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HA!!! I must have cross posted with ya TK. I got the email today about GreenBuild and skimmed all the way through it and nearly jumped for joy when I found the session. But where is your name TK? I thought you were going to be presenting with the group too. I'm crossing my fingers that things start looking up before September so I can ask the bosses if they will foot the bill for me to go. I am so excited for you guys, really I am.

Thanks for clearing that up SW. I've actually always wondered what a dell was (is?).

jump - that makes me incredibly sad that you have to deal with stuff like that. You too Slartibart. It never ceases to amaze me how ignorant and hateful people can be, despite being perfectly aware that it does exist.

Atechno - aww shucks. I think it would be more fun if you could combine the two scenarios... at least for a drink or two. Maybe some guacamole too.

Jun 15, 09 9:47 pm  · 

techno, et al, my roommate claims that red heads, or gingers as we like to call them occasionally (out of love!) smell differently. Supposedly this is a scientific fact. However when WonderRoommate Googled "red head smell" we couldn't find anything relevant. I'm just saying, LOL.

I've gotten so much done today! Recycled cell phones, books, and sent a bunch of media mail back home. Awesome, but I still have a bunch left. Le sigh.

Jun 15, 09 10:18 pm  · 

Hey all,
I think the idea of white face is hilarious....As a "white" man.
Also, wonderk are you really thinking about the road trip?

Jun 15, 09 10:20 pm  · 

on the whole topic of race this showed up on facebook. I liken it to black face, slant eyes etc... a misguided attempt at diversity that instead echoes the hypocrisy of how we perceive our ethnic richness. Not to worry in a couple generations the glare from the sun would of left us too blind seeing only homogeneity

Jun 15, 09 11:57 pm  · 

****melt, et al...

sorry about that. i can't help myself sometimes. i guess it's hard to see why people can be so... dumb.

on the subject of face painting, i generally think it's distasteful. though my aunt (caucasian) married the coolest african american guy i've ever met. the first halloween party they went to, they both went as the opposite race. it was effin awesome.

Jun 16, 09 12:03 am  · 

Well, packing for my summer in Europe! I'm flying over on Wednesday, and spending a few days couchsurfing in London - then heading to Rotterdam to visit friends living in the cube houses for a week or two.

Then, I'm off to DIS in Copenhagen for my study abroad stuff! I'll start my archinect blog soon once I have some good pictures.

Jun 16, 09 12:10 am  · 

jk, those cube thingys are one of my favorite projects in Rotterdam. Such a great city, that place.

nam, yes, I am really thinking about the road trip. However, as I would only need about 5% of the stuff I currently have in my apartment to go with me, I'm sending a bunch of it home.

Jun 16, 09 12:21 am  · 

thanks for thoughts melt. i should add that the stereotype works both ways. it isn't always negative. lots of japanese ladies dig the foreigners here and some guys who would never have a chance back home have the most beautiful girlfriends. and all because of race.

i will never complain about being snubbed though. it is just annoying. real racism is worse. japan doesn't have enough minorities to be really racist. not like usa or canada or europe...

couldn't find whiteface example nam, but here is a guy trying to be obama apparently...

Jun 16, 09 4:41 am  · 

my girls love face painting.

Jun 16, 09 7:50 am  · 

SW - Your girls are so damn cute. I love it.

SH - Like I said on Flickr, I heart Abram's curls. What a cutie.

jk - awesome. Can't wait to read the blog. How long are you going to be studying in Europe? I'm guessing just for the summer?

holz - It's okay. I agree, it IS hard to keep from chomping at the bit on some of the things posted, but if we don't feed the trolls than they'll have no reason to come back and say such idiotic nonsense. You're (we're) not going to change the way they think (what they believe), it just going to be another flame war and there's been way too much of that here of late.

Jun 16, 09 8:20 am  · 
Sarah Hamilton

H&R, I love what you have written on the semite thread. Its a bit like watching the history channel, and since I dont have cable, its as close as I can get.

