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liberty bell

DubK I hate for you to go to the trouble to send them, isn't melt headed out your way soon, maybe she could deliver them! But yeah, I would like to try them.

techno let us know how the interview went!

Jun 8, 09 4:11 pm  · 

Anyone here know where I can find typical dimensions for back bars? Apparently I now have to design one from a photo. Anyone? Anyone?

Jun 8, 09 4:12 pm  · 

toaster, what do you want to know about Florida?

Jun 8, 09 4:12 pm  · 

Hopefully I won't get in trouble for this, but Atechno's interview began about an hour ago. Hopefully we'll be hearing something shortly. Keeping fingers crossed.

Hurry up and let us know... it's all I can do not to start emailing you on a status report.

Jun 8, 09 4:15 pm  · 

tuna- 18" is fairly typical for a back bar, though depends on the overall depth of the room (tweak down for really narrow/long spaces). Also depends on if it's for a wine bar, dive bar, whiskey bar, german/spanish tavern, et cetera - if you need a sherry cask or other strange beverage dispenser, then size for that...

Jun 8, 09 4:22 pm  · 

Sorry all I had to... Couldn't resist

Jun 8, 09 4:24 pm  · 
liberty bell

melt, I think you need 24" at least - if there is equipment like ice makers under the back bar they are 24-30" deep, often they stick out beyond the leading edge of the counter surface and the ice is scooped out from the projected part. My cafe counters all have 24", then 36-48" work space, then 24-30" front counter.

Graphic standards will be your friend on this question...

Jun 8, 09 4:32 pm  · 

Thanks LB and TK -
Very helpful info. It's for a wine bar actually, but there will be an espresso machine sitting on the counter. How much clearance for such stuff would you normally give? I looked at our CD copy of our graphic standards and I couldn't find anything :o/ Maybe I'm looking in the right section.

We've got the counter depth figured out... now I need to commence on the upper part. Hmmmm. Might have to do my own "research" tonight.

Jun 8, 09 4:51 pm  · 
Sarah Hamilton

Did I tell you guys that Target turned me down? I cant remember if I did or not. And Unemployment ran out. Hopefully, I can get some of that federal assistance Obama released. BTW, where are those stimulus jobs he's promised?

OOOOHHHH A cold front is coming through!! Maybe it will get down to 86! And we've had 3 earthquakes in a week. Well, theyve been south of me, so I havent gotten to feel the earth move under my feet, or the sky tumbling down. No damage though.

I;m bored today.

Jun 8, 09 5:03 pm  · 

sarah, start your own design firm... write the business plan, make a website, print cards, and hang out at the local farmers market soliciting clients with .02$ consultations. Check the TX license law, but you probably don't need to be licensed for residential work. Just make sure that you get an umbrella insurance policy for $2m+ just to CYA.

Jun 8, 09 5:08 pm  · 

*m, it would help to know what kind of espresso machine is going on the bar.

Most (small) espresso machines are 16.5" to 18"D, add in space for plumbing... so I'd say conservatively it would be good to budget at least a 21" to 24" D counter.

However, if you get a super professional one, like this expensive, awesome piece of shit, they are usually around 24"D. The Starbucks-styled espresso machines with the hoppers built-in were about 32"D.

So, footprint-wise... it is a pretty big size investment. I'd get with the client to buy the espresso machine first and maybe some wine racks and build around those? Stellar shelves and a sweet machine are great focal points.

Jun 8, 09 5:22 pm  · 

hi all. Thanks for the words of encouragement, and thanks *m for the emails. Not to be anti-climactic or anything but the interview went very well. Two of the three panel members openly endorsed me during the interview. I should be hearing from them soon regarding the offer which they've said will require some negotiations to suit. The job could require me to start before the summer is over though.... but I advised them that I'd like to take August off to see my archinecty friends. Best part of the interview was me presenting the annex to my CV detailing my academic interests - they liked that.

@ toaster - I've only done one project in Florida but found the hurricane requirements fairly simple for single family residential projects. Granted that was between hurricane Andrew and Katrina. Dade county produces a fairly useful standard which much of the Caribbean uses as well that most manufacturers refer to in the specifications. If there is something specific, like a detail you need help with let me know.

Jun 8, 09 5:24 pm  · 

re: hillandrock: toaster, what do you want to know about Florida?

all I want is to see how other people handle the component and cladding section of the wind loading requirements on the arch drawings - do you call out the pressure requirements on the plans, in the door/window schedule, or in the specs? the only projects I've had to deal with wind issues have been rich people's houses on the cape and martha's vineyard... there you simply had to get performance specs from the subs for the building inspector if they ask (and in the specs you only have to say "components and cladding must meet ___ wind requirements"). in Florida some places require some pretty extensive wind analysis on the drawings when you submit for a building permit. if people typically hire a consultant for this kind of work, I'd like to know because it's a pain in the ass.

nam - I thought you seemed kind of landscapey, but it turns out you are completely outside of the field. (no wonder you don't whine about the profession like the rest of us). It's really great to have someone from a non-arch perspective around here, because, quite frankly, sometimes I really get sick of only talking with or listening to other architects.

actually, that's not completely true - I come here because I like architecture a bit too much and I really need to nerd-out sometimes.

