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MathNet, my dear nam, was part of SQUARE ONE TELEVISION -- the follower to 3-2-1-Contact!

I was HOOKED on MathNet.

Jul 9, 09 4:33 pm  · 

fays hating Graves might get you a gold star in these parts. I absolutely loathed the Humana building a very special lady explained it's importance and relevance as a major departure in American architecture. Her argument was sound, and it didn't hurt that we were just returning from the pub starchitect and vado in tow. Sigh the good old days (2009)

And Le Corbusier was on BBC news today. Well the retrospective exhibition to be more accurate. It was good to see sexy architecture on regular television, not to mention hand made models as well.

Jul 9, 09 4:42 pm  · 

I immediately thought of MathNet too, I loved that segment, along with MathMan!

Jul 9, 09 4:51 pm  · 
Living in Gin

Well, my sister is due to give birth to her first son any day now, which will make me an uncle for the first time, and make my parents grandparents.

My sister might also have squamous cell carcinoma.

Nothing is certain right now, but given the cancer history in my family (it's huge, on both sides), we're freaking out just a bit.

While living in Chicago, my best friend developed melanoma on his left eye. It didn't spread, the surgery to remove it was a simple procedure, and he's been cancer-free ever since with no lasting physical effects. But the psychological torture that experience put him through was unreal, and it was life-changing. I can't even imagine what my sister must be going through right now.

What an absolutely shitty fucking disease, regardless of how my sister's biopsy turns out. I wouldn't wish it on my worst enemy.

Jul 9, 09 5:56 pm  · 
Living in Gin

By the way, this is the same sister who lost her first baby in a miscarriage about 18 months ago, and is basically the breadwinner for her family because her husband can't hold down a job for more than six months at a time (he still thinks becoming a rock star is a viable career option).

You'd think some people would catch a fucking break in life once in a while. Any thoughts/prayers/positive vibes in her general direction would be greatly appreciated.

Jul 9, 09 6:13 pm  · 
vado retro

Great TK!!! I always had a thing for Nina!!! oh two one three four!!!!

Jul 9, 09 7:21 pm  · 

ZOOM? i grew up with these|

Schoolhouse Rock
The New Zoo Revue
Sesame Street
The Electric Company
Romper Room
Mister Rogers' Neighborhood
Captain Kangaroo
ABC Afterschool Specials
Davey & Goliath
The Bugaloos
H.R. Pufnstuf
Sigmund & The Sea Monsters
Land Of The Lost
The Flip Wilson Show
The Carol Burnett Show
Sonny & Cher
The Brady Bunch Hour
Tony Orlando & Dawn
Donny & Marie
The Captain & Tennille

Jul 9, 09 7:30 pm  · 

oh my gosh, we got mantaray and Pixelwhore back in the space of like a week? That's pretty awesome!

Techno, I think you should just ask him flat-out "Why did post-modernism sound so good but look so bad?" I have my own personal theories on that, but would love to see what the pomo master would say.

Jul 9, 09 8:33 pm  · 

I think you might want to ask him if he designed his own wheelchair...cause that would be cool...He is Mr. Target isn't he and nothing is left to be undesigned. I can see a post modern wheel chair.....It might have a mini-cooper look with a bit of Mustang tossed in for Americana...

Ahhhh Architecture...and writting Contracts.....I wish I was a lawyer so I would really understand what the heck I'm reading and writting....just kidding....I thrive on a Good Contract.

Jul 9, 09 8:48 pm  · 

This is probably my fav pavillion this year, to steal a line from Icon writeup

Mainly because you have to crouch down/crawl inside it to be underneath it.
Cut Architectures, Iceberg, for the Festival of Lively Architecture in Montpellier.

Nite all.

Jul 9, 09 9:54 pm  · 

got your mail archi. no time to answer yet (why do i have so many deadlines?), but was very impressed!

i absolutely want one of those NAM! wonder if i can make it myself...

Jul 9, 09 11:20 pm  · 

So why did Michael Graves move into designing housewares anyway? I don't think I've ever known or sought out the answer but I've always been curious.

Jul 9, 09 11:48 pm  · 
vado retro

Good luck Gin...

I thought I heard a crime being committed but it was just the neighbors having sex.

Jul 10, 09 12:17 am  · 

So I heard Pixelwhore was back and I had to come over and say hi.

HI Pixel! What the heck are you up to these days?

Jul 10, 09 3:10 am  · 

wow, shout-outs from Rationalist and WonderK... I feel like Fly Guy!

