The A+D blogging platform with a built-in audience.
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  • Change the Narrative - Rewriting the Fundamentals of Architecture
    By Kayla Castro: This blog will explore a rewriting of the fundamentals of architecture.
    Change the Narrative
  • Sergio's Blog
    By Sergio Santos: My blog would focus on the different perspectives we can view architecture and what problems architects need to take considerations.
    Sergio's Blog
  • Reimagining Architecture and Design
    By Jessica Gomez: This blog will explore new ways to think of architecture and design.
    Reimagining Architecture and Design
  • Architecture inspired by Music - How music inspires the design of an architect/Architecture. To designate the similarities of music and architecture.
    By Rafael Aguilar: Music is always or never thought of as having a relation to architecture. Even if it is, I utilize music as more of an drive to an inspiration to a work of architecture.
    Architecture inspired by Music
  • Christopher Parsley Blogs
    By Christopher Parsley: Looking at how forms are used to either create a direct circulation to tell a story, or how it can be used to create a tie to its site and what is already pre-existing there.
    Christopher Parsley Blogs
  • Empowering women in the field of architecture
    By Mariz Youssef: Thoughts about architecture school, design, and cultures. I would love to share some personal experiences and motivate everyone. Inspire students, women, and everyone to achieve their dreams and never give up.
    Empowering women in the field of architecture
  • Giselle's Blog
    By Giselle Yeh: In this blog I will be discussing about the different types of architecture and architectural theories that revolve around the world.
    Giselle's Blog
  • Architecture
    By Tatiana Hajjar: Architecture can be a lot of things. I can write pages after pages about all the thing architecture is connected to. This blog is that platform for me; to be able to express my passion for architecture through writing and my experiences along the way.
  • ALTA-NYC - Observations & Ruminations
    By natcheng, brentsolomon: Design / Architecture / Art / Pop-Culture / Current Events
  • Reflections on Academia - Woodbury University SoA
    By Sean Joyner: My reflections, thoughts, ideas, and observations during my time working and teaching at Woodbury School of Architecture in Burbank, CA.
    Woodbury University
    Reflections on Academia
  • Untapped
    By Juste Tresor: We live in unprecedented times of challenges, and yet full of opportunities for the field of architecture. More than ever before, our area of expertise is entrenched in a broader range of issues stretching from cultural, environmental, public health, and social equity. What is so special about our training that makes it relevant to a myriad of global issues? The simple answer is our ability to synthesize complex issues and give them a legible form.
  • Linguae Recta - Non-Conventional Critique in Favour of Objectivity
    By Linguae Recta: I am starting this blog to present critical views on contemporary topics, which are often dealt with in a superficial manner by mainstream media.

    The relevance of this blog to architects is drawn through my experience in the architecture industry & community since my early years in education. Topics include critique on architectural education, journalism, trends and professional challenges.

    Any opinions expressed do not reflect those of my employer.
    Linguae Recta
  • Finding Form - Architectural Signs and Graphics
    By ronniemesa: Designer of architectural signage and wayfinding.
    Finding Form
  • Collections & Curations - A Repository
    By Saba Salekfard, Parker Ammann, Kyat Chin, Kirill Volchinskiy: Investigating architecture's ability to reach a broader culture.
    California State Polytechnic University, Pomona
    Collections & Curations
  • Research in architectural ethnography - Acea
    By adrianaciotau: This blog is focusing on bringing in discussion the use of architectural ethnography as a methodology of social engagement, in a rural and urban context.
    Research in architectural ethnography
  • Hacking DK
    By Katiel:
    Hacking DK
    By Austin Samson: Using an Ad-Hoc approach to digital computation, new coherency between architectural elements can be discovered. History has shown that certain techniques or processes are capable of solving problems that they were not originally intended to solve. Nicholas De Monchaux has outlined many of these scenarios in his novel "Space Suit". By researching processes of making that are external to typical architecture, designers can generate relationships between existing an new formal qualities.
  • The Socratic Method - Questioning Our Assumptions About Design
    By Sean Joyner, Laura Kazmierczak: This blog explores ideas about design and how it relates to our lives through research and critical thinking. As the title suggests this will be a platform to present thought provoking ideas intended for further discussion.
    The Socratic Method
  • Urban Vignettes
  • lunch
    By lunch-journal: lunch is a design research journal edited and designed by students at the University of Virginia School of Architecture. Visit for our past volumes and more information.
    University of Virginia
  • Visual Communication & Design Thinking - A glimpse into the U-SOA through my eyes.
    By Joachim Perez: This blog gives a sneak peak into the architecture world at the University of Miami. What began as an experiment following one group of incoming graduate students through their first semester of design, has morphed into a window of the school of architecture through this professor's eyes. I will try to post as often as possible.
    University of Miami
    Visual Communication & Design Thinking
  • Keimyung University - Architecture & Architectural Engineering
    By henrytsangarchitect: This blog will track and highlight the activities at Keimyung University's College of Architecture of both departments of Architecture and Architectural Engineering. Keimyung University is based in the city of Daegu in South Korea.
    Keimyung University
    Keimyung University
  • Creations and Analysis Out of Boredom
    By I am a liberal: Boredom as a result of too much to do.  Too much professional practice architecture.  Too much reality. Lots of fiction and lots of history.
    Creations and Analysis Out of Boredom
  • 'Architecture' as a 'Thinking'
    By Pranav Varshney: Architecture is all about thinking. The more you think about the solutions of any architectural problem, the more architectural feelings you will get to design .Thinking depends upon the perception & perception gradually increases with experiences. Just because of acquiring some personal opinion, we architects generally thought some quotes to define the architecture. Here my perspective & my personal quote is " architecture is a shadow ".
    I like to create my blog to spread my thinking to world.
    'Architecture' as a 'Thinking'

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