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Living in Gin

30 years ago today: Disco Demolition Night at Comiskey Park

Jul 12, 09 10:00 pm  · 

Glad to hear your mum is alright Atechno. Hope your sinuses feel better soon. I must be having sympathy pains or something b/c my throat has been bothering me all weekend.

Jul 12, 09 10:35 pm  · 

we went canoeing on lake under mt. fuji yesterday (totally awesome in spite of the rather annoying traffic on busy road between mountain and lake). spent night in cabin in woods. had bbq. pretty good weekend all in all. first proper holiday in a very long time.

Jul 13, 09 2:19 am  · 

designLab - architects for the breuer library expansion in grosse pointe - are hiring. a good sign?

anyway, home, back to work, and just checking in: check.

Jul 13, 09 7:59 am  · 
brian buchalski

those naked people on the cover of magazines are sexy...but if esquire really wanted to trump gq then they should have used string emil

Jul 13, 09 10:36 am  · 

my weekend included a road trip up to the north shore. The highlight was a pint of fitger 20/20 (made with 20 different hops), though the views were also nice.

Jul 13, 09 12:33 pm  · 

Spotted elsewhere on the web - an excerpt from Douglas Adams' Hitchhikers' Guide to the Galaxy that doesn't quite feel right:

* "Anything that is in the world when you were born is normal and ordinary and is just a natural way the world works.
* "Anything that is invented between the time when you are 15 to 35 is new, revolutionary, and exciting, and you can possibly get a career in it.
* "Anything invented after you are 35 is against the natural order of things."

and a time sink things on a white background that might just be useful...

Jul 13, 09 2:04 pm  · 

Jump - That sounds awesome. I don't recall seeing Mt.Fuji during my short stay in Japan although I should've seen it near Tokyo. Japan is my top choice for the country I want to visit again, so maybe I'll have another shot at it. The only japanese phrase I used while in Japan that equivolent to the sounds of Godzilla (since they literally ran away from me..... politely): "Eigo ga wakarimasu ka?"

TK - Maybe the 15 and 35 cut off point are a bit arbitrary, but I think thats an interesting take. I think its one of those British humor things where its saying something profound with some truth to it under the guise of it being totally goofy because it is delivered in such a matter of fact way. Without the 15 and 35 figures and the dry humor, its actually a quite a concept. Maybe I'm biased because I am one of the characters that he made up.

Here is an update on my ridiculous 100mph speeding ticket episode: I've been offered a plea deal that is reasonable. It would be equivolent to 1-10mph over the speed limit which I can admit to. I have to basically take the plea deal because it won't be worth me going to fight it anymore (other than having to swallowing my pride and principals). Sorry folks, I live another day to be another one of those hooligan motorcyclists (OK, not really, but people seem to assume anyone on a motorcycle is a hooligan anyway).

BTW, I started posting on some other forums and I appreciate the fact that ARCHINECT does not censor.

Jul 13, 09 2:51 pm  · 


i saw that too. really like their work, and the office looks fairly entertaining place to work. they should really relcoate to the pacNW

in other the economy might be turning around news, holz just got a raise. ftw?

Jul 13, 09 4:00 pm  · 

- i can't spell anymore. again, ftw.

Jul 13, 09 4:02 pm  · 
vado retro

i wonder if that hire has to do with gppl as it states somethingabout a renovation. also, its a temporary gig.

Jul 13, 09 4:05 pm  · 
Sarah Hamilton

Wow, you guys went through 2-3 pages in my absence.

Heres a breif recap...

Thursday - Cleaned my mom's house for money.
Friday - Drove my grandmother to her bank - 3 HOURS AWAY - and back

Then took my mom and grandmother, and Abram, to Ikea for the first time on Saturday. My Grandmother hated it.

Sunday, Husband built me some shelves and a little booster chair for Abram to use at the table. He used scrap 2x4, 2x6, and 4x4s, and then I had him put some shelf brackets on the back for Ornament - and then he burnished it with a star of texas theme. It looks very Texas Land and Cattle company. I guess I should post a picture, btu that would require me to get up, take a photo, load the photo, blah blah blah - and I'm just not up to it.

I think its strange that the GQ cover was censored there, because it hasnt been anywhere I've seen it.

Puddles, I'm glad you are alive.

Techno, I'm glad you get to interview Graves, and I think people have brought up great questions.

Hi Strawbeary - How are things?

Its nice to be missed.

Jul 13, 09 4:46 pm  · 
brian buchalski

yeah man...other sites that censor suck. i can't stand those places.

Jul 13, 09 5:45 pm  · 


was awesome indeed. mt fuji is visible from a few places in the city but i have only seen it once by accident when standing on a bridge crossing the street in shinjuku (i think). up close is pretty cool. don't think i will try climbing the damn thing, but a few of my friends have done so and claimed to enjoy it.

let me know if you roll through japan again.

