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brian buchalski

wow...that snack wrap looks awesome. i think i might be hungry now

Jul 16, 09 12:09 pm  · 

and I thought those "flavor institute" commercials were tacky.... food architect? flavor architect? wtf.

technically, if they were using the term in the same way as "chief architect of foreign policy" shouldn't her role be "chief architect of flavor?" - however - even the "chief architect of foreign policy" usually has a different official title. the term "architect of" in the example they give is a description of what the job does - not an official title of "Architect." Their logic is flawed.

Jul 16, 09 12:16 pm  · 

one of my HS chum's dad was the photog for the ISG and so I got hear 2nd/3rd hand eyewitness versions about the heist. After 20 years, they still have blank spots on the wall with little notes about the missing pieces.

pixel, can you find a link showing the addition?

Missus TK just sent me these 'manly websites': (shaving website with reviews, forum, etc.) (shaving website emphasizing old school products & techniques)

Do we need a shaving thread on archinect?

Jul 16, 09 12:31 pm  · 

I vote yes.
My one manly obsession (in terms of consumption jealousy) is to one day own a classic shaving kit including brush, porcelain bowl, straight razor and mirror. the ones i lust after are well north of a few hundred dollars.
Maybe one day.

Jul 16, 09 12:55 pm  · 

I'm back at work after a two absence due to the sniffles. But with an increase in the reported cases of swine flu - the sniffles require as a hazmat suit and emergency protocols.

I came back to work because it's far too hot at home, although passively designed in the late 60s/early 70s there's limited cross ventilation. Plus the house is still being painted and I've inhaled enough paint fumes to grow a twin... I'll call him mini-me

On more serious matter am I the only one that thinks being a tiny food architect is not really a good thing? As a campaign I mean - tiny people need work too.

Jul 16, 09 1:28 pm  · 
vado retro

if anyone is interested in the Gardner art heist, the film Stolen! is quite good.

Jul 16, 09 1:30 pm  · 

tiny-food architect makes me think he builds stuff out of tapas.

didn't renzo piano pull out of another project in Boston recently?

does anyone read the comic "cul de sac?" I'm currently a huge fan - that and F-minus

Jul 16, 09 2:27 pm  · 
brian buchalski

did i mention that i saw a donkey yesterday? it was just hanging out next to the path at the beach...chewing on some straw or something

Jul 16, 09 2:42 pm  · 

I haven't been able to find too much for images on the project, although theres some stuff here.

Yeah, this one in the financial district.

Jul 16, 09 2:51 pm  · 
liberty bell

Yesterday I had an afternoon meeting at my local cafe. I had a coffee, and when I went to bed later could still feel my heart beating erratically form the strong dose of caffeine (yes, this was after a margarita, too).

So today, when I had another afternoon meeting at the cafe, I ordered some froofy sweet summer iced concoction instead of coffee. Let me tall ya, this thing must have had an entire can of Eagle Brand in it. It was absolutely delicious, but all that sugar gave me the shakes - plus it was probably 15,000 calories!

I need to stick to fizzy water in the afternoons. Sheesh!

Jul 16, 09 3:28 pm  · 
liberty bell

Oh, and toasteroven, that was exactly my thinking on the title vs. generic noun usage of architect.

Jul 16, 09 3:29 pm  · 

Mmmm tapas

Pixel - I find it very hard to believe that the museum supposedly did not realize the importance of the carriage house until after it was set to be razed. Wonder who was paid to shove that one under the table?

I am completely hurting today. I've been going to bed late all this week and today it has finally caught to me. Hopefully I'll be able to do my weekly four mile run after work without doing a face plant from tripping over my own feet.


Jul 16, 09 3:39 pm  · 

in my driest puddlesque humour (is that an oxymoron)

over the last two days I slept for over 32 hours combined. And I saw a donkey on my way to work.

Jul 16, 09 4:21 pm  · 

Yeah, ass(s). Plural spelling?

Jul 16, 09 4:41 pm  · 

now this is totally hilarious

does anyone remember a thread that was started sometime last year about filling in the caption of photographs (usually candids of architects)?? The sad thing is I think I started that thread. Help

Jul 16, 09 5:18 pm  · 
brian buchalski

yeah, that looks just like the donkey i saw except mine was by himself. no carts or any people around. just a donkey chewing on some vegetation. i should have snapped a photo...but i just didn't have the ambition

Jul 16, 09 5:43 pm  · 

Hmmmm two donkey sightings in one day. That's kinda crazy.

So I skipped running. Just too tired. Am currently working hard to hold down the couch.

