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Thoughts and prayers go out tho your stepfather.

Archi, I figured it was via film, but i thought there was something i might have missed/out of left field. Like collecting props, spatial locations etc..

Re: Iranian elections. Not sure what to think. Seems as if either way US policy should be engagement and at the same time staying away from any pretense of taking a side.
That being said it seems as if their is real activity and motivation on the part of certain portions of the population who feel something is a miss. But then again, I don't speak Farsi.

Jun 14, 09 11:46 pm  · 

AP, my thoughts go out to your family and your stepdad.

Here in Downtown LA, the GhettoBird (aka police helicopter) has been circling since the Lakers won and I hear an armada of police cars go by every 30 minutes or so. I think it's completely ridiculous to riot when your team wins something, but then I remember living in Ohio and it happened at Ohio State...and it happened at UC....and I think it happened at I guess it's not a unique phenomenon.

there goes another fire truck....

Still it's hard to focus when you hear the sirens going by and people are causing trouble over something good while over in Iran, there is just plain trouble. It is so sad. An Iranian Facebook friend went home for a couple of months to see her family and to vote, and the dispatches on her page are so awful. Here's a sample:

now Websites r filtered, SMS sending is closed & even cellphones don't work; voices r shut & more importantly innocent men & women r beaten like animals. I saw this with my own eyes: drove close to one of the sites, saw 50-100 running towards my car & behind them very fully covered, incredibly frightening guards that I'd only seen in movies throwing hard sticks in the air. One landing on a person could easily kill..

Her next posts are from her sister, who told us that the Internet has been shut down in Tehran, so she can't post anymore. So scary. Anyway, I guess my thought process life is surely in turmoil, but frankly I'm tame compared to some of the unrest in the world. And there's so much unrest!

And regarding the cross-country trip, I've decided that I'll do it but I can't without one or two other people to join me. I can manage an initial used RV purchase but I can't handle monthly maintenance on my own, financially. So that's something to think about.....

Jun 15, 09 2:35 am  · 

i worked all weekend :S, but its all good.

AP, good luck.

LiG, what parts are factual, am very interested in knowing that

Jun 15, 09 3:20 am  · 
Living in Gin

Sorry to hear about your stepdad, AP. That really sucks. I hope things work out.

TK: Good luck with the studio. Sounds interesting.

I've never understood the whole rioting when you team wins mentality. Shouldn't you be rioting if your team loses? I was living in Chicago when the Bulls won their last three championships. Luckily, things were pretty calm overall, mainly because the city was swarming with police in full riot gear in response to all the rioting that happened during the first three championships.

The situation in Iran is pretty messed-up. I hope this ultimately turns into a Ukrainian-style Orange Revolution, but I fear a Tiananmen Square-style massacre. Unfortunately, but there's not a whole lot the US can do other than wait and see. Our meddling in Iran's internal politics back in the 50's is a big reason they have the regime they have now and people are still bitter about it, so the White House seems to be doing the right thing by keeping a low profile in the situation. This is one of those times I'm grateful to have an administration that doesn't jump into a volatile situation with its guns blazing (figuratively or literally).

fays: The real story about my meeting with EP isn't nearly as interesting, but follows the same basic plotline of the story in my blog minus a few embellishments. But I'm really tired of talking about him.

Time to start another work week... This is my last one before my vacation, and I have a feeling it will be an incredibly long one.

Jun 15, 09 7:56 am  · 
Sarah Hamilton

You dont have to ask twice!

Oh what a weekend. Abram is still sick, though he doesnt act sick; he's just messy. He threw up in the car, too. Gross. Guess I'm officially a member of the parent group, now. Speaking of, he's awake. Guess I'll post more later.

Jun 15, 09 8:19 am  · 

Ooooh TK - your studios sound awesome. Wish I could sit in on them.

Atechno - YAY for the formal offer arriving. I was with everyone else thinking they only offered you 1% of what you were asking. I'm glad it was 99% of what you were asking.

AP - So sorry to hear about your step dad. It makes me so sad to hear. I hope he qualifies for the heart/kidney transplant and is able to make a full recovery. My thoughts are with you and your family.

DubK - I really hope you find someone to join you in your endeavor. You know I would in a heartbeat if time/finances allowed, although I might be able to partake in a 7 day jaunt.

The whole Iranian thing is very scary. It would be nice if it turned into an Orange Revolution, but I don't think it's going to. DubK - I'll definitely keep your Iranian friend in my thoughts too.

Take care all, time to start my day.