Jul 13, 09 8:21 pm  · 


My garbage disposal crapped out on me this weekend so I went and bought a new one. Took the old one out, no problem, connect the new plug, no problem: tried to put the new flange on and I can't get on the f*cking wire o-ring which means I can't get the damn thing to screw on correctly. Normally I'd call up my handy-dandy brother to help me out, but he's currently in a paranoid manic state and the meds. he's taking don't seem to be working. FML!!!!

Jul 13, 09 9:56 pm  · 

was thinking of posting this in the "layoff" thread, but I think it'd be more appreciated here:

japanese robot layoff could lead to robot rebellion and the eventual naked return of Arnold Schwartzenegger - which the current GQ cover is foreshadowing.

Jul 13, 09 11:32 pm  · 

sorry - didn't realize second link had violence - so NSFW.

Jul 13, 09 11:34 pm  · 
liberty bell

Thanks fays. I think the SANAA pavilion is lovely.

melt, sorry about your garbage disposer frustrations.

The internet is bugging me lately. So many nasty people. Maybe it's the lousy economy making people act so mean?

Jul 14, 09 7:45 am  · 

i think the internet just attracts nasty people sometimes. is only place they can get a hearing, maybe...

good luck with garbage disposal thing melt. you know i have never had one of those. what is it for actually? does it actually dispose of garbage so you don't have to take bags to the curb?

a curious day at work today. but in a good way. sent in final images + text for korean magazine who asked us if they could feature a project (as if we would say no!)....then got e-mail saying my article written for Town and Country Planning was quite good ( i totally expected mail saying i suck horribly)....worked on new house project that is interestingly frustrating....then sat down to talk with pair of academics visiting from the UK and had very good conversation.

Then got a phone call from some production company that wants to put real architects in their commercial for something they are selling and would we mind if they dropped by the office. they found us over the inter-nets ( people can find us on that thing!??? ) and of course we said certainly no problem...

am quite certain they will take one look at us and decide we look far too little like brad pitt, but wow what kind of day is this? it is so far from typical i am kind of afraid to write about it here for fear of jinxing it all... but sheesh, this is just way too surreal to not tell SOMEbody....;-)

sometimes i think the life of an architect is just ready-made for interesting things and goings on.

Jul 14, 09 8:11 am  · 
liberty bell

Every day is a new learning opportunity, right, jump? Congrats on the wacky opportunities coming your way - and for myself, if the product was a decent one, I'd gladly pose as a real architect for an ad!

Jul 14, 09 9:43 am  · 

Happy Bastille Day! Viva la revolution!

We issued a big press release about a new project this morning - if it gets picked up, i'll share the links.

Jul 14, 09 10:18 am  · 
brian buchalski

sorry...but there will be no revolution...i've cancelled it. have a nice day.

Jul 14, 09 11:39 am  · 
Living in Gin

Garbage disposals are illegal in NYC for some reason, although -- like anything else that's illegal in NYC -- there's supposedly a black market for them among homeowners and building supply companies. I never realized how much I liked having one until I moved here and had to do without. Apparently none of my landlords have been sufficiently connected so as to acquire garbage disposals for their properties. I can't help but imagine some warehouse in a seedy Brooklyn neighborhood, loaded with contraband garbage disposals, old-style toilets that actually flush, and shower heads without flow restrictors.

I've been back in NYC for less than three weeks, and I'm already itching to escape from the city again... Not a good sign. I'm renting a car Saturday for another road trip up to the Catskills.

Jul 14, 09 11:54 am  · 
Living in Gin

Just heard from my sister... Doc doesn't think it's cancer, but he's ordering a biopsy just to be on the safe side. They'll know for sure in a few days. Thanks for the well-wishes.

Jul 14, 09 12:30 pm  · 

Hello everybody and welcome back Steven Ward and Liberty Bell. You guys were sorely missed, now you've returned to bring order to our wacky bunch.

I'm home sick today I've been congested all weekend and I attempted to work in my windowless office yesterday. I had three meetings and watched people holding back laughter as I sounded like this green friend

anyway time to get something to eat so I can take some more meds

Jul 14, 09 12:50 pm  · 
Sarah Hamilton

LiG, if I'm not mistaken, squama cell isn't a serious form of cancer. My grandmother has had many, and they just cut them off. Maybe there are bigger, badder ones, but from the people I've known with them, it hasnt been a problem. They've all been old people too. That said, my mother's third pregnancy triggered a melanoma that left a nasty centepede like scar on her arm.

Jump, your day sounds like a dream.

Jul 14, 09 1:31 pm  · 
Living in Gin

SH, squamous cell carcinoma is generally more easily treatable than melanoma if it hasn't already metastasized, but it's still a serious concern when three of your grandparents died from cancer, both your parents are cancer survivors (one of them twice so), you've got a baby due in a week, and you're stuck with a crappy health insurance plan.

Speaking of melanoma, my friend just had his yearly exam last week. Three years cancer-free so far.

