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my hard-drive at work is toast. crapped out because of a virus on thursday a.m. (yes, the day before the deadline on the biggest project i've ever done) and i was told today that it didn't come back.

bummer. i don't really know what was stored on it - and i guess i won't until i start missing things. here's hoping most of the important stuff was saved on the network.

hard-drive has to be replaced; don't know if i'll have a computer back tomorrow or not so, in the meantime, i'm squatting at other people's desks as they go out and working from my phone.


Sep 14, 09 8:41 pm  · 

my day started with comments from a building offical plan review...and the day went down hill from there....but I will survive.

I hate general comments like the doors don't seem to swing in the right direction...."Like Which Fricking Doors are you talking about?"
Being this is an addition.....I didn't do the doors for the last project which were reviewed by the same building inspector....and they were just fine last time.

Oh well enough anger....for one day.

Sep 14, 09 9:28 pm  · 
Distant Unicorn

I promise to try not to derail any more threads. I will try to stay on topic. Sorry, TC'ers.

Sep 14, 09 9:58 pm  · 
liberty bell

Steven, your firm really should buy you a laptop.

Then again, I'm sure you're happy not to have to take work home.

Sep 14, 09 10:10 pm  · 

WonderK, Sarah and Jump good luck!!!

I am hoping to get to bed a bit earlier tonight.

Also, i found the bike i want..

From this Designboom interview with Michael Young


Sep 14, 09 10:35 pm  · 

not that I am in the market for one..

Sep 14, 09 10:35 pm  · 

That bike sure is pretty.

Sep 14, 09 10:54 pm  · 

can't believe this hasn't happened yet...

Sep 14, 09 11:04 pm  · 

also... i'm looking to buy a lamp that hangs on the wall..for my bed and for my couch... i don't have room in either place for a floor i'm looking for something that extends out similar to the tolomeo wall lamp. anyone know any other lamps that do something similar?

Sep 14, 09 11:06 pm  · 
liberty bell

is nice. I've used Tolomeo (hard wired) in a bathroom, they look lovely and work really well.

I have a cold. Or allergies, or a lingering attack of mold spores from the washing machine that overflowed into a pile of lint three weeks ago. In any case, I feel crappy enough to forego alcohol at 5pm today and *that* says something.

DubK, hope your wine buzz didn't leave you headachey.

Sep 14, 09 11:39 pm  · 

LB sorry about your cold/allergy, try Sudafed (as I wink at Wonder K/*m)

Looking at those lights makes me want to go look at the archinect group [living space] on flickr - haven't been there in a while.

it's late going to turn in with some robot chicken

Sep 15, 09 1:05 am  · 

Morning all, Archi, i love robot chicken..

Also, i didn't know there was as Archinect Flickr group. Are there anymore?

Sep 15, 09 8:10 am  · 
Sarah Hamilton

Morning. Still no response from the firm. I guess it has only been twentyfour hours. I'll stop being neurotical. Which makes me wonder why isn't it neurotical instead of just neurotic. I think I like the al. That's right, there goes another architect thinking she can design and change anything.

Which reminds me, I used a sewing machine on Sunday. I didn't sew anything just a scrap hem. Like a study model, but it was great fun.

Just so you know, if there is a national food shortage, you can blame Abram. He wastes more than he eats.

And because of him I use the iPhone almost exclusivly for 'necting. Please forgive any odd words or crappy punctuation

Sep 15, 09 8:39 am  · 
liberty bell

Sarah, I wrote a fan mail to Bennie Gonzales recently. It was before he died, but I never heard a response, and I guess I didn't really expect one, though obviously it would have been nice to hear back. I wrote to him to tell him how much I love his work and that I can very clearly point to his Scottsdale Civic Library (since raped by a contemporary renovation/addition) as one of the main influences on me becoming an architect.

Also, I don't know if neurotical is a word, but I always use "neurote" when I can't stop thinking and worrying and thinking and worrying about some small thing. That's not a word either, I don't think, but I don't neurote over that fact.

Sep 15, 09 9:39 am  · 
Sarah Hamilton

See to me 'neurote' sounds like a person who neurates. I think we could give ole mirriam Webster a run for his money.

Sep 15, 09 11:08 am  · 

webster didn't make the memes, just jotted them down. nope, you ladies are genuine wordsmiths. much much higher up the karmic ladder.

