The A+D blogging platform with a built-in audience.
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  • Anticipatory Design - A continuous approach to architecture
    By Archiblog: This blog is based on a need identified by Cedric Price, namely:—

    "to establish a valid equation between contemporary social aspirations and architecture".
    Anticipatory Design
  • ALTA-NYC - Observations & Ruminations
    By natcheng, brentsolomon: Design / Architecture / Art / Pop-Culture / Current Events
  • Untapped
    By Juste Tresor: We live in unprecedented times of challenges, and yet full of opportunities for the field of architecture. More than ever before, our area of expertise is entrenched in a broader range of issues stretching from cultural, environmental, public health, and social equity. What is so special about our training that makes it relevant to a myriad of global issues? The simple answer is our ability to synthesize complex issues and give them a legible form.
  • Finding Form - Architectural Signs and Graphics
    By ronniemesa: Designer of architectural signage and wayfinding.
    Finding Form
    By Austin Samson: Using an Ad-Hoc approach to digital computation, new coherency between architectural elements can be discovered. History has shown that certain techniques or processes are capable of solving problems that they were not originally intended to solve. Nicholas De Monchaux has outlined many of these scenarios in his novel "Space Suit". By researching processes of making that are external to typical architecture, designers can generate relationships between existing an new formal qualities.
  • Future Space - by David Lehman, HUSH
    By David Lehman: An exploration of the worlds of design and architecture, showcasing how the industry’s push toward tech driven, multidisciplinary approaches will ultimately come to define the spaces in which we work, live, buy, interact, and find inspiration.
     Future Space
  • The Vacuum - Architecture and Criticism
    By RUBEN CABANILLAS RAMOS: Go through your favorites architectural daily sources, pass the vacuum, open the Vacuum Bag and voila! we will have enough provocative material to start political, cultural, philosophical and sustainable discussion regarding postmodernism trends in architecture terminology. A several blog entries that will try to filter some current overrated architectural terminologies such as Public Space,or the most common: Green Strategies.
    The Vacuum
  • Imaginary Constructions: Architecture In Fictional Media
    By sonairun: The purpose is to examine the architecture within fictional printed and digital environments, (i.e. Video Games, Movies, Graphic Novels, Comics, etc.) in order to provide a different perspective on the built environment, as well as providing insights into how power structures, societal issues, and/or other issues of the built environment are portrayed within these media.
    Imaginary Constructions: Architecture In Fictional Media
  • The Architecture Critic - Separating Truth from Propaganda
    By Eric Wynkoop: As a recent master of architecture graduate, and a designer with 11 years of professional experience, I have many ideas about what great design is. I like starting conversations about what I see and others can agree or contribute their opinions.
    The Architecture Critic
  • Modern Architectural Photography - Musings Photographic
    By Jeremy Segal: A place to inform, discuss and display current architectural photography and to connect with lovers of digital photography and design. Showcase architects and their work through the display of skilfully crafted, beautifully artistic photography. Discuss and exchange ideas on photographic trends and techniques as they pertain to the architectural industry.
    Modern Architectural Photography
  • Status - Where we're coming from...
    By jlgordon: Exploring current design trends and their history.
    Jack L. Gordon Architects
  • Green.Beautiful.Alive - Simple views into the green realm of plants.
    By KJohn: Born from passion Green.Beautiful.Alive describes the natural realm that surrounds us in all its beauty, all its complexity.
    Evolution sculpted the most beautiful architect and designer, the one that realized this extraordinary realm that surrounds us, that around us to live, that allows us to feel alive.
  • ArchViz - Architecture Visualization, Conceptual Design, Collective Experience
    By hanafi muhamads: The entire unfolding of the plot is a philosophical exploration of all the consequences of that idea – art, architecture and design

    It will start with this, as well as spreading my ideas and exploration in design. the blog will slowly be filled as my career goes on till the day i becoming professional architect
    MARA University of Technology
  • Light - As we See it! - #HealthyLightingDesigns
    By Pon Kumaresh: This blog would attempt to cover basic design factors typically considered in lighting design.

    In 1998, i was asked about the material of the filament inside the incandescent bulb, for which i did not have a clue, at that time. I am an engineer and i have the aptitude to learn the subject is what i told the interviewer and surprisingly, got into the lighting industry!

