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hope you are feeling better orhan.

wow so much wisdom teeth-ery. amazing. i actually have room for the bloody teeth, but can't keep them clean enough, the buggers. so out they must.

shouldn't complain. i know people who have lost appendages and never bitch. what the fuck can i complain about? but i will.

LB, i know i shouldn't laugh but the crying when you vomit thing sent me on floor. lol. pain is actually fine when it is happening. it is just the bit beforehand that bugs me. stupid, i know.

hurray for cheese!

Sep 2, 09 9:46 pm  · 

completely apropos of nothing at all;

what the hell? i always thought this kind of office was urban myth


Sep 2, 09 10:07 pm  · 

please sent me 2 lt autocats. I wonder what an autocat does, exactly. Does it clean its own litterbox? Or is it a simulacra, made by autofac?

Sep 2, 09 10:42 pm  · 
vado retro

we will need artisinal cheesemakers when the creative class of archinect homestead Detroit.

Sep 2, 09 11:08 pm  · 
liberty bell

Are autocats cousins of keyboard cat?

(That video cracks me up every time. jump, glad you laughed at my vomiting story!)

Sep 2, 09 11:38 pm  · 

just catching up with Mad Men episode 2 of the third season and Ada Louise Huxtable comes into the fro with quoted comments about Madison Square Garden... always interesting when history runs stride with fiction

Sep 3, 09 12:18 am  · 

Morning all,

First off, snook your last two posts were classic...

The lady took me to the local Melting Pot last night for my birthday. First time there. But i have had fondue before.

Also, tumbles sounds like some good news and an opportunity to learn about cheese. What did mdler end up doing? Haven't heard of him in a minute.

Hey jump.

Have a terrific Thursday all!!!

Sep 3, 09 8:47 am  · 
liberty bell

"Now savor the aroma as I cut this cheese...."


Sep 3, 09 9:45 am  · 

nam, is that the southern use of "in a minute"? One of the things I love about southerners talking. Another is the use of "whenever" instead of "when", such as :
"Whenever I was a kid, I liked climbing trees."

I think I'm one disc behind you two in season 2. So don't give away any surprises! I have to try to catch up to this season -- don't know what I'll do about the first few eps of season 3...

yeah i've been wondering what mdler has been up to. garpike, too. I miss garpike.

Sep 3, 09 11:03 am  · 

manta, thanks! and yes, you havent forgotten, the uae. I travel next thursday. freak-out mode!

Sep 3, 09 11:38 am  · 

Yes, as a result of living in the south too long i tend to speak like a southerner, even though i am by birth a Brooklyn boy.

Oh well. I even say y'all and like sweet tea and boiled peanuts, all things i never enjoyed prior to my life down here.

Tumbles, thanks for the info.

Sep 3, 09 12:39 pm  · 

boiled peanuts? Never heard of such a thing. I do know about lovely roasted nuts. In fact we joked about that recently. And I did promise the archi-chicks a picture.

speaking of missing necteurs... has anyone heard anything from mightylittle lately?

Sep 3, 09 6:26 pm  · 

Ya and where be LIG? I hope he is not working to hard or not working at all. I always enjoy his thoughts in this place and his photo journeys.

Kick it up LIG!

Sep 3, 09 6:38 pm  · 

Ya and where be LIG? I hope he is not working to hard or not working at all. I always enjoy his thoughts in this place and his photo journeys.

Kick it up LIG!

Sep 3, 09 6:38 pm  · 
vado retro
Sep 3, 09 7:22 pm  · 

LIG is probably trying to finish his school stuff. I assume??

Archi, exactly.

Nite all.

Sep 3, 09 9:46 pm  · 

Hi friends,

OK I think I'm caught up. First off I'd like to apologize for looking like I'm stoned in the picture at the top of the page. The WonderTechnoMelting was the only thing keeping me awake at that particular moment as the fires had my head so congested that I was nursing a 48-hour headache (please see volcanic-like picture for proof of poor air quality)...

Now then:

Steven!!! How did I miss that you got partner? That's super cool. Congrats! Also I'm tired of telling you how gorgeous your children are so I won't do it this time, LOL.

nam - Happy belated birthday!