Jun 15, 09 8:27 am  · 

Morning all,

Tk, sounds like you will have a busy and hopefully inspiring fall.

SH beautiful kid i hope that is food and not throwup?

Jun 15, 09 9:46 am  · 
Sarah Hamilton

Oh, yeah, guess after the post its questionable. Thats pizza dough. He's always pulling off handfuls and shoving it in his mouth. Makes it hard to press out a pie.

Jun 15, 09 10:03 am  · 

do we start a TC co-op or leave this to the greendesigncollective road trip?

Jun 15, 09 10:51 am  · 
Sarah Hamilton

Ok, where was I...

Oh yeah, TK, congrats on your class. It does sound like fun, and I wish I could attend.

Techno, I also read it as everyone else, glad to hear its 99% and they really like you. Alas, I'm jealous, but still happy for you.

AP, hope everything works out for your step-dad.

Jun 15, 09 10:57 am  · 

You all have such productive and meaningful lives. I'm kind of jealous... well, not kind of but am. But just a little. Un petit peu, mes amis.

I am proud to say I am getting badass at rendering now. Someone e-mailed me to casually suggest using v-ray as a plugin to sketchup.

So, I can make things "pretty." I can make cheesy buildings look better. But I cannot landscape worth poo-poo.

Mais, c'est la vie. une belle tentatrice, un joyeux luron et un homme excité.

Jun 15, 09 11:04 am  · 

LiG, one day is almost over for you, 4 to go.

my work week is sunday to thursday... the way i look at it is, come wed, its already the weekend,, (unless i get stuck working in the weekend)

Jun 15, 09 11:08 am  · 
Living in Gin

Well, I think I'm a few time zones west of you, so my workday just began a couple hours ago.

I'm on a new interiors project that involves some fairly brainless CAD monkey work setting up some plans before we actually start doing any design work. Not the most challenging task in the world, but stuff like this lets me just plug in my headphones and pump CAD all day without having to deal with constant interruptions and phone calls. Here's hoping for a drama-free week.

Jun 15, 09 11:20 am  · 
liberty bell
...stuff like this lets me just plug in my headphones and pump CAD all day without having to deal with constant interruptions and phone calls.

I honestly, totally, desperately desire a full week of that. I'm freaking exhausted.

Jun 15, 09 11:37 am  · 
Living in Gin

She's alive!

Jun 15, 09 11:37 am  · 

she is..

thats whay i do all day! sometimes its nice

This video is dedicated to WK

Jun 15, 09 12:49 pm  · 

fays that video is awesome! That dude is adorable too. Well, a little better with the haircut.

tk, that's kind of exactly what I'm trying to do. The road trip would make it more fun though.

Jun 15, 09 1:22 pm  · 

wK- So when do we start having GD Collective web meetings?
guess you need to figure out the rules of who can join or if it's completely open, and all that other business plan stuff.

I'll sign up in the fall!

Jun 15, 09 1:51 pm  · 

tk, I need to sign up for GoToMeeting so we can have online meetings. Alas, I'm hesitant to give myself another monthly bill for something when I'm trying to prune as much as possible from my life.

I think for now it should be open, and then as we develop and get more people to join, we can start to shape and encourage the mission statement a little better. What do you think?

Jun 15, 09 2:39 pm  · 

So, this is how far I've gotten along in rendering over the past 48 hours.

Sorry about the artifacts but I had to cut it short because my laptop is starting to heat up my room too much.

Jun 15, 09 3:07 pm  · 

wK, I got a line on a conference call service that only costs $.08/minute for all of North America and has good international connections too. You could ask for a small co-op fee to cover the basic infrastructure...

Jun 15, 09 3:35 pm  · 

I don't know if any of you are following the "yellow" thread, but am I the only one to be annoyed with stereotyping? I feel like I'm in bizarro-world where stereotypical characters are good for creative writing.

I mean, I don't think its so bad being annoyed by stereotypes, hell, I'll admit to it. Yes, I am annoyed when people are surprised I don't have an accent. Yes, I am annoyed when people ask me "so do you see better with slanted eyes?" Yes, I am annoyed when I'm called chink or when people say "ching chong" or to my face even though no Asian language I've ever heard sounds like that. And yes, I am annoyed when any kind of mass-media (free, paid, popular, unpopular, profound, shallow) only further reinforces these stereotypes. And yes, I am annoyed by generic grouping of Asian cultures which I believe are distinct and unique, never mind the individuals within that culture.

Jun 15, 09 4:28 pm  · 
Dapper Napper

Awww, he's precious, SH.

