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GRE is out of the way. onto portfolio and letter of intent.

Jul 18, 09 12:57 pm  · 

YAY Pixelwhore.

I'm still alive.

Jul 18, 09 2:19 pm  · 

Happy Birthday mdler!!!

Beta sorry I can't help you, from what you described with the book I truly look forward to reading it myself. Fishermen dressed in black...

Beer on ice, but comfy in the bed

damn one of those times when I forgot to hit submit. Oh well. Just came from a conceptual meeting (the meeting was conceptual??) and left with the tag "negotiating [engaging] mongrel environments" food for thought. It's hot going for a nap

Jul 18, 09 3:27 pm  · 
vado retro

beta here's 37minutes of the film.

Jul 18, 09 4:26 pm  · 

here's a stepping in it story. i went to get my regular large dark roast depth charge this saturday morn, and as i am reading the posted bills on the community board, my feet kick what i assumed was trash. i picked up said trash, and looked at the two pieces of paper, when lo and behold, there were two tickets to the Sonic Youth show on 7.21! well don't that beat all, i was just going to play Sister on my way to the gym, and have been wanting to go to the show, but too po to go...

hells yeah.

Jul 18, 09 4:38 pm  · 

beta, did you see these videos?

Jul 18, 09 5:13 pm  · 

nope orhan, i will check em out.

check this out. Everybody Go Chameleon

Jul 18, 09 8:50 pm  · 
vado retro

awesome beta!

Jul 19, 09 7:39 am  · 

TC has really been sleepy these last few days. Is everyone okay??

Jul 19, 09 1:51 pm  · 
liberty bell

beta that's unbelievable!

nam, I'm very excited for your maiden voyage into the public sector (more or less) - good luck with it.

techno, I'm on vacation. However, yesterday I had a brief interlude to drive five hours north of where I'm vacationing to attend the funeral of my cousin's husband, Mark Garner, who was killed in Afghanistan earlier this month. Coverage here. It was a beautiful but awful funeral; beautiful because the whole town literally turned out to honor Mark, who was loved by everyone, and awful for the obvious reasons.

To update everyone: we parted ways with the client who sent us that sentence, amicably, which is good because if we had kept on with the project we probably would have parted ways via lawyers down the road. It just wasn't a good fit. Hard to lose that job because we're not quite as busy as I'd like, but better for everyone to not pursue a situation that promised to be a constant struggle on both sides - three sides, once a contractor had become involved!

Back to the beach...later all.

Jul 19, 09 3:13 pm  · 

I'm ok, just find I don't necessarily have a lot to say at the moment. I'm packing and cleaning and craigslisting, occasionally drop by and weigh in on a portfolio, which invariably makes me feel like a witch.

Jul 19, 09 3:24 pm  · 

Left Jacksonville today. Heading to Miami / South Fla for a couple of weeks...

Jul 19, 09 3:48 pm  · 
liberty bell

Since I'm on vacation, but unfortunately have to get some work done, I'm drinking and drafting. I don't usually do this!

Hey snook, hope you're having a good weekend keeping on keeping on!

Jul 19, 09 4:51 pm  · 

Lb.....I wish i were drinking and drafting....I have banged out enough
work this weekend to pay my property taxes.....arghe!

Jul 19, 09 5:17 pm  · 

lb, my condolences to your family. wars are senseless. they cause many tragedies and take away specially the young ones.

on an uplifting news, i saw dapper napper indicating here the ARE is done. congratulations...

Jul 19, 09 5:21 pm  · 

drinking and drafting just sounds like something you could get a dui for (drafting under the influence). Glad you at least get a break Liberty, we could all use one every now and then. And with how hectic things seemed recently for you I'm glad you did.

Jul 19, 09 5:25 pm  · 
liberty bell


Congratulations, doesn't it feel AWESOME!?!

Thank you Orhan. I worry about my cousin but she is an amazing, strong, smart, and beautiful woman. I think in time she will be well again, but never the same - she and her husband were a match made in heaven.