Slart - That's an awfully nice bike! What is it? And what a funny coincidence, and picture. Incidentally I just caught up with my ex (NOT ExWonderMan - I don't want to speak to him for a while) and we had a very nice exchange, and he's doing well. I'm glad for him, but there's always a bit of melancholy involved, isn't there?
PS. Yes, LA is considered Southern California, and the rest of California don't really like SoCal too much, just as a matter of interest. Also this Station Fire is apparently the worst in LA history, according to NPR today. Take some Sudafed with you when you go - that's what finally helped me!

Oh, and here's my wisdom tooth story: It was hilarious. I was 20 when I got all 4 of them removed. I wasn't really in pain but I woke up laughing and crying at the same time, and I convinced a friend of mine to drive me to a party for a going-away coworker that same evening. I looked like a chipmunk but managed to stick it out for a while. Until I got back in her car and puked in my lap on the way home!!! Ha. Stories involving ralphing are funny.

I had in-person interview #2 with a company today. I do believe they still like me and are planning on offering me... another round of interviews! Ding ding ding! I win! Ha ha. I know it sounds ridiculous but I was recently informed by a friend of mine that architecture firms' brief hiring process is somewhat unusual, and considering that this position will be more technical, I totally understand that they want to be thorough. So I'm just trying to stay zen.

PPS. rationalist, I am sending you hugs!

PPPS. n_____, I am a little jealous that you are hitting 5 of the 6 Midwestern states I haven't made it to yet! Nebraska, Iowa, South Dakota, Montana, Wyoming...someday when I have money. Le sigh...

Sep 4, 09 3:46 am  · 

you should try that drive in 4 days or less. not fun...
my first time was a pretty similar path:


the badlands are amazing, there is a loop you can drive from just past kadoka (state road 44?) and devils tower is a hop from the 90.

mt rushmore ain't worth the trip. and i don't really have a thing for dudes on motorcycles, so sturges was a bust.

the drive through northern wyoming and montana was amazing, especially at night. i kinda miss road trips. the only states i haven't been to now are wisconsin and hawaii. time to change that (at least w/ hawaii, i've got plenty of good cheese and beer here in the NW)

it might be time haul down to arches NP & chaco, though...


good luck w/ the interview. does not sound like a fun process. yikes.

Sep 4, 09 4:24 am  · 

thanks, all, for the congrats on my partnership. you probably missed it because i didn't post it here!

actually happened several months ago and only came up recently because i posted on fb last week that i just got my cards that say 'architect/partner'. woohoo!

you know what partnership means? more talking about planning, employees, marketing, and money and less working on projects...

Sep 4, 09 7:06 am  · 

for you Lapsed Scouts or Failed Scouts here's your chance at REVENGE!

Sep 4, 09 8:13 am  · 

that is perfectly awesome steven. sounds fun to me. running office is as much of a kick as design i think.

finding time to have life on top of that seems hardest part. forgive me for asking but do you actually get to work office hours as partner?

Sep 4, 09 10:12 am  · 

So sometimes hardwork does pay off: the result of a three day charrette with one of my side projects ended up in the Boston Globe's online section today. They lovingly removed the night sky from the rendering, so some of the intended atmosphere is lost, and also got some of the description wrong, but so be it.

Semester is off to a good start at work - haven't been online because I've been doing a lot of maintenance in the shop and whatnot. I always feel so out of the loop when I step back into the TC ring, missing a week is no different than missing a year.

This weekend is going to result in my locking myself in my room (with maybe a little motorcycle ride to enjoy the weather) to work on my portfolio and to do some electronics prototyping. Grad school apps are going to be here before I know it and I need to stay on top of my game!

Sep 4, 09 10:38 am  · 

When is was 17 I spent two weeks camping in the Badlands with a buch of school mates. It was a blast. It is the most amazing place after a rain storm when all the clays show their colors to the fullest...and it is even better when it is at the end of a day with a blazing red sunset. It has to be one of the best outdoor experiences I have had. The only thing close is the four float trips I have taken
down the green and colorado river thru the confluence. You really get a sense of how small we are when your looking up at the canyon walls, and when a twenty four foot raft falls in to a hole and totally dissapears as the river rages aound you.

Sep 4, 09 10:52 am  · 

nice work pixel, i can't understand why they'd do that kind of editing, seems dim if you ask me.

