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All I will say is D. Howard can't bring the heat... Also, fucking Lakers..

Jun 12, 09 9:59 am  · 

they let puddles back on the mainland?!

Jun 12, 09 10:17 am  · 
vado retro

Puddles make sure you check out that hip new Merlotch bar in Bucktown.

Jun 12, 09 10:23 am  · 
Dapper Napper

D. Howard needs to return the Superman nickname he stole from Shaq.

Jun 12, 09 11:06 am  · 
Dapper Napper

Sh, how do I cute Abe pics too?

Jun 12, 09 11:08 am  · 
Dapper Napper

SH, how do I see cute Abe pics too?

Jun 12, 09 11:09 am  · 

my head feels like it is about to explode. My allergies have my wrecking havoc with me since yesterday. I've loaded up on vitamin C, sudafed and a host of prescription and otc drugs to little or no avail. Worse is that I'm a little drowsy and unsure whether it's the meds or my sinuses that caused it.

On academic news, I was presented with an offer this morning about 1% of my asking. I will refer to my financial advisor, and respond accordingly.

And I got an offer on my house... but was about 12 points below the cost of the land

Jun 12, 09 12:22 pm  · 

just had to butt in and say nice going jump, your project is still making the rounds. even getting the approval of the short worded pessimistic archdaily commenters.

Jun 12, 09 1:15 pm  · 
liberty bell

ONE percent, techno? You're worth at least 101% of your asking!

Um, I had something more to say, really I did - but I'm sleepy. Maybe I'll remember later.

Jun 12, 09 1:15 pm  · 

Can I just say, I hate the Lakers. I also dislike the Dodgers, except when they play the Rockies.

I'm going to the dentist today, for the first time in almost 3 years! Wish me luck.

Jun 12, 09 1:24 pm  · 

Liberty their offer was 1% less than I requested (wasn't I clear? Wouldn't be surprised I feel like a zombie). So they offered me 99% of what I wanted!! And I'm inclined to take it. The interview was cool though, they wanted to see the blog so I showed it to them, they were like eager puppies impressed that stuff like that was being done outside of the academic environment

Jun 12, 09 1:47 pm  · 
liberty bell

Ah. Well I'm a zombie today too, techno! Yes, 99% is a pretty good offer!

I know what I was going to say: I talked to beta, he's fine, just laying low.

Jun 12, 09 1:52 pm  · 
Living in Gin

I had the pleasure of being stuck in a crowded elevator during my lunch break today. I think I've found my incentive to take the stairs more often.

Ever open up an AutoCAD drawing that looks pretty clean and well-organized at first glance, only to discover that all the symbols are scaled at 23.98452497 instead of 24.000000, and half the supposedly orthogonal lines are drawn at angles of 359.49857983 or 90.49564354? Arrrrgh!

Jun 12, 09 2:41 pm  · 

story of my life LiG, i havent worked on a drawing that noone else touch in some time, i actually have not "started" a drawing in a while, which is really frustrating

Jun 12, 09 3:57 pm  · 

I hear you complaining alot about that Gin, but AutoCAD allows you to set up templates that can't be changed without access to the LISP code. It might be worthwhile speaking to the powers that be to have all the set up drawings that way. Otherwise cut the hands off of those that change the drawings - that should stop them!

Jun 12, 09 4:24 pm  · 
Living in Gin

The problems with this project are that A) The client has a thousand-page CAD Standards manual that we're expected to follow to the letter, so that rules out any templates other than the ones given to us by our client, and B) There are some portions of the project that, due to existing site conditions, have weird geometry where there will be some legitimate non-orthogonal angles. So it would be impossible to go in and globally fix every non-orthogonal angle without doing much more damage.

At least we're close to issuing for bid, and I'll be on another project soon, but sometimes I wish I could take AutoCAD back in time with me and get a job in Mies's office.

Jun 12, 09 4:48 pm  · 


Jun 12, 09 7:04 pm  · 
Living in Gin

Port Authority of NY & NJ. My next project is for the GSA, though.

Jun 12, 09 7:11 pm  · 

You're doing work for the PANYNJ?!?!?!

I totally respect your due diligence then LIG and sorry for attacking you in the homelessness thread. But, oh boy, what an organization!

Jun 12, 09 9:28 pm  · 

Archi. that is awesome! i misunderstood too. thought they were offering 1/100th of what you asked for. totally cool that you be the man they want! i am totally looking forward to the blogging if you take the gig.

thanks phuyaké. the comments are interesting. i knew the project was going to be on the site, but didn't think about feedback. it is cool to have that extra layer of commentary. we are doing another possibly interesting house now that i have some hope for, but this one seems to keep on popping up. funny enough it was stopping point for cycling tour of dutch architecture (my partner is dutch, trained by adriaan geuze of west 8 fame) in tokyo. so after going to see the new mvrdv building in omotesando they went to see the yoyogi house. i gave a tour and we had cake and tea with the owners. everyone had $5000 bikes and NONE of them were architects so i treated it as fun networking opportunity. anyway, was totally hilarous to be a destination for archi-tour that included MVRDV. no way that should ever happen in logical world. but i'll pretend we were there because we are good ;-)

Jun 12, 09 10:06 pm  · 
Living in Gin

Apology accepted. The client I was referring to in that thread was another client, though, not the Port Authority.

