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vado retro

If everyone would have gotten this worked up when Bush "won" the election in 2000, who the hell knows how things would have turned out.

Jun 16, 09 11:06 pm  · 

Does anyone know how to make vray export better jpgs?

i dont like all the artifacts.

Jun 16, 09 11:20 pm  · 

Does anyone know how to make vray export better jpgs?

i dont like all the artifacts.

Jun 16, 09 11:20 pm  · 

woah, double post. sorry.

Jun 16, 09 11:21 pm  · 

Whoa you guys were busy today. Or perhaps I just started early!

h&r is that VRay? It looks quite good. Are you entirely self-taught?

I sold my first three items on eBay today! It's so exciting!

Jun 17, 09 12:28 am  · 

vado i was thinking the same exact thing yesterday. sadly it might have made even more of a difference in our case here in the US as there was a much bigger gulf of difference between the two candidates... seems like moussavi & ahmadinejad actually agree on a lot, although i'm still (irrationally?) excited by the prospect of an architect president.

there was a pretty eloquent mid-east scholar on colbert tonight, talking about the rallies. he didn't really say anything new though, but he stated things clearly and eloquently.

in other news, looks like my future's a bit hazy all of a sudden. will report more when i know more. the good news is i passed my leed (aka keepingupwiththejoneses) exam.

Jun 17, 09 12:28 am  · 

"h&r is that VRay? It looks quite good. Are you entirely self-taught?"

Yeah, it's VRay. And yeah, I'm self-taught... well, self-teaching... I started learning Vray this last friday [I've spent maybe 12 hours in total fooling around with it].

This is my exploration into vray until up about now:

Jun 17, 09 12:37 am  · 

treekiller = 木の殺人 (ki no satsujin) = literally, one who kills trees. there is ery likely a more poetic way to say it, but that is what my blunt japanese skills come up with...

Jun 17, 09 1:29 am  · 

Baummörder(in) auf deutsch

Jun 17, 09 2:58 am  · 

holz, is that treekiller in German? :-D

Jun 17, 09 3:09 am  · 

kudos to for it's subtle, but very important, acknowledgment of the Human Rights Campaign in its most recent television commercial. [look for the logo on the golfer's t-shirt]

Jun 17, 09 5:29 am  · 

i wouldn't underplay the accomplishment, manta. would you think the same about the ARE? it's a landmark! be proud! especially in the knowledge that, ultimately, at least the conceptual aspects of it should be stuff we're required to know anyway. it's like an addendum to the ARE.

not sure i feel the same about the LEED requirement to know chapter/verse of ASHRAE. that's a little too prescriptive for my interest, but....

i remember very specifically my building systems/technology instructors in undergrad telling us that it was less important that we know/memorize everything than it was that we know how to find it. why can't LEED recognize that?

Jun 17, 09 7:48 am  · 

Cuz the peeps who make the exam are jackasses? Congrats Manta on the accomplishment. I was so glad when I passed just for the sheer joy in knowing I didn't have to study anymore.

Jun 17, 09 8:27 am  · 

Ha ha ha, melt, that's exactly how I've been feeling! The first day after I was like... wait a minute... wait a minute... no, there's NOTHING I HAVE TO BE DOING RIGHT NOW! very wondrous & amazing feeling.

Thanks, Steven. I guess I am proud of it -- although I completely agree, the entire point of the test goes against the "don't learn anything you can look up" rule (since it is ALL look-up-able since it is ALL in the one single LEED book you study)! That aggravated me a LOT in the beginning. But in the end I was glad I learned all that, because, truthfully, it did remind me to think of a lot of things I'd been overlooking, and it did help me see the correlations & larger picture between strategies. But, to be totally truthful, I did only sign up to take the test because everyone else has taken it. I guess that made me undermine its value a bit. Thanks for the reminder!

Jun 17, 09 9:24 am  · 

Also some things happened at work that kinda made me undervalue the accomplishment, I guess.

Jun 17, 09 9:25 am  · 

Thank you Paul, there will be less bigotry and hatred on the 'nect.

Manta LEED-AP, congrats!