I've been up to a lot, heres a hyperlinked recap!

the blog covers most topics

'Plectic Thinking' lecture last winter - I kinda miss my long hair

course I'm co-teaching this summer

one collaborative I'm involved with - here's the blog for that group

yet another collaborative effort keeping me busy!

taking the GRE on the 18th, then its on to the portfolio and all those good things.

oh! I splurged this week and bought an Arduino to play with - very exciting in a super-nerdy/physical computing sort of way

Jul 10, 09 7:11 am  · 
liberty bell

That self-reassembling robot thing is freaky, terrifying and awesome! Hi Pixelwhore!!

Jul 10, 09 8:01 am  · 

Morning all,
You bought an Arduino, your the only person i "actually" know that has one..

I am excited, i a post-apocalypse geek DIY way...

Jul 10, 09 8:42 am  · 

lb: I thought of you last week, as I am in constant debate with myself on if I'm ready to get a bull terrier (regular or mini) or not. unfortunately I always have to concede that it'll have to wait. some day, I swear...

Jul 10, 09 9:09 am  · 
vado retro

Pixel you are a very busy boy!

Jul 10, 09 9:41 am  · 

hey - someone else around here has an arduino! I'm really interested in seeing what you end up doing with it.

I've been playing with an arduino off and on since January - I've even gone to a few local arduino user group meetings - no architects, just a bunch of engineers and a couple artists. I'd like to see more architecture/design people there next time I go - or at least more completely clueless people like myself.

I haven't done a ton with it, just some blinking LEDs - I need to make more time for this stuff and I need to find more people who are at my level who will keep me going. the ardunio people I know are so far beyond what I am capable of, it's a bit discouraging.

Pixelwhore - you're in the Boston area, right? You're probably already familiar with Willoughby and Baltic...

Jul 10, 09 10:38 am  · 

Vado (and anyone else who might appreciate it),

Pitchfork is streaming (for one week) the Townes Van Zandt documentary, Townes Van Zandt: Be Here to Love Me
over at their video site


Jul 10, 09 11:11 am  · 

I'm aware of W&B, but thats about it. I can't swing the membership fees right now or I'd be spending a lot of time in their metal shop (plus if I tried hard enough I could use the ones at the school I work at for free). I recently joined the Boston Arduino group on Meetup that seems to be run by/hosted by W&B, but wont' be able to attend their next event because I'll be studying for the GRE. C'est la vie!

Jul 10, 09 11:16 am  · 
vado retro

thanks Nam. Townes was the greatest.

Jul 10, 09 11:32 am  · 

yeah - their yearly fees are a bit steep... they have the monthly/quarterly plans, but it's hard to make time to get good use out of their space for the $$$. They might let you use the shop once or twice as a "community benefit," though.

the arduino user group is crazy - last time I went there were maybe 70 people and it was a completely unorganized free-for-all... only a handful of people brought actual projects to show off (mostly former/current dorkbot and W&B people), the rest were shell-shocked newbies who were hoping for some direction/inspiration. I think it's only really useful if you've already attempted something and are looking for specific advice - but it might be worthwhile to check out once or twice when you're getting started. I haven't been in several months, so they might have gotten their act together since then. If they have group projects or organized presentations/activities I'd be more likely to go on a regular basis.

W&B also has some interesting weekend workshops that might be worth checking out if you have the time.

Jul 10, 09 11:55 am  · 
Dapper Napper

Hope everything works out for your sister, LIG.
Husbands that don't want to be productive members of society are high on my "marriage cons" list.

Techno vs. Graves is gonna be awesome! Congrats on the interview. I would ask him if life in a wheelchair has affected his product design process. Obviously he's got a new architectural perspective, but has it changed the way he thinks of the end user of his target specials?

Jul 10, 09 12:01 pm  · 
Dapper Napper

He's paralyzed from the waist down since 2003, I think.

Jul 10, 09 12:32 pm  · 
Living in Gin

Thanks Vado, fays, and Dapper. She sees a specialist on Tuesday, and will hopefully know something a short time later. Her hubby is a good guy, but I think he's got some growing-up to do. With another mouth to feed on the way, maybe that will happen pretty quickly.

I had no idea Graves had been paralyzed. Wow.

Jul 10, 09 12:44 pm  · 

LiG, I do not have any children (still one myself), but from my short experience I can say this,,,, you would be surprised at what a baby can do to change one's psyche. For one, they are absolutely uplifting to be around, it's amazing. Also, You would be surprised at what a baby can do to a collapse one's growing up time to mere seconds

Jul 10, 09 1:18 pm  · 

graves has a line of ADA bathroom accessories - grab bars, accessible tubs, faucets, etc...