Sep 4, 09 11:02 am  · 

Thanks b3ta! not sure why they'd do that either, as it was an intentional move on our part to show a night shot. That being said, there's no such thing as bad publicity so we'll take what we can.

I've posted the [url =]originally submitted image on my blog[/url] if anyone cares to look.

Sep 4, 09 11:25 am  · 

damn code not liking extra spaces... here's the link

Sep 4, 09 11:28 am  · 

WK - Thanks for the heads up. As for the bike, its a first gen SV650 - 650cc V-Twin. Not a bad bike, but I do have my eye on some Ducatis and BMWs. There is something so wrong (and so right) about lusting after a piece of machinery. Would never sell this one though, due to sentimental value and a well rounded commuter. You know, the reason I was taken aback from the call was because she was so NOT melancholy. She was all upbeat and bright, and talked fast. The same exact tone she had when we were together. She always did that though, talked as if we had talked all along - it was just extra shocking this time around because we haven't properly talked or met in over a year. Hell, she only stopped doing the "hey its me" only because I called her out on it. You can't "hey its me" me after a year of not talking!

BTW - that picture from I-95 was actually funnier before it was cropped. I had to crop out my brother's face, but he had this expression, a mixture of laughing, shock, and trying to not be in the shot all at the same time.

Sep 4, 09 12:13 pm  · 

Slart: Regarding the machinery lust, I know the feeling. I love the new Ducatis and BMWs, but could never picture myself riding one. Someday when I live somewhere with a garage I really want to pick up an old Triumph or CB750 and have a go at bobbing it. Until then I'll be content with my two-stroke.

Sep 4, 09 12:25 pm  · 

Pixel - Don't want to turn this into a motorcycle conversation, but what bike do you have? I thought they stopped producing 2 strokes for the states? Due to pollution right? Although I hear that was with carb'ed bikes, so I wonder if they're any better with fuel injection. I like the idea of getting more power from smaller displacement with lighter and fewer parts.

I also like older bikes because they're simpler and easier to maintain. For me that is the downside of some of these newer fancier bikes with computer programming involved.

Why am I so old-school? I just received an e-mail notice about my mom's new facebook account. I don't have a facebook account.

Sep 4, 09 1:54 pm  · 

Just in case your wondering Autocat lt 2010 takes full command andis built for drafting. One stream lined furball.

Sep 4, 09 2:02 pm  · 

pixel - congrats on getting your work out there! interesting project...

in my experience the globe often edits and rarely gives firms and/or artists credit for renderings. you (or your marketing person) really have to spell things out for them or else they'll do whatever the hell they want.

Sep 4, 09 2:13 pm  · 
liberty bell

That seems really unethical for a print publication to just edit someone else's image at will.

But the project looks very cool, pixel!

Sep 4, 09 2:27 pm  · 

oh, they do it all the time. I've had images cropped, re-colored (in a more dramatic way than just changing the sky), the works. I do find it a bit odd that they left that glow around the building though.

Sep 4, 09 2:40 pm  · 

I've got a '76 Suzuki GT500. Its fairly simple: kick start only but has a pointless ignition. Dialing in the carbs has been a lot more challenging than I thought and I'm at the point where I'm debating taking it to a tuner rather than continue monkeying with it every month or so in an attempt to get things right. Its my intent to do a cafe/bob hyrbid, akin to the bikes that Wrenchmonkees and Gravel Crew have put out, I just haven't had the time this summer to do it.

Sep 4, 09 2:56 pm  · 

wow I'm a jerk... TO and LB, thanks!

Sep 4, 09 3:07 pm  · 

I learnt to ride on a Kx80 two stroke, single gas (no mix) with a kick stand. It was a dream I thought, small, light and incredibly noisy!!! I did have a go on a similar Suzuki as there were loads around Jamaica growing up. I couldn't get and still can't get over how comfy the seat is - even after many many years. But don't tell my mum that I've ridden she'll have a heart attack.

Sep 5, 09 12:29 am  · 

in honour of all of those who've made road trips out of Ohio (granted I think we all flew)

Sep 5, 09 12:34 am  · 

I'm not too sure what happened

Sep 5, 09 12:35 am  · 

as if america didn't have a bad enough reputation, this comes along....

only in america would a doctor publicly support froot loops as proper nutrition with the argument that "you know a harried parent needs to make a quick decision about what to give kids for breakfast and this helps them to decide quickly between a donut and something better" (not actual quote).

my god, but if the average american don't know that donuts are not a good breakfast choice there is a serious cultural problem.


