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ja, that was kind of my feeling. It was actually dissapointing to me how quickly the thread siolved away from it's intended topic. I am all for reality, but.
Anyways I can't really contribute much other than some money from Florida. But would be happy to.

Have a fantastic Friday all.

Sep 11, 09 8:04 pm  · 

stopped reading the detroit thread after the first few posts. puddles said it all above.

i do think though that the city failed you more than the other way round, puddles. i am of course saying this as someone who has left "home" behind more than once, so i have ulterior motives for wishing this to be true. but there is reason people move to LA and to Tokyo and to London and NY. just as there is reason people leave detroit.

fixing cities is hard. manchester came back so i guess detroit can too. maybe it takes lots of archinect houses even if filled part-time to get things going. i suppose more than willing to become member of community is more important to be willing to fail. and then try again (which is maybe the same thing as becoming part of community?)...

somehow missed adobe question sarah. what were you looking to find out?

Sep 11, 09 9:04 pm  · 

Hi all.

Was out and about today so I missed most of the action.

I really do appreciate all of you (here, anyway) being so thoughtful about this Detroit thing. It's a challenge, and having not had too many challenges lately (what firm will I apply to next? What will I watch on the Discovery Channel tonight?) I am energized by it.

lb and puddles, I agree with you on the "Detroit needs people living their lives there". Without that aspect we will surely fail. Which is why I appreciate the idea of partnering with UDM... perhaps we could make this a student house, and sponsor it.

puddles, I also feel you on that "trying" thing. Although you have to admit, you really went from one extreme to another, didn't you, our beach-bum friend? :P

jafidler, good to see you again. I think where we need you most right now is just to give us an idea of the areas we should be looking at. I.e., is the neighborhood where the Powerhouse located feasible if we are going to set up a student house for architecture kids attending UDM? Stuff like that.

nam, I got your email. Thanks :o) I tried to restart the thread with some modicum of focus. Have a look.

I'm off to make a salad with the vegetables I picked from the garden behind my new home... I swear! Wipe that look of shock off your face!

Sep 11, 09 9:06 pm  · 

about the Detroit project, i hope no one thinks it is my purpose to bring down the civility on that thread. it seems pretty clear to me that there are a few people there that have nothing real to offer or somehow believe that some of us have no concept of urban environments. i have lived in newark for 5 years, albeit on "campus", i have experienced nearly all areas of that city, good and bad, and nearly got in the middle of a car to car gun fight. i have also been through the central ward, have been to restaurants and shopping in that city, have walked fire wasted areas from the riots of the 60's.

i have been to baltimore, philly, camden, the oranges, elizabeth, jersey city, bowery, lower east side, crappy areas of DC, south omaha, north omaha, trenton, etc....shitty areas of those cities.

so to assume that people don't understand what detroit, might, might be like, is recockulous.

the oddest criticism i thought was about the weather. i live in TC, have been to fargo at 40 below, 70 below with wind chill, so unless this project gets shifted to antarctica, i don't care.

i respect jafidler and cryz's perspective on this, and would tend to lean towards their suggestions.

as for questions, questions are great, but sometimes jumping in and dealing with the real facts on the ground works better.

Sep 11, 09 10:17 pm  · 
__|_|_ |',__|_


If you are referring to our little exchange in that thread - or - if I don't even register on your radar and want me to just STFU, let me say that your behavior and ability engage in rational discussion in there was at best, minimal.

W/r/t your near car to car gun fight and urban experience, everyone has stories to tell. Enjoy your "campus" existence while you can.

However, now that I see you can actually form a sequence of sentences that construct a thoughtful paragraph, I harbor no ill will and look forward to future discussions as they arise.

__|_|_ |',__|_

Sep 11, 09 10:51 pm  · 
Distant Unicorn

sneaking into tc for a minute--

I worked my ass off all week and scraped up enough money to buy a feather bed topper (down alternative!).

I was hoping to have enough money to buy a cheap one from walmart (for 50 bucks) but was not enthralled by the idea. In college, my roommates mom bought him two big thick 4" pieces of bed foam and a down alternative feather bed but his bed was a queen not a full. Her being the rich hot lawyer mom gave it to me because she was too lazy.

So up until about a year and a half ago, I had been sleeping easy on 500 dollars worth of bedding.

Soooo, I stopped by Marshalls on the way to Target/Wal-mart and bought a 250 dollar featherbed for 35 dollars. Thanks, clearance!