This is my third project for the Port Authority... Overall they're a great client and most of the PA people we deal with sincerely want to do the right thing, but like any other client, they can sometimes be infuriating.

Jun 12, 09 10:19 pm  · 
Living in Gin

In other news, I just learned that yet another ex-girlfriend of mine is now happily married to somebody other than me. If the women I've dated (not that there have been all that many), she was the one who I was close friends with before and after we were dating, and who I had the closest relationship with while we were dating. We broke up when I moved to Philly and we lost touch a few years later, and sometimes I still wonder how things might have worked out if I hadn't moved. I'm happy for her, but you'll have to forgive me for indulging in some self-pity and for feeling slightly shitty about some of the decisions I've made over the years.

Jun 12, 09 11:29 pm  · 
vado retro

here's a classic tune for when she MaRrIeS someone other than you....

Jun 13, 09 12:14 am  · 

i like this one better.

Jun 13, 09 8:41 am  · 
vado retro

excellent SW. Here's AnOtHeR woulda shoulda coulda and an influence on Nick Lowe I'd say....

Jun 13, 09 10:46 am  · 

Another day, another long bike ride that kicked my butt. Luckily I'm in good shape today though. I think I'll take a nap :o)

Jun 13, 09 5:57 pm  · 
brian buchalski

i'm still alive

Jun 13, 09 6:54 pm  · 

i'm barely alive...

Jun 13, 09 8:52 pm  · 

Nite all.

Jun 13, 09 9:47 pm  · 

as john boy says, Night all! Dream Big, cause that is what matters!

Jun 13, 09 10:38 pm  · 

I'm spent. Good night and good luck.

Jun 14, 09 2:22 am  · 

also still alive. just. The pre-rationalists are leaving in the morning.

Gin, the indulgence is totally acceptable as long as it's short-lived. The guy I used to whine about to abra is getting married next month, and it feels very strange. Just don't spend too much time thinking about it.

Jun 14, 09 2:38 am  · 

LiG, im in a similar boat, happened last friday, but im too sick (cough cough cough coughhhh) and overworked to think about it

Jun 14, 09 4:37 am  · 

Gin me too. My first real girlfriend, as an adult, just got married in May. She's still apparently upset with me, because I stole all her friends (her words not mine). Oddly enough the missus used to be her best friend - so maybe there is some truth to that statement.

Hi all... I'm still stuffed up and sound like Rick Moranis in Space Balls

Jun 14, 09 11:07 am  · 

in 1996 i went to the wedding of someone with whom i had lived in '93-'94. wasn't so bad, actually. i had fun, was happy for her. ...and talk about closure!

Jun 14, 09 12:15 pm  · 
Living in Gin

I don't think I ever had any notions about her and I actually getting back together, but it's a little depressing to see so many of my friends buying houses, getting married, and staring families while I'm still finishing my undergrad degree, still single, still broke, and still living in the same type of studio apartment I had a decade ago. They make it look so fucking easy.

Jun 14, 09 1:00 pm  · 

do your thing. never compare your life with others...

Jun 14, 09 1:14 pm  · 

Orhan I think that may be the new archinect motto "do your thing. never compare your life with others..." and it is the realisation that EVERY architect faces midway through their careers

Jun 14, 09 2:39 pm  · 

I'm not particularly sad about parting ways with WonderExMan or any of my other previous boyfriends, or with what they've done with their lives. Mainly the amount of time I spent with them was the amount of time it took me to figure out that I wasn't meant to be with them. Obviously with my first boyfriend, it took a while, but the next few I dispatched with a lot more quickly. I don't mean to sound mean about it, but I firmly believe that life happens for a reason and if you're meant to be with someone, it will happen. And if not, well, I don't like wasting my time.

All of this is to say that I firmly agree with Orhan...I've got lots of friends who are married with kids and who have houses in the suburbs, but we're such different people, and we all wanted different things from life. I have a lot to be thankful for, not the least of which is great friends.

Jun 14, 09 3:22 pm  · 

Interesting article in NYT Art section today.

Two points it raises. First how does a musuem collect performance art?

Also the artist a Colin Gee (former Cirque du Soleil clown and troupe director) is working on a video piece in collaboration with LIG's parish, Cathedral Church of St. John the Divine.

Jun 14, 09 3:32 pm  · 

Nam typically performance art is collected by the museum owning the media rights particularly the filming during the event. But as many have argued it is not the performance they own, rather a facsimile and as such the rights should be of the public domain.

