood etc

Happy holiday all.

Sep 6, 09 4:13 pm  · 

I'm going to give this a try....if it doesn't work chase the link:
night blasting at Crazy is better than the NYC Macy's Fireworks:

Sep 6, 09 6:23 pm  · 

why do people who post asking for help with their schoolwork not get it when people aren't ok with that? I can see thinking that they don't have a problem with it and deciding to do it despite the fact that it's wrong, but I just don't get why they don't get that it's wrong.

Sep 6, 09 8:18 pm  · 

yeah, rationalist, especially when the thread is titled help with MY schoolwork.

Sep 6, 09 9:30 pm  · 

I'm getting ticked off by ArchDaily this is the third time this summer that they've taken original content without even a nod or mention - worse in this last attempt they credited someone else. Sigh...

Sep 6, 09 9:40 pm  · 

Rationalist- can you help me with my schoolwork?

I need to select a font for my class' website - courier new isn't cutting it for the body text, but it works fine for the headings. the choices are.... (drumroll)... verdana, arial, georgia, tahoma, times new roman, trebuchet, & impact.... not much of a selection, but what can I do???

text color is another item that got me flumoxed - from #000000 to #FFFFFF gotta love those websafe colors...

I'll probably adopt the same font for all powerpoint slides too - so this is the branding of my course I'm asking for help with....

Sep 6, 09 10:37 pm  · 

original content from you?

Sep 6, 09 10:53 pm  · 

ha! Trebuchet. #99999.

Don't trap yourself into doing every lecture exactly the same... it'll bore you, and it'll bore the students. I used Meta for an entire quarter worth of lectures, and it drove me a little nuts. But maybe I'm just a type slut?

But I suspect that you didn't learn anything from my giving you the answer :P

Sep 6, 09 10:53 pm  · 

nam - yeah original content by me :-( Oh well who told me to create something new, this is the Internet after all.

Tree I've just completed the contract/course outline presentation for the students and I too had a font issue. But I fell back on arial because, well it doesn't offend me - which is a good a reason as any

Sep 7, 09 12:30 am  · 
OMA = Bush/Cheney


Sep 7, 09 6:29 am  · 
brian buchalski

i love the unpaid intern's actually convinced me that slavery should be legal

Sep 7, 09 12:44 pm  · 

thanks R!

I'll mix it up, but I need something readable to start with.

Sep 7, 09 12:50 pm  · 

if you saw some crazy person riding around on a Segway in Boston this past Saturday, it was me.

fonts - nothing says intellectual credibility like some good ol' comic sans. For handouts I like to randomly bold and italic my dangling modifiers and use quotations and punctuate "inappropriately..."

also - everything is printed on sticky-notes in rainbow order.

Sep 7, 09 4:58 pm  · 

alot of things could "convince" one of slavery.

But seriously, folks......
Nite all.

Sep 7, 09 7:42 pm  · 

Greetings All - Finally back in Ohio :o/ Put on my Architecture Sucks t-shirt and noticed the bottom front is full of holes. Looks like I'll need to purchase another one.

Anyway. gotta run. Am trying to get ready for my first day back to work in a week. Nite all

Sep 7, 09 8:54 pm  · 

t-minus 2 days. finally got my course website, all assignments, readings, and syllabus locked and loaded. this is way to much work to only teach this course once.

Sep 7, 09 10:33 pm  · 

Well, i lied back one last time.

Tree, isn't that why you recycle syllabus?

Some of my teaching friends call it a portfolio.

Bye bye. Anybody like vodka mineral water and Citron ?

Sep 7, 09 10:46 pm  · 

tk, I totally feel you. I spent last fall pulling all-nighters to design lab projects for informatics students, and I taught them in two hours a piece and they'll never be used again most likely. Also, profs that I've worked with continually judge how they'll change or evolve a course the following year. They just constantly feel that with another year, they'll get it right. One off courses are truly a waste.

Sep 7, 09 11:29 pm  · 

Settling in nicely to my new place here in Portland, although I discovered a little too late that unpacking a bunch of stuff that's been sitting in storage for 2 months would kick up a bunch of dust, and now I'm wheezing. I'm hoping if I load up on Benadryl, etc. before I go to bed that I'll be better in the morning. Still have loads to unpack but I'm in much better shape than when the day started.