We rescanned for chanels yesterday and now chanel 11 is completly gone, as in pbs - not that it ever came in. I think CW is gone now too. Strange. Maybe it just needs a week or so to recover and adjust.

I dont get offeended when the race thing is done without malicious intent. If its done in fun or ignorance, then I dont see what the big deal is.

I have a meeting today, with an archinector no less, about my church project. I hope it goes well. I have to take Abram with me; I hope he behaves. It will be his first trip to starbucks.

Jun 16, 09 9:21 am  · 

Sarah, I commend you for waiting till past his 1st birthday even (correct?) to take Abram to Starbucks -- you beat 99.9999% of the mothers around here! (wonder how long I'll last when I have a kid...) Moms here let their kids drink all the drinks and everything. My SO and I can barely believe it. Our local starbucks finally put in a "kids corner" with all kinds of baby toys and everything.

Jun 16, 09 9:27 am  · 

i can't imagine my girls with any more caffeine in them than a chocolate chip cookie. hoo boy.

they drink water (with a straw!) if they go to starbucks - and they think it's special!

Jun 16, 09 9:43 am  · 
Living in Gin

Happy Tuesday, TC.

So, I just got paid today and I need to buy a new digital camera for my trip to Cincy. (My current digital camera is over 5 years old, it's the size and weight of a brick, and it has fewer megapixels than my iPhone camera.) I've done my research and settled on the Canon PowerShot SD780.

Best Buy has it on sale for $249.
B&H Photo has it on sale for $249.
J&R Electronics has it on sale for $249.

I was planning on taking a quick trip to Best Buy during my lunch break today and picking it up, since it's most convenient to my office. This morning, though, I decided to stop by the Radio Shack that happens to be located on the way to my office from the subway station. I figure if they have the camera, I can avoid a trip to Best Buy.

I walk into the Radio Shack and the sales clerk looks up.

I ask, "Do you have the Canon SD780 digital camera?"

She grunts and points over to the digital camera display case. They have the SD780, but it's red, and they have it priced at $279.

I ask, "Do you have it in black?"

Without looking up from whatever she was doing, she shakes her head no.

"Best Buy, B&H, and J&R all have this camera on sale for $249. Do you guys match competitor's prices?"

Again, she shakes her head no and grunts "huh-uh". No apology, no explanation, nothing.

"Fine, I'll go to Best Buy and get it there," I said as I walked out.

You really have to wonder how some companies manage to stay in business.

In other far more important news, I continue to be awe-struck by the news and images coming out of Iran. Not just the events themselves, but the means by which those events are being communicated to the world. It's completely bypassing the traditional news media, and going straight to blogs, Facebook, Flickr, and Twitter.

The revolution will not be televised. It will be webcast, and all of us have front-row seats.

Jun 16, 09 10:02 am  · 
liberty bell

Sarah, good luck. And remember Abram may be making YOU crazy, but most likely everyone around you is thinking "Yep, that's what my kid does at Starbuck's too - poor mom trying to deal with it!".

Angus gets smoothies if we go to a cafe, which is rare.

Tons of sirens, ambulances, a helicopter flying over my neighborhood - I can't tell what's going on but suspect a big car crash a few blocks away.

melt, like you said: there's been too much angry flaming around here lately. Which is why I went ahead and posted my virtual Thom Mayne crush on the Hot Archiects thread. We need more fun around here! (And, I do think it's fair that we talk about hot architects of BOTH genders.)

Jun 16, 09 10:03 am  · 

Morning all,
Your kids are super cute steven.

As for caffiene and kids. Sounds like the worst idea ever.....