Sep 15, 09 11:56 am  · 
brian buchalski

i had pretty much forgotten about play doh...guess i'm getting old

Sep 15, 09 11:59 am  · 

Thanks jump and nam!  You guys are so nice.  nam that bike is lovely.  AND it has disc brakes, which is a must for my next set of 2 wheels....

lars!  I have some exciting news for you.  Will email later...

liberty bell, I am right there with you actually.  As techno and ****melt can attest, I got a terrible congestion headache from the LA fires 2 weeks ago, and unfortunately I think the initial irritation has led to the beginnings of another sinus infection.  With me it could be anything - I've definitely gotten sinus infections from just smelling mold - and I get them once or twice a year, so this is nothing unusual.  EXCEPT THIS TIME, I DON'T HAVE HEALTH INSURANCE SO I CAN'T GO TO A DOCTOR.  I'm still waiting to see if it manifests as a sure thing, and if so, I think I might ask for an Rx from the ER doctor/landlady of my friend's apartment, where I stayed for the majority of my first 2 months here.    It would be nice if it was like Europe where you can just walk into a pharmacy, say "I have a sinus infection" and they give you what you need.  In fact, I should ask the Tea Party Protesters if the "market will take care of" my sinus infection, too...

Sep 15, 09 12:11 pm  · 
brian buchalski

an alternative to cheap houses in detroit, free land in kansas...i wonder if there is any left?

Sep 15, 09 12:23 pm  · 

wk... sweet. i could use some exciting news. and maybe some work... things are really slowin down at the moment.

Sep 15, 09 12:49 pm  · 

also... sorry to hear about the sinus infection... i have a deviated septum and allergies so i get them alot. i've just gotten used to them over time.

i don't understand the vehemence in the health care debate... it seems only natural that everyone should be able to get healthcare at a reasonable rate that doesn't take years to pay off... when i was in norway after i left school i got mono. i walked into a doctor's office and was seen by the doctor in less than an hour... she did a quick diagnosis and thought she knew, but sent me to get a blood test as well. all of this cost me 100 KRONER... that was 16 dollars...without health insurance. yeah... socialist countries have it totally backwards.

Sep 15, 09 12:57 pm  · 

my day started out with me barely missing this. Thankfully no one was seriously hurt... Yesterday they narrowly avoided a head-on collision at another station where I was at about 15 minutes before...

... and just the other day I was going on about how I love the commuter rail...

only one week in and the BAC is already starting to kick my ass. if I didn't have this craft and technique fetish (oops - should have gone to sci-arch...), I'd probably have spent about 1/4 of the time on my first assignment. Of course they give us this "suggested" reading on scarpa, and I'm going to want to construct a drawing that shows my drawing process... dug out the blue lead and went to town doing construction lines that will never be erased - mistakes and all... I really missed drawing. laying lead to paper feels almost like foreplay - my wife is very jealous of my mayline.

all you rhino-kids have no idea what you're missing... spending a week constructing a drawing... yes, it's slow, but it feels sooooo good.

Sep 15, 09 7:39 pm  · 
liberty bell

Ooooh, mmmm, toasteroven, I like your post.....laying lead to paper does, indeed, feel like foreplay. Nice.

Sep 15, 09 8:45 pm  · 

i love "cutting" lines in with a 2h lead - in a lead holder - something about the way a line cuts into vellum that gets my blood hot.

Sep 15, 09 9:38 pm  · 
Sep 15, 09 9:41 pm  · 
feels almost like foreplay - my wife is very jealous of my mayline

wow I couldn't say it better. Students had their first critique today formal studies - was very impressed by the effort. I got drenched in the rain an hour before the crit trying to get a bite to eat on campus.

going to watch the rest of the robot chicken and maybe have an early night.... maybe archinect has this awful habit of calling me back in

Sep 15, 09 9:47 pm  · 

oh nam, there's also this group. Also there is a group called architecture sucks but it has nothing to do with us

Sep 15, 09 9:58 pm  · 

Liberty I was blessed with the opportunity to have him work as a consultant to our office on a project in Sedona. He was a ripping Grand Architect who never got his respect. I did my banking on Camel Back just because the building was such a sweety.

You know if he was feeling good I'm sure he would have written you as he seemed to be the real thing.