Jul 19, 09 5:39 pm  · 

thats really sad LB.

my brother in law just go back from afghanistan. he was a bit crazy for awhile but seems alright now. i think he and my sister are just happy that he made it back alive. too many do not.

rationalist, your comments are great!

my oldest daughter started summer holidays yesterday. we are still trying to figure out how one of us will be home for her everyday this week.

Jul 19, 09 6:30 pm  · 
vado retro

LB That is so sad about your cousin's husband. The video of recalling meeting him was really touching.

Jul 19, 09 9:16 pm  · 

That sucks.

Congrats dapper. AP, till next time? STL?

Nite all.

Jul 19, 09 9:22 pm  · 
Living in Gin

Sorry to hear about your cousin's hubby, LB. That really sucks.

I spent all day Saturday up in the Catskills, and I wish I was still there. I miss being in a city small enough where I could be out in the country in less than 20 minutes, and I miss having a car so that I could actually get to the country.

That said, the fun part about renting a car is the ability to choose your make and model without having to worry about long-term maintenance and insurance costs. So, for only a few dollars more than I would've paid to rent a Hyundai Accent, I found myself driving a bright red 2010 Ford Mustang:

The rest of my photos from the trip can be found here.

I'm planning another escape next month... I think it's the only way I can stay sane in this city.

Jul 19, 09 11:59 pm  · 
vado retro

nice ride gin. my brother has the gt version.

Jul 20, 09 7:00 am  · 
Sarah Hamilton

I agree, Jump - take her to work. She's creative, right? Maybe she could give you guys some kick ass ideas - you know, thewhole fresh eyes thing.

Have I mentioned my thoughts on 'The Family Stone?' I didnt know it was a Christmas movie. And the ending was bitter-sweet because Husband's dad died last november, and they sort of address that.

We saw 'Pan's Labrinth' last night. It was all in Spanish, but had subtitles. It was good. THe ending differs depending on how old you are at heart I think. The only trouble we had was that theres a war with rebels, and we dont know enough about Spain's history to know who were the good guys - other than by actions.

The plumber is here. Our lines are backed up, again. Why is it whenever Husband and I go away, we come home to something major. Last trip we came home to a sick kid who had to be in the hospital for a week, and now its plumbing. Sucks for them; its raining. I wonder if you can rent large plumbing snakes form home depot.... Strangly, only one of the plumbers is wearing a raincoat - the ohter is in a white shirt.

Jul 20, 09 10:29 am  · 

I really liked Pans Labyrinth. I found it sort of a bittersweet ending. Re: who to root for; i think it was intentionally ambiguous, perhaps? I think the actions were the point.

The rebels were communists/socialists fighting the Franco nationalist/facists, during the Spanish Civil War.

Jump, glad to hear he made it home..

Jul 20, 09 11:10 am  · 

I hate Mondays. Enough said.

Also building codes hamper creativity

Jul 20, 09 2:08 pm  · 
brian buchalski

my eyelashes have been acting up all day and miserable because of it...even the tequila isn't helping much at this point. damn

Jul 20, 09 2:38 pm  · 
Dapper Napper

Maybe he's trying to give you some eye candy, Sarah.

Thanks Orhan, LB, and Nam! It does indeed feel awesome! I still don't think I know enough to be a licensed architect and feel a little bit like a kid who's driven the family car through the side wall of the house but my parents haven't found out yet.

I'm slightly more confident though and It's a profession of continuous education, so I suppose I know the expertise will come eventually. Sadly, I lack the Master of the Universe Architect Ego, so I constantly doubt myself even when I accomplish major acheivements.

Jul 20, 09 3:00 pm  · 

Congratulations, Dapper! Am struggling through them myself--just beginning. I find the biggest difficulty in studying is in simply not knowing what on earth the test may cover -- the subject material is so very broad and it is hard to tell whether the particular guide you're using is solid or a DUD. I have my first next week so we shall see!

Sarah, I thought the Family Stone was one of the worst movies I'd ever seen in my entire life. I'm very curious to try Pan's Labyrinth, though...