Jul 10, 09 1:59 pm  · 
brian buchalski

have i mentioned that i'm still alive recently?...because i am

Jul 10, 09 3:55 pm  · 

Not to take away anything from all the other conversations going on here - both personal and otherwise... But, anybody aware of an existing thread of discoveries and inventions by people that were architecturally trained (but discoveries/inventions are completely unrelated to architecture)?

I would be interested in more stories of these kind of things.

Tatiana Proskouriakoff - contributed to figuring out Mayan heiroglyphs
Howard Garns - Sudoku
Robert Edison Fulton Jr. - the Skyhook (That cool thing in the second batman movie "The Dark Knight")

Jul 10, 09 4:21 pm  · 

just had to share what i thought was one of the coolest lead-in images to a story i've seen in a while.

ny times

Jul 10, 09 4:22 pm  · 
Living in Gin

I love Habitat 67.

*sigh* The future isn't what it used to be.

Jul 10, 09 4:35 pm  · 

I <3 Habitat 67 too... I kind of wish it was copied in every riverside city, and I don't know why.

Graves has been in wheelchair since 2003, which is kind of sad - I think the reason not many people know has to do with 1. his type of architecture generally fell out of favour a few years prior, and 2. the pop status he achieved with his product line (Target, Alessi, etc) rendered him just to a face on a box (vs full photo). Nonetheless I thought Vado would of chimed in about Graves being from Indianastan as well as Howard Garns

Jul 10, 09 10:56 pm  · 
vado retro

Everybody's got to be from somewhere. From the king of pop to the king of pomo.

Jul 11, 09 12:13 am  · 

random find on the internet

Jul 11, 09 12:47 am  · 

why so eerily silent here? :S

Jul 11, 09 3:09 pm  · 
Living in Gin

Awesome weather photo of the day:

Photo taken yesterday evening in Highlands Ranch, Colorado

Jul 11, 09 4:43 pm  · 

Hi all,
I am going camping on the beach next to an old Civil War fort.

Then going to stay here for another day or so.

I will be gone until Tuesday night.

Have fun.

Jul 11, 09 6:37 pm  · 

LIG.....I have to laugh...cause you have any idea what is located at the HIGHLANDS RANCH in Colorado? I would say that Lighting is directly related to the evil Mega Corp. that calls Highland Ranch, there home. They must be brewing something up to collect lighting....maybe they are after an new energy market.....
so i will let the cat out of the bag: Johns isn't that put a different look on why there is lighting happening....

Jul 11, 09 6:50 pm  · 
Living in Gin

Lucent Technologies? Whatever evil they're up to, it's probably small potatoes compared to what some other companies have been doing.

Jul 11, 09 7:19 pm  · 
Has anyone seen this
Jul 11, 09 11:26 pm  · 
vado retro

I went out drinkin' with Thomas Paine
He said all revolutions are not the same...

Jul 12, 09 12:42 am  · 

hey Nam looking forward to seeing the pics from the tree house - that's where I was suggest treekiller stay when he was in ATL recently.

Great photo Gin when did you gaunt to Colorado?

Jul 12, 09 2:02 am  · 
Living in Gin

It's not my photo... I found it online.

I was in Colorado for a weekend this past January, but the weather was much different then:

Jul 12, 09 6:50 am  · 

One last post before i leave guys ( i just can't stay away).
Archi, i actually stayed before while an undergrad. It was awesome, nude swimming hole and all.
Thanks for reminding me to bring my camera i was just going over the last of my packing and had forgotten.

Jul 12, 09 9:07 am  · 

Wow, I just took a look at that website Nam. I WANNA GO!!! Have fun and we'll see you when you get back.

Jul 12, 09 10:32 am  · 

nam! I've been there before. I had a great, great, great time at Hosetl in the Forest. The food was delicious and the libations were fruitful. I always recommend people give it a try whennever they are somewhat near the area.

Jul 12, 09 11:13 am  · 
Ms Beary

Hi Pixelwhore! Hi mantaray!

Hi TC! I haven't been around lately either... haven't had anything architectural on the mind for quite some time. It is a good break.

Jul 12, 09 8:19 pm  · 

Wow it must of been a busy Sunday for everyone.

I'm having a slight sinus attack, I made the mistake of sleeping in my room after the painted it and woke up with a sore throat.

And got a call saying my mum was in an accident, luckily it was the mammoth Land Cruiser she was driving but the front end is badly damaged and the car couldn't drive. Glad she was safe.

Okay just wanted to break the silence

Jul 12, 09 9:25 pm  · 

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