Jun 16, 09 10:11 am  · 

As the 'Convener', I get to introduce the session and offer some concluding remarks. GB limits sessions to 4 'speakers' so, I chose to have wK & Quilian talk as they have a 'higher' profile web presence.... My name should show up in the final print version of the expo program (at least they did in chicago 2008). I need to proof read all the entries for our session, I've spotted at least two errors.

today, I'm reading an ACE RFP for Kandahar Air Base several hundred pages of specs - yawn. But I also get to play with another RFP for some transit stop at the U of MN...

Jun 16, 09 10:11 am  · 
liberty bell

Oh, tk, that reminds me: AWESOME that you guys are all getting together and doing the panel! Who posted upthread about interesting lives? Seeing you all walk the walk and make it public is a GREAT inspiration for those of us who like to just stay home and do our work.

Bravo! And will it be podcast?!

Jun 16, 09 10:14 am  · 

Lb - damn straight - I'll post my both gender architect crushes soon...

Jun 16, 09 10:25 am  · 

Look how early I'm up! Sorry I just wanted proof, LOL. Will be back after my doc's appt.

Jun 16, 09 10:28 am  · 
Sarah Hamilton

Jump, grass-eating boys? Huh?

I dont understand parents giving children caffiene, either. My sister-in law gives her 2 y.o. watered down iced tea, but complains about parents giving their kids cokes and caffenated things. What? Abram doesnt even get chocolate. I've taken a lot of crap for that one - "What? No chocolate B-day cake? He can't have an oreo?" ect. I figure I will get him an oatmeal cookie - even though its the highest calorie thing they have - and some water. If he's good, I MAY get him one of those strawberry creme drinks to split, but I doubt it. It will probably just be water in a coffee cup with lid so he thinks we're drinking the same things. He's picky like that. The boy wont even drink from his sippy cups that I bought him; nope, has to have an open cup just like mine. Copy-cat. Crap! that reminds me, I have to call them to see if they have booster seats.

Jun 16, 09 11:28 am  · 

OK, what is going on with these cute kids of Archinect members? Shouldn't they be in commercials or something?

Jun 16, 09 12:57 pm  · 

just an fyi, if you are not checking this site out, there's something wrong with you....Wolfram

Jun 16, 09 1:37 pm  · 
Living in Gin

This morning I ranted about Radio Shack, now I'm going to rave about my bank.

As planned, I went to Best Buy to get my new digital camera during my lunch break. They had the color I wanted and the price was right, but I was a bit puzzled when my debit card was declined. This, despite that my paycheck had just been deposited via direct deposit early this morning, and I had only made a couple of purchases since then. I left the store and visited the nearest branch of my bank, which is TD Bank (formerly Commerce Bank).

Imagine my shock when I discovered that my checking account was missing over $1400. Turns out a duplicate rent payment had just been issued via online bill pay sometime this morning, despite having presumably being cancelled over a month ago. The check had already been sent out, but thankfully, the associate was able to get on the phone and after some waiting on hold and some clicking around on the computer, she was put a stop-payment order on it and credit my account the full amount instantly with no fee.

If this had been one of my old banks like Chase or Bank of America, they probably would have told me I was SOL, and/or charged me a massive fee, and/or have made me wait several business days before I saw I dime of that money. In the meantime, I wouldn't have been able to buy groceries, and I'd be up to my eyeballs in overdraft fees as a bunch of automatic payments posted to my account and then bounced. Even worse, there would have been a strong likelihood that I would've had to either cancel or re-schedule my upcoming trip to Cincinnati, despite already having paid for (non-refundable) airfare, hotel, and rental car.

In addition to pulling my ass out of the fire today: TD Bank has late evening and weekend lobby hours, a live person picks up the phone right away when you call their main customer service number, and they've always bent over backwards to help me whenever there's been a problem in the past. Additionally, the "TD" stands for Toronto-Dominion, which is a Canadian bank that has always been tightly regulated and never got mixed up in the whole subprime debacle. Canadian banks in general are among the world's most solvent right now.

If anybody in the Northeast finds themselves looking for a new bank, I can't recommend TD Bank highly enough.