Jun 17, 09 10:24 am  · 

jJk3hl - I attended DIS during the Summer of 2002 and enjoyed it very much. The studio work didn't make it into my portfolio, but the places and pieces of architecture that I experienced on that trip have definitelt impacted my subsequent work and my outlook on design at every scale. Soak it in buddy...and please do blog about it. I'll definitely be reading.

At O'Hare airport at the moment...heading to Jacksonville, FL via Philly...

Happy Wednesday!

Jun 17, 09 11:57 am  · 
Sarah Hamilton

Wait, what did I miss, TK?

Jun 17, 09 12:00 pm  · 

SH, see the bottom of page 313 - the troll has been silenced.

Jun 17, 09 12:06 pm  · 
vado retro

Congrats mantaray. My niece's husband is studying for the LEED. he is a customer service rep for a company that makes projection screens. wtf?

Jun 17, 09 12:24 pm  · 

He's gone TK? Really?


Jun 17, 09 12:53 pm  · 

the big green head sent a message - not sure what was in that message or if he is gone or will behave from now on.

Jun 17, 09 1:42 pm  · 
vado retro

Perhaps it is to our benefit to read the incoherent ramblings of racists. It allows us to keep a finger on the pulse of their opinions. It is easy to lose sight of the way many people who don't run in our circles perceive the world. Plus you get to tell them to go fuck themselves and feel good about yourself in the process.

Jun 17, 09 1:45 pm  · 

I have actully thought about getting my LEED cert. I would of course have to pay out of pocket unlike many of my Architecture friends whose firms paid for theirs. Actually one of them was who suggested it.
Not sure what use I would put it to, but i think i woudl be able to pass with some studying.

Jun 17, 09 2:01 pm  · 

This pages deserves a title card and a glass of scotch!

Luckily I just got finished rendering this.

I think I can say this 4.5 days of learning how to render has paid off.

Jun 17, 09 2:09 pm  · 

Moses wasn't banned. He was warned.

Jun 17, 09 2:23 pm  · 
Dapper Napper

OMG, Mantaray is mantaray!?

Jun 17, 09 2:29 pm  · 

nam, go for the LEED-Affiliate test.

Paul, a warning is good. very good.

Jun 17, 09 2:37 pm  · 

I'm totally in agreement with vado regarding differing points of view, and i'll leave it at that.

manta, LEED AP - congrats! And hi! I was also not aware that you were our old friend m... philly boarding for j-ville in 10...

Jun 17, 09 3:07 pm  · 

Oh, it's about 95 degrees in Jacksonville with around 85-95%.

Also, expect mild flooding as the St John's got 6.5 inches of rain yesterday. There's a probability of thunderstorms with hail and tornadoes over most of the state.

The mosquitoes are really bad and the encephalitis has already popped up.

But enjoy your trip!

Jun 17, 09 3:11 pm  · 

Florida has been home for most of my life, so i'm very familiar with the environs... and after 2 yrs in the northeast i'm actually looking forward to the humidity. My skin needs it...

Today it's in the 80's with less than 80% humidity where we're headed...a mild day by jax beach / pvb standards.

Jun 17, 09 3:31 pm  · 
Living in Gin

Oy... I have fond memories of living in Jax, but I think I would die of heat stroke if I were to ever move back there. Summers in NYC are pretty oppressive in their own right, but at least they don't last for six months. Not yet, anyway.

Jun 17, 09 3:35 pm  · 

Yowza, I'm actually scheduled to take LEED next Friday - and haven't studied anything yet. Its been a while since I've taken a proper test, so who knows how I'll do... According to company policy, I'm reimbursed only if I pass, so I better study!

Jun 17, 09 3:45 pm  · 

I hit the switch on my ac and it worked today - thank goodness; the outside temperature said it was in the mid 30s and I'm sure we were at about 85% humidity.

I raised my voice in the office today. There were some frighted people. I had to go for a drive and clear my head. All this because works we contracted still hadn't been paid. I'm sorry but my career exists beyond this job if you don't pay them on time it looks bad on me, and my future efforts.

