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PS. Today my thought process is like this: "maybe I should just buy an RV and drive around the country...ha ha, that's funny ... (goes to Craigslist, searches for RVs) ... holy crap, RVs for less than $4000! Maybe I SHOULD do it!" :o)

Jun 9, 09 2:25 pm  · 

Thanks folks. My BF just told me I may be able to refi my house b/c I have a Freddie Mac loan. I'm seriously doubting it as I've only owned my house for 2 1/2 yrs. Keep your fingers crossed anyway, one of her friends is supposed to call me sometime to "discuss" it.

Jun 9, 09 3:43 pm  · 
Sarah Hamilton

WK, you could get free meals too if you make a point to only eat with Archinectors!

Jun 9, 09 4:43 pm  · 

Well the RV might be a good choice after all.....the HR lady from the Denver firm just called me. Apparently after my visit they decided to "redefine" the position to be geared towards someone with a Physics degree, which essentially eliminated me from the running. However, she said they were very impressed with me, and she wanted my permission to pass along my resume to another firm that they work in close contact with that also does energy modeling, and has offices all over the country. I've actually heard of this firm, and I sent her an updated resume so that she could pass it on to them and whoever else she wanted. She mentioned that since she had met me, she'd be happy to refer me to anyone she encountered. So that's nice. But still, no job. :o/

Incidentally, I've recently learned that three more architecture/design friends have either been laid off, furloughed, or had their hours cut. So at this point, I think it's a miracle that I even got interviews.

So, fays....maybe you're right, I should get the RV and do a publicity tour :o)

Jun 9, 09 4:43 pm  · 
Sarah Hamilton

Oh, and thanks for crossing your fingers, y'all. I have a meeting next week with someone to maybe help on the church project of mine. yeah!

Jun 9, 09 4:44 pm  · 

tuna- I've been in this boat since last november, you'll manage. It looks like my missus won't be employable until august when the pysch board next meets.

Jun 9, 09 4:44 pm  · 

OK - someone from the Appalachian Single Foot Horse Breed Association keeps trying to fax something to my cell phone. Seriously folks... go double check the fucking fax number.

Jun 9, 09 6:25 pm  · 
Living in Gin

I've never trusted those damn ASFHBA people.

Jun 9, 09 6:31 pm  · 


you know the idea is not as crazy as it sounds. the guys at fantastic norway architects made it into a business model of sorts.

if you have no obligations a venture like this could be not only a real blast but a way to find your own opportunities. could be a good reason to go to a university you want to teach at and get some kind of support too. design build on the road...or energy education, etc...i dunno what i am saying, just that it may not be so crazy after all.

Jun 9, 09 8:06 pm  · 

DAMMIT!!! If only I didn't have a mortgage and student loan payments

Jun 9, 09 8:10 pm  · 

jk3hl ,

those two desires do not exactly go together. depends on how you define high-rise i guess. shinonome canalcourt codan is a recent development that is fairly dense and includes buildings by riken yamamoto, toyo ito, etc. i think kengo kuma is represented there too. if you do a google search you can find out more.

if you want awesome starchitecture best place is omotesando and the tree-lined boulevard that connects omotesando to harajuku station. buildings by mvrdv, sejima, ando, ito, herzog + demeuron, zaha hadid, and others.

for mediocre but actually highrise then check out roppongi hills, planned by jon jerde. google will again give you lots of info if interested.

Jun 9, 09 8:21 pm  · 

hey everyone - I'm knackered! Heading to bed. Wonder K that is an awesome idea. I have a wedding in LA in late August fancy driving me back to Cleveland? Just a thought... do you think we'd have to pass it by Mama K? Inside joke folks

Jun 9, 09 10:11 pm  · 
liberty bell

One-thirty AM and the elevations aren't even started?!?

I'm a scheduling disaster, you guys. DubK you asked me recently if there was something I could do to improve my efficiency. I did my first spreadsheet in Numbers recently, and it seems the program has a scheduling template. I may have to investigate, making sure it allows for entries like "making 24 cupcakes for camp" and "dropping off sculpture for spouse" and of course "archinect". ;-)

Jun 10, 09 1:34 am  · 
brian buchalski

things are indeed going to continue to get much worse economically (especially in the usa). by most rational standards the dollar should have already imploded against most other currencies....however...the easy-to-overlook x-factor in the modern world is the sheer power of the us military-industrial complex. the us army is far bigger than any other on the planet and thus far no one dare challenge...this is how dollar maintains its special status (basically through shear force or, more accurately at the moment, the fear of shear force).