I had a budget of 70 dollars and I ended up with -- one feather bed, one brown duvet with cover (10 bucks), a pack of lime green and brown striped 600-thread count sheets (12 bucks). I had extra money so I ended up getting a pack of camels, a 4 pack of beer and three dollars in my tank.

Oh and I made chocolate cinnamon rolls. Laying on my bed right now, SO TIRED FOR THE FIRST TIME.

Good nights sleep here I come!

Sep 11, 09 11:47 pm  · 
Distant Unicorn

Oh I guess my post applies to you, Sarah! Hit up Marshall's or Ross... everything is way cheap right now.

also, ****melt... I was under the assumption that abbeynormal was an architect. I had finished my "sketch" but feel uncomfortable posting it because a)not an architect b)do not want to work for free or do any work that may not necessarily be understood by the other person c)half my ideas related to an architecture/interior design/planning/homebuilding firm and d)not an architect or licenses.

I am proud of my drawing though. Maybe I'll post it to TC if anyone feels like giving me harsh criticism.

Sep 11, 09 11:56 pm  · 

congratulations jump! Alas it is your level of chi I hope to transcend.

LB's Kohler ad link - caution... not for work

did someone just bring the fight to b3ta? Wow you miss TC for one day and boom!

interesting few days of classes and still trying to get the exhibition up you can take a look at the poster [url=]here[/ur]

not to comment about your 5 finger reaping of the neighbours vegs, but do you have a space to grow your own??

Sep 12, 09 12:56 am  · 

cool poster archi,

thanks for congrats. my chi is all fake. couldn't afford the real stuff.

Sep 12, 09 2:21 am  · 

__|_|_ |',__|_

youe "emotional" connection to NO prevented you from seeing the use simile and analogous connections of NO and Detroit. the use of Katrina-like and analogy is not meant to disparage those that died, but to explain that the realities and efforts expended in NO are going to be required in Detroit. in fact i recall reading and seeing many reports of people in DTW wondering where is the massive govt mobilization to save their city.

having said that, lets look at how DTW and NO, and the events of Katrina, pre and post, are similar. first, both cities have horribly corrupt institutions of power, i have to admit, that NO and Louisiana have be corrupt for so long, that it makes NJ look like the Vatican. it's the failure of government at every level; fed, state and local, that caused the deaths after the hurricane, and not the hurricane itself. that fact has never been disputed. it is also the failure of government in DTW that caused the failure of industry in DTW, and that coupled with "The Big 3" moving manufacturing to foreign countries, destroyed DTW. without jobs, the life rafts for most people, it is almost certain that crime would take over. that is the failure of govt.

as for Katrina-like efforts, we all know what is going on down there now, amidst the gunfire, the depleted police force, and the ineptitude of the current mayor. yet, people still invest time and effort, regardless of the potential for violence, potential for failure, things are still being pushed. so my Katrina-like, is a way of offering a corollary experience to base a possible path forward for DTW.

as for whether or not i have provided a valuable dialog to that particular thread; i was the first person to post after the thread started that i thought it was a good idea, and offered several ideas of what the project[s] could be, and noted that connection to schools of architecture[s] and local government should be done, and that this effort should not be forced forward, but carefully negotiated. your first post, very first post, centered on crime stats, as if somehow adults - licensed architects, in their 40's and post-grad's that lived in L.A. - would have little concept of what crime is and that it might possibly exist in DTW. hence my dismissive tone of your initial post. i am too old, and with zero kids, to care much about crime - let me remind you, crime exists everywhere, even where you live - and if i did feel threatened, i am smart enough to handle myself.

Sep 12, 09 7:05 am  · 
liberty bell

Living in Gin posted this to his Facebook, and suddenly I'm feeling remiss in not pointing it out to you guys yet. Here it is, but now I have to get back to housecleaning: having a client over for dinner tonight. No, we're not eating them; we're eating with them.

