
Thread Central


I actually own thrtee watches all nice (fairly expensive even) however they all need batteries and i haven't worn one in over 2 years.

Jul 7, 09 10:22 am  · 

should read three (not thirty)

Jul 7, 09 10:23 am  · 

Ha! I just watched Elegy the other night. It was entertaining but I don't think it brought anything new to the table. It's all fair to say I'll probably never watch it again.

The next movie in line for me is called The Business of Being Born. Or maybe it's The Business of Giving Birth. Eek, I forgot. Regardless, it's about the decline of midwives in the US.

A chipmunk just ran across my back patio. And then I saw three deers beside me. Goodness, I heart living in the woods.

Jul 7, 09 10:24 am  · 

Sarah I'm not sure which part to clarify. I suspect it has to do with the internal magnetism mumbo jumbo more properly referred to as the bio-magnetic field, which is the electro-magnetic force that some scientists/loonies/doctors believe circulate our bodies that for some people are wacky enough to knock out devices attached to the body.

Thread Central is awfully quiet, is everyone infront of the telly watching the Michael Jackson memorial? I can't for the love of all things shiny understand why is it necessary for the folks in my office to blare his music.... just watch the show and cry like everyone else.

Jul 7, 09 10:46 am  · 
liberty bell

techno, do you knock out any other devices? Do compasses work properly around you?

Jul 7, 09 10:47 am  · 

That's a very good question, compasses usually take an unusually long time to align but eventually do. I had to purchase a compass completely housed in plastic to negate that. So if we are lost in the woods don't ask me for directions

Jul 7, 09 11:17 am  · 
vado retro

N___ the part in Elegy that i thought was entirely stupid was when Ben Kingsley is explaining Las Meninas to Penelope Cruz. lets see here is a woman getting an mfa or something and she doesn't know about one of the most famous paintings in history. yeah sure.

Jul 7, 09 11:20 am  · 
vado retro

i ll recommend two "romantic" movies...both with my imaginary girlfriend charlotte gainsbourg...

1.and they lived happily after
2. i do

i will also recommend...

the wages of fear, which may be the best film ever.

Jul 7, 09 11:24 am  · 
liberty bell

I can vouch, techno, that you are extremely magnetic.

I'm going to post another architecture thread, as I want to talk more about architecture.

Jul 7, 09 11:35 am  · 
vado retro

archinects own Stephanie cohosts a very good radio show on its called amalgamated coup. the station on the whole is also excellent i have been streaming them all day. so far no jacko.

Jul 7, 09 11:47 am  · 

Liberty you always seem to know how to make this brown boy blush

Jul 7, 09 11:55 am  · 

Dammit LB got to it first. I was going to say, that's what happens when you have such a magnetic personality Atechno.

I have listened to all but one of the Harry Potter books and they are all narrated by Jim Dale. HE IS AWESOME!!!! He won a Grammy for them in 2008. Diane Rehm interviewed him so if you can get past her voice (some people can't handle it), I think you'll be delighted in learning how he developed all the characters' voices.

Jul 7, 09 12:14 pm  · 

Oh and apparently I did the unexpected! My teachers always told me I talked too much. I only hope that somewhere in it all was something meaningful. So can I now be immortalized ala the garwondler?? Or is that too much ask? And what does it say about me now that posted more than mdler?

Jul 7, 09 12:43 pm  · 
liberty bell

Please catch up to me, techno (or Steven). I'm tired of being second.

Jul 7, 09 12:49 pm  · 

I am not even in the top ten...


Jul 7, 09 1:17 pm  · 

If they counted all the comments that I almost submitted but then backed out of, I would probably be in the top 10

Jul 7, 09 1:30 pm  · 
Living in Gin

Heh... Me too, Slart.

Jul 7, 09 1:33 pm  · 
Living in Gin

(Okay, now that I've checked, I'm only #13. But if I hadn't backed out of any comments, I'd either be in Vado's territory or I'd have been banned a long time ago.)

Jul 7, 09 1:37 pm  · 

ha ha ha ha, slart, me too! Y'all don't even know how many end up on the cutting room floor... that's probably a good thing.

A few catch-up thoughts:

1) techno -- I was JUST TELLING someone about this phenomenon myself -- nobody believes me! My grandmother & uncle both had it -- neither can wear watches unless they were analog wind-it-yourself-every-night kind -- they would knock anything electric out of kilter. My mother told me she thought I had it because I used to knock the computers wonky at one of my former employers'. It hasn't really happened since, though, so I'm gonna chalk that up to crappy old computers. I *do* get a lot of static electricity build up though -- makes winters in the north hell!