of course, as public relations of usa continue to falter, it might not be a stretch for others to challenge this superiority. the value of dollar continues to trend in dangerous territory. i would not be the least bit surprised if the usa is again engaged in another significant military operation within the next 18-24 months. and if i were a wagering type, i would put my money on north korea. already the media machine is steadily grinding the "nuclear rogue state" meme into everybody's subconscious. moreover, i wouldn't be the least bit surprised if the washington/wall street axis somehow cajoled them into lobbying a missile (possibly even a nuke) at the pacific northwest. this would clearly allow usa to drop the war hammer on the north of the dmz with absolute ferocity since the north koreans don't seem to have very many friends in their neighborhood. i doubt that japan, south korea or even china would stand in the way of a massive us invasion if it were at least "percieved" that north korea were the aggressor. and beyond just north korea bizarre isolationist doesn't come with the same religous/idealogy perils of middle east intervention. in retrospect, perhaps g w bush was right with his "axis of evil" pronouncement...sadly, he might have just picked the wrong one of the three to target.

i've remarked before that the failure of the iraq war is that it wasn't, in fact, really a war at all. the opposition was basically non-existent. north korea might put up more of a fight and this would be to the benefit of all of us (at least those of us who are american & would like to keep job).

at any rate, i suspect that exchange rates might be decent predictor of war. if, for example, the current 1.4dollars = 1.0 euros were to run up to something closer to 2.0dollars = 1.0 euro then it might be very likely a need of massive military action against an either real/perceived or genuine-or-manufactured threat whether terrorist or rogue state or what ever.

we'll see

Jun 10, 09 2:12 am  · 
brian buchalski

oh shit...why i posting on this trhead a 02am in the mrongin? i'm tired and need sleep because sometimes hunger is good fro you.

anyhow...if anything, i think i'm still bullish on south america. even though norht america (i.e., USA) is in for rough decade or two...the south america might be very promising. time to learn some portugese?

Jun 10, 09 2:15 am  · 
brian buchalski

oh...and maybe i 'm not just bullish on s america. but also any third world place might be where the money & profits are headed. here's a nice link to new empires, new cities

of course, if the third world is where the future of corporate profits are headed then should it be any surprise that the powers that be seem inttent on sinking most of america (i.e., the america outside their own gated communities) into the third world? the rich have been sucking blood out of the middle class & the poor for years now and those source have nearly run dry. it's now time ot start considering the super-poor as a viable option.

bedtme for!

Jun 10, 09 2:20 am  · 

the middle class have been sucking the middle class dry for years.

but that depends on which middle class you're talking about.

Jun 10, 09 2:37 am  · 

puddles, dear, take two ibuprofen with a glass of water and go to bed.

Sadly, though, I think puddles ramblings are closer to truth than I'd like to admit. This thing with the journalists in North Korea is going to force a huge diplomatic standoff.

Jun 10, 09 2:51 am  · 

PS. I think MamaK would love you techno, once she actually met you. About that drive to Cleveland - where is your wedding? We'll have to see about this...

Jun 10, 09 3:10 am  · 

hasn't an RV trip around the US been promised/threatened before on TC?

Jun 10, 09 7:32 am  · 

I think MamaK would definitely love you Atechno the moment she met you. My mom would too.

I also agree that there is some truth in puddles ramblings about North Korea. The Art of Diplomacy is such a slippery slope. I took a diplomacy class in school and it was by far the best class I ever took. I learned so much...I'm still surprised at how much it actually helps me understand what is going on in the world today.

Jun 10, 09 8:25 am  · 
Sarah Hamilton

I know I dont understand things, but I dont understand why we are so worried about the journalists. I mean, if they crossed into enemy terretory, and got captured, why are we so concerned? They knew what they were doing was dangerous. WHy are we allowing them to become bargaining chips?

There are two rabbits in my back yard. I hope they dont eat my mint - its doing really well. I think I could have fresh mojitos anytime I want by july 4th!

So the new IE program has this awesome favorites feature. I now have my very own Archinect button in the top toolbar. No need to scroll through the favorites list. If only it would load as a purely graphic icon instead of words and such.

Jun 10, 09 8:49 am  · 

Morning all.
My mint is doing great but I planted it a few months ago. The only thing I notice is it seems to reguire more (as in both amount and frequency) watering than all my other herbs. I use it for a nice cooling mug of mint tea before bed.

As for puddles point re: the third world and US/first world power. Kazy Varnelis made a very similar poitn recently here. Wherein he basically suggested that the "new world order" will be more like the Third World everywhere. As he put it, "The Third World didn't vanish in the worldwide economic "boom," it spread everywhere."