    Perhaps it is that shameful ignorance that gave me a voracious appetite to proactively seek, learn and understand lighting.
    Lightvolumes Lighting Designers
    Light - As we See it!
  • UX Architect - User Experience, Interaction Design and Architecture
    By Ronan Kenny: Navigating the overlap of our virtual and physical environment.
    UX Architect
  • The Wonders of Houston Architecture - Architectural landmarks located in the diverse city of Houston, Texas.
    By SSanchez129: Sarah Sanchez is an Architecture student in Houston, Texas and has come across many eye catching historical architectural landmarks. On this Blog she will be discussing the wonders of the Houston Architecture culture in regards to their design intent, spacial qualities, and the history behind each building. There's so much more than what meets the eye...
    University of Houston
    The Wonders of Houston Architecture
  • University of Tennessee CoAD = MLA Student | Cameron Rodman - All things Landscape.
    By CameronRRodman: I currently maintain a blog which features monthly firm interviews about their firm and specific projects in the Knoxville or near Knoxville area. Readers can also find information on photography, current trends in representation, or even social equality issues.
    The University of Tennessee - Knoxville
    University of Tennessee CoAD = MLA Student | Cameron Rodman
  • Interactive landscapes - Blog about architecture, technology, design and art
    By studio roosegaarde: I'm an Arts and Media management student who prefers big, illuminate and slightly bizarre art & architecture. I believe in art and social media as an original way of communicating.

    Currently I'm an intern at social design lab Studio Roosegaarde and I would like to blog about my activities here, the people I meet and art and architecture I like.

    For architects it could be interesting to see everything of an young, innovative, arty perspective.
    Studio Roosegaarde
    Interactive landscapes
  • Density - Finding solution for a massive problem.
    By Ricardo Amaya: Rapid world growth and urbanization is not allowing cities to adapt and provide for their inhabitants. Towns are quickly growing into cities, and some of the densest places in the world are comprised of makeshift homes, otherwise referred to as slums. Furthermore, already overcrowded cities have to absorb people leaving their rural hometown in hope of job opportunities. There are currently over 1 billion slum dwellers in the world. This number is expected to reach 2 billion by the year 2030.
  • Life in Turett Collaborative Architects - Anything that is going on in TCA. New, funny, interesting and energetic, we all want to share with you.
    By Nathan Siegel: Turett Collaborative Architects (TCA) is a multi-disciplinary practice founded in 1984 by Wayne Turett. The firm is known for its creative design, frequently marked by an innovative use of natural and industrial materials. TCA’s work includes architectural design, interiors, graphics, industrial products and furniture design. In addition to traditional architectural services, TCA also provides design-build construction management team on many design projects.
    The Turett Collaborative
    Life in Turett Collaborative Architects
  • The New Solar Architecture
  • the DESIGN MOTIV[AT]E project [...] - A blog of random ellipsis...
    By Brandon Featherstone: The idea of the use of ellipsis emerges from the corresponding use in language, defined as [...] "the act of leaving out one or more words that are not necessary for a phrase to be understood," leaving the potential for an open-ended continuation or discussion of any said topic...The use of the ellipsis can be used at the begging of a phrase, whether it be for a sudden leap from one topic to another, or picking up where the last one left off...this is the idea of the Design Motiv[at]e Project.
    the DESIGN MOTIV[AT]E project [...]
  • China Architecture Blog - Everything you ever wanted to know about architecture and landscape design in China
    By Leedscape: Updates about new landscape/architectural projects in Mainland China, industry news and events; info about Chinese design conferences, competitions, and seminars.

    Also: advice about living and working as an architect/designer in Mainland China, plus tips and info about applying for Chinese jobs.

    This is the Archinect version of our blog. Please visit our main blog at
    Leedscape Design
    China Architecture Blog
  • The Soft City - Architecture's Public?
    By Matthew Rust: The purpose of The Soft City is to question the motives and ideology behind our urban spaces. As urban users, we are active elements within a city. We have the ability to shape the city surrounding us. Consequently the environment around us offers resistance to our interactions and reshapes us in turn. This continuous moulding and reshaping of people and space is directly reflected in our societies.

    This relationship will help form the key theme for the blog; who is architecture's public?
    University of East London
    The Soft City
  • Floating City - New Ecopolis X - Namir El Andary
    By Namir El Andary: Massive populations, global warming, rising sea levels, congestion and destruction of coasts... All these reasons are leading us into discovering the oceans.
    New Ecopolis X is the journey to the land of future cities as it projects the idea of the floating cities into the current end of the 21th century.
    This utopia will surely be one day a reality.
    Floating City - New Ecopolis X - Namir El Andary
  • Garry's Blog - The musings of an architect
    By Garry Thomas: Architect, traveler and top 25 all time star architect of Grand Designs... follow me for architecture, design and globalism. Based London • Hereford
    Garry's Blog
  • seamless - my journey towards an integrated approach to design
    By dawn m trimble: Comprehensive design at its best can be quite a sensual experience – calling attention to sight, sound and touch. I believe the best designers are generalists and agile in their approach to design. At the same time, they are connoisseurs of things that are of particular interest to them. seamless is a blog intended to document my investigation towards the type of practice I want to build: a practice where the lines of architecture and interior design are blurred or, shall I say it? seamless..

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