Speaking of bed... I'm beat. Hope everyone had a good holiday!

Sep 8, 09 2:22 am  · 
Distant Unicorn

Has anyone had Four Loko? Shit should be illegal.

Sep 8, 09 3:56 am  · 

question for all you AIA members; my chapter included, as part of our monthly newsletter, an event listing for the showing of a 9/11 film on friday, this film as you may or may not be aware is the product of an AIA SF member and notorious "truther." i am angered and appalled beyond belief, and i am trying to figure out two things; one how to approach the chapter and two how to do this in a fashion that is not consistent with my typical flame throwing emotions. any thoughts?

Sep 8, 09 9:04 am  · 

never heard of the drink before, but after some research I would say that shit is serious!!

Sep 8, 09 11:20 am  · 

is the drink that bad?

Sep 8, 09 11:28 am  · 
Sarah Hamilton

Weekend was fun. Philly roomate had a good time. We went bowling and slow cooked some pork and new Mexico chiles all day Sunday. Monday I saw the jfk memorial and walked around downtown for thefirst time ever.

I must say thankyou for keeping it short around here. I'm sure it was my absence that kept the catchup length so easily accomplishqble.

Sep 8, 09 11:28 am  · 

wK- is there a garwondler reunion in the works?
so did you land that job?

beta- there are AIA ethic rules against lying. file a complaint.

Sep 8, 09 12:30 pm  · 

No, I did not get a job yet. And asking continuously will not make it so! Sorry, but I'm not being dodgy, and I promise you guys that WHEN and IF I get a job, you all will be the first to know. Actually let's be honest, you'll be the second to know, after I tell my family and close friends.

I don't know anything about a garwondler reunion, either. I haven't talked to garpike in forever and mdler and I couldn't manage to get our acts together when I was in Seattle for a whole week. So the Garwondler might remain a chapter in Archinect history. :o/

I just saw a really annoying commercial by Kohler... a couple is being led by a very pretentious architect who is giving them a tour of his office and talking about his achievements and awards. Then they sit down at his desk and tell him to design a house around a kitchen faucet. I mean, OK, point taken, but do all architects have to be portrayed like total douchebags?

I'm going back to eating breakfast and watching Cash Cab. Such a good show.

Sep 8, 09 12:40 pm  · 

not to mention the faucet in question is FUGLY. bleh!*

*architect douchebag irony intended. and heartfelt!

Sep 8, 09 1:51 pm  · 

you know, if a client came to me and asked that question, i'd say; when can i start?

Sep 8, 09 2:01 pm  · 

I'd say, how about we design it around your family, the lifestyle that you have and would like to have? And not a product?

Oh wait, that would be too arrogant of me to say such a thing.

Sep 8, 09 3:25 pm  · 

I think I would say, What is it that you love about this so much, that makes you want a whole house worth of it? And then I'd take those qualities they describe as the real starting point.

Sep 8, 09 3:29 pm  · 

Well, yes, yes, and yes. I would think that most of us would respond in one of those ways. I personally think it would be an interesting exercise. My point, of course, was that the d-bag architect in the commercial presumably thought it was below him. Blasted image issues!

I just fixed cable! And now I have Lifetime so I can see Project Runway when it airs! Yahoo!

Sep 8, 09 8:07 pm  · 

I don't know, thinking it was below me would probably be my initial, internal response. But because I'm poor, I'd keep it an internal one and be more polite on the outside. :)

Speaking of which, I am contemplating drastic measures. Or, maybe logical ones, that just feel big and scary to me. Somehow, I think I'm more comfortable taking design risks because I am NOT comfortable taking life risks. I've never quit a job without having a new one lined up, never moved somewhere without having a plan, no risks. But I feel backed into a corner right now, and I need to get out somehow.

Sep 8, 09 8:24 pm  · 

Hi all. I'm in Seattle. Somewhat settled. (Read: Not settled at all).