Jun 10, 09 9:27 am  · 

firefox has been like that for awhile now sarah. i make the icons text free by change the name to a "space-bar". i believe there is an add-on that does it too...

n. korea is scary as hell. they sent missiles over us a few times now, and there was that whole kidnapping deal where people were just snatched off beaches for decades...

i doubt america will attack. unlike iraq n. korea is armed very well. i think they would be ready and even happy to be attacked. but then i see no way diplomacy can work either. things are in a stale-mate, really. perhaps something changes when kim jong il's sexy son takes over.

Varnelis quote is nice. i don't believe it, but it is a nice way of looking at the topic. quite smart.

Jun 10, 09 9:46 am  · 

Hi morning all. Shit I forgot my coffee in the car - brb. Okay sorry I took so long - coffee got a little cold, so I had to do the unthinkable.... microwave it. Ackk the coffee gods are shaking their heads in disappointment.

So I'm feeling very good today. Don't know why - it's only the middle of the week and I usually feel this way when I wake up on Saturday morning. I came to work this morning and there was a security door installed... needless to say I've walked into the door thrice thinking it would just open it didn't help that I was operating on only one cup of coffee.

Okay time to blog/work...

Jun 10, 09 9:53 am  · 

spent 45 minutes on the phone to comcast last night - not only did I get our recently hiked bill slashed by ~$30 back to where it was, got more channels including HBO!!!!

wK - love that web hosting idea - but you should make everybody pledge to be 'green' to live up to the green collective ideal.

tuna- two things. 1) apply for unemployment, you might just qualify for some benefits. 2) apply for a student loan hardship forbearance - in the long run this might cost you a little more $$$, but will save your big in the short term. good luck on the re-fi.

h&R - I've been appreciating your smart and well thought out post recently, keep it up!

Jun 10, 09 10:26 am  · 

tk, I agree. Baby steps though....I'm going to get everyone hooked up first and then see if I can't encourage them to study.... something. The learning tool on the Web site, for instance. Or get their LEED AP. But yeah, that's the goal.

Jun 10, 09 12:26 pm  · 

PS. I have definitely threatened an RV trip around the country before. I wasn't entirely serious before though. Now, well...I'm going to be homeless in 3 weeks, so I need to figure something out.

Jun 10, 09 12:27 pm  · 

Yea, I agree with Jump. I REALLY don't think Obama will even murmur about the possibility of invasion - I'm pretty sure he'll stick with diplomacy/diplomatic sanctions unless N. Korea actually lets one fly at S. Korea or Japan.

But yea, if you think about it - war with N. Korea would be ghastly. In Iraq/Afghanistan we were dealing with insurgents/guerillas. What would an all-out war against a nuclear-armed communist country be like?

Jun 10, 09 12:29 pm  · 
finding free fruit!!!!

- yummmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm....

Jun 10, 09 12:29 pm  · 

wonderk... i need a roommate ASAP. my previous roommate's visa expired and his company, as of now, has not agreed to help him with getting a greencard, so back to france he went.

noticed from your profile that you're in los angeles. i'm in silver lake.

Jun 10, 09 12:32 pm  · 
liberty bell

I think *everyone's* mom would immediately love techno because he is totally, wonderfully lovable. Combine with the sexy accent and you have a babe magnet for all ages - am I embarrassing you techno? It's all true - now don't go walk into that security door again! ;-)

Actually that reminds me on the dog walk this morning Chica was flirting with a lady jogger in the street, following her and panting, and ran smack into a tree. The jogger and I both laughed and Chica kept right on panting "Pet me! Hi! Hi! Can I jog with you?! Hi! Pet me!".


Jun 10, 09 12:50 pm  · 

Thanks TK for the advise. I'm one step ahead of you... apllied for a temporary hardship forbearance yesterday. If I could get rid of one monthly student loan payment (I presently have two) I would be in the clear. Thank God my third one was paid off in April, otherwise I'd definitely be sweating bullets and hyperventilating.

H&R - Ditto on what TK said :o)

Jun 10, 09 12:53 pm  · 

Liberty, Liberty, Liberty Bell. Oh how we know to me blush/smile/grin. Heh heh I've got the biggest cheesiest grin in the office right now and my nose is wrinkled too because my smile is so BIG. Thanks - that's so sweet. I guess it's time to meet 'necteur moms!!

So I just got back in from a funeral for a nun... heh heh sounds funny doesn't it? Anyway I was standing next to the hearse and looked in and saw a knob inside that said "emergency exit latch" - well it took all my strength to not burst out in laughter at the sight of it. But it does make me think that they need a similar device for urns... perhaps a flip top lid like what you get on a Thermos??