So, banking crisis resolved, I headed back to Best Buy and I'm now the proud new owner of 12.1 megapixels of awesomeness.

Jun 16, 09 2:56 pm  · 
Living in Gin

Two seconds after I posted the above, our marketing person came up and informed us that we've just been awarded two huge new school projects, and that we'll probably need to hire some more people.

This is Obama's stimulus package in action.... Thanks, Prez!

Jun 16, 09 3:01 pm  · 

thats funny sarah. i hadn't heard of that one, but i guess its real. some of it sounds like stupid over analysis. "my parents weren't home and i played video games so now i don't like sex and look at women's feet when i talk to them..." sort of thing. funny how all our world's problems come down to video games. funnier that i can rememer the same sort of dire warnings 20 years ago when video games first became popular at home. as if things going on in iran and afghanistan are not enough, some egghead has to get his knickers in a twist over boys playing games and deciding to tune out of the corporate world...;-)

Jun 16, 09 3:12 pm  · 

I just find it remotely humorous that people are getting in a huff over what seems to be young people taking responsible and peaceful. It actually seems pretty in line with Shintoist beliefs.

Perhaps, the US should flood Japan with cheap, high-grade marijuana and see what kind of grass-eating boys turn into grass-smoking boys!

I have been trying to post in a more quality manner. So, uh, thanks you all. And keep being architects, I'm learning a lot! Learning v-ray is going pretty sweet but I think I might try out 3ds because it seems to have better plugins.

My laptop has met it's capacity limit. !!!

Jun 16, 09 3:30 pm  · 

alot is happening, i cant keep up..

but, i have to say, h&r, did you throw away your facist dream (to quote Sarah)??

i was thinkin about writin on that thread, but i was scared id get banned somehow, so i just continued on watchin from afar

Jun 16, 09 3:34 pm  · 

hello all. I just came from a site visit out in the blistering caribbean sun. This a project from my personal portfolio, and is not afforded a fantastic view of the sea (d@mn). It will however be my first independent project built in Jamaica (weird but true) and signals my return. But of course in fine style I forgot my camera.

Anyway I'm very excited about the possibility of a full-time teaching career. I get to be the eccentric tutor, who runs a quit practice doing the work that they think matter, and married to the gorgeous red head. Am I getting ahead of myself?

Jun 16, 09 4:14 pm  · 
snook_dude her Name "Gracie"? The Gorgeous red head.....

Jun 16, 09 4:36 pm  · 
Schrödinger's cat

h&r - right now I'm really missing the days when all I was doing was 3D...

Jun 16, 09 4:51 pm  · 

throw away? nah. it's still around. it was just something I did to test out drawing in rhino. I'm not diggin' rhino right now or maxwell (perhaps I just can't hit the learning curve) and vray has a sketchup plugin... no more ghetto rendering!

3ds seems to be more up my alley than rhino-- so maybe ill focus on learning that instead.

Jun 16, 09 4:53 pm  · 

it seems even though we are not in Iran, we can actually help(?) TwitterFuckIran

i'm going to do it. it certainly beats that SETI thingy i did years ago!

Jun 16, 09 5:07 pm  · 
Sarah Hamilton

Beta, thats nuts!

I thought about putting my kid in comercials, you know, make him earn his keep, but I'd have to drive him to work, and who wants their mom to drive them to work? Loser!

The meeting went swimmingly. Its my first time to meet anyone from the internet, and it was a fellow 'nector. Cool. We meshed, and he seemed excited. He's to get a quote to me for services, which I will forward onto the church. He is licensed and used to be a project manager/architect for a large firm, so he knows what he's doing, and he knows the stuff I dont know. Yeah. I hope it all works out. It sounds like fun. Not to jinx it, and I havent seen him in here, so I will go ahead and say it, but best case scenario, we complete the church, he signs the CDs, we manage to get more work, and create a firm, and I get to be partner before I am even licensed. And then we start doing tons of work, expand, make loads of money, and I can retire at the ripe old age of 32, sail around the world in a yacht - driven by someone else - or maybe a sail boat...hmmm, and drink mojitos in jamaica with Techno, and Saki with Jump in Japan, and maybe, since we've always wanted to see Scotland, we can pick up LB and her clan, and head that way - just dont make me eat hagis, cause it sounds gross. What do you say, Liberty Bell, want to sail away with me? Come sail away, come sail away, come sail away with meeee....