Sep 12, 09 10:52 am  · 
brian buchalski

had a very nice apéritif yesterday...some kind of raspberry liqueur with champagne that perfectly fits my sun-kissed life...

anyhow, another reason i feel that the "buy a house in detroit" is a bad idea is that i can't think of a reasonable exit strategy. despite the fact that i suggest approaching the commitment as if it were a marriage, i'm practical enough to realize that most marriages don't last forever. so you buy the house, dump a little money but a lot of time and TLC into it but after a couple of years then what? this isn't a likely candidate for "flipping". whoever signs their name to this will be on the hook for a while. a non-profit could be a good idea, but it will probably cost more money to set that up than it will to actually purchase the real estate...and then you need people commit to the non-profit as well as the house (two tasks instead of just one)

if you're really interested in taking action, then why not just squat at an abandoned place? you might very well be able to get away with that for several years provided you keep publicity to a minimum (word-of-mouth, no blogs, no media features, etc.). and should it work out on a longer term basis, keep in mind that 15 years is the default timeline for adverse possession in michigan. worst case scenario here is that you get evicted by attracting an otherwise deadbeat owner back to the city. on the other hand, maybe you could pioneer a kind of turkish geçekondu here in the post-usa*.

and lastly, the proposed free-flow communal nature of the proposed property actually reminds me a lot of a fraternity house. as some light research, perhaps watching [url= House[/url] again should be suggested.

but of all of this is moot until somebody, at the very least, gets on a bus & heads to detroit to do some honest fact-finding. this is not an internet project.

*detroit isn't a third-world place so much as it's a post-first world place.

Sep 12, 09 12:08 pm  · 

Hey LB, look at you getting some publicity.
I am off to do some shopping of the home improvement variety.

Hi all.

Sep 12, 09 2:27 pm  · 
won and done williams

beta, you're definitely not the first to compare detroit and nola. it is a common comparison here in the d. in fact here is an article from this week's detroit metro times.

Sep 12, 09 2:27 pm  · 
Sarah Hamilton

I don't have much time, so I haven't read the latest post. I just wanted to clarify my question. Is there a difference in the ability of the software similar to the 'student version' stamp rationalist mentioned. I am looking at getting the design premium suite in student edition - my brother is a student. Thanks guys.

Sep 12, 09 4:31 pm  · 
__|_|_ |',__|_


First off thank you for the time you took to respond. I do appreciate your explanation vis-à-vis the DT vs. NO simile. Governmental failure pre/post in each city seems to be a(the) pivotal point of your comparison and I can not argue with its validity.

As for the current efforts in NO, as you would say amidst the potential for violence, etc. - I do have my theory - albeit it probably will be dismissed as biased by "emotion" and naive generalization.

The south is just different.

And realizing now, as I've just typed it, that it is nothing more than a personal opinion, that can't really be substantiated - I'll just have to leave it at that.

I find your last paragraph getting defensive again. I really do not want bring things back to that level. I'm almost 40, do have a child and am smart enough to realize that 'dick-sizing' (I'm not trying to fight only trying to add some levity) on the internet is pointless.

By the way, for what it is worth, I liked your life raft metaphor.

Sep 12, 09 6:18 pm  · 

jafid, you're right i'm not and i wanted to make sure i pointed that out.

__|_|_ |',__|_, it's good to have the discussion, i think my last paragraph was just to point out that my participation in that thread was earnestly trying to provide ideas toward the moving forward of the discussion.

Sep 12, 09 6:39 pm  · 
Distant Unicorn

SH, There really is no difference... off the top of my head, I think the only difference is that there might be is that the student version may lack adobe bridge.

However, adobe bridge is only used in server environments... so I doubt there is.

The only difference is that educational version is for not-for-profit use... so if you're not using their software to make money, they don't really care.

In my opinion, Adobe is really lax on home piracy use... they are very aggressive against business piracy though. This even includes the educational version. I think they are lax about it on the home user side because it is good for them to get you addicted to their software.

Adobe is one of the only companies out there that gives out fully functional free trials to their software as well! So I doubt there is any difference between Edu and Full versions.

If you're using the Edu version for personal fulfillment, education, portfolio, resume and type stuff... you should be O.K. using the student version.

Sep 12, 09 8:49 pm  · 
__|_|_ |',__|_


Thank you for your candor and civility in our most recent exchanges.

I do hope we have cleared the air a bit.

Sep 12, 09 9:21 pm  · 

Oh man.

I'm drunk on wine, and USC beating Ohio State.

Also I just watched Bear Grylls kill a reindeer and drink its blood. I realize it's all for the sake of "survival" but I don't know if I can look at him the same again.

That said, he's definitely still hot.

OMG I need sleep. Night all.

Sep 13, 09 2:24 am  · 
Distant Unicorn

WonderK, you still up and drunk?

I dedicate this to our drunkness. And by this I meant the Chewy Chocolate Cookie remix of "Pon De Floor" by Major Lazer.


Sep 13, 09 4:00 am  · 

donna, nice write up, congrats to youse.

