Montroy DeMarco Architecture LLP (MDA)

Montroy DeMarco Architecture LLP (MDA)

New York, NY


100 William Street - 8th Floor Amenity Suite

The amenity suite at 100 William Street is a new concept providing MDA the opportunity to reimagine the function and aesthetic of the everyday workplace. The design provides tenants a dedicated place to meet, socialize, and further employee productivity. The reservable suite is equipped with high-end AV technology and can host townhall meetings for up to 50 people. An oversized boardroom opens via a movable glass wall. The media lounge and high-end café provide tenants a place to eat lunch, play pool, and have small meetings in a chic, collaborative setting. The suite’s featured library wall is a custom design comprised of blackened metal shelves, which are backlit to give a soft glow to the fully, wood paneled backdrop. A variety of books and art live on these dynamic shelves adding character and warmth to the space.

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Status: Built
Location: New York, NY, US
Firm Role: Architect & Designer
Additional Credits: Image Credit - Ola Wilk/Wilk Marketing Communications