2) re: audiobooks : fays, although I listen to a lot of npr / podcasts at the office, I know for sure I couldn't work to audiobooks -- they are in a different league of concentration, as it sounds like you've found out. HOWEVER, I HIGHLY recommend audiobooks for cleaning the house! Just drag your computer / ipod around with you and it's AMAZING what kind of mindless scrubbing you can accomplish without even notice, all while your brain is drawn completely into the story.

Our library here lets you STREAM THE AUDIOBOOKS DIRECTLY FROM THEIR WEBSITE. It is the greatest library invention EVER. I used to have to check them out, tediously copy all the songs onto my laptop and then over to my ipod, and then tediously delete everything when done and attempt to return the audiobook on time (which never happened, making them a pretty costly "free" library loan for me). Free streaming audiobooks has changed my life! You should all check out whether your library has them!

Lastly, I'm bummed -- I was trying to time it so I got the page 320 image. Oh well.

Jul 7, 09 1:39 pm  · 
the true ranking we should care about for archinect contributors

- vado and lb aren't even in the top ten ;-)

(and nam, if you count archinect/paul as a singular entity, then you're in the top ten on that list!)

Jul 7, 09 2:13 pm  · 

Totally random, but I think I'm going to pull an "Office Space" today and just walk out of the office. Go out for a nice ride maybe and get lost. Finished up a deadline where I was pulled in at the last minute and now I'm in that post-deadline funk. No one will notice if I'm missing right?

Jul 7, 09 2:13 pm  · 
Dapper Napper

Cleaning to audiobooks...that sounds awesome. Music doesn't draw me away from the tv long enough to get anything done.

Jul 7, 09 2:18 pm  · 

One of CNN's headlines right now:
How are you honoring MJ today?

Are you fucking kidding me?!?!?! THIS MAN IS NOT GOD!

Jul 7, 09 2:30 pm  · 

treekiller you are so right, granted I have no idea it I have enough brain power to make 2000+ contributions. I added the numbers from both my profiles and I was still way down at the bottom of the first page. Sad but true. But perhaps I do need to say more, than just inside Thread Central.

Jul 7, 09 2:33 pm  · 

Mantaray I couldn't agree with you more. I've pounced a few times today because of my sentiments on facebook - that I really just don't care about being part of the hype, it feels awfully Third Reich to me - that we aren't allowed to want to NOT be a part of it. Sigh...

Jul 7, 09 2:36 pm  · 
Living in Gin

Bread and circuses. Meanwhile, the real news gets ignored.

Jul 7, 09 2:38 pm  · 
Sarah Hamilton

Yeah, I'm not really into the whole Michael Jackson thing anyway. I missed the whole scene when he was popular - part age, part the fact that I listend to country then. Hopefully, it will all go away now.

Jul 7, 09 3:07 pm  · 
vado retro

i haven't seen any of it. i'm listening to the beatles.

Jul 7, 09 3:34 pm  · 

Thanks for cheering me up.

Jul 7, 09 3:35 pm  · 

Ulysses is a good audio book especially when read by some real Irish.


Jul 7, 09 5:50 pm  · 

Who's MJ? ;o)

My exact sentiments

Jul 7, 09 5:51 pm  · 

I'm going stir crazy over a drawing I'm working on because I would rather be doing it than writting specifications for my other project...

Which I found out how much it is going to cost to print....and well I kind said to myself in the back of my mind....damn printers they can make some nice juice...then I thought....ya my printer has blue black hair and isn't that old....and well I think that was a new soft top bmw sitting in her parking lot.... Damn I have to get a financial life.

Jul 7, 09 7:49 pm  · 

You can't just print up the specs at home, 3-hole-punch 'em and put 'em in a binder? Is that naive of me to ask? I've never done an "official" spec book, only the kind you scrabble together in bits and pieces and all at the last minute. (Unfortunately.)

Jul 7, 09 8:04 pm  · 

I was trying to lsn to Cormac McCarthy's The Road. But i sincerely got a headache after five mins, i couldnt keep up. Funny enough I also had war and peace and Ulysses lined up, but I guess they will have to wait for now, maybe if I get a bit older and my distractions get less effective.

manta, what podcasts do you recommend? The most two I lsn to are two NPRs: wait wait.. dont tell me (which I also like because its an excuse not to read the news as I get the most important from there) and bob boilen's all songs considered. I find them extremely useful when im doing mind numbing cad or indesign work

Jul 8, 09 7:18 am  · 

on that note, did you guys listen to the new bob dylan?