Time for another drive

Jun 17, 09 3:56 pm  · 
Sarah Hamilton

Oh, I see.

I'm vacationing in august outside of Panama City Beach - any pointers from locals?

Jun 17, 09 4:04 pm  · 

You are in Jax?
AP, can't wait to meet up. It has been a minute.

Also, SH If i may suggest something. visit two places if you ahve time. They are on your path if you are driving.
1. Apalachicola, a wonderful old Florida panhandle fishing town. Very old florida scenic. Plus, great seafood if right time of year.
2. Near Apalachicola, St George Island State Park, consistently voted one fo the top beaches in the country by Dr. Beach. I went a coupel of years ago for a spring break before the crowds really showed up. Amazing beautiful, secluded beaches, especially when compared to Panama City or Pensacola..

Jun 17, 09 4:56 pm  · 

Nah, East Orlando... four-ought-seven holla!

Jun 17, 09 5:08 pm  · 
Living in Gin

Have fun in Jax, AP, and have a Lubi for me.

Jun 17, 09 5:56 pm  · 
Sarah Hamilton

We're actually staying in Laguna Beach - which from google earth walk around, it looks like a small hole in the wall town. We will have the mother in law and Abram with us, so we probably wont be stopping too much, but I will keep those in mind for another time. I love pretending to be local when I go places. I hate doing touristy things. MIL loves to go and see, so there may be a few clashes. She almost cried once when she thought she wouldnt get to see the lincoln memorial - we couldnt find a place to park.

Jun 17, 09 6:08 pm  · 

vado - as long as they don't get organized, we'll all be ok.

I am extremely grateful for the support I'm getting at this office. The last place I worked I'd get to the same point in the project (about 25% into CDs) and they'd shift me back to prelim design - every time I asked for more CD experience they'd pull the same "next project - right now we need you to do this presentation." Now I'm finally getting a chance to manage a set of CDs through construction on a large project and I'm surprised at how much I actually know and don't know - and how much I enjoy hunting down and coordinating massive amounts of information.

Jun 17, 09 6:21 pm  · 

that's kool toasteroven.

Sarah, i used to be like that too. now i love to go to the touristy things. not everything is worth it, but shutting down a whole chunk of experiences just cuz i was irrational about becoming a clumsy tourist sure did make my youth dreary. a lot of those trips were with my da, who died 5 years ago now, and i really wish my memory was more i changed my tune and try to act more like jim carrey in that "yesman" movie. not for everyone, but that kind of life can make even mundane things awesome.

Jun 17, 09 8:04 pm  · 

rupert and daisy's birthday. time flies. they are now 7 y.o. i remember i could lift them by one hand and they would hang down from my hand like piece of jello, which is how sweet they are.
rupi had an eye surgery three weeks ago and now almost recovered but still has to wear what they call is elizabethan collar that looks like a tv antenna dish more or less. so i call him sputnik temporarily. his neck is irritated from the plastic and he comes in the middle of the night licking my face to wake me up and wanting me to scratch his neck. so, when i take them for a walk people always ask what happened to them. remember daisy had a stroke couple of years ago leaving her limping when she walks. she loves to run and she is really fast and can easly leave rupi in the dust even before the eye surgery.

i finally saved enough money to buy a lenova lap top with specs as follow;
14.1 screen (for portability)
core 2 duo 6750 2.1 mhz 2gbyt cashe processor with 2 gb ram. w/250 hd.
i think this would be more than sufficient machine for me to use for internetting, writing and some simple acad and photoshoppe functions.
it was a really great deal at 504 dollars.

school went really fine and i had three students selected for year end exhibition. they all did great projects and worked really hard.

i see some new names in tc, and welcome!
it will be a working summer for me with several features on the pipeline for archinect.
i can't wait to start finishing them up, starting next week.
there is a proposal we are hoping to close next week for multi unit apartments in santa monica and hopefully if it all goes well i'll financially be able to catch up with the real world in coming years...

these are some personal news to my friends that is not listed in the internet. there is more exciting news but i won't be able to break right now. lets just say i might finally meet steven ward in person in the future and drive to see lb and my buddy vado. lets just leave it there and don't ask me more unless e mail..
love you all..