Sep 5, 09 5:44 am  · 

donuts are food? hey if they are good enuf for homer simpson, they should be good enuf for my kid!

Sep 5, 09 5:56 am  · 
vado retro

great now i'm craving a donut. thanks.

Sep 5, 09 10:07 am  · 

ugh, fruit loops are one of the most disgusting things I've ever tasted. I never even liked them as a kid, have a hard time understanding the appeal. I do have a weakness for Frosted Flakes though.

OMG, it's almost pumpkin donut season at Krispy Kreme. That's not just a donut thing--add pumpkin to almost anything and I'm sold. YUM.

Sep 5, 09 11:44 am  · 

Krispy Kreme? Is that like a Dunkin' Donuts knock-off or something? :-)

Sep 5, 09 12:01 pm  · 

Actually i crave junk cereal like Fruit Loops and Corn Pops, Frosted Flakes sometimes.

Probably why my teeth aren't so good.
At least i am thin,.

Sep 5, 09 3:07 pm  · 
liberty bell

I've been avoiding high fructose in just about everything for the last few years, but I admit I sometimes crave Apple Jacks and Froot Loops.

And, I eat donuts that I get at the local dive diner/bakery. DOn't know if they use high fructose but I doubt it - I swear I can tell if something has it or not by now.

techno, my mom still doesn't know I regularly drove a Vespa in college. Knowing moms, of course, she does know, but is being polite about it and not berating me.

Started the day with a 2 mile walk/run, the first since May. I'm sadly, pitifully out of shape. Then walked around the zoo for four hours. I'm whipped.

Sep 5, 09 4:09 pm  · 


americans might think that doughnuts and fruit loops are a healthier breakfast, because they'll believe just about anything.

speaking of doughnuts, top pot for breakfast tomorrow sounds like a great idea!

sooo much better than krispy kreme (yech!)

Sep 5, 09 4:36 pm  · 

lol, holz.

i was going to follow up with another article in the ny times about right-wing wingnuts in usa were asking parents to pull their kids from school so they would not have to see upcoming broadcast by obama where he talked about how kids should stay in school and why eduction is important. apparently obama would brainwash all those kids into becoming socialists.

it does explain the why of donuts for breakfast however. clearly, education is a problem.

but you know what, i thought of an upside. since most of the crazies are white then this is actually a pretty good thing. everyone but the white folks are gonna get the message and stay in school and the education gap between african americans and caucasians might reverse. who knew improving the cause of minorities could come down to crazy-ass limbaugh and friends encouraging folks to leave school because their education was dangerous?

america is such an interesting country. the republicans are getting all fascist and someone out there is probably writing a little red book or two as well...

Sep 5, 09 7:56 pm  · 


i think it's awesome that you're clued in to reality, whereas most wingnuts here ain't. it's a little frustrating. and yeah, most of the folks we know overseas are amazed at what's going on as well. especially w/ health care.

the thing about the obama telecast in school cracks me up. it was o.k. when reagan did it, it was o.k. when bush (el primo) did it, but when obama does it, it's indoctrination by the 'american hitler'

ironically, it'll probably be the talk at numerous churches tomorrow.

hypocrisy is rampant amongst wingnuts.

Sep 5, 09 8:16 pm  · 

wing nut sling nut....going to watch Brazil play Argentina tonight...with my wife and a friend from Canada....the only thing it is pay for view and well it is in I will have to listen very carefully as both of them are I guess I will have another beer to peak my ears....night all! Hope you be rooting foe Brazil!

Sep 5, 09 8:27 pm  · 
liberty bell

I've been saying it for years: IQ test before you're allowed to bear children. Only slightly tongue-in-cheek.

Here's an experiment: I have SO much to get done in the next week that I'm going to limit my Archinect time. To do this I'm going to log out, so if I really really really need to comment on something, I'll have to log back in, which I'm generally lazy enough that I won't do.

So I'll be reading, but not posting, for the next several days to a week....I hope.

Have a great Labor Day everyone! And remember to celebrate labor by resting, or something like that.

Sep 5, 09 9:20 pm  · 

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