Congrats TK and Techno, sounds like the students are in for a real treat.

I kind of agree with H&R, you TCers do lead wildly productive lives and it makes me feel a little in adequate sometimes. Thus I'm going to start working dilligently on my 'to do list' once my final ARE exam is done this month.

AP, so sorry to hear about your stepdad, hope everything works out for you and your family. Being around extended family is pretty great. However, I need to move away from mine first, so that I can actually enjoy visiting them.

Jun 15, 09 4:36 pm  · 

Whoo hooo I'm international call me!! I'm home recovering and did about 5 hours sleep uninterrupted. Most unusual since I rarely sleep in the daytime. I had some funky dreams that was easily a page out of Fallujah. Anyway I feel so rested like I should take tomorrow off as well - but I doubt I'd hit the iron hot twice in a row.

Awesome video...I don't know why he reminds me of Christian Bale though

Jun 15, 09 4:38 pm  · 
Living in Gin

I agree about the stereotyping, Slart. I'm avoiding that thread and the Judaism thread because I don't feel like getting into a pissing war with some of the participants.

In other news, I see our old friend Mavis is back under a different name, and he's having trouble with his TV since the switch to digital.

Jun 15, 09 4:41 pm  · 
liberty bell

Slartibart your post just reminded me: I was daydreaming or something this morning when I for no reason remembered that when I was in elementary school (mid-70s) a fashionable thing among the fourth grade girls were these black cloth slippers with rubber soles, and a strap, like maryjanes but floppy and, apparently, Chinese.

We called them - "we" meaning my classmates AND our parents AND the stores that sold them - "Coolie slippers". Nice, huh? We were so unaware back then that a term like that could be offensive.

I DO think all societies overall are becoming more sensitive to racial stereotyping and the subtle ways language can be offensive. But there's definitely a ways to go.

AP: I hope your stepdad improves and is a viable candidate for the transplant. it's a huge deal but often highly successful. Also: that's SOME kitchen your aunt is standing in!

It's those cheekbones, techno. That drawn look.


Jun 15, 09 4:58 pm  · 
Sarah Hamilton

I;m having problems with my tv since the switch too. Chanel 11 is completly gone (thats CBS). All the other chanels come in some, so I figure thats just because we have a kinda crappy antena, but it is a digital antena, and we have a digital tv. Still dont know what happened to chanel 11. Guess I'll have to watch Fox.

Jun 15, 09 4:59 pm  · 

I love the beard video - but I like flying too

Slarti don't get bothered with folks and their xenophobic stereotypes. If you do it often empowers them to continue. And you can relish in the thought that one day their eyes will one day open to the complexities and richness that is Asian culture. *On a side note, I thought we had gone past when we could group people by their continent of origin, seeing that we live in such a multicultural world? What am I talking about I'm West Indian - whatever that means

Jun 15, 09 5:03 pm  · 
Living in Gin

Wow, the sky just turned black and it looks like death outside. I'm thinking I should've brought my umbrella this morning.

Jun 15, 09 5:03 pm  · 
Sarah Hamilton

Huh? Whats a coolie? I've never heard the term, so I dont find it offensive in the least, but I'm not Chinese or up on all things Chinese either.

Jun 15, 09 5:05 pm  · 

Oh crap. Liberty bell's mention of daydreaming reminded me of a truly terrifying dream I had last night. Basically I dreamt that I was on Air France Flight 447 and the pilot/flight attendant/whoever had been on the PA system describing the efforts to save the plane. My dream took place in those 10 seconds after they announced that they were going down, but before it hit the ocean, in a nose dive of sheer terror. It was one of those dreams so scary that I was sure if I hadn't woken myself up I would have died in my sleep.

Needless to say wherever I'm going after I leave LA, it will be on a set of wheels, firmly planted on the ground.

Jun 15, 09 5:35 pm  · 

I have been informed that if you do have a digital antennae but aren't getting all channels you need to rescan the channels in your area if you haven't since the analog went offline and digital went up.
Not sure how this is done. But apparently if you plugged it in before all channels went off then you you will not have all channels that went to digital "in" your channel memory or something like that//

Jun 15, 09 6:18 pm  · 

I just learned that I'm 'too valuable' ... three more folks out the door and I'm still standing. My office is now just a marketing machine with no production capacity, wtf.

Hey, anybody familiar with Seoul National University? They seem to have a new Green agenda.

Jun 15, 09 6:23 pm  · 
Sarah Hamilton

Whats a 'Dell;' as in "The Farmer and the?"