Other big guy "Matisse is having some health problems and we are real concerned." Took him to the vet on Friday and again today. He is having some strange behavior. You know falling asleep when he is standing up.. the Vet as nice as she is ...can't tell us what is going on but from the glazing of her eyes it doesn't look good... he is like a kid to us. They can't seem to pin it down to as a fiddle, low heart rate, responds to all the sensory test. Mrs. B did a video of him today which we took to the vet on a CD. She thanked us and said it would be of help....cause you know when you take your dog to the Vet...they get all excited...and well the behavior would not happen there. So instood of going with the expensive nurological test for brain tumors...were going for medicine which might take care of it if it is not related to the brain. All the test would do is tell us sooner than later he will be running free with the big dogs....where there are no fences...and you can eat whatever you want..

Sep 15, 09 11:08 pm  · 

Still alive somewhere in Central PA, but very, very tired

snook - sending good vibes to Matisse. My heart goes out to you and Mrs B during this time. Hope everything turns out for the best.

Nite all.

Sep 15, 09 11:24 pm  · 
vado retro

snook i hope it works out with the pooch!

Sep 15, 09 11:31 pm  · 

Oh snook, my thoughts are with you and the Mrs. and Matisse! I have only been in my new place for a week and a half and already the dog here has stolen my heart. She's the sweetest, most charming 120-lb Rottweiler I've ever met. I will send good vibes your way!

And I forgot to mention, I am the admin of the Archinect Flickr group so just ask to join and I'll add you.

Sep 16, 09 12:23 am  · 

...that last bit was meant for everyone, not necessarily snook.

Ok, back to the Fortress of Solitude....

Sep 16, 09 12:25 am  · 

Snook good luck.

Some co workers had pet trouble recently but their dogs came out ok. Here's hoping!!

Morning everybody else.

Sep 16, 09 8:35 am  · 

I love that bit about lead to paper, thanks toasteroven -- you have made me miss my mayline...! I love the haptics of drawing, it is indeed something I miss. So many students today completely miss out on that not-so-subtle pleasant sensation. I miss my leadholder, too -- one of my favorite surprise loves. And blue lead! ahhh!

rationalist : I "discovered" Bridge a few months ago and FLIPPED OUT -- I have been looking for just such a program, and didn't know it existed! Bridge is FANTASTIC. You can apply metadata to your photos and search them all instantly. Who wouldn't use that?!?! That's awesome. It puts pathetic crappy iPhoto to shame (if anyone even still uses iPhoto). You can resize your thumbnails up and down as you're searching, and there's no lag time... it's fantastic.

Sep 16, 09 9:40 am  · 
brian buchalski

if laying lead to paper is foreplay...then no wonder all my attempts at ink on mylar looked like a jackson pollack splatter fest.

Sep 16, 09 11:42 am  · 

good luck with the pup, snook.

manta, seriously. Bridge is almost always open on my computer, I never use the Finder anymore (that's like Explorer for you PC's). I love the extra sorting options, like sorting by dimensions when I'm looking for a hi-res image.

Sep 16, 09 12:24 pm  · 
Ms Beary

Hi all! I've been on vacation for 2 weeks, but I'm back! Amazing what time to think can do for a person. I've toyed with idea of going to grad school for years, and have decided to persuing an MBA program for next fall. BUT I have to figure out if I'm getting an MBA with emphasis on small business (for my jewelry biz or architecture), or real estate and construction (be a developer). The idea of leaving architecture is so compelling, but will I like being a RE developer any better? Would I be able to develop my own projects right away or do an internship? Is running a small jewelry business and making a living really feasible? Do I spend the money and get a good degree from the University of Denver? Or one from an online degree mill? I guess I should make an appointment and go see what it is all about... start eliminating options to find my destiny. :)

About the Detroit thread: I'm totally into collaborative efforts. How about we develop a project? An artist's community... live/work/grow. Or a senior living community.

Sep 16, 09 12:30 pm  · 

welcome back beary!!!

Sep 16, 09 12:55 pm  · 
liberty bell

Sending "get better" vibes to Matisse, snook. It's so hard to see our pets hurt and not be able to ask "What's wrong?!"

manta, I still use iPhoto because I didn't know there was an alternative. I've never been happy with it, but have finally come to a reasonable understanding of it. Is this Bridge thing something I should check out? Sounds like it is....

A project we thought had slipped away is suddenly back on. I'm very happy about this, my partner less so, which leads me to the realization that 4.5 years in we might be finally figuring out how to work together.