Regarding the comments on classic movies, from earlier : whenever I check out a good classic, I'm always surprised-all-over-again by how racy and clever the dialogue is! They were unafraid to touch on subjects that today's movie dialogue seems to assiduously skirt. It's very interesting. On the other hand, I find today's acting to be generally (not always) more believable / realistic, which I credit to the sea-change in how movies are concieved of nowadays... back then I think they were still often treated as recorded plays rather than as a seperate art in their own right; I think the up-close believability we look for in modern actors wasn't necessarily a goal for actors back then. Not sure, though... vado, any thoughts? You know much more about these things than I do.

A good example is the Philadelphia Story, which I LOVE but I would say the acting in it is by far the weak link. Hepburn often has an air of "just waiting until the other person's words stop and it's time for me to deliver my next line" -- in such a way that it is obvious that she is "delivering" practiced, repeated lines rather than speaking the natural speech of whatever words her character might say in reality. Did that make sense? It's less like the characters are actually engaging in dialogue with each other -- and listening to, thinking about what each other says and thinking of a spontaneous, natural response -- and more like "we are parroting back words that we memorized because we are faking all of this." Each of the actors in that movie deliver lines this way (Ruth whats-her-name and Jimmy Stewart being the more natural) but I find it very common in movies of the period.

Jul 20, 09 4:01 pm  · 
vado retro

congrats dapper what did you do? i can't find a comment anywhere....

i think the acting had to do with the breakdown of the studio system in the 60's and the rise of independent filmmakers ala cassavetes and the box office success of easy rider. also, i think the advent of the talkie provided, well, talking. as opposed to films that may have very little dialogue and set the tone with the mise en scene as the frenchies would say that developed more of an filmmaker as auteur and less part of an industry that included the scriptwriter.

manta what test are you taking?

Jul 20, 09 4:14 pm  · 
vado retro

i just watched seppuku (harakiri) on the auteurs website. its from 1962. it was one of the best movies i've ever seen.

Jul 20, 09 4:16 pm  · 

That movie sounds wicked. Will have to check it out.

Jul 20, 09 4:45 pm  · 
Sarah Hamilton

I forgot to mention.... Husband and I stayed at the Hotel Palomar last saturday. It was nice. Even better....The Hotel Resturant. Seriously. I love to cook, and can be a bit of a snob about it, so when we eat out, we tend to veer toward the places that are good, upper crust sort of food. This place was without a doubt, the best place I have ever eaten. Husband said it was the second, but I have never eaten at Lady and the Fig, so Central 214 was the best for me! Unfortunatly, Husband was ambitious, and decided we should do the course tasting, plus an appetizer! I gave up after the 3rd course, and we had the dessert course sent up to our room. I ate so much that I felt sick until morning. So I had Eggs Benedict with crab for breakfast. yumm.

Jul 20, 09 4:54 pm  · 
Dapper Napper

Vado, I passed all my ARE's. Now waiting on the paperwork.

Jul 20, 09 5:42 pm  · 
vado retro


Jul 20, 09 6:45 pm  · 
liberty bell

Love your analogy, Dapper, of driving through a wall. Like you've gotten away with something! It's SO awesome to have them done, even if you never use the stamp (I've used mine once, and it was on a letter not a set of drawings).

Sarah, Abram was in the hospital for a week? How did I miss that?! He must be fine now or you wouldn't sound so cavalier about it.

I watched alligator feeding today: enormous reptiles lunging at raw chicken and snapping - nay, slamming - their jaws shut with a huge bone-crushing CLOMP. Yuck.

Jul 20, 09 7:16 pm  · 
vado retro

hey lb some kids shot a 150 pound alligator in rensallear indiana!

Jul 20, 09 7:28 pm  · 

god i have a love - hate relationship with disaster films...even horribly written, horribly acted pieces of shit like Meteor. they make me feel, feel superior.

Jul 20, 09 8:25 pm  · 

Congrats Dapper!

Nam, yes, let's try to make it work in st.lou...