Sep 13, 09 2:09 pm  · 

LB congrats on the article - I think I'm going to spread the word. I find the image at the bottom of the page rather engaging especially the billboard that says "you are beautiful." We are teaching formal issues in studio and are focussed alot on the dominant/sub-dominant/subordinate relationship of parts and it just seemed like a rather beautiful example

Sep 13, 09 2:50 pm  · 

hi all...

Sep 13, 09 4:13 pm  · 

Hi nam!

I did some gardening today! Second day in a row! I'm trying to rest my legs now by watching free cable. It's working...

Sep 13, 09 6:15 pm  · 

OH I forgot to mention, I'm watching There Will Be Blood. "I drink your milkshake!" LOL....I love that line.

Sep 13, 09 6:16 pm  · 

just got back from exploring a project site, an amazing piece of industrial land that has nearly been reclaimed by nature, right in the middle of the city! very odd experience walking along the spillway for most of downtown, finding a random 4' piece of fluted limestone column in the woods, walking through an abandoned warehouse that was supposed to be locked (someone else broke the lock, i swear!), and recognizing the places where people have been living out there - noticing they still take the time to make a 'place', even outdoors.

one of the most interesting things was coming up to the edges of the property and scaling a tree or a fence to see where i was in the big scheme of the city and realizing how many different urban conditions it touches along its perimeter. neighborhoods that in my mental map (and my driving memory) are very separated from each other. realizing that they're really very close.

Sep 13, 09 6:44 pm  · 

I created a survey for the Detroit project. Have a look.

Sep 13, 09 7:52 pm  · 
liberty bell

Steven - sounds fun. Last summer I found a park I never knew existed by riding over a bridge off the canal bike path. It's part of Butler University, and I had had no idea it was there!

Your comment about people making a place reminds me of Wes Janz's lecture to the students last year - showing how the Mumbai cab drivers make little lounge spots for resting between shifts.

Sep 13, 09 7:54 pm  · 

Orochi - I too was under the same impression when I first saw abbynormal's thread. Once it dawned on me (why it took me so long I have no clue) I felt the need to let him know that's not how we fly.

LB - Congrats on the write-up. I am so excited about it. Hopefully you'll post photos when the time comes?

SW - That must have been so cool to see. Always cool to hear about those projects.

Anyway, time to get switch the laundry. Am heading to PA tomorrow for the week for work.

Sep 13, 09 9:02 pm  · 

Sarah (&Orochi) there is no different. I got CS2 as a student and haven't experienced any differences. Bridge did come with it, and no it isn't just for servers, I vastly prefer it to using the Finder to browse and organize files, and it's actually my most used program.

Sep 13, 09 9:51 pm  · 

grr, difference not different.

Sep 13, 09 9:52 pm  · 
Living in Gin

I'm still alive...

I've got most of my portfolio done for M.Arch. admissions... 28 pages of it are complete and ready for printing, only four more pages to set up. Unfortunately, those four pages deal with my still-a-work-in-progress Advanced Project, which means I need to design stuff and get it into a presentable format before those pages are ready.

Thankfully, about 2/3 of the portfolio is recycled from my first round of grad school applications back in 2006; the rest is new content from the Columbia summer studio and my Advanced Project. I've made some minor changes to the format, and I'll be having professionally printed instead of trying to do it at home again.

I'll be heading back to Cincinnati next month for the DAAP open house, and my goal is to have a final draft of the portfolio printed by then. It will just be a short weekend trip, but it will be nice to be back home again for a couple days. And if all goes well with admissions at DAAP, my next trip to Cincinnati will be in the late spring, to look for an apartment... It can't happen a moment too soon.

Once I get back from the open house, I'll have some time to make any changes to the portfolio and get it printed. Has anybody used for their printing? I've heard iffy things about, and this outfit seems to offer everything I need at a reasonable price.

In the meantime, this fall I'm taking an Intermediate Algebra/Trigonometry class at the CUNY Borough of Manhattan Community College, which is my punishment for sleeping through my algebra/trig classes in high school 16 years ago. I wish I didn't have to take it, but it will count toward my BA degree and I'll need it as a prerequisite if I need to take Calculus next year. (DAAP doesn't require Calculus, but a couple other schools I'm applying to do.)

On top of all that, I'm trying to hold onto my job... Naturally, the 100% bid set for the huge GSA project I'm working on is due the same week as final exams at BMCC and just before M.Arch. application deadlines. When it rains, it pours...