Sep 16, 09 1:16 pm  · 

i hope matisse is alright snook_daddy.

Sep 16, 09 1:26 pm  · 
brian buchalski

why buy a cheap house in detroit when you could make a bid on the iconic & historic structure with 127 acres? there's your venue for archinect conference/archifest.

interesting too that one of the city councials proposals is "to run a demolition school at the site, allowing students to dismantle the structure, and letting the city sell the scrap."

Sep 16, 09 1:57 pm  · 

Wow puddles, that's depressing. But you're right - we should buy the Silverdome instead!

Actually I'd like to see them just turn off all the electricity, the water, everything and let it go back to nature... just like that book "The World Without Us". Just to see what happens.

Sep 16, 09 2:24 pm  · 
brian buchalski

costs $1.5 million a year in upkeep, security & insurance. it opened in 1975 with at a cost of $56 million...and they think they might get $500,000 dollars for it today.

of course, detroit has a notorious history of real estate deals. the renaissance center cost $500 million in 1971 to build but was later sold to general motors for just $73 million in 1997 (although they spent another $500 million on renovation).

Sep 16, 09 3:37 pm  · 

Hey folks

kinda of a crazy thought, but what there was a giant hole
in the ground that we used for a stadium? wouldnt that be
cool? itd be like a bowl in the ground that you walk down into, the
seats are nothing but grassy ground, that youd have to cut every
now and then, you could use some sort of organic paint to mark
of the difference between steps and seats. Im pretty sure there
would be alot of other factors that provide a challenge like
bathrooms, badweather, and maybe lighting, so the project would
have to be well designed and thought out, just like any other.
anyway just a crazy idea, maybe itll come back to me when i
become an architect.

in other news
Some of you may remeber me being a graffiti artist, i recently
put my stencils on canvas and gave away some of my work to a classmate, he loved it and now wants 7 or 8 more designs and he's paying me a modicum amount but this is the first time anyone has paid me for my work, YES!!! you guys are the first to know that, I dont think my siblings would appreciate the news (lazy bums)

Sep 16, 09 3:56 pm  · 


not sure why you'd be ashamed of selling art..even if it is graff.
there are a ton of stencil artists out there making lots of money selling canvases..even if they're doing illegal stuff on the side...

here are a few examples from my contacts on flickr:

selling paintings is always a great feeling... and i'm always amazed when someone wants to buy something i've created... nothin like getting a couple hundred in cash for a piece of wood with paint you put on it.. never gets old.

plus...the idea of a stadium into the earth is not totally new..although having it be all grass/natural would be..(how would you drain it?)... michigan stadium for one has the entrance at close to the top of the you can sort of see into the stadium from above.

Sep 16, 09 4:25 pm  · 

o lars im not ashamed im quite proud,
and yea i dont know how one would
drain a stadium such as that if it filled up, man that would
suck, and it would have to be a certain area of ground right?
we dont want to make a swamp

Sep 16, 09 4:58 pm  · 
brian buchalski
seksi buttons

= genius...why can't i have any good ideas?

is it because i'm drunk?...maybe i'm not drunk enough?!...ah ha!!!...

Sep 16, 09 6:43 pm  · 


I have been feelign shitty by the end of the work day teh last two days..

Sep 16, 09 7:48 pm  · 

Philarct, nice work! And a cool idea. Perhaps we should just buy some land and do that instead. Perhaps I have too many ideas....

Today I harvested a bunch of Concord grapes straight off the vine, and I'm in the process of making grape juice. Quite a lot of juice. Like multiple gallons of it. My fingers are crossed that I did everything right and it doesn't taste like crap...

Also, on a TOTALLY unrelated note, a girl that I went to high school with recently moved to LA and is attending nursing school. Apparently they learned about intubation the other day, and during class her professor intubated himself!!!. And yes, that is a YouTube link. Totally crazy....I watched it with my jaw open. No pun intended.

Sep 16, 09 9:31 pm  · 

hi all. Tonight was the exhibition and it went pretty well. The turn out wasn't as expected but it meant the suffering students were able to gouge alot more than expected. The charm of the night was being entertained by my students who had my laughing non-stop and the bartender refilling my wine so the jokes seemed even funnier as the night went by.

I love college - that's all I can say. G'night

Sep 16, 09 11:58 pm  · 

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