Jul 8, 09 7:21 am  · 
vado retro

i haven't heard the new zimmerman. but, i will listen to blood on the tracks over and over and over and over. the basement tapes is right here next to music from big pink. but that's a different band. i listened to the road on audio also. same reader as no country. in retrospect its not as rich of a story as i like. many authors, particularly emerging writers, are offering up podcasts of their work and some are getting quite a following. i have so many damn books to read and to write.

Jul 8, 09 7:35 am  · 

Fays - I like listening to This American Life but I think you might have to find it under PRI podcasts. Ira Glass rocks.

Jul 8, 09 8:24 am  · 

If you're at the computer, it's probably easier to just stream the This American Life podcasts straight from their website -- they have a great little streamer, never any hiccups or anything, it's fantastic. Plus the content is organized in a clear and straightforward manner, going back more than 10 years.

I stream a lot of stuff from NPR's homepage; Morning Edition, All Things Considered, & of course good Fresh Air episodes! I also listen to Wait Wait each week & often to All Songs as well. You can do the same with PRI's content from their homepage. Both NPR and PRI are public radio distributors; as far as I know, those are the two competing "bigwig" distributors here in the US. Canadian public radio (and TV) also has an EXCELLENT reputation -- perhaps better than the US's -- and I've been meaning to check out their content but haven't had a chance to yet. I know some of my favorite radio personalities are actually Canadian imports so it would be interesting to get it right from the source.

WNYC's "RadioLab" is fantastic, although it is more brain-intensive than the others so you might find yourself having to repeat parts of it if you zone out while working. It is GREAT though.

If you like food, the Kitchen Sisters' podcasts are great but I think you can only get them on iTunes. They talk about food and the culture of food, for lack of a better description.

I liked the podcast liberty talked about once that describes the origins of different words -- I'm not at my work computer now so I just realized I don't have the bookmark anymore! Liberty?

Jul 8, 09 11:47 am  · 

manta - I'll have to check some of those non public radio podcasts out (big fan of TAL - even went to a live show once)... although I have a hard time listening to podcasts while I'm working...

anyone else experiencing weird internet stuff today? seems like half the web is down or something...

Jul 8, 09 12:34 pm  · 
vado retro

Manta that show is called "A Way With Words". i listen via the interweb...
to Vermont PUblic radio, WAMU in DC, WBEZ and BBC4 and WNUR on Saturday mornings for ThisIsHell. and lately have been listening to radio.boise.

Jul 8, 09 12:53 pm  · 


Jul 8, 09 1:23 pm  · 

I forgot -- I also enjoy a lot of the audio files from the New Yorker; if you scroll down, on the left hand side, you'll see some good links. The actual New Yorker podcasts page is here.

I also recommend the Moth podcasts, which can be found on iTunes; they are a series of short autobiographical stories told by (usually) famous people, and many are pretty good. (If you haven't yet heard Mike Birbiglia's account of sleepwalking at the La Quinta Inn, you HAVE to listen to it!!)

Jul 8, 09 1:29 pm  · 

north koreans tinkering with the interwebs?

Jul 8, 09 1:31 pm  · 

I have noticed weird internet shit last night (late) and today, actually. Not normal for me. My gmail keeps loading things I don't click on and none of my emails will automatically page-refresh. Tmobile and Gawker both won't load completely for me -- they time out or give me errors.

Jul 8, 09 1:32 pm  · 

The New Yorker podcasts are also available for free download from iTunes if you don't want to stream.

Jul 8, 09 1:33 pm  · 

Oh, and I listen to the Planet Money podcasts, lately!

On a seperate note : ain't this some shit? LB will get mad like me, for sure.

Jul 8, 09 1:35 pm  · 
vado retro

it's because the GQ cover is flaunting a split infinitive in its lower left hand corner.

Jul 8, 09 1:40 pm  · 

Finally got my LEED AP cerficate in the mail today. It only took 2 months and some change.

Jul 8, 09 2:11 pm  · 

Tora! Tora! Tora!

Jul 8, 09 2:25 pm  · 
liberty bell

vado, that is a hilarious interpretation, but to manta's point: Yeah. Goddammit. Women's bodies are still considered public property, obviously.

Jul 8, 09 3:05 pm  · 

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