Jun 17, 09 8:58 pm  · 
Sarah Hamilton

Wow, thats quite an update Orhan.

Jump, I dont know how much of it is clumsy tourist avoidance, and how much is that I'm just not interested. Maybe I'm desensitised to it all. I mean, I've seen pictures and video of the Lincoln Memorial, and honestly, it was better that way than in person. And I was incredibly let down by the Pantheon. I know, I should have been in awe, and I can justify myself into fake awe, but the whole thing just kinda left me going 'oh, ok, thats nice.' I loved the doors, but the rest, ehh. If I think about it, I say "that was an encridible marvel of engineering to span that great space without columnar supports" but my problem is that we span those distances everyday. Big whoop. When we went to Genao, the most fun was going to the aquarium (not Renzos best work) and then eating fish afterwards - the best sword fish I've ever had. Husband and I like to just relax, take it easy, have drinks by the pool, lay around in the breeze, stroll around and people watch. Its what we do. For what its worth, we will take Abram to the aquarium in Panama City Beach, and they say theres a zoo, so we may do that. Maybe we will do some antiquing or something casual and easy.

Jun 17, 09 9:21 pm  · 

Happy birthday Rupi and Daisy!!! Do we get to see some recent photos? That's all very exciting news Orhan... can't wait to hear more and hopefully soon.

Slart - Wow, I can't believe you haven't started studying yet. You are a much braver person, as I studied almost a whole full two months before I took the exam... but than again I really suck at multiple guess... er multiple choice tests.

SH - I like the best of both worlds... I think it's fun being both the tourist and the local.

Anyhoo - I think my cat has an ear infection. When I picked him up this morning his ear had a distinct odor to it and then when I look inside there was a some crunchy looking stuff in it. :o(

Jun 17, 09 9:27 pm  · 

Hello everyone! :o) Good to see everybody here today. I spent most of the afternoon shooting the sh*t with Marlin. Oh, the places we could see if we had a source of funding and/or a sugar-person. Unfortunately we're both of the non-working class currently, but if we win the lottery...well let's just say you'd see a much more awesome version of Archinect Travels come down the pipeline in rapid succession.

Happy birthday Rupi and Daisy! Orhan I am intrigued and I'm going to email you.

And, because you know I like to throw up random pictures of hot men every now and again....behold Ryan Reynolds:

Brad who?

Jun 17, 09 9:36 pm  · 

In Orhan's post, I didn't realize until a bit into his post that he was talking about his pets, not his twin kids. I was picturing a 7 year old with one of those space cones licking his father's face when I realized. Am I the only one to have done that?

****melt - I wasn't worried, but now you got me worried a bit... I think its probably stupidity, not bravery, that I didn't study. I mean, I'm not exactly new to LEED, but still.

Jun 17, 09 9:53 pm  · 

you coming to teach with us, orhan?! woo hoo!

maybe i'll have to email......

Jun 17, 09 10:15 pm  · 

i had the pleasure of looking at B214 today. If we land this project (interview on friday), this will be my first actual LEED certification. tomorrow, I take a pass at figuring CS or NC for the factory...

Slabart, read the NC book once, then focus on the usgbc and gbci websites. know everything about their organizations and especially the certification process .(don't need to memorize the credits). email me if you need more tips.

Jun 17, 09 10:17 pm  · 

My girlfriends dog is named Rupert. Ha.

Orhan excited to here about the features. I bet they will be must reads!
I looked into it. LEED Associate seems like it might be the way to go.

Jun 17, 09 10:22 pm  · 

Slart - a friend of a co-worker studied for a week and passed it with flying colors. I'm honestly not the greatest test taker so don't worry.

Barry is right. Read over the CIRs... this will help you understand the credits. If you can get a hold of a few practice exams I would highly recommend it. It helps you get used to the wording and such as sometimes the way they word stuff can get confusing.

Good Luck Barry!!! That's such exciting news. I'll definitely keep my fingers crossed for you.

Jun 17, 09 10:28 pm  · 

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