Which reminds me, Meredith and I will be passing through Louisville for a day or two in early/mid August on our way...

lb, my condolences, and also best wishes for your cousin's future.

So, after much back and forth, and many ups and downs, my stepfather is finally having surgery tomorrow. This will be his 3rd open heart procedure since April, but given several factors, this one is especially risky. Nevertheless, this is his wish - to live with a higher quality of health or die trying. His good spirits are truly inspiring. Thanks to everyone for your previous kind words and well wishes.

Jul 20, 09 9:25 pm  · 

email dates to me, ap!

overnight? or just a stopover?

Jul 20, 09 9:30 pm  · 

for some reason these people just keep coming back... and there was another one who calls himself alan12, who was called me names a couple of days ago which i had to delete. he left five messages on that feature and they are all about me and saying nothing about the project. i guess they are not done with me yet.;.) check out the last 4, 5 comments. it was serious before but now it is just entertaining...


good luck to your step dad ap. now i will say the only muslim prayer i know for him. it usually works.

Jul 20, 09 10:12 pm  · 

"Eggs Benedict with crab for breakfast."

mmmmm. Goodnight.

Jul 20, 09 10:13 pm  · 

Contract Documents, vado. It is hard to study for because I am familiar with pretty much all of it (except the nitty gritty) and I have that feeling I had when studying for LEED... "what is there here to test?!" So I am not sure what to focus on, because it all seems pretty basic. Hopefully I will have a better idea after I take a practice test tomorrow.

Jul 20, 09 10:46 pm  · 

wow, orhan et al, somehow I completely missed that entire feature. It looks fascinating -- will have to read the article on a study break! It's amazing what I miss around here... maybe I need to set my homepage to the archinect homepage rather than archdaily.

Jul 20, 09 10:49 pm  · 

take daughter to work would be fun, except my working day is 12-16 hours recently. she might not appreciate it. better to work from home.

daughter is actually good designer. we are now working on a chair she designed for her summer school project. i think her first idea will be too expensive so now she is working on cheaper version. so far so good.

Jul 20, 09 10:51 pm  · 
vado retro

plus that cd book is borrrrrrrring!!!!

jump i enjoyed the pics of your work and your family and friend and the big swan boat on fb.

Jul 20, 09 10:59 pm  · 

wait, what's to boycott archdaily for? i like that site.

Jul 21, 09 1:02 am  · 
Sarah Hamilton

LB, I am sure I wrote about it on here, somewhere. It was early May a year ago, so he was 2 months old. They made us stay just so the test could come back. Poor thing had blood, urine, and Spinal fluids taken, and blood and urine was taken TWICE! He was fine. THey couldnt find a single reason why he had such a high fever. Chalked it up to a virus. We took it as a lesson to give tylenol first, and see the doctor later - much - later.

Speaking of learned things in parenthood...Anybody have any tips for how I can keep Abram AWAY from the stove? It doesnt matter if its on or off. He has learned he can push the chairs around to get where he wants to, and I often find him scrubbing the sink with the scrub brush, or standing at the stove ready to cook. He actually stirred the stroganoff the other night. Yes, I was there, watching evrey move, but I cant help but feel like CPS is going to walk in and read me the right-act. What to do? I tried to get him his own set, but he's too smart and REFUSES to 'cook' with toys. Heck, he refuses to do anything with child-sized anything...drinking glasses, plates, silverware. Argh. TIps would me most appreciated.

Its rainig agian. Good morning all!

Jul 21, 09 7:40 am  · 

Sh, your on earlier than usual today it seems.

Orhan, i can't believ ethey are still going with that one.

Jul 21, 09 8:34 am  · 

Oh also,
AP, what is the archi-book you recently posted photos of to Flickr>?

Jul 21, 09 8:38 am  · 
Sarah Hamilton

Nam, I was, but only because I got breakfast cooked faster than expected and Husband was later in from the gym than usual. Needless to say, Breakfast was a bit cold.

Jul 21, 09 8:39 am  · 

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