Jun 8, 09 8:04 pm  · 

atechno - it's a 500 room hotel and resort.

Jun 8, 09 8:11 pm  · 

H&R - espresso machine spec is back at the office, but it is sorta in line with what you linked to. Off hand I believe it measures something like 22" high. Not sure about the depth though. Thanks for reminding me about the plumbing though... for whatever reason, my brain completely forgot about that consideration. Like I said previously I'm more concerned about the upper part of the back bar (you know, where all the pretty bottles are displayed), but I guess that's something I can attack tomorrow.

Jun 8, 09 8:19 pm  · 

nam - somehow i knew that would be the page header. i hoped not...but i knew. (scariest thing may be that i had thought ahead to it.)

Jun 8, 09 9:54 pm  · 

I couldn't help myself.

Goodnight all.

Jun 8, 09 10:09 pm  · 
liberty bell

I don't get what the issue is with the 311 image?

Jun 8, 09 10:39 pm  · 

311 sucks almost as much as sublime.

Jun 8, 09 11:12 pm  · 

That 311 logo has had me singing "come original" all evening - thanks Nam. Toaster for 500 room hotel in Florida I sure hope you have a SE on board. Otherwise it seems like a liability issue waiting to happen. I can't speak about Florida in that regard but on most projects I've worked on slightly similar the engineers provided both spec references and calculation sheets (either bound and submitted with the drawings, or summaries located in the column line). I suspect you will have to bite the bullet

Jun 8, 09 11:53 pm  · 

atechno - Congrats buddy, that's great that it went well. I look forward to following your teaching via your schoolblog (assuming you'll resume posting to it)...

tk - Congrats to you as well for a successful debut presentation.

In Chicago this week and next, visiting family. Taking a day trip to St. Louis on Wednesday to check out apartments.

MK and Grandma in front of the Barrington Public Library (I was born in Barrington, IL 28 years ago today)...

Cinco and Magic, Grandma's cats (they're actually my cousin's cats... He and his wife lived with Grandma for a while, and she wouldn't let them take the cats when they moved out)...

Putt Putt Sears Tower (so I realize I'm a few months late on this, but I learned tonight that the Sears Tower is being renamed the Willis Tower...what choo talkin about Willis?!)

Jun 9, 09 1:13 am  · 

is it wrong that i enjoy adobe indesign? as in absolutely enjoy it?

atechno, good luck again

lb and wonderk, are we talking about the "koolhaas" shoes?

Jun 9, 09 2:00 am  · 

h&r: try some more old-school sublime, before they sold out with the self title. 40 oz. to Freedom is my fav, won't hear a word said against it.

AP, I don't think I'd let Cinco and Magic leave either, they're beautiful!

My parents are coming into town tomorrow (would they be the pre-rationalists?), and the end of the year show is opening. Thesis presentations on Wednesday... scary! I was up all night last night binding my books by hand. Didn't think til now to take pics, but got to use a sweet old industrial sewing machine, and really really want one of my own now!

Jun 9, 09 2:09 am  · 

no thanks, i grew up in cocoa beach.

i think that bullshit is way overplayed.

Jun 9, 09 2:38 am  · 

Also, if I want to listen to music about sex, drugs and drinking... I'm totally READY TO UFF.

Jun 9, 09 2:41 am  · 
Living in Gin

Happy birthday, AP.

Nice cats... What breed are they? Their markings look a little too distinctive to just be normal domestic tabbies.

I love thunderstorms, but not while I'm trying to sleep. I woke up to thunder and lightning about 30 minutes ago, and now it seems to have died down a bit. Think I'll try heading back to bed, although more storms might come later tonight.

Jun 9, 09 3:09 am  · 

Happy birthday AP!

Those look like tiger cats....not big enough though. They are quite beautiful.

fays....I enjoy InDesign too. Seriously. It's OK. :o) And yes, we are talking about the koolhaas shoes.

Jun 9, 09 3:33 am  · 
looks like the interest in electric vehicles and maybe even denser living patterns is going to stay for awhile longer.

tough times these may be but it is possible that at the end of it our world will be better in a lot of ways.

Jun 9, 09 5:54 am  · 
Sarah Hamilton

Morning all. Happy Birthday AP.

Jun 9, 09 8:27 am  · 

Awww cute kitties AP. Oh and appy Birthday

Good luck rationalist on the thesis presenation and show. Althuogh I know you'll do fine. Will you get posting more of your thesis anywhere. I'm very interested to see it. Have fun with the pre-rationalists ;o)

OK - time to get to work

Jun 9, 09 8:29 am  · 

Oops. I meant to say Happy Birthday.

Jun 9, 09 8:29 am  · 

Happy B-Day AP...

TK your slum thread was awakened recently i see.
Archi, are you planning to continue school blogging?