Jun 14, 09 5:18 pm  · 

i agree with orhan.
good to have goals though. which is probably much the harder thing.

wasn't it caesar who hit mid-life and came to conclusion alexander the great had conquered the world by age 30 and so it was time to step up or turn away? no idea where that fits in the hagiography, but i guess it was part of the reason for crossing the rubicon.

Jun 14, 09 7:56 pm  · 

i must've missed the short story about meeting ep in the bathroom. think you could email it to me, LiG? and ya, Orhan's got it...

for those of you that pray or otherwise generate and send positive thoughts and vibes, please throw one in for my stepfather, Mark. he's only 52 but has experienced some significant heart trouble recently, having had a string of heart attacks (6 in a short period of time). the 3rd technically took his life for 45 minutes, but a persistant doctor managed to bring him back. since then he's been in rough shape, and is currently on a downward slope, and may not be well enough to qualify for a heart/kidney transplant. if he doesn't qualify, then it's just a matter of time until his ticker gives out. if he does qualify--which is of course our hope--they will perform a dual tranplant (2 kidneys and a heart)...which is as risky as it sounds, especially given the condition of his heart. i'm heading to see him (at Shands in Gainesville, FL) later this week.

and just so i don't end on that note, i'll throw in that i've spent the past 10 days or so with my mom's side of the family in rural/suburban Chicago. it's been great to have this much time with everyone and to introduce my lovely girlfriend/life partner to extended portions of the family. i'm thankful that i'll be down the road in St. Louis for the next 2 or so years...

mi primo Jose and his youngest daughter Aliyah Jaylene, on the day of her Christening...

Aliyah Jaylene in her Christening dress...

Aunt Jody on slalom skiiing...

Aunt Jodi and MK in the kitchen...

cousing Jamee kickin it...

Jun 14, 09 9:13 pm  · 

that's what i get for rushing...

caption 3 should read "Aunt Jody slalom skiiing..."

and caption 4 should read "Aunt Olga and MK in the kitchen..."

and of course on caption 5, cousin, not cousing...

back to the fam now...

Jun 14, 09 9:15 pm  · 
Living in Gin

The EP bathroom story was posted on the EvilP thread, now floating somewhere back in the Archinect ether (where it will hopefully stay).

There's a slightly edited version of it on my blog. As the disclaimer notes, the story contains elements that are factual.

Jun 14, 09 9:38 pm  · 

For AP-

I thought about you and your GF this evening while making one of my favorite meals of latino black beans and rice, seasoned tilapia and salad.

Jun 14, 09 9:39 pm  · 

melt, that table looks awfully lonely.

Jun 14, 09 9:52 pm  · 

Wanna do a cookout next week? got lots of fresh lettuce 'n spinach and soon to be harvesting peas.... not that you need an excuse.

Tuna - looks good, but I second beta's comment. This economy is probably killing the dating scene...

wK- good luck being a green gypsy - keep us posted with tales from the road!

Bet ya'll been wondering what TK has been up to as I've been rather quiet 'round the 'nect since my conference debut.

Been trying to get my head around the fall seminar and my spring undergrad 4th-year 'studio'. (Also co-teaching a grad studio in spring - but that's the other prof's schtick and I'm not planning anything for that 'till the fall).

For the spring 'studio', I have a crazy idea of doing a design/build green roof renovation for one of the projects my office did back in '85. Since the LA B.E.D. program is brand new, I have a blank slate and this seems to have excited the department. It's not a full blown 'studio' as most of us have gone through, as there is no dedicated studio space. So now I need to figure out how to get all the bureaucratic buy-ins from the U and start hustling materials/funding...

For my 'advanced sustainability seminar', I've settled on providing a three prong approach:
Not sure if I'll do three distinct units or if I'll mix it all up. Trying to line up a few guest speakers including a developer/client type to discuss the obstacles and how they see 'green buildings/infrastructure' from a business perspective. Might be able to get the policy guest speaker to become my champion for the spring green roof studio as it's their roof I wanna have the kids digging up.

Oh, how many folks get calls from their boss and from clients on the weekend? It's not like they've paid us/me enough to claim my time 24/7....[/rant]

Jun 14, 09 10:25 pm  · 
Living in Gin
Jun 14, 09 10:32 pm  · 

Treekiller congrats on the studio; I think those students are WAY lucky to have someone as passionate as yourself being their guide through their architectural experience. And good luck with that studio you are creating... I think Wonder K would be an excellent guest speaker when she rolls into town on her Real Mean Green Machine!!

AP great set of photos there and sorry about your step-dad

I'm feeling much better this evening, spoke with a doctor friend of mine who was able to find the right cocktail of otc medication to reduce the sinus pressure. But she's advised that I stay home for a day or two. I'm not sure how I'm going to manage that I may hold up in a coffee shop for an hour or two.

And I should get a formal offer tomorrow/Tuesday

Jun 14, 09 11:23 pm  · 

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