Jun 10, 09 2:16 pm  · 

that $1=2e thing is highly unlikely, i hope, for the sake of all the world. Europe are also suffering, and the U.K, well, Gordon Brown is being forced to print money like crazy, and that's not even mentioning his crumbling cabinets. What I mean is that things are unstable on all sides, last week the pound went up against the dollar, but it was an illogical leap, today, its back to a more reasonable number. it will never go back to january though, where it was like $1=.93pounds. The factors are just too many for one to expect a one sided "victory".

Doesnt seem like Obama-esque to attack n.korea, does it? Atleast I hope not

tuna, I agree with you on South America. I have dreams of moving to Chile, setting up my own one man firm, and just make houses in beautiful landscapes. My dream could become a 2-person firm, easily

Jun 10, 09 2:34 pm  · 

Can someone tell me why SketchUp is so easy?

Revit is just B-A-N-A-N-A-S.

It is hard to free draw in Rhino. Like, I still haven't figured out how to make points snap together. Or really draw anything. Or render anything.

I still don't know how to select surfaces in Vectorworks.

AUTOCAD is too precise for my taste.

And I still haven't quit figured out what SolidWorks actually does. I'd be really disappointed in actually spending 5500 dollars for SolidWorks.

Jun 10, 09 2:50 pm  · 

try bonzai, auto-des-sys' answer to sketch up

also, and this is an open source software

sketchup is easy, yes, but, you have to understand it's restrictions. it can give you only so much (your beaux-arts tendencies will not be satisfied :D)

Jun 10, 09 3:06 pm  · 
Sarah Hamilton

I hate sketchup. It makes me feel inadequate. People with no design education at all can figure the thing out, and I cant. I hate it.

Revit doesnt make any sense either.

Must be me.

Ellen got a haircut. I dont like it. She looks like that supe skinny blonde actress that I dont know the name of, or anything she's ever been in, but people love her at the oscars. Damn. Guess that wasnt helpful. I hate the dancing part of Ellen also.

Crap! There was a breaking story scrolling acros the bottom of the screen, and I missed it!

Jun 10, 09 4:06 pm  · 

how can you not like Ellen's dancing?? That's the best part of the show!!!

Wonder K I think I found our RV...

and fays I too have Chile fancies... I just need to learn spanish, and see the place for myself. But damn! Every young architect there is doing such beautiful work

Jun 10, 09 4:16 pm  · 
Sarah Hamilton

It just takes so L....O.....N....G...... I get bored with it. I generally like her monologue, and I like her guests, but the dancing, and the stupid games? (except the blindfolded musical chairs, thats genious).

Jun 10, 09 4:18 pm  · 
Living in Gin

And yet another right-wing loon has gone on a shooting rampage, this time at the Holocaust Museum. I don't think North Korea will be our biggest threat in the coming years.

Jun 10, 09 4:28 pm  · 
liberty bell

Sarah, I saw Ellen's haircut at my partner's house this morning - yikes, she looks too skinny with it!

Jun 10, 09 4:30 pm  · 
Sarah Hamilton

Oh, the breaking news is an amber alert. A missing 9-m.o. How sad. Says she was taken from an apartment last night. I hope they find her.

Jun 10, 09 4:34 pm  · 

SH - don't feel bad-

even if someone with no design training can figure sketchup out faster than you, their renderings will still look like crap.

Jun 10, 09 4:40 pm  · 

SH this was the other breaking news...

"Gunfire at the U.S. Holocaust Memorial Museum wounded at least two people, officers said. A private security guard and the suspect were wounded, according to D.C. police officials. The suspect is James von Brunn, an 88-year-old white supremacist from Maryland, two law enforcement officials told CNN."

I think it might be that one.

Jun 10, 09 4:50 pm  · 

woot, congratulation archinect...

4th most popular architecture site on the whoooole interweb

Jun 10, 09 5:30 pm  · 

lletdownl, nice! I think we're the coolest though :o)

Techno, I WANT THAT TRUCK. I posted my RV trip idea on Facebook and people are all about it. I'm getting lots of offers for company actually. I'm wondering if I should do it. And maybe it's not an RV but maybe it's like a used Suburban or something. And I could trick it out with a solar panel on top, and paint my Web site URL on the side of it and blog the whole way. Hmmmm.

That shooting is so sad. The crazies are really coming out, huh?

Jun 10, 09 5:55 pm  · 

a vw vanagon is cooler. maybe you can find a biodiesel camper and create a tv show!

Jun 10, 09 6:04 pm  · 

tk, maybe like this

Jun 10, 09 7:01 pm  · 
vado retro

A cool idea would be...
Get a Vanagonish type truck. Convert it to some sort of biodiesality. Get sponsors drive around the world and make a t.v. show ala Ewen McGregor and Charlie Boorman. Helps if you're famous though.

Jun 10, 09 7:15 pm  · 

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