Hi ladies of TC...

Jun 9, 09 8:37 am  · 

Sorry guys to be bugging you all but I have one more question. I just read over the specs of the espresso machine and there is nothing that states any clearance needed for above the machine. Logic tells me that would have to be some but I'm not sure how much. 12"? 6"? Any suggestions?

HI NAM!!!!!

Jun 9, 09 9:02 am  · 
liberty bell

Happy birthday AP. You and Angus are the same day, right? The 9th (your post above is dated the end of the 8th, west coast)?

Willis Tower, excuse me?!

Jun 9, 09 9:21 am  · 
Willis Tower, excuse me?!

Yea, ha - my dad works for Willis. They have to have a really big ego to RENAME a national landmark... christ. -.-

Jun 9, 09 9:46 am  · 

Happy Birthday AP - I'm supposed to be out of office so you guys don't talk too much, I don't want to be up all night trying to catch up on TC.

@Nam + AP it is my hope to continue with the school blog if Paul, et al will let me. I mentioned my contributions to the school blog during the interview and got some smiles with a "Really? Wow!"

Jun 9, 09 9:57 am  · 
Sarah Hamilton

Everybody cross your fingers. I may have found someone to help me with my project! Pray he says yes, and that we work well together.

Jun 9, 09 10:04 am  · 

There was a good article in the Sunday NYT about an electric Motorcycle. The top speed is 50 mph and has a 45 mile range, and can be plugged into a 100 electrical outlet and sells for around $12,000.00. You will be able to buy yours at "Best Buy" I was thinking Tuna might want trade up.

Jun 9, 09 10:25 am  · 

thanks for the happy b-day wishes everyone.

yes, lb, the 9th (was up late in Chicago, so it was after midnight here when I posted). Happy B-Day to Angus too! Paul P shares the 9th with us as well...

rationalist, good luck with your presentation. I'm sure your work is rockin, and look forward to seeing the final product...

the cats are indeed beautiful. they're bengals, and along with the cool patterning, they both have gorgeous eyes (green/blue).

Magic starting to fall asleep... he likes it when you scratch his little cheek.

Jun 9, 09 11:20 am  · 
Living in Gin

That's it, a bengal cat... My former roommate in Oregon had a big cat with similar markings, but I couldn't remember the name of the breed. I wanted to guess Maine coon, but those typically have long hair.

Jun 9, 09 11:32 am  · 

Hey Jump, what's the most dense area of Tokyo with alot of high-rise and contemporary architecture?

Jun 9, 09 11:53 am  · 

Oooh electric motorcycle. Unfortunately trading up will have to be put on the back burner... along with everything else as we were just informed that we are ramping down to a 32 hr work week.

I think I'm going to go throw up now.

Jun 9, 09 12:18 pm  · 
vado retro

Happy Birthday AP!

That sucks tuna!

LB i'm listening to a mix you gave me when i first moved here. 2002 maybe one of the best songs ever.

Jun 9, 09 12:27 pm  · 
Sarah Hamilton

Aw, tuna. Well, think of the free time you will have to do whatever you want.

Jun 9, 09 12:30 pm  · 

Is "Maine coon" really a type of cat. learn something new everyday.

Jun 9, 09 12:34 pm  · 

Nam - yes Maine Coons are a real breed.

SH - I agree, it will be nice to have an extra day, but that means I'll be making less (obviously) and I got bills to pay and not really any cushion to speak of. Have no one to help out either, as the cats refuse to pull their weight and get paying jobs. Not only that but I worry how long this will go on before more are brought to the chopping block. I heart my co-workers and I really don't want any of them to get laid off.

Jun 9, 09 12:40 pm  · 
liberty bell

Aw, crap, melt. That sucks. And wasn't it only a week ago you were swamped with responsibility?!

My partner's partner really wants two Bengal cats. They'll fit with the decor so awesomely.

Jun 9, 09 1:17 pm  · 
Living in Gin

Crap, ****melt. Sorry to hear about your job situation. Seems like it's always feast or famine in this business. I'll be happy to buy you a drink or two when I'm in town in a couple weeks.

Jun 9, 09 1:36 pm  · 

tuna- you adjust. the plus is you keep full time benefits and have more time to enjoy life (or start your own practice).

Jun 9, 09 1:44 pm  · 

Bengal cats! That's right, but aren't they a tad bigger? Very cool in any case.

So I am offering free Web hosting to my unemployed friends who would like to put their portfolios online. Each would get a unique domain name (based off my main site name) and a user name and all that, plus a link to their work from one of my Web site's main pages. Email me if you are A) unemployed and B) interested. I've got a few people already....I'm just really worried as I have a few more friends who've been laid off in the past several weeks, and it's everywhere. Things are NOT getting better. They are getting much worse. But at least I don't have to pay my loans yet. Nevertheless, I'd like to help if I can, and I can, even in this small way. We'll figure out a way to get through this somehow....

Jun 9, 09 1:58 pm  · 

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