Jun 15, 09 6:34 pm  · 

dreams of falling usually represent feelings of hopelessness. I am not in anyway shape or form good at dream analysis, but I watched some silly cartoon on Adult Swim last night that looked like it was animated by Sergio Argones and that was the very topic of the show. Coincidence?

Jun 15, 09 6:47 pm  · 

tk - that sucks... hopefully things turn around for you guys soon - I thought you had a couple new projects- or was that a competition?

I'm getting sick of hiding things so our landlords can show our apartment... I think they are asking too much for it. It's a nice place, but not that nice... or maybe half the asking price is for our parking space.

Jun 15, 09 7:40 pm  · 

archi, i think west-indian must be code for extravagantly happy and ready to sit down to a drink with anyone.

japanese comedians sometimes dress up as westerners, with blond wigs and tape holding their eyes open to make them look rounder, and then talk funny. they also do black face. i don't think they are aware of the possibility of racism. they aren't funny particularly for how they look, but like all comedians are smart as whips and say funny as shit things.

i am not remotely offended by the white-face, but the black-face does make me uncomfortable. reminds me of al jolson. from a certain perspective the japanese are ahead of the game. racism does exist though, especially if you are asian but not japanese. for "white" folks like myself, the stereotypes about my cultural group don't hurt me. the daily snubs and the stores that won't serve whites, the places that won't rent a flat to a foreigner, the taxis that won't pick me up. that stuff is much more annoying. not that i complain. it can't be anything as bad as what a black person faces in certain parts of america. or like the natives face back in canada.

Jun 15, 09 7:45 pm  · 

BL02 Green Blogosphere Voices
Jill Fehrenbacher,; Quilian Riano,; Cameron
Sinclair, Architecture for
Humanity/Open Architecture
Network; Emily Kemper,

aka BL02 - iGreen: How the Web Empowers Designers to Build Sustainably 2:00 PM, wednesday, nov 11th

Learn how the Internet is being used as a powerful tool for education and collaboration from the folks behind the Open Architecture Network and
Jun 15, 09 8:01 pm  · 

Yeah, I mean generalization, stereotypes, cliches, racism, ignorance exist to some degree everywhere to everyone. I'll admit I'm ignorant and generalize about many things. Not everyone can know everything about everything, and speak without some kind of generalization. Generalization, is in a way, I think to cope with the complexities of the world. Its when we take a generalization (negative or positive), and we use it to judge or assume about others, that I think starts to be a problem. For example, I generalize that women tend to be weaker than men, but I never think that they shouldn't be in the military or assume they are weaker than me. There are many that can kick my ass or out-lift me at the gym.

But anyway, I'm so done with that thread. Good lord. I tried to keep it civil, but it keeps getting sophomoric. Alright back to archinect...

Jun 15, 09 8:10 pm  · 

Awesome videos. Atechno - he does sorta have that Christan Bale look about him doesn't he?

So my house is becoming the new "hang out" for all the neighborhood cats. Fortunately they all have homes, but I'm beginning to like the crazy cat lady again.

Jun 15, 09 8:12 pm  · 

HandR and holz - I beg of you, please...


Jun 15, 09 8:25 pm  · 
Living in Gin

I can't believe I stood up for that prick on the Asperger's thread. Asperger's is the absolute least of that guy's issues.

Jun 15, 09 8:33 pm  · 

@toaster isn't weird that in the $300k parking space is a $40k car? Makes no sense to me

@jump extravagantly happy and ready to sit down to a drink with anyone sounds about right. Now I have a craving for a mojito and a red head... although I will settle for two blondes with big smiles and a sincere laughs.

Jun 15, 09 8:50 pm  · 

sh, a dell is a valley-ish sort of place, like the wisconsin dells, where a lot of cheese comes from.

Jun 15, 09 8:50 pm  · 

Wow, tk! That's a heck of a lot of different presentations. I hope people actually come to ours, LOL.

Jun 15, 09 9:01 pm  · 
vado retro

performing one of Liberty Bell's favorite songs...

Jun 15, 09 9:15 pm  · 

Its in Pheonix? Oh man, that would be nice to go there. I can probably look this up, but maybe others know already - are any of these being broadcast over the internet?

Jun 15, 09 9:17 pm  · 

Slart, I'm not sure. I think if anyone could do it though, our little panel ought to be able to :o)

Jun 15, 09 9:23 pm  · 

i am requesting that the hate baiting thread be eliminated, post-haste.

Jun 15, 09 9:35 pm  · 

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