I have an issue in my old apartment. I'm hoping some TCers may be of assistance. Alright, my building was built in 1920 and the walls/ceilings are all plaster and lath. Long story short: I'd like to suspend from the closet ceiling a double rod system that will be 4' wide. I'll be putting quite a bit of weight on the two rods as they will be bearing the majority of my clothes. The problem is I can't find the ceiling joists...let me rephrase: I can't make sense of the ceiling joists. My magnetic stud sensor has failed me as it failed to detect any nails whatsoever. I purchased a super fancy stud sensor for thick walls but it is detected the majority of the ceiling to be a 'stud edge' with minimal 3-5" gaps every now and then. There is no rhyme or reason or consistent spacing with the relationship between the studs and ceiling joists. What to do? I don't want to get drill happy as plaster tends to chip pretty easily and I'm attempting to be a conscientious renter. Do I trust the fancy stud sensor as it tells me the majority of the ceiling are joists?

My sister was on Cash Cab. Well, her face wasn't on it but her friend called her for the phone-a-friend option. And she got it right!!! Woohoo, my sister saved the day. The episode originally aired in 2005. I've seen it twice on reruns and still get so excited whenever Cash Cab is on. If I remember correctly, the answer she gave pertained to the artist Man Ray.

Sep 8, 09 9:36 pm  · 


i'd try to figure out which way the joists run first.. they don't really have anything to do with the studs below...stud sensors detect the difference in density mainly so it could just be havin trouble with the lathe..or the lathe/ceiling could be on a concrete slab? also from what i read sometimes they have problems with insulation.
i think most people would need to know a bit more first

Sep 8, 09 10:18 pm  · 

n____... that's an iffy situation. Any chance of getting above the ceiling to see what the situation is like up there? Any vents you can peek into?

And seriously people... can we all just chip in $5 and buy a house in Detroit? It could be our little permanent refuge... and when someone needs to flex creative juices, they could visit it and build something. Or, paint something, or whatever. I'm just saying.

Sep 9, 09 12:07 am  · 

Maybe we can buy a house in Detroit and make that the official site for the 2010 Archinect Convention.

Thanks for the recommendations. I'm fairly confident that the ceiling is not concrete as I drilled some small i-hooks earlier and seemed to drill right through the plaster and lath. I decided I'm going to have to get drill happy tomorrow to figure out how these joists run.

Dear Landlord:

Sorry about the mess.

Apartment 105

PS. I hope this doesn't effect my security deposit.

Sep 9, 09 12:36 am  · 
vado retro

could it be furring strips that you're picking up?

now that you're in Seattle n____________ i can post This!!! Good luck, girl!

Sep 9, 09 12:59 am  · 

personally i'd think you'd have better luck attaching studs to the sidewalls of the closet...then span between them and then hang your closet stuff from that...

i think you're askin for a world of trouble going above the ceiling..and even after you do i wonder if you'll find anything capable of supporting your contraption. you could even just screw a piece of plywood to the two studs that are attached to your side walls..(finding studs in the walls to me would be way easier) least that's how i'd do it.

Sep 9, 09 2:29 am  · 

Morning all,


this sentence is just brilliant.

Maybe we can buy a house in Detroit and make that the official site for the 2010 Archinect Convention.

If not for Archinect Convention than maybe the next Postopolis.

Sep 9, 09 8:24 am  · 

Detroit has been auctioning off property for that little for over a decade... I think if you buy it from the city you have to build/improve within a year, and there's usually a ton of contaminant remediation that needs to happen - it ends up costing a few thousand in the end, but it's still really cheap.

I think an archinect-built/owned house in Detroit is an awesome idea - count me in. I'm usually there for at least a week every year anyway...

Sep 9, 09 9:18 am  · 

so, could this be like a Archinect For Humanity?

Sep 9, 09 9:29 am  · 

I'm game for some TC design/build!

toaster - I wish I knew you were in Boston over the weekend, I would have ventured out and bought you a beer or two!

Sep 9, 09 9:31 am  · 

pixel - we should definitely get together sometime - I think I met you at the systems for inclusion conference - I was in that workshop where you briefly talked about the shed you built (I was that weird "BAC faculty" guy). I thought I recognized you from pictures online, but I wasn't about to introduce myself - my online and offline selves hadn't reconciled.

I'll drop you an e-mail this week...

Sep 9, 09 9:59 am  · 
brian buchalski

the problem with those "cheap" detroit houses is that many of them have been thoroughly stripped by all likelihood, it would cost far more than a few thousand dollars to make one livable.

on the other hand, as a location for a temporary event like postopolis...i think that could be brilliant.

Sep 9, 09 10:20 am  · 

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