Oh, and Abram was about an 8 out of 10 on my behavior scale, which means people probably didnt even know he was there. I think we did lose a crayon, though.

Jun 16, 09 5:44 pm  · 

techno, I can't tell if you're getting ahead of yourself as you keep referring to her as "the missus" already, and I haven't been able to tell whether you're married or not for some time!

Am printing out portfolio stuff right now and getting pretty nervous... had a pretty casual phone interview/pep talk last night with my contact at a firm I'm meeting with next week, and I think it went pretty well. I hate interviewing though.

Jun 16, 09 5:53 pm  · 

ahahaha sarah. lol. a lovely future history. i hope it all comes true.

when our oldest daughter was about 5 or so we were approached by a producer or scout of some sort but they changed their mind when they found out she was mixed race. she gave my wife her card and suggested contacting a talent agency that dealt with mixed kids. ahahahah. yeah right.

Jun 16, 09 5:58 pm  · 

hey jump, can you translate 'treekiller' into japanese for me? I'm also seeking a korean version too!

Sarah, I can see that happening for you.

Jun 16, 09 6:05 pm  · 

anybody else want to see kicked off the 'nect? He's getting rather repetitive in his bigotry and hate.

Jun 16, 09 6:08 pm  · 
Living in Gin

I wouldn't shed any tears if he got the boot. He seems to have missed the irony that somebody recently got banned for spewing a bunch of bigotry towards him (and others) on one of his own threads.

Jun 16, 09 6:13 pm  · 
Sarah Hamilton

I wish people couldnt change their names, I get confused.

Jun 16, 09 6:17 pm  · 

as i said before, no one in likes the talk of "zionism biased", becuase it querstions american national pride... and no just becuase you dont like peoples opinions, the only bigots and racists are the american media outlets.

and no people with aspergers syndrome aren't some sort of inferiors. so nihilistic.

Jun 16, 09 6:32 pm  · 

until someone tells me where the hatred is, than id shut up.

Jun 16, 09 6:33 pm  · 

hey, you're not allowed in here, this is where WE socialize, go back to hate central.

Jun 16, 09 6:50 pm  · 

Man hilarious.
I was just about to post something about moses and that thread. Who is he? I mean seriously?

And then here you all go talking about him and he makes an appearance.

I almost wish i hadn't started the thread.

Jun 16, 09 7:00 pm  · 

beta you have me pissing with laughter, because the way I imagine you saying, "this is where WE socialize" reminds me of King Julian

Paul could you hit the delete button, someone left the door open and a troll crawled in

Jun 16, 09 8:03 pm  · 

i am trying to get that thread kicked, so i'll just keep posting crap.

Jun 16, 09 8:38 pm  · 
Sarah Hamilton

I miss the good ole days when we derailed a thread with useless chatter or pictures. Oh the days when we policed ouselves...

Jun 16, 09 10:40 pm  · 
Jun 16, 09 10:42 pm  · 
Living in Gin

Thanks, Beta. I don't think it's possible to overstate how major of a development this is. Additionally, some Twitter feeds and one of the Australian news outlets are reporting that the Iranian military are refusing orders to fire upon their fellow citizens. This whole thing has been amazing and humbling to watch... I haven't felt this way since the Berlin Wall came down.

Jun 16, 09 10:51 pm  · 

i like comic book super heroes.

Jun 16, 09 10:52 pm  · 

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