Jul 16, 09 6:27 pm  · 
Sarah Hamilton

tk, I completely read those web addresses wrongly. I read them as...

bad gerand and classics I dont know why. I just look at things completly off from how they are most often intended. Show me a personalised plate and I will come up with the strangest reading, and then make fun of the person for having such a dumb plate before Husband laughs and tells me what it really says. I wonder what that says about my brain.

Jul 16, 09 7:26 pm  · 

amongst us? Makes you a 100% normal Sarah!! They might stone you witch craft on some other threads you know how they can be. Where've you been anyway. There's something to be said about the pattern of our posting on TC and when there is an anomaly how creative the excuses in our minds are. I for one swore you must of started your vacation in South Florida

Jul 16, 09 8:43 pm  · 

bah "stone you for witch craft"

Jul 16, 09 8:45 pm  · 
liberty bell

What do you call this comment from a client:

We also know that your creative mind can create a way to make this happen, even if it goes against your architectural instincts

I call it reason enough to quit the project. Agreed?

Jul 16, 09 9:22 pm  · 
vado retro

creative means spend more money!

Jul 16, 09 9:31 pm  · 

it means they want you to make bad, bad buildings.

Jul 16, 09 9:47 pm  · 

Run LB!!! Run as fast as you can away from that project!!!!!

Jul 16, 09 10:06 pm  · 
run away! run away!
Jul 16, 09 10:22 pm  · 

that comment is mostly poorly written which says maybe your client is also trying to write something against his/her human instincts....sounds like maybe they took a management course and think this is how to motivate people. but actually comes off more as a doorknob.

not knowing what the project is about that is all i can say. maybe the client is right? lord knows we get pushed by clients all the time in ways we don't think of on our own, and sometimes it works out really cool...

Jul 16, 09 10:34 pm  · 

well, we are all God, aren't we? i mean, every fucking day i wake up and i think there's something i can fuck up, and BAM, it happens!

don't fuck with da Jesus.

Jul 16, 09 10:42 pm  · 

Wow, I thought I was the only one having one of those kinds of days.

Jul 16, 09 11:15 pm  · 

i feel you on the clusterf*ck projects. soul sucking, fo' sho.

Jul 17, 09 2:42 am  · 

Good morning all,
First a piece of good news.

I found out last night that my recently submitted application for one fo the local CRA (Community Redevelopment Agencies) advisory boards was accpeted.
I should start sometime in the next month or so.

I am very excited because this will hopefully be an outlet for me to explore my urban/civic interests while working a non-interesting (professionally or personally) job.

Also, melt totally feel you didn run myself. Legs are still feeling tired from all the yoga and walking i did over my mini-vaca.

Also, LB i say run, or take it as an excercise in creative patience???

Jul 17, 09 8:29 am  · 
brian buchalski

i'm still alive. but need to start running more too. maybe i can get in 50 miles next week...marathon season is not that far away...

Jul 17, 09 8:47 am  · 
Sarah Hamilton

Nope, techno, I dont leave for that for two weeks. I am staying at the Hotel Palomar for my anniversary this weekend, though. Nice pool, no kids, alchoholic drinks....sounds like the life. I cant wait.

LB, it sounds like a chalange to me. I poorly worded challenge. Imagine if it had been written thusly instead: We also know that your creative mind can create a way to make this happen, even if the solution lies outside of your typical architectural style. I think perhaps it is simply the word instinct that is throwing everbody off, and perhaps they simply meant style, or leaning.

Jul 17, 09 9:13 am  · 

Sounds nice. Have fun.

Jul 17, 09 9:24 am  · 

SH - I meant to ask, is your mom still visiting? Sounds like you and Abram were having a good time with her being there.

Nam - Wow, congrats on the acceptance. What kind of project will you be working on? In any case it s ounds awesome.

Jul 17, 09 9:53 am  · 

Remembered the camera today - decided that I'm going to try to document the site weekly since I'm stupidly excited about the Piano addition...

Jul 17, 09 10:04 am  · 

Basically the board meets monthly or bi-monthly and provides guidance to the redevelopment agency with regards to specific neighborhood and district rdevelopment plans. It's a volunteer gig and probably doesn't have to much responsibility I imagine. Still, it is the first step towards me becoming more involved in "shaping" the built environment in my city in a direct way.
I am pretty excited I guess iw ill know more once i start attending some meetings.

Jul 17, 09 10:15 am  · 
Sarah Hamilton

Pretty cool Pixel.

Congrats, Nam.

Melt, it my grandmother that was with us. I think we had fun, but you can never be sure how she felt. Abram enjoyed it, though.