Jul 14, 09 2:28 pm  · 

Fun times around TC--glad everyone has interesting things happening to them! Just as an aside, for well-wishes to your french friends today, be sure to say "vive la revolution!" viva is spanish--it's a common mistake here in the US. Actually I take it back -- VIVE LA FRANCE! is really the best wish to make!

(and that's it for today's TC "the more you knnnnoooooow")

Jul 14, 09 2:30 pm  · 
liberty bell

So it's "veeeev" la reh-vo-loo-see-own?

Target's phone has rung well over 20 times now. Is no one at the store?

Jul 14, 09 3:03 pm  · 

i have a couple of friends visiting france, and they're enjoying it immensely, also, they sent me pictures of the grocery store and the cafe from Amelie,, that was kinda cute

Jul 14, 09 3:26 pm  · 
Living in Gin

Of all the countries in the world that I haven't visited yet (and that includes all of them except for the US, Canada, and the UK), France is #1 on my list to see.

I'd bring home a few of these if I could:

... But I'd probably have to settle for some wine and cheese.

Jul 14, 09 3:44 pm  · 

LIG - I wonder where that picture is hosted because I can't see what it is.

The fireworks in Paris on Bastille Day are RIDICULOUS. Sometimes with fireworks you never really quite know when its done, but they make sure you know its the finale.

Jul 14, 09 3:51 pm  · 
Living in Gin

Weird, it showed up fine at first. I hate it when that happens.

Here's the same photo, via Flickr:

Jul 14, 09 4:45 pm  · 
vado retro

so i just witnessed from my fourth floor window what i thought was a domestic incident between a couple in the middle of the street a half a block away. i heard yelling which isn't unusual. i look out and see woman on a scooter slapping at some guy. i call 911 to report it. then i see the guy driving away then the woman on the phone she had been scooter jacked. of course, there were like five guys hanging around right near where this was goin on, because there is a soup kitchen there and of course they did nothing except now they're talking about it to each other and there was also a tv news van that drove up right as the guy took off (he was going the wrong way on a one way) you'd think they would have wanted the story.

Jul 14, 09 5:03 pm  · 
Living in Gin

My City Council creature just resigned, and is expected to plead guilty to federal corruption charges. Just like old times back in Chicago!

Jul 14, 09 5:41 pm  · 
vado retro

When the allies liberated Paris from the Krauts, the plan was to have Free French troops be the first to enter the city. The liberation was delayed because it took a while to find a Free French division that was made up of French. Most of the Free French were African and North Africans.

Jul 14, 09 6:52 pm  · 
Sarah Hamilton

Very interesting tidbit, Vado. How/ Why do you know that?

Jul 14, 09 9:35 pm  · 

Welcome back LB and Steven.

Hi all,
Back from my short vacation and second stay at the Hostel and beach camping. Photo;s here and here.

Had a great time, always nice to be away from work. Seems like the first two days in the week were challenging from some and productive for others. Anyone want to have themselves a mini revolution,?

Archi, glad you liked the picks. and so the week begins.

Jul 14, 09 10:14 pm  · 
vado retro

Well Sarah I don't know if you ever saw Casablanca but at the end Rick and Captain Renault leave Casablanca to join a free french unit. I was curious about what happened to them. I did some research and there you have it.

Jul 14, 09 10:26 pm  · 
Living in Gin

Here's looking at you, kid...

Jul 14, 09 10:30 pm  · 
Living in Gin
Jul 14, 09 10:30 pm  · 

fays, speaking of sets from Amelie, when I was in Paris last year I stayed right on the canal that part of it's filmed at (Canal St. Martin). I still haven't watched the movie though, probably should.

*sigh* now I miss Paris... How could life have been so great a year ago, and suck so seriously now?

Jul 14, 09 10:44 pm  · 

Awhile ago there was a thread about good firms in small towns. I can't seem to find it. Does anyone remember it?

Jul 14, 09 10:47 pm  · 

nevermind. found it

Jul 14, 09 10:50 pm  · 

film producer lady came by today. took our mug shots and went away. i somehow don't expect to hear from her again. but was interesting just the same.

today we are just working on models and contracts and designing stuff in regular way. normalcy returns.

Jul 15, 09 3:50 am  · 

i watched Revolutionary Road last night. well almost all of it, and now i understand why the movie did not do well at the theaters.

Jul 15, 09 5:59 am  · 
vado retro

beta i agree. i didn't dislike the film but it was flat and also predictable. i 'd like to read the book which was was released in 1962. a story like that requires the interior monologue and nuances that a film can't give.

Jul 15, 09 7:22 am  · 

ether, i don't know if you're looking for a job in any small town or, if you are, how much you need to make, but i may know someone in louisville who's in the market right now. a cranbrook alum, no less.

Jul 15, 09 7:24 am  · 

got my tickets for the Sunny Day Real Estate reunion show in the mail yesterday. I can't remember the last time I was this excited for a show!

Jul 15, 09 7:43 am  · 

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