Sep 13, 09 10:35 pm  · 
Carl Douglas (agfa8x)
Sep 13, 09 11:29 pm  · 
vado retro

way to go Gin! what other schools are you applying to?

Sep 13, 09 11:47 pm  · 
Living in Gin

In order of preference, I'm applying to:

Cincinnati - DAAP
Harvard GSD
University of Oregon
City College of New York

I considered applying to a couple more schools like Ohio State and UW Seattle, but ultimately decided to keep my focus on a handful of schools that I'm most familiar with and where I could actually see myself living and breathing for the next 3+ years, and possibly settling down long-term. (City College is iffy in that regard, as I'm completely burned out with NYC, but that's my safety pick if all else fails.)

Sep 14, 09 12:08 am  · 

Wow I thought Joe Wilson was going to win the "Douchebag of the Week" award but I think he'll have to compete with Kanye West for it.

LIG, that's a good list, but considering the big uptick in grad school applications this year, you might want to consider just a couple more "safety picks".

Sep 14, 09 12:42 am  · 

thats awesome LIG. good luck!

Sep 14, 09 3:27 am  · 

Welcome back LIG, sounds like you have been busy....

That Major Lazer shit made me laugh so hard the first time I saw it.

Sep 14, 09 8:31 am  · 
brian buchalski

is there any chance that this might be the world's longest documented conversation? we been at it for more than three years now?

Sep 14, 09 9:24 am  · 
Living in Gin

I have my reasons for applying to those four schools... I've lived in all four places, I've spent plenty of time on/around each school's campus, toured each school's facilities, and met with faculty in each program. I think I have a good shot at getting into at least a couple of the programs.

I considered going with the "shotgun" approach again, but ultimately decided it would be a waste of time and effort to apply to schools that I really don't have much interest in attending. If I get rejected from all four schools, though, I'll have another year to improve my credentials, save up more money, and explore additional programs.

Sep 14, 09 10:28 am  · 

LiG- knowing your interests, check out uMN's CDES if you can deal with the cold! I'd be happy to help connect you to the maximum transit architecture/[ experience[/url]. Drop me a note if you want more info. Also check out U of Toronto, there is some cool stuff happening there that I could see you grooving too.

Sep 14, 09 12:03 pm  · 

opps- this is the link:
landscape experience

Sep 14, 09 12:40 pm  · 
Sarah Hamilton

Thanks guys. As soon as I get the cash saved, I'm buying the student Ed. Steven, that sounds awesome.

I just sent an uncoventional email to the principle of a local firm that does simple everyday architecture that I actually liked. I told him this too. I haven't heard back and I'm a bit nervous. Sorta like sending that 'i likeyou do you like me - check yes or no' note. They aren't hiring, but maybe just the same.

Sep 14, 09 1:01 pm  · 

Hopefully you can at least get a connect out of it.

Also, Steven looked at your urban "spelunking" photos on Flickr. Looks like fun. Quite a big site and very wilderness looking for an urban site..

Sep 14, 09 1:25 pm  · 
brian buchalski

i can't believe it's mid-september already...i'm late starting my christmas wish list this year!

everybody loves compliments. and flattery can get you everywhere. sending fan mail to architects that you like can be a good idea. i've had a few nice chats this way. it's also wise to do this at such times as you are specifically not looking for a job. amazing how the world can open up for you when you're not always thinking about yourself.

Sep 14, 09 2:28 pm  · 

My Flickr Pro account expired last week. I don't have enough money in my account to renew it :o(

Still waiting to hear from two firms about my next interviews. This situation is so stupid to be in. I hate to start applying for new jobs when I'm talking to two places but I can't NOT apply, I guess....

Sep 14, 09 4:14 pm  · 
Sarah Hamilton

I applied for a admin position at a large construction firm today. My cheif duties would be of the secretarial sort. Maybe I shouldve sent a picture with my application. I'm not above using my looks to get a job; body yes but looks, no.

Puddles you have crushed me. What If he thinks I was just sucking up to get in his office? I really am a fan, and I think I might fit in well.

Sep 14, 09 5:37 pm  · 

keep applying WK. you can always turn a job down if you are in situation where everyone offers you a job. i am certain you will get a job sooner than most cuz you are waaay above average. just the stuf you have talked about here makes that clear and i am sure there is more to you than what you give us online.

good luck SH. don't worry about it. guy would have to be a jerk to be offended by praise from you.

aaagh. i have to prepare two classes fast! aaagh. just thought id vent a bit. beg your forgiveness.

Sep 14, 09 8:37 pm  · 

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