Jul 17, 09 12:37 pm  · 

i sorta need some context for that comment, lb.

my architectural instincts are much less trustworthy than the results of my more rigorous attempts at creativity, so maybe it's not a bad thing...?

Jul 17, 09 1:20 pm  · 

had to reread pixel's comment. at first scan i read 'stupid piano addition'.

Jul 17, 09 1:21 pm  · 

i saw a project on designboom recently that brought piano to mind, but is a bit less hyper-rational than what renzo would likely do in a similar situation:
(i'm referring mostly to the renovation of the arsenale, not the new structure on the waterfront)...either way, i'm diggin it. not to take anything away from piano...i was quite impressed by the modern wing of the AIC when i recently visited it.

nam - checked out your pics @ flickr. looks like a great trip!

after extensive lurking on the Name that Architect and Building thread, architphil posted something that I knew, and so for the first time in a dozen or more pages I was able to actually participate!

recently watched The Bridge on the River Kwai (1957). enjoyed it pretty well. there was an Alec Guinness marathon on AMC...

happy friday everyone.

Jul 17, 09 1:56 pm  · 

My architectural record is pretty much in the mainstream. What may be creating cognitive dissonance for many of you it that I appear to be a different person, almost, in my teaching and in some of the comments I've made. So I guess part of what I need to do is to try to reconcile those.

Jul 17, 09 2:11 pm  · 

AP - I visited the bridge over River Kwai last year! I was on the bridge when a train passed. They have little nooks where you can stand if a train is going past while you're on it. Had a great dinner by a floating restaurant and I still remember that I had curried crabs. You know the food is good if you remember the meal a year after. This is in the same city as cave temples and floating bungalows.

Jul 17, 09 2:43 pm  · 

Did I just ruin the pattern of posting an image with the page number on it with a lame story? And did I just make it worse by posting yet another comment?

Jul 17, 09 2:51 pm  · 

no worries.

Jul 17, 09 3:28 pm  · 

Hello TC.

@LB seems like a rather interesting predicament. I, and I suspect those in this thread based on their responses, would enjoy being a fly on the wall for the next meeting with the clients. I believe it could go either way - I mean if they ask you to put bronze elephants on top of columns you can tell them to fuck it (sans the imagery) but they could be seeking from you something they've not seen or suspect fits into an architectural idiom. my .02c

Tonight is beer and a barbi... enjoy the weekend TC

Jul 17, 09 4:36 pm  · 

Oh wait - I forgot an interesting piece of news. The educational board of the Jamaica Institute of Architects has requested my presence at a meeting on Monday. This is the board that overseas the registration of new architects and administers the examination, reviews log books, etc. I'm 12 months away from EVER seeing this board so I'm a little confused. I do have suspicions that they've heard my plea about taking the exam prior to completing my logbook - an approach taken by other professions most notably medicine and law. Needless to saw I'm s****ing in my trousers wondering how to prepare for this meeting.

Hmmm wish me luck

Jul 17, 09 4:43 pm  · 

I'm alive....just been keeping my feet about a foot above the earth...on the fly. Damn Summer is sliding away and well here in New England we really haven't had has been a long wet Spring... 6" of rain last night...I would have swore I was in a tropical storm.

I need some vacation time...but when you have the work....vacation has to wait.

More Rain Tonight. Hope LIG....excapes to a good weekend.
Hope LB can figure out her client before the next meeting. Hope Jump didn't know the climbers who died in Japan. Hope Archie...can take the exam sooner than later...hope melt can get off the couch,hope Wonder worman...enjoys Timberline Lodge..(one of my favorite places in the world)...hope rational survives the fricking heat in Phoenix...and works on her tan... Hope VAdo has a good movie to watch this weekend...cause I'm going to be working. Oh Ya hope
Sarah has a grand time with the little guy....they can be so special.

off to barbie..myself!

Jul 17, 09 5:21 pm  · 
vado retro

i recently watched Kwai also. Its a great film and William Holden may be my favorite actor as he always plays a charming schemer. Of course, any one who was a prisoner of the Japanese absoulutely hated that film. But you have to separate facts from the truth to make art.

Jul 17, 09 5:57 pm  · 

i think i might watch Zelig tonight...

Jul 17, 09 6:07 pm  · 


so, i read Mourning Becomes Electra last year, and i can't shake what my minds eye says about the period. i keep imagining a bleak period, a lot of very dark colors, black, for some reason everyone is wearing black. i also keep thinking about fishing ships, cloudy, rainy days, hard hands cut from lobsters traps and fishing nets. it serves me right, hejduk liked the play, and the widows walk...anyone have any thoughts? images?

Jul 